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ODP V2 is aimed to withdraw from standalone web-services, to implement and standardize methods and means of interface interaction. It will allow to unify access to services that belong to the ODP organizations and systems (SDN, WIS) and base on different standards (OGC, W3C). Figure 1 shows reference model structure based on viewpoint paradigm. Figure  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Figure 1. Reference model for Open Distributing Process in adaptation to ODP ODP Service Oriented Infrastructure includes the following methods and means: service bus and technical specification. Service bus provides service registration in the registry, discovery of the services, service invocations and chaining, monitoring functions. Technical specifications will provide requirements for: interaction protocol, input/output messages, data formats, service registry and data types. It will also provide cross-platform compatibility requirements. ODP V2 brings a new level of implementation. Several principles of XML-based framework for marine data exchange have been formulated. The following principles of the ODP V2 data exchange framework are based on Marine XML outputs and take into account the progress that was archived in recent years. Principle 1. The ODP information architecture will be based on the ISO/OGC models and standards and it will be a long-term task of the ODP V2 establishment. Principle 2. The ODP V2 will be metadata driven. This means that all ODP operation processes will be supported by corresponding metadata. Metadata will be used to describe the discovery, management and use of data. Basic standards should be ISO19115/19139 XML-schemes should also be investigated. Principle 3. Feature type compatibility. The key aspect of the integrated marine data framework is a single feature model, as well as the structures for feature cataloguing and maintenance mechanism. The common generic feature types should be developed taking into account the CSML feature types and with collaboration of key marine organizations - IOC/IODE, WMO, IHO. Principle 4. The marine data interoperability arrangements should provide interchange via the spatial and text-based (structured ASCII data sets) marine data/metadata XML files. The existing practices of the use of various formats, storage types and codes will continue. The ODP V2 data exchange framework should provide a mediator/wrapper mechanism to encapsulate the representation of such data objects (binary files, DBMS tables and etc in different formats/codes) as was proposed by the E2E technology and CSML. Principle 5. The standard dictionaries of phenomenon (parameters that are observed or calculated) and measurement units are required to provide data interchange. Also it is required to maintain the standardized metadata sets for organizations, geographical areas, instruments and methods, etc. The access to such accompanying information should be provided through the corresponding web-services. It is possible that the parameters, units, organizations and other dictionaries as well as tools to access and maintain, which were developed under the SeaDataNet project and by BODC, will be adopted as the marine community standards. Principle 6. The ODP V2 data interoperability standards should be evaluated and accepted as part of the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process. During the Consultation Meeting on cooperation between the IODE OceanDataPortal (ODP) and the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), held on 22 - 26 February 2010, Hobart, Australia, following items were indicated: ISO 19115/19139 adoption as a base metadata format; Use of GeoNetwork to populate ODP metadata into the other systems/projects and vice-versa; Potential THREDDS usage on the ODP level to improve work with NetCDF (NetCDF publishing, OGC-service creation, on-fly graph and maps creation, sub-queries etc.); Implication of the IMOS portal map interface into the Ocean Data Portal as a new service  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Figure 2. Upgraded ODP interaction scheme  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Figure 3. ODP V2 Metadata interfaces Technical decisions for V2 include following: Provide the means (metadata, services and etc.) for a distributed marine data infrastructure enabling the interactions among data providers, service providers and with end-users, Permit data interaction whilst avoiding data reformatting and de-localization (i.e. data remain on the provider infrastructure without change); Allow adjustment (orchestration) of services invoking for online request/response processes and other operations; Allow chaining of services into more complex ones; Support subscription type services and standing orders (e.g. oil spill monitoring and alerting); Allow easy identification of, and access to requested services and data, with progress follow-up until completion; Integrate data/services from multiple domains to exploit multi-domain synergies; Allow the services/data providers to register, provide and promote their products to thematic or regional portals; Minimize data/service provider investments by building on open standards. Communication decisions: Support the geographically distributed marine data infrastructure operations by means of publishing and dissemination of technical recommendations and guides to improve the telecommunication nodes of IODE centres and other participants; Disseminate the information about the status of all ODP partners to ensure coordination and cross communication; Provide the remote software installations and documentation access; Communicate with the ODP partner groups to discuss and resolve ongoing definitional and development issues. __________________     JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 5.2 Page  PAGE 4 ISO 19139 publish OGC Services publish ISO 19139 OGC Services Data Provider GEOSS ISO 19139 ISO 19115 AODN SeaDataNet WIS ODINAfrica Ocean Data Portal JODC NODC of China ODINWESTPACK Ocean Data Portal Data Provider Data Provider ODINBlackSea Ocean Data Portal Global Ocean Data Portal MCP CDI WMO Core Data Provider WIS ISO 19139 ISO19115 AODN SeaDataNet SeaDataNet GEOSS WHOI Dublin Core Dublin Core GeoNetwork ISO19115 ODP V1 ISO 19139 High-level vision of ODP focusing on goals, scope and policies of ODP Semantic specifics of data and information which will be subjects of the ODP Functional decomposition of ODP into objects that will interact at interfaces Identification of ODP component types and preliminary technical requirements to support distributed interaction between the components Focuses on the choice of technology Technology viewpoint Engineering viewpoint Information viewpoint Computational viewpoint Enterprise viewpoint 56|}  ( , / B J K ǷzfzUD-,h-h`/!OJPJQJ^JmH nHsH tH h-h?tOJQJ^JmH sH  h-h`/!OJQJ^JmH sH 'h-h`/!;OJPJQJ^JnHtH$h-h`/!OJPJQJ^JnHtH*h-h`/!5;OJPJQJ^JnHtH'h-h`/!6OJPJQJ^JnHtHh-h`/!5;OJQJ^J!h-h`/!B*OJQJ^Jph$h-h`/!5B*OJQJ^Jph(h-h`/!5B*CJ^JmH phsH 56V{|}iSSS$ x$If]a$gd`/!]kd$$IfxF`'H`'    4 xax$x$If]a$gd`/!$x$Ifa$gd`/!$ x$If]a$gd ""'   - . ~ffU  x$Ifgd`/!$  x$If]a$gd`/!$ x$If]a$gd`/!W$ x$EƀIf]a$gd`/! 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