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We think more about nature ant the effect of human activities should be taught in school, especially through field projects. We also ask the scientists to increase their sensitization activities. Aquarius, museums and science centres also have their part in this effort. All citizens have the right for a complete and understandable information: but we also need an appropriate information on what to do if we want to improve our own behavior. Then: As consumers, we can choose, As professionals / workers, we can act differently, As citizens, we can put pressure on / influence decision-makers, and, As communities, we can act collectively. We do think decision makers and political / official bodies are responsible to ensure an on going economical and social development with a real concern for the Ocean and Earth balance. More research programs should implemented to find better solutions: To save and treat water, To use alternative energies, To reduce and treat pollutions, this for instance, by new legislations on packaging, or on the use of cars, But also to define new means of using the Ocean resources in a sustainable way for the future of mankind. Here again, as citizens, we can act / influence. On the international level, as citizens, we should take part in the decision making process, by lobbying and putting pressure on the decision makers, but also through international citizens councils that still have to be created. We, as students from all Europe will take all possible efforts for these proposals to become real, and ask you to help us in this commitment for the Ocean balance and the future of mankind. 5cJ $%BCEhhmH sH h^JmH sH hhmH sH hh^JmH sH hmH sH htmH sH hemH sH hehemH sH hh6mH sH hmH sH hhD5mH sH hhe5mH sH 56   / t u | } 1 N gdt & Fgdtgde & Fgde$a$gde%./gd & Fgd & Fgd 21h:pD. 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