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Њ S№Ш № ƒ №0€hмVƒПРџ №`А`€№У  №PŸ *ЁјЊ №Ъ № ƒ №0€ШмVƒПРџ №`Аа€№У   №RŸ *ЁњЊ №Ъ № ƒ №0€ˆнVƒПРџ №` а€№У  №RŸ *ЁиЊ №H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ь К Blankю&я €R` ж№Ю №№f№( № №№l № C №€шрVПџ№€АаP№У   № ž№КЂ № Ѓ №<€юn…‡ПƒПРџ№рѓ  №NŸЈBy Bob Keeley CanadaЊ №H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ью8я €R` ш№р0№ №x№( №џџџџx{@џŸV@ № №r № S №€ˆуVПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№ЦЂ № ƒ №0€HфVПƒПРџ№а№  №fŸЈњRecently, JCOMM has distributed an initial version of a data management strategy (Doc 48) This had been distributed to a wide audience for comments. Some have been received and the final version will incorporate these and be issued later this year. Ё.њњџўЊ ь№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ьюя €R` Ъ№Т@№№Z№( №  №№r № S №€ˆьnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№ЈЂ № ƒ №0€ШюnПƒПРџ№№P`и №HŸЈ‚It deals in general terms (that is not targeting particular kinds of data) with many of the same issues of interest to IODE. For example, standardization of QC procedures, distribution of data (and formats), duplicates and version control, metadata, etc. In particular it discusses cooperation with IODE activities (see the action paper, doc 2, for a list of some specific examples) Ёv‚}џўхџў‚џўхџўџўЊ,vБR№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ьюƒя €R` 3№+P№№У№( №џџџџ №№r № S №€H№nПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№Ђ № ƒ №0€шяnПƒПРџ№№P`О №БŸЈПIt suggests that IODE chair be a member of the JCOMM DMPA-CG, that we work together on programmes of joint interest and work to simplify the flow of data from collectors through JCOMM and IODE to users. I invite anyone here to provide me with their comments on the Strategy This document is being followed up with an Implementation Plan that will take the recommendations and more precisely describe what needs to be done. This is underway now. Ё~ЋЫџўхџўGџўЋџўЊP x№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ьюoя €R` №`№№Џ№( №`7b0b 0bЄb №№r № S №€(яnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№§Ђ № ƒ №0€ˆђnПƒПРџ№№P`и №ŸЈOAs you know, JCOMM and IODE currently share ETDMP and jointly set tasks for them to perform. I wish to draw your attention to the work of the ETDMP. They are leading the way in showing how JCOMM and IODE can cooperate with WIS (more on this is the next agenda item). In so doing, they assist in helping forge a connection to GEOSS. ЁvO]џўхџўяџўхџўџўЊД ,0)b№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ью!я €R` б№Щp№№a№( № №№r № S №€єnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№ЏЂ № ƒ №0€шуVПƒПРџ№№P`  №OŸЈƒI also wish to draw attention to the intention of JCOMM through ETMC to assemble a collection of extreme wave events. Any IODE centres who hold instrumented wave data are welcome to contribute both data and expertise in this work. Simply contact me to get more details, or the chair of ETMC, Scott Woodruff. Other components of the JCOMM Strategy are discussed in the next agenda item. ЁF„4џўхџўNџўЊb15Ÿ*2№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ьr$€s1q“•"ѕ"О&шQщ(€рр€ ђЎ/Ш 0вефЗDTimesІ0вV(”WИ4WИ4B афB ррKІ’?|Ž№юB ррKІЗDArialІ0вV(”WИ4WИ4B афB ррKІ’?|Ž№юB ррKІCurrent Userџџџџџџџџџџџџ Vџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџўџ еЭеœ.“—+,љЎ0$ˆЈДМФЬ д мф ьєќ  У'On-screen ShowvDFOxL'”  TimesArialSymbolBlankCooperation with GEO/GEOSS What Is It OrganizationGEOSS D&A WorkIODE ParticipationODP & DiscoveryMEDI  ўџ р…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0  `hˆœ АМ м ш є'Cooperation with JCOMMP Bob Keeley  Bob Keeley 4b Microsoft PowerPointMP@1 Ш№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ьюыя €R` ›№“@№№+№( №  №№r № S №€ˆьnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№yЂ № ƒ №0€ШюnПƒПРџ№№P`ђ №ŸЈAThey are organized into a number of areas, with the ones of particular interest to IODE being the Data and Architecture and the Capacity Building Working Groups These groups have chairs and committees of volunteers from participating countries. They set work plans and targets. And they are moving ahead very rapidly. ЁšAЁџўхџўTџўхџў!џўхџў(џўЊRы№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ьr' g-1ѕ"ъ&5шЮщ(€рр€ ђЎ/Ш 0вефЗDTimesІ0вV(”WИ4WИ4B афB ррKІ’?|Ž№юB ррKІЗDArialІ0вV(”WИ4WИ4B афB ррKІ’?|Ž№юB ррKІ ЗDSymbolІ0вV(”WИ4WИ4B афB ррKІ’?|Ž№юB ррKІЄ €`џџџџЅ .Љ  @Ѓnџ§?" dd@џџяџџџџџџ  @@``€€ Є№œ№P c №$ƒПРџ@ёї№ѓ€аЏмїV Ъš;2NЭЩЪš;њgў§4MdMdсB ІKєY—?(”VtWˆџџџА§џџ”(pћppћ@ <§4!d!dPсB афB Ъš(сB }Ш<§4ddddPсB афB Ъš(сB }Шџ ˆpŠhК___PPT2001‹Dˆ<‰4XІ€р?й к%№=ѓŸЈCooperation with GEO/GEOSSЊѓŸЈ What Is ItѓŸЈ OrganizationѓŸЈGEOSS D&A WorkЊ ѓŸЈIODE ParticipationЊѓŸЈODP & DiscoveryЊ ѓ ŸЈMEDIЊъюmя €R` №P№№­№( №џџџџ №№r № S №€H№nПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№ћЂ № ƒ №0€шяnПƒПРџ№№P`и №›ŸЈŸWithin the DA WG they have developed documents that provide guidance to potential contributors explaing what conditions must be met to permit ready use of the data and information A document called GEOSS Components Linking, provided for this meeting, explains the basic strategy for building GEOSS. Essentially, it has adopted the SOA and Geospatial Data Infrastructure as technologies for contributions to GEOSS. ЁRŸДџўхџўъџўЊ† N _X! 9№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ью'я €R` з№Я`№№g№( №`7b0b 0bЄb №№r № S №€(яnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№ЕЂ № ƒ №0€ˆђnПƒПРџ№№P`ђ №UŸЈkFrom an IODE perspective (JCOMM, too, for that matter) it is important to participate as much as possible in the discussions and to guide the deliberations of these WGs To participate is demanding. IODE can help in the organization of the ocean community by directing its efforts to build the components of a standards based, self consistent ocean contributor. ЁvkЉџўхџўџўхџўЃџўЊP… №H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™Ью‘я €R` A№9p№№б№( № №№r № S №€єnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№Ђ № ƒ №0€шуVПƒПРџ№№P`@  №ПŸЈIt can do this through support and contributing to WIS and through support and implementing the OceanDataPortal concept discussed later. The GEOSS is moving forward with a data discovery service. I raise this since we are all aware of the proliferation of web sites that provide data.Ё> ‰џўхџў–џўЊ>2)№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™ЬюЯя €R` №w€№ №№( № № №r № S №€hёnПџˆ№€АаP№У   № ž№]Ђ № ƒ №0€hхVПƒПРџ№№P`и №§ŸЈgWe are all aware of the proliferation of web sites that provide data. The data that sit on these sites often, end up in NODCs as well. Each may produce discovery metadata A user of the search facility may interpret the two records as two different data collections. This is a concern and I think it is a question for SG-MEDI and ODP at least to address. Ё"hgџўЊPzТ№H № ƒ №0ƒ“ŽŸ‹”оНhПџ ?№ џџџ€€€Лру33™™™™ЬrF5@<‘@РDYHѕ""50L