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WODselect allows users to select data on-line from WOD01 using the following criteria: 1) Geographic area 2) Period of observation 3) Instrument type 4) Measured variables, e.g., temperature, salinity, oxygen, & 5) Deepest measurement in the profile 6) Country 7) Ship/platform name 8) Project name Institute name Quality control flags BiologybYP-" P#Y3-3 ,World Ocean Database time series of monthly data download statistics WOD01 stats April 2003-May 20, 2006 WOD05 stats May 21, 2006-Sep. 2006 # of Queries = 37,708 # of Queries = 4,431 # of Extractions = 8,802 # of Extractions = 1,261 # of Unique Users= 3,547 # of Unique Users= 3,547 Average Average # of profiles per extraction = 105,067 Average # of profiles per extraction = 169,352 Total number of profiles downloaded = 919 million Total # of profiles downloaded = 213 millionl-F$ 330 " 33 n 2Visitors D _Visitors to World Data Center for Oceanography, Silver Spring during the Intersessional Period``J0International Ocean Atlas and Information Series11F(  Strengths- Good NewsD  Problems- Bad NewsD  Possible ImprovementsF(  New funding source?  Future ActivitiesD !Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01""!Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01""!Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01""!Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01""/  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> $(    6`­  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0ĭ  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0˭ ^ `  X*  0Э ^   Z*  0խ ^ `  Z*H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.B@mK Default Design0 @(    Nhoho e#   n*  F##FFii  Nhoho  #  p*  F##FFiid  c $ ?69  4  NDhoho  [  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S   THhoho e   n*  F##FFii   TDhoho    p*  F##FFiiH  0i ? 3380___PPT10.B U    0 H(   x  c $`     0Z`@0 0Sydney Levitus WDC for Oceanography-Silver Spring NOAA, NODC XIX Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Trieste, Italy 12-16 March, 2007 60 f3 @`H  0޽h ? ̙33  4(  4r 4 S ``    l 4 <`M  1) World Ocean Database (WOD) Series 2) World Ocean Atlas series 3) Other products based on WOD 4) International Ocean Atlas Series^,H 4 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.sF 0?F  `F(  `~ ` s *0  `}    `0 <A ?0  H ` 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.B F  <F(  <x < c $`     < c $  "P@08XH < 0޽h ? 333MMM80___PPT10.Fl0  @(  @ @ 0 `` p    @0 C x$jjA ? ?0 r  H @ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.Y  IAd(  dx d c $ `}   ! d <1@@c  m19 visitors from 6 countries. 1) Republic of Korea 2) Japan 3) Russia 4) Argentina 5) Ukraine 6) Perunn8XH d 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.B@[   }uh (  hx h c $d `}   U p h# #""sp  h < i? p3 _Country/Institution @` h <h? 3 ^Number of Visitors @` h <hj?3 PYEAR @`7 h <? p YRussia/Shirshov Institute Russia/Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian FederationZZK @` h <$?  K2 @`  h <L?  N2007 @`  h <? p  $Russia/South Scientific Center Russia/MMBI & South Scientific Center Argentina/INIDEP Ukraine/Marine Hydrophysical Institute Ukraine/Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography Korea/National Oceanographic Research Institute @`  h <d?  K8 @`  h <p?  N2006 @`  h <? 3p <Japan/JODC Peru/IMARPE Korea/NFRDI Russia/Shirshov Institute==*  @` h <0?3  K9 @` h <X?3 N2005 @``B h 0o ?pZB h s *1 ?pZB h s *1 ? p `B h 0o ?p`B h 0o ?ZB h s *1 ?ZB h s *1 ?  `B h 0o ?ppZB h s *1 ?3p3H h 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.C]r   `(  o  <<L `XP___PPT92* One new product under the International Ocean Atlas and Information Series have been released during the intersessional period: Volume 10: Climatic Atlas of the Sea of Azov 2006 with Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences r4@/@8X  s 4 0e0e #" 0e `}   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.BC  $(  $r $ S t  `}   j $ 0! IODE data centers, oceanographic institutes, and individual scientists continue to make substantial amounts of historical and modern data available to World Data Centers for international distribution. H $ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.B@=  XP((  (r ( S b `}   6 ( 0 z Many data centers do not have sufficient resources, particularly funding and staff to keep up with the ever increasing amounts of oceanographic data being measured.H ( 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.BP-v  0v(  0r 0 S p ` `    0 0  0 d 1) Improved communication between IODE centers. Visits of staff between centers is crucial. 2) More centers make their data available on-line. 3) The World Ocean Database series is an international global resource. More countries, institutes, scientists have been helping to check the database 4) Develop regional, high-spatial resolution databases, atlases and quality control procedures (IOC World Ocean Database project goal), e.g., Atlas of Temperature-Salinity Frequency Distributions: North Atlantic Ocean. < gH 0 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.BP_  /'D(  Dr D S T#  `}     D <( P`$L  Q Use the new international program GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) to request increased funding from governments for data center work. GEOSS is supported by 49 countries, the European Commission, and 29 international organizations. Focus is on observations and products and turning data into useful information 4R,*H D 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.Aj  ",(  ,r , S 5  `}    , <6 `  1) Begin work on  World Ocean Database 2009 . 2) New volumes in International Ocean Atlas and Information Series a) T-S Statistics for World Ocean ?? b) Atlas of the Sea of Azov update c) Atlas of the Subarctic Seas update for the IPY ^t H , 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.B>:   %H:(  Hr H S H  `    @H <K G& .  |  @` H #"." r;::::@ ` H <P ?` `  ~4CTD and OSD data for Patagonian Shelf being checked.55 @`# H <Z ?p `   eFisheries Research and development National Institute (INIDEP), Mar del Plata, Argentina, R. Guerreroff @` H <: ?  p  K4 @` H <e ?` `  /Chile CTD and OSD archives sincee 1994 checked.00 @`] H <w ?p`  GCentro Nacional de Datos Oceanograficos de Chile, Y. Guerero & R. RojasHHP  @` H <p ? p  K3 @`R H < ?`  ` GODAR Project is supporting digitization of phytoplankton and OSD data. Problems identified by WDC staff resolved in consultation with IMARPE staff. @` H < ?p `  V IMARPE, Peru   @` H <l ?  p K5 @` H <Ц ?` n` _Entire Canadian OSD file is being checked by NODC/WDC and corrected in collaboration with MEDS.`` @` H < ?pn`  aMEDS, Canada, D. Spears @` H < ? np K2 @` H < ?` 3`n _Entire Canadian CTD file has been checked by NODC/WDC and corrected in collaboration with MEDS.`` @` H <X ?p3` n aMEDS, Canada, D. Spears @` H < ? 3pn K1 @` H < ?` ``3 R  @` H << ?p`` 3 R  @` H <D ? `p3 R  @` H < ?` @`` m!Data type or data set and problem"" @` H <?p@` ` m!Institution, Country, Individuals"" @` H < ? @p` V  @``B H 0o ? @`@ZB H s *1 ? ```ZB H s *1 ? 3`3ZB H s *1 ? n`nZB H s *1 ? ``B H 0o ? ``B H 0o ? @ ZB H s *1 ?p@pZB H s *1 ?` @` `B H 0o ?`@`ZB H s *1 ?  ` ZB H s *1 ?  ` H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.A  ME@%&P(  Px P c $ `    P < G& .  |  @`V &P #"." r;::::@ `V P <&?` `  z0Argo profiling float data depth/pressure problem11 @` P <)?p `   IFREMER, France, T. Carval @` P <09?  p  K9 @` P <A?` `  iBottle and CTD archives checked   @`  P <K?p`  s)Australian Antarctic Division, D. Connell** @`  P <T? p  K8 @`  P <V?`  `V TLocation errors in hydrochemical variables of Russian OSD cruises in the World OceanUU @`  P <g?p ` V (Shirshov Institute, Russia, Y. Nalbandov))$  @`  P <a?  pV L10 @` P <r?` n` {1CTD and OSD archives since the mid-1980s checked.22 @` P <||?pn`  (CSIRO, Australia, P. Brodie and T. Byrne)) @` P <h? np K7 @` P <?` 3`n |2High resolution CTD data, Brazil continental shelf33 @`e P < ?p3` n EBanco Nacional de Dados Oceanograficos, Brazil, M. V. da Silva SimoesFFZ  @` P <X? 3pn K6 @` P <D?` ``3 R  @` P <?p`` 3 R  @` P <? `p3 R  @` P <?` @`` m!Data type or data set and problem"" @` P <8?p@` ` m!Institution, Country, Individuals"" @` P <? @p` V  @``B P 0o ? @`@ZB P s *1 ? ```ZB P s *1 ? 3`3ZB P s *1 ? n`nZB P s *1 ? ``B P 0o ? V`V`B  P 0o ? @ VZB !P s *1 ?p@pVZB "P s *1 ?` @` V`B #P 0o ?`@`VZB $P s *1 ?  ` ZB %P s *1 ?  ` H P 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.A   `%&X(  Xx X c $ `    X <lG& .  O  @`V X# #"." r;::::@ `V X <?` `  x.OSD problems fixed for data from the subarctic// @` X <?p `   1Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, G. Matishov22) @` X < ?  p  L14 @` X <?` `  <Plankton data problems solved for the White Sea time series.== @`  X <?p`  >Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, V. Berger?? @`  X <\+? p  L13 @`  X <p4?`  `V 8Location errors in MBT data in the Black Sea identified.99 @`P  X <6?p ` V pSchool of Earth, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, U,K,, Drs. D. Aleynik and G. ShapiroqqZ @`  X <H?  pV L15 @`J X <xR?` n` jProblems in hydro chemical variables of Russian OSD cruise data in Bering, Okhotsk, and Japan (East) seas.kkK @`4 X <L?pn`  TRussian federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Victor SapozhnikovUUI  @` X <e? np L12 @` X <n?` 3`n >Location errors in WODOSD data from sub-arctic seas corrected.?? @` X <x?p3` n <Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia, A. Korablev==4 @` X <(? 3pn L11 @` X <Ds?` ``3 R  @` X <?p`` 3 R  @` X <? `p3 R  @` X <T?` @`` m!Data type or data set and problem"" @` X <P?p@` ` m!Institution, Country, Individuals"" @` X <X? @p` V  @``B X 0o ? @`@ZB X s *1 ? ```ZB X s *1 ? 3`3ZB X s *1 ? n`nZB X s *1 ? ``B X 0o ? V`V`B  X 0o ? @ VZB !X s *1 ?p@pVZB "X s *1 ?` @` V`B #X 0o ?`@`VZB $X s *1 ?  ` ZB %X s *1 ?  ` H X 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.A  |p%%\(  \x \ c $ `    \ <HG& .    @`V \# #"." r;::::@ `V \ <?` `  t*Beam Attenuation Coefficient data checked.++ @` \ <?p `   4TexasA & M Univerity, Dept. Oceanography, W. Gardner55$ ! @` \ <?  p  L19 @` \ <?` `  z0Argo profiling float data depth/pressure problem11 @`  \ <8?p`  AOML, NOAA, U.S., C. Schmid @`  \ <? p  L18 @`  \ <\ ?`  `V }CalCOFI OSD data checked. @`  \ <T?p ` V $SIO, U.S., D. Wolgast and J. Sheldon%% @`  \ <?  pV L20 @` \ <\& ?"`` n` ~4OSD and plankton data problems for the Indian Ocean.55 @`( \ <d( ?"`pn`  :Southern Ocean Fisheries Laboratory, Ukraine, B. Trotsenko;;1  @` \ <!? np L17 @`$ \ <dB?` 3`n fNear-duplicates in the OSD part of WOD01 were identified by RIHMI and are being examined by WDC staff.gg @` \ <D?p3` n (RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russia, A. Kuznetzov)),   @` \ <U? 3pn L16 @` \ <H^?` ``3 R  @` \ <|g?p`` 3 R  @` \ <i? `p3 R  @` \ <y?` @`` m!Data type or data set and problem"" @` \ <?p@` ` m!Institution, Country, Individuals"" @` \ <? @p` V  @``B \ 0o ? @`@ZB \ s *1 ? ```ZB \ s *1 ? 3`3ZB \ s *1 ? n`nZB \ s *1 ? ``B \ 0o ? 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I2 8`,Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange            .-@Times New Roman-. 2 P`(IODE)  .-@Times New Roman-. 2 BTrieste, Italy     .-@Times New Roman-.  2 B12 .-@Times New Roman-.  2 V-.-@Times New Roman-. 2 ]16 March, 2007    .-՜.+,0  $ , 6On-screen Show$Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NESDIS/NODC ArialTimes New RomanDefault DesignMicrosoft Excel Chart;WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring Intersessional report 7Main activities of WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring!WDC requests serviced by Quarter-Improved access to World Ocean Database 2005-World Ocean Database time series of monthly data download statistics WOD01 stats April 2003-May 20, 2006 WOD05 stats May 21, 2006-Sep. 2006 # of Queries = 37,708 # of Queries = 4,431 # of Extractions = 8,802 # of Extractions = 1,261 # of Unique Users= 3,547 # of Unique Users= 3,547 Average Average # of profiles per extraction = 105,067 Average # of profiles per extraction = 169,352 Total number of profiles downloaded = 919 million Total # of profiles downloaded = 213 million Visitors`Visitors to World Data Center for Oceanography, Silver Spring during the Intersessional Period1International Ocean Atlas and Information SeriesStrengths- Good NewsProblems- Bad NewsPossible ImprovementsNew funding source?Future Activities"Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01"Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01"Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01"Collaborations on WOD05 and WOD01  Fonts UsedDesign TemplateEmbedded OLE Servers Slide TitlesRoot EntrydO)ғpPictures%Current UserVSummaryInformation(*_Peter PissierssensPeter Pissierssens  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)Pictures%Current UserSummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8