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There are many definitions of mentoring here are just a few: "a relationship, not just a procedure or activity, where one person professionally assists the development of another outside the normal manager/subordinate relationship" "a mentor is that person who achieves a one-to-one developmental relationship with a learner; and one whom the learner identifies as having enabled personal growth to take place" "behind every successful person, there is one elementary truth: somewhere, somehow, someone cared about their growth and development. That person was their mentor." "mentor experienced and trusted adviser" Oxford English Reference Dictionary Mentoring models differ between countries & cultures. USA models tend to focus primarily on sponsoring an individual's career. European models emphasize growth and development. Mentoring is often used interchangeably with the word 'coaching'. Before any mentoring program is developed, it is important to establish the definition to be used, so that there is a clear understanding of what is being attempted in a mentoring program. Benefits & Risks Benefits Improves communications across IODE Enhances culture of knowledge & expertise sharing Assists to address 'ageing' professions, and provides a venue for passing on of knowledge from older information managers to younger ones Maintains professional standards Improves self-esteem & confidence of mentees Improves recognition and standing within parent organization Access to different perspectives & experience Strengthens MIM networks Potential Risks Insufficient investment Lack of a dedicated program manager, leading to insufficient time to support participants Organizational climate is not supportive Costs prevent face-to-face meetings Mentoring seen as a quick fix, instead of long-term commitment Some people seen as getting special treatment Relationships don't 'gel' Over commitment to mentoring responsibilities which infringe on primary job responsibilities Examples Mentoring programs are run by many professional organizations as a way of passing professional knowledge from one generation of professionals to another, some examples below. Canadian Library Association (CLA) CLA offers internship and workplace experience programs at several national and international libraries. The internships are offered directly by libraries and are outside of curriculum-based practicum opportunities coordinated by library studies programs. Internships are available from libraries such as Memorial University Library, Edmonton Public Library, University of Alberta, Yukon Energy, Mines & Resources Library, McGill/Pfizer Canada. International internships are available from David Lubin Memorial Library, FAO, Rome Italy. CLA's website also provides an extensive list of resources on mentoring. More details at: HYPERLINK "http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Internships_and_Practicums&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=8444"http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Internships_and_Practicums&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=8444 Australian Library & Information Association (ALIA) ALIA has been offering several formal mentoring programs via its state branches in Queensland, Tasmania, Northern Territory, and Western Australia since the early 1990s. The Queensland Forum is a facilitated mentoring program which runs for a specified time it has been extremely successful. More details of specific programs at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alia.org.au/education/pd/mentoring/alia.programs.html"http://www.alia.org.au/education/pd/mentoring/alia.programs.html Australian Law Librarians Association (ALLA) ALLA Pacific Law Library Twinning Program aims to assist in the development and provision of law library services, collections and staff in the Pacific region. The program now involves 14 Australian & New Zealand libraries with 22 Pacific Island counterparts. The twinning arrangements focus on provision of both legal texts, and ongoing assistance and training. The program provides funds for shipping of book stock, shelving, floor plan & space planning, library management advice, weeding, training in cataloguing, library management practices, and legal research. The program also sponsors Pacific library worker to attend ALLA Annual Conference. More details at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alla.asn.au/index.php/alla/pacific-twinning-program"http://www.alla.asn.au/index.php/alla/pacific-twinning-program Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers (ANZSI) ANZSI provides a mentoring scheme for novice indexers. In the absence of formal course leading to tertiary qualifications, the mentoring scheme provides a more advanced level of training, building on the basic workshops offered by the society. More details at: HYPERLINK "http://www.anzsi.org/site/mentoring.asp"http://www.anzsi.org/site/mentoring.asp Marine & Environmental Library Twinning Program (MELT) (proposed) Current proposal submitted to Australian Govt. (AusAid) in March 2010 for funding to establish a MELT program between Australian libraries and Pacific libraries. Australian libraries involved are: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Australian Institute of Marine Science, & Geosciences Australia. Objective is to establish long-term twinning relationships between selected Australian marine/environmental libraries and libraries in the Pacific region. MELT will work to increase the capacity to manage, store and disseminate important regional information resources. The program will work with ODIN-PIMRIS Coordinator to identify 3 appropriate Pacific libraries, which are currently actively participating in the ODIN-PIMRIS project, to participate in this program. At present ODIN-PIMRIS has suggested Fisheries Division Library (Samoa), SOPAC Library (Fiji), Ministry of Fisheries & Marine resource Development (Kiribati). These will be reviewed if/when the program gains approval. Options for GE-MIM IODE to develop formal mentoring program for marine information management. Should GEMIM develop a formal proposal to IODE? IODE/GEMIM to approach IAMSLIC to develop a joint IODE/IAMSLIC program under the new MOU GEMIM encourage informal mentoring opportunities Provide range of bibliographic resources on mentoring into OceanTeacher Provide web links to existing mentoring programs Have a contact person responsible for directing interested people to particular programs IODE/GEMIM to support existing proposal of Pacific Marine & Environmental Library Twining Program GEMIM to identify internships & work experience opportunities in IODE/IAMSLIC marine libraries and make the information available via IODE web site (which part?) Do none of these! 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