ࡱ> %<;(  / 0DTimes New RomanTT<ܖ 0ܖDTahomaew RomanTT<ܖ 0ܖ" DArial Unicode MST<ܖ 0ܖ"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` |"G    0AA3@_Rʚ;w 46ʚ;g4?d?d\< 0ppp@ <4!d!d w 0T<<4dddd w 0T< <4BdBd x 0T80___PPT10 pp? -O  =26.2.6. Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) (32 c  1 12 Greg Reed, Chair SG-MEDI $c  Background " "((mMEDI is a catalogue system for marine datasets within the framework of the IODE programme. MEDI provides a reference point for locating marine and coastal datasets and is populated with metadata descriptions of marine datasets from IOC member states. MEDI became a permanent programme of IODE at the Sixteenth Session of the Committee (Recommendation IODE-XVI.1).,n ZmcSteering Group for MEDI"(The Eighteenth Session of IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XVIII) adopted Recommendation IODE-XVIII.3 SG terms of reference include: recommend a marine profile of ISO19115 and develop relevant vocabularies to describe marine datasets, make available an ISO19115 compliant metadata entry tool to the IODE community to ensure metadata is uniformly collected.J PPP, }  Steering Group for MEDI""((The IODE Steering Group for the MEDI Project was established by IODE-XVI (2000). During the intersessional period, the Third Session of the Steering Group for the MEDI Project (SG-MEDI) was held from 11-13 September 2006 at Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. PQ Z Z$f-bB\SG-MEDI: Third SessionWMarine Metadata Profile. The Steering Group reviewed the Marine Community Profile of ISO 19115 developed by the Australia The Marine Profile was circulated to the IODE community through a dedicated metadata discussion list for comment on its suitability for use by the community IODE project Office has established an email discussion group2P>P>< wSG-MEDI: Third SessionzVocabularies. Vocabularies are collections of entries representing, through standardised descriptions, instances of an entity and are integral part of a metadata standard. MEDI uses codelists and vocabularies to constrain the population of metadata elements. The Steering Group agreed that governance of vocabularies used by MEDI should be the responsibility of the MarineXML.>PlPjp SG-MEDI: Third SessionAuthoring Tool. The current MEDI authoring tool does not support the ISO 19115 standard. An alternative metadata authoring tool is being investigated. The Geonetwork opensource metadata catalogue application supports the ISO 19115 standard. Australiais developing a version of GeoNetwork that will support the Marine Community Profile and the Steering Group will evaluate the GeoNetwork software tool.2PPb  B  Y Ocean Data Portal""((Oceans Data Portal will be metadata driven. The integrity of the Portal will be based on the quality of the metadata. Ocean Data Portal will include a metadata catalogue to provide a registry of existing data and services available from the data providers. The use of internationally recognised standards will ensure interoperability with other initiatives and the ISO 19115/Marine Profile will provide this interoperabilty."w 42u  #Ocean Data Portal""((HSG-MEDI will work closely with the development of the Ocean Data Portal.I IH Workplan 2007-2009"*"   \Provide leadership in defining the metadata requirements for the Ocean Data Portal Cooperate with other metadata initiatives to ensure metadata interoperability across the marine domain Recommend a compliant metadata authoring tool Promote MEDI in IODE capacity building activities and encouraged the use MEDI. Meeting of the Steering Group in 2008]],7/T   0` ` ̙33` 333MMM` ff3333f` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6D77 P 7 T Click to edit Master title style! !  00:7  7 RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) ,32b c  1 12 Greg Reed, Chair SG-MEDI $c  Background " "((mMEDI is a catalogue system for marine datasets within the framework of the IODE programme. MEDI provides a reference point for locating marine and coastal datasets and is populated with metadata descriptions of marine datasets from IOC member states. MEDI became a permanent programme of IODE at the Sixteenth Session of the Committee (Recommendation IODE-XVI.1).,n ZmcSteering Group for MEDI"(The Eighteenth Session of IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XVIII) adopted Recommendation IODE-XVIII.3 SG terms of reference include: recommend a marine profile of ISO19115 and develop relevant vocabularies to describe marine datasets, make available an ISO19115 compliant metadata entry tool to the IODE community to ensure metadata is uniformly collected.J PPP, }  Steering Group for MEDI""((The IODE Steering Group for the MEDI Project was established by IODE-XVI (2000). During the intersessional period, the Third Session of the Steering Group for the MEDI Project (SG-MEDI) was held from 11-13 September 2006 at Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. PQ Z Z$f-bB\SG-MEDI: Third Session.Marine Metadata Profile. The Steering Group reviewed the Marine Community Profile of ISO 19115 developed by Australia IODE project Office has established an email discussion group (http://iodeweb2.vliz.be/wws) The Marine Profile was circulated for comment on its suitability for use by the community F\SG-MEDI: Third SessionzVocabularies. Vocabularies are collections of entries representing, through standardised descriptions, instances of an entity and are integral part of a metadata standard. MEDI uses codelists and vocabularies to constrain the population of metadata elements. The Steering Group agreed that governance of vocabularies used by MEDI should be the responsibility of the MarineXML.<PlPjp SG-MEDI: Third SessionAuthoring Tool. The current MEDI authoring tool does not support the ISO 19115 standard. An alternative metadata authoring tool is being investigated. The Geonetwork opensource metadata catalogue application supports the ISO 19115 standard. Australia is developing a version of GeoNetwork that will support the Marine Community Profile and the Steering Group will evaluate the GeoNetwork software tool.0PPP  g Y Ocean Data Portal""((Oceans Data Portal will be metadata driven. The integrity of the Portal will be based on the quality of the metadata. Ocean Data Portal will include a metadata catalogue to provide a registry of existing data and services available from the data providers. The use of internationally recognised standards will ensure interoperability with other initiatives and the ISO 19115/Marine Profile will provide this interoperability.2w 5wb5 u  5Ocean Data Portal""((HSG-MEDI will work closely with the development of the Ocean Data Portal.$I H`H Workplan 2007-2009"*"   [Provide leadership in defining the metadata requirements for the Ocean Data Portal Cooperate with other metadata initiatives to ensure metadata interoperability across the marine domain Recommend a compliant metadata authoring tool Promote MEDI in IODE capacity building activities and encouraged the use MEDI Meeting of the Steering Group in 2008\\/T :  0 p:(  pr p S P    p S   "xdH p 0޽h ? ̙3380___PPT10.eF  0 PF(  x  c $ճP     c $(Q  "xdH  0޽h ? ̙3380___PPT10.e  0  lF(  lx l c $@P    l c $  "xdH l 0޽h ? ̙33rIe ;%e1Root EntrydO) ,HX fO Current User&,SummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(߆  !"#$@'()*+,-./0123456?ABCDEFGHIJKLM&PQR:  !"#$%'MS PゴシックDefault Design36.2.6. Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) Background Steering Group for MEDISteering Group for MEDISG-MEDI: Third SessionSG-MEDI: Third SessionSG-MEDI: Third SessionOcean Data PortalOcean Data PortalWorkplan 2007-2009  Fonts UsedDesign Template_㻆userusereg Reedc Slide Titles -  !"#$@?'()*+,-./0123456=ABCDEFGHIJKLM&PQR>  !"#$%'(issierssens  !"#$@'()*+,-./0123456?ABCDEFGHIJKLM&PQR%MS PゴシックDefault Design36.2.6. Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) Background Steering Group for MEDISteering Group for MEDISG-MEDI: Third SessionSG-MEDI: Third SessionSG-MEDI: Third SessionOcean Data PortalOcean Data PortalWorkplan 2007-2009  Fonts UsedDesign Template*_㻆Peter PissierssensPeter P Slide Titles -DocumentSummaryInformation8$n?" dd@  @@`` |"G    0AA3@_Rʚ;w 46ʚ;g4?d?d\< 0ppp@ <4!d!d w 0T<<4dddd w 0T< <4BdBd x 0T80___PPT10 pp? -O  =26.2.6. Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) (32 c  1 12 Greg Reed, Chair SG-MEDI $c  Background " "((mMEDI is a catalogue system for marine datasets within the framework of the IODE programme. MEDI provides a reference point for locating marine and coastal datasets and is populated with metadata descriptions of marine datasets from IOC member states. MEDI became a permanent programme of IODE at the Sixteenth Session of the Committee (Recommendation IODE-XVI.1).,n ZmcSteering Group for MEDI"(The Eighteenth Session of IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XVIII) adopted Recommendation IODE-XVIII.3 SG terms of reference include: recommend a marine profile of ISO19115 and develop relevant vocabularies to describe marine datasets, make available an ISO19115 compliant metadata entry tool to the IODE community to ensure metadata is uniformly collected.J PPP, }  Steering Group for MEDI""((The IODE Steering Group for the MEDI Project was established by IODE-XVI (2000). During the intersessional period, the Third Session of the Steering Group for the MEDI Project (SG-MEDI) was held from 11-13 September 2006 at Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. PQ Z Z$f-bB\SG-MEDI: Third SessionWMarine Metadata Profile. The Steering Group reviewed the Marine Community Profile of ISO 19115 developed by the Australia The Marine Profile was circulated to the IODE community through a dedicated metadata discussion list for comment on its suitability for use by the community IODE project Office has established an email discussion group2P>P>< wSG-MEDI: Third SessionzVocabularies. Vocabularies are collections of entries representing, through standardised descriptions, instances of an entity and are integral part of a metadata standard. MEDI uses codelists and vocabularies to constrain the population of metadata elements. The Steering Group agreed that governance of vocabularies used by MEDI should be the responsibility of the MarineXML.>PlPjp SG-MEDI: Third SessionAuthoring Tool. The current MEDI authoring tool does not support the ISO 19115 standard. An alternative metadata authoring tool is being investigated. The Geonetwork opensource metadata catalogue application supports the ISO 19115 standard. Australiais developing a version of GeoNetwork that will support the Marine Community Profile and the Steering Group will evaluate the GeoNetwork software tool.2PPb  B  Y Ocean Data Portal""((Oceans Data Portal will be metadata driven. The integrity of the Portal will be based on the quality of the metadata. Ocean Data Portal will include a metadata catalogue to provide a registry of existing data and services available from the data providers. The use of internationally recognised standards will ensure interoperability with other initiatives and the ISO 19115/Marine Profile will provide this interoperabilty."w 42u  #Ocean Data Portal""((HSG-MEDI will work closely with the development of the Ocean Data Portal.I IH Workplan 2007-2009"*"   [Provide leadership in defining the metadata requirements for the Ocean Data Portal Cooperate with other metadata initiatives to ensure metadata interoperability across the marine domain Recommend a compliant metadata authoring tool Promote MEDI in IODE capacity building activities and encouraged the use MEDI Meeting of the Steering Group in 2008\\1'/T   0  F(   x  c $7`P  7   c $47 7 "xdH  0޽h ? ̙33rHbdH e1(  D/ 0|DTimes New RomanTTܖ 0ܖDTaho  !"#$%'Oh+'0P `h $ D P \hpReports on activities of the IODE Groups of Experts: IODE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF DATA EXCHANGE (GETADE)  Greg Reed Greg Reed9Microsoft PowerPoint@T@`3پ@9fGg  cH  y--$xx--'@Times New Roman-.  2 q1."Systemh:-@Times New Roman-. H2 , +6.2.6. Marine Environmental Data Inventory .-@Times New Roman-. 2 4L(MEDI).-@"Tahoma-. $2 _6Greg Reed, Chair SG.-@"Tahoma-.  2 _^-.-@"Tahoma-.  2 __MEDI.-՜.+,0    On-screen ShowIOC߆)  Times New RomanTahomaArial Unicode MS宋