Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Chemical Oceanography
I'm interested in the diverse processes that link the seafloor to the overlying ocean. These processes range from feeding mechanisms of individual suspension feeders such as sponges and bivalves through the behavior pattern of ground fish and migratory zooplankton to the interplay between hydrodynamics and the benthos (organisms that inhabits the bottom of the sea). Fieldwork and the development of new methods for underwater studies are major themes in my work.
Current research:
Nutritional ecology of suspension feeders Capturing particles suspended in the water is a unique feeding strategy for aquatic animals. My studies focus on measuring the metabolism, diet composition, feeding preferences, and feeding rates of marine suspension feeders. I am particularly interested in developing underwater (in situ) methods which facilitate the study of undisturbed animals in their natural environment.
Sediment resuspension by fish:
Benthic (ground) fish resuspend large amount of sediments while foraging and seeking for shelter. We discovered that fish activity alone could maintain a layer of turbid water near the bottom (nepheloid benthic layer), enhance the transport of nutrients and benthic oxygen demand, and considerably reduce organic carbon sequestration. Currently, we are developing tools that will allow us to quantify these processes and understand their effects in different marine habitats.
Benthic-pelagic coupling:
Benthic organisms are dependent on hydrodynamics and other processes at the water column for every aspect of their life history. In many cases, the activity of benthic communities can also control water column processes. We are using a variety of methods to quantify these processes in the field. Read more on my website
Sea regions of study
Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin
Red Sea
North Pacific Ocean
Benthic Ecology, Suspension feeders, Biological filtration, Sediment Resuspension