ࡱ> 4ML( / 0DArialNew t8 08:A 00"DTahomaew t8 08:A 00" DTimes New Roman8 08:A 00@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` D<`W    +  0AA0 @3ʚ;ʚ;g4DdDdP:A 0ppp@ <4dddd|$ 0dt 80___PPT10 pp3.8 IODE Data Flow  <National Oceanographic Programmes and Cruise Summary Reports==   Background & $$National Oceanographic Programmes (NOPs) A way to share information on planned research cruises OCEANIC system (University of Delaware) Provided a mechanism for the dissemination of cruise programme and research vessel information Cruise Summary Reports (CSRs) A way to report on the results of research cruises ICES and BSH/DOD, Germany Provide entry tools and search facilities Regular synchronisation ~*d$d0dF$d*        :  5 "!  POGO Requirements "$2Objective: To improve access to information on past and future research cruises by establishing a comprehensive and user-friendly database and searchable web site with information on cruise tracks, types of observations, chief scientist contact information, metadata (for past cruises), project identifier, and berths available Rationale: To share information on types of data available from past cruises, to maximise use of existing data To share information on future cruises to facilitate co-ordination and optimisation of cruise opportunities and ship time~ Z=$Z 0ZF$Z > (T  POGO Requirements$Steps to be undertaken to improve cruise efficiency: Identify features needed in an ideal database of research cruises Determine how well existing databases fit the ideal, and how they would need to be changed to meet the needs of scientists Estimate the cost of modifying an existing database or creating a new one Request support from appropriate agencies to augment an existing database Work with existing efforts in the area, rather than re-invent the wheelB5PZ2$0Z5(4  8Potential benefits from an international cruise database9U9$8 Helps scientists from different countries coordinate future funded research through information about research vessels of opportunity Aids in retrospective ability to find data in regions of interest Makes it possible for projects to conduct joint work and to fill empty berths Creates capacity-building and training opportunities Would aid in tracking and distributing data Would provide information to evaluate the benefit of observations from ships as part of GOOS Would make it possible for scientists and operational users from other projects to get instruments deployed and/or samples taken in hard-to-reach areas of the ocean (e.g. drifters, profiling floats, moored buoy servicing) Would allow cost sharing among institutions, projects, and nations Would make possible intercomparisons, intercalibrations, validation among different data types (CTD vs. Argo, in situ vs. remote sensing)"$0U`z 8 X    R  The way forwardF$  SeaDataNet 2 Phase approach0f$F$    Benefits to IODE - 1$ yIODE has long maintained an active interest in cruise programmes first step in a data tracking system Cruise Summary Report (CSR) acts as first level inventory POGO initiative has revitalised the cruise programme activity for large ocean-going research vessels (>60m) IODE can extend and build upon this to include all research vessels And build a dedicated IODE/global portal "z$0_zy   Benefits to IODE - 2$ 'SeaDataNet consortium includes 2 IODE data centres (BODC and DOD/BSH) ensures sustainability IODE is a partner within SeaDataNet Ensure IODE guidance development of a standardised set of controlled vocabularies undertaken by SeaDataNet in collaboration with the IODE Steering Group on MarineXML. ($ (p  l   a   2    /8  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0\ ^ `  >*  0  ^   @*  0 ^ `  @*H  0޽h ? f80___PPT10.#dpT Default Design 0 zrp$ (  $ $ 0  P    P*   $ 0{     R*  d $ c $ ?   $ 0  0  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S $ 6 _P   P*   $ 6h" _   R*  H $ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.dpz[0 0T0(  Tx T c $({5 { x T c ${F  { H T 0޽h ? f80___PPT10.d(@a$  @X$(  Xr X S  `   r X S { `  H X 0޽h ? f80___PPT10.d 7ʨ$   $(  r  S ' `   r  S (M `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.#dU$  @$(  r  S l `   r  S z'gk  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.#d $  P$(  r  S " `M   r  S " `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.#dP  -K0 ,(  , , c $3P<$ 0  b ,  <gֳgֳ ?"6 ?<$ 0    , TB1?` f O 0   X , TL1?, Dedicated website for POGO with 3 major databases for the global fleet of Research Vessels > 60 m: Cruise Programme (format + governance by BODC (and later on online entry) + retrieval including map by MARIS) CSR (online entry + retrieval by BSH) RV directory (online entry + retrieval by EurOcean) Ensuring direct relationships by the RV name and Organisation (EDMO) and common vocabularies Start with ca. 300 existing RVs Embedded in SeaDataNet infrastructure d} F2} F2} F2dfnf%5f f ," B , s *޽h ? ̙33___PPT10.+ RMD(' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(D' =%(Dj' =K@BB BBPB0B%(/%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*,%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*,+8+0+, + -K0 **4)(  4 4 c $kP<$ 0  > 4  tsgֳgֳ ?C"?<$ 0    4 Ty1?` f O 0    4 TL1?,L L$0 2c  >~  % 43  c"$b 4 c $X99?"` % 4 c $d@^@^4  4 0   4 0@^@^ 4 .Cruise Summary Reports database (past cruises)*/0 . .    4 0@^@^ 4  )Research Vessel Cruise Programme Database**0 ) .       4 c $@^@^ 4 p Standardised ship code table*0  "     4 0@^@^ 4 &Standardised research vessels database*'0 & "   -  4 0d@^@^ 44$c UOther standard terms: Sea areas Scientist address book Scientific discipline Projects8V0  ? U  4 0L@^@^44  0Map-based user interface with menu driven search*10 0 0 NB 4 S D  HB 4 C DPTB 4 c $DPPTB 4 c $DHB 4 C D  VHB 4 C D HB 4 C D $ 4 0ց@^@^4"`\ O   Phase 1; completed April 2007*0   HB 4 C D V HB 4 C D $ 4 0@^@^4"`\ Y {Phase 2; post- April 2007*0   ZB 4 s *Dp 4 0@^@^4 p Standardised ship code table*0  "    4 0@^@^4d| m POGO User, 0      4 0@^@^4zx { CoML User, 0   "   4 0p@^@^4(} o Other Users, 0     NB 4 S DNB  4 S D8}NB !4B S D@}NB "4 S DNB #4 S DVNB $4 S DVNB %4 S DHB &4 C DUHB '4 C DTUU (4 c $(/l/l"`M Phase 1; completed April 2007*0   HB )4B C DTHB *4 C DKB 4 s *޽h ? ̙33___PPT10.+ RMD(' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(D' =%(Dj' =K@BB BBPB0B%(/%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*4%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*4+8+0+4 +$  P\$(  \r \ S ?  `   r \ S `' M `   H \ 0޽h ? f80___PPT10.d $  ``$(  `r ` S o `}   r ` S T `Y  H ` 0޽h ? f80___PPT10.ds 0 04(  0d 0 c $$    0 s *Q$ @    H 0 0޽h ? ̙33 0 84(  8d 8 c $$    8 s *($ @    H 8 0޽h ? ̙33r@P- 072y#{)+c4@?_kacemog5( Root EntrydO)8zo`@Current UserVSummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(LDdZ   +  0AA0 @3ʚ;ʚ;g4DdDdP:A 0ppp@ <4dddd|$ 0dt 80___PPT10 pp?  %3.8 IODE Data Flow  <National Oceanographic Programmes and Cruise Summary Reports==   Background & $$National Oceanographic Programmes (NOPs) A way to share information on planned research cruises OCEANIC system (University of Delaware) Provided a mechanism for the dissemination of cruise programme and research vessel information Cruise Summary Reports (CSRs) A way to report on the results of research cruises ICES and BSH/DOD, Germany Provide entry tools and search facilities Regular synchronisation ~*d$d0dF$d*        :  5 "!  POGO Requirements "$2Objective: To improve access to information on past and future research cruises by establishing a comprehensive and user-friendly database and searchable web site with information on cruise tracks, types of observations, chief scientist contact information, metadata (for past cruises), project identifier, and berths available Rationale: To share information on types of data available from past cruises, to maximise use of existing data To share information on future cruises to facilitate co-ordination and optimisation of cruise opportunities and ship time~ Z=$Z 0ZF$Z > (T  POGO Requirements$Steps to be undertaken to improve cruise efficiency: Identify features needed in an ideal database of research cruises Determine how well existing databases fit the ideal, and how they would need to be changed to meet the needs of scientists Estimate the cost of modifying an existing database or creating a new one Request support from appropriate agencies to augment an existing database Work with existing efforts in the area, rather than re-invent the wheelB5PZ2$0Z5(4  8Potential benefits from an international cruise database9U9$8 Helps scientists from different countries coordinate future funded research through information about research vessels of opportunity Aids in retrospective ability to find data in regions of interest Makes it possible for projects to conduct joint work and to fill empty berths Creates capacity-building and training opportunities Would aid in tracking and distributing data Would provide information to evaluate the benefit of observations from ships as part of GOOS Would make it possible for scientists and operational users from other projects to get instruments deployed and/or samples taken in hard-to-reach areas of the ocean (e.g. drifters, profiling floats, moored buoy servicing) Would allow cost sharing among institutions, projects, and nations Would make possible intercomparisons, intercalibrations, validation among different data types (CTD vs. Argo, in situ vs. remote sensing)"$0U`z 8 X    R  The way forwardF$  SeaDataNet 2 Phase approach0f$F$    Benefits to IODE - 1$ yIODE has long maintained an active interest in cruise programmes First step in a data tracking system Cruise Summary Report (CSR) acts as first level inventory POGO initiative has revitalised the cruise programme activity for large ocean-going research vessels (>60m) IODE can extend and build upon this to include all research vessels And build a dedicated IODE/global portal $z$0_zy   Benefits to IODE - 2$ &SeaDataNet consortium includes 2 IODE data centres (BODC and DOD/BSH) ensures sustainability IODE is a partner within SeaDataNet Ensure IODE guidance development of a standardised set of controlled vocabularies undertaken by SeaDataNet in collaboration with the IODE Steering Group on MarineXML$'$0_#'d  l   a   2    Action( The Committee is requested to: Comment on the rejuvenation of the IODE NOP/CSR system through development of system for POGO Propose action regarding the global extension Comment on the desirability of developing a global IODE portal 8%$ #, ?  /8  -K0 ,(  , , c $3P<$ 0  b ,  <gֳgֳ ?"6 ?<$ 0    , TB1?` f O 0   V , TL1?, Dedicated website for POGO with 3 major databases for the global fleet of Research Vessels > 60 m: Cruise Programme (format + governance by BODC (and later on online entry) + retrieval including map by MARIS) CSR (online entry + retrieval by BSH) RV directory (online entry + retrieval by EurOcean) Ensuring direct relationships by the RV name and Organisation (EDMO) and common vocabularies Start with ca. 300 existing RVs Embedded in SeaDataNet infrastructure d5 25 25 2dfnf%5f f ," B , s *޽h ? ̙33___PPT10.+ RMD(' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(D' =%(Dj' =K@BB BBPB0B%(/%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*,%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*,+8+0+, +}  P\$(  \r \ S ?  `   r \ S `' M `   H \ 0޽h ? f___PPT10i.d +D=' = @B +}  ``$(  `r ` S o `   r ` S T'g  H ` 0޽h ? f___PPT10i.ds+D=' = @B +  pdB(  dr d S % `}    d S ( `  *%&'H d 0޽h ? f___PPT10i.d +D=' = @B +r$ ڡ ~m5  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123ON6789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^5abg_  DocumentSummaryInformation8/ 0DArialNew t8 08:A 00"DTahomaew t8 08:A 00" DTimes New Roman8 08:A 00@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDdZ   +  0AA0 @3ʚ;ʚ;g4DdDdP:A 0ppp@ <4dddd|$ 0dt 80___PPT10 pp?  %3.8 IODE Data Flow  <National Oceanographic Programmes and Cruise Summary Reports==   Background & $$National Oceanographic Programmes (NOPs) A way to share information on planned research cruises OCEANIC system (University of Delaware) Provided a mechanism for the dissemination of cruise programme and research vessel information Cruise Summary Reports (CSRs) A way to report on the results of research cruises ICES and BSH/DOD, Germany Provide entry tools and search facilities Regular synchronisation ~*d$d0dF$d*        :  5 "!  POGO Requirements "$2Objective: To improve access to information on past and future research cruises by establishing a comprehensive and user-friendly database and searchable web site with information on cruise tracks, types of observations, chief scientist contact information, metadata (for past cruises), project identifier, and berths available Rationale: To share information on types of data available from past cruises, to maximise use of existing data To share information on future cruises to facilitate co-ordination and optimisation of cruise opportunities and ship time~ Z=$Z 0ZF$Z > (T  POGO Requirements$Steps to be undertaken to improve cruise efficiency: Identify features needed in an ideal database of research cruises Determine how well existing databases fit the ideal, and how they would need to be changed to meet the needs of scientists Estimate the cost of modifying an existing database or creating a new one Request support from appropriate agencies to augment an existing database Work with existing efforts in the area, rather than re-invent the wheelB5PZ2$0Z5(4  8Potential benefits from an international cruise database9U9$8 Helps scientists from different countries coordinate future funded research through information about research vessels of opportunity Aids in retrospective ability to find data in regions of interest Makes it possible for projects to conduct joint work and to fill empty berths Creates capacity-building and training opportunities Would aid in tracking and distributing data Would provide information to evaluate the benefit of observations from ships as part of GOOS Would make it possible for scientists and operational users from other projects to get instruments deployed and/or samples taken in hard-to-reach areas of the ocean (e.g. drifters, profiling floats, moored buoy servicing) Would allow cost sharing among institutions, projects, and nations Would make possible intercomparisons, intercalibrations, validation among different data types (CTD vs. Argo, in situ vs. remote sensing)"$0U`z 8 X    R  The way forwardF$  SeaDataNet 2 Phase approach0f$F$    Benefits to IODE - 1$ yIODE has long maintained an active interest in cruise programmes first step in a data tracking system Cruise Summary Report (CSR) acts as first level inventory POGO initiative has revitalised the cruise programme activity for large ocean-going research vessels (>60m) IODE can extend and build upon this to include all research vessels And build a dedicated IODE/global portal "z$0_zy   Benefits to IODE - 2$ 'SeaDataNet consortium includes 2 IODE data centres (BODC and DOD/BSH) ensures sustainability IODE is a partner within SeaDataNet Ensure IODE guidance development of a standardised set of controlled vocabularies undertaken by SeaDataNet in collaboration with the IODE Steering Group on MarineXML. ($ (p  l   a   2     Action( The Committee is requested to: Comment on the rejuvenation of the IODE NOP/CSR system through development of system for POGO Propose action regarding the global extension Comment on the desirability of developing a global IODE portal 6%$, ?  /8$  pd$(  dr d S % `}   r d S ( `  H d 0޽h ? f80___PPT10.d rgmgՅ5( / 0DArialNew t8 08:A 00"DTahomaew t8 08:A 00" DTimes New Roman8 08:A 00@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` issierssens Oh+'0h `h  POGO Requirements ljrlesleyq5slMicrosoft PowerPointP@6@$d@,dGhg  :  y-- @ !y--'@"Arial-. "2 #!3.8 IODE Data Flow."SystemP-@"Arial-. :2 A"National Oceanographic Programmes .-@"Arial-. .2 M!and Cruise Summary Reports.-՜.+,0    SOn-screen ShowPOLP { Root EntrydO)0ӻd`Current User,SummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123O6789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^5abfN ArialTahomaTimes New RomanDefault Design3.8 IODE Data Flow Background POGO Requirements POGO Requirements9Potential benefits from an international cruise databaseThe way forwardSeaDataNet 2 Phase approachBenefits to IODE - 1Benefits to IODE - 2Action  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles @ !y_ҵuseruserleyArialTahomaTimes New RomanDefault Design3.8 IODE Data Flow Background POGO Requirements POGO Requirements9Potential benefits from an international cruise databaseThe way forwardSeaDataNet 2 Phase approachBenefits to IODE - 1Benefits to IODE - 2Action  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles @ !y*_ҵPeter PissierssensPeter P