Job Type
Operational Support (technical)
Subject Area
Climatology, Meteorology
Physical Oceanography
My research stands out on
(i) Understanding the upper ocean thermohaline structure in the north Indian Ocean through the analysis of data collected under scientific field campaign, observational platform (Argo, mooring) and satellite data.
(ii) Design and execute scientific field campaign in the north Indian Ocean.
(iiI) the variability of tropical cyclone activity over the Bay of Bengal
(iv) the inter-annual variability in the north Indian Ocean and its connection with dominant interannual and intraseasonal mode in the tropical climate.
(v) diagnostic validation of ocean general circulation model output.
Sea regions of study
Arabian Sea
Bay of Bengal
Indian Ocean
At present as scientist-in-Charge for Ocean Observation network, I am co-ordinating Argo, Drifter and process specific observation cruises. In addition I carry out research to understand the upper ocean variability in the north Indian Ocean.
Data analysis using ferret and matlab.