Coordinator on Table Driven Codes

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Terms of Reference
(As approved by JCOMM-5)

The purpose of the TDC Coordinator is to coordinate the development and evolution of the use of table driven code forms (TDCs) within JCOMM, and to coordinate their implementation with WMO commission for Basic Systems(CBS) and its applicable Expert Teams, including on Codes Maintenance (IPET-MC) and on Metadata and Data Interoperability (IPET-MDI). Specifically, the Coordinator will carry out the following tasks:

(a) Liaise with appropriate representatives of groups using the TDCs to ensure their present and future needs are met;

(b) Review and evolve existing templates or new forms, whether actively used or being proposed, to meet the objectives of:

(i) Using the same form, as appropriate, considering intrinsic characteristics of original data forms and reporting procedures, for data and metadata when reporting the same variable in different templates;

(ii) Ensuring metadata necessary to real-time interpretation of the observations are carried with the data;

(iii) Inserting the facility to handle new variables as they become necessary in a manner consistent with objectives a and b;

(c) Assess any proposed or enacted changes in TDCs for their impact on the climate record in consultation with the Expert Team on Marine Climatology(ETMC);

(d) Coordinate with CBS and its Expert Teams on TDC issues (including preparing documentation for presentation to the IPET-CM so as to get approval of the new or modified TDCs);

(e) Report progress to chair of the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG);

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