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The result of the meeting was endorsed at IODE-XX by adopting Recommendation IODE-XX.2 - The Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, which was then approved at the 25th Session of the IOC Assembly in June 2009 by endorsing the report of IODE-XX. The Recommendation IODE-XX.2 invited all IOC Programmes and other relevant organizations to collaborate with the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, by submitting standards for consideration and contributing to the evaluation process, and urged Member States to play an active role in the Ocean Data Standards Process and to adopt recommended at the earliest opportunity. IODE-XX also adopted Recommendation regarding ETDMP including its terms of reference, As a part of its tasks, ETDMP should coordinate a process of ODS Pilot Project to accept, evaluate and recommend proposals for community wide standards. 2. Progress made regarding recommended standards UNESCO Manuals and Guides 54(1) Recommendation to Adopt ISO 3166-1 and 3166-3 Country Codes as the Standard for Identifying Countries in Oceanographic Data Exchange was published on 6 January 2010 as a recommended standard after expert review and community review. Some other standards have been identified to be submitted to the standards process, including QCs for some parameters. 3. standards to be identified Additional standards to be identified are listed below together with potential candidates for them. Date and Time ISO 8601:2004 Latitude and Longitude ISO 6709 Units Platform/Instruments Institutions Ontology Taxa QCs (dependent on parameters) Others (ex. Communication protocols, GIS standards,,,,) 4. Future actions The ETDMP needs to follow up with SeaDataNet and GE-BICH to ensure these proposals are submitted. ETDMP could also play a more proactive role in soliciting standards submissions. The ETDMP may examine potential candidates for standards through the work of ODS Task Team (ODS-TT). The membership of ODS-TT should cover experts on ISO activities. __________________     JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc.3.2 Page  PAGE 2 56|}    ! 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