Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth, in the Marine Conservation Research Group. I work on deep-sea ecosystems, trying to better understand the environmental drivers of biological variation in megafauna communities, and using this information to support habitat classification, mapping and Marine Spatial Planning. I am currently working on One Ocean Hub, a large, collaborative, transdisciplinary project aimed at transforming our approach to ocean governance and research. As part of this work I am performing habitat classification and MSP studies in South Atlantic Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. I am also interested in work at the science-policy interface, and my PhD research explored environmental management of deep-sea mining in ABNJ.
I am a member of the DOSI Minerals Working Group ( and co-coordinate the South & Central Atlantic Regional Scientific Research Working Group of the UN Decade endorsed Challenger 150 programme (
Sea regions of study
South Atlantic Ocean
North Pacific Ocean