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Today the desire to build regional and global marine distributed data systems, aggregating data from multiple sources is ever increasing. As a consequence the need for DMM, SM and data to be interoperable is also growing - but the reality with existing data systems is that this interoperability is not always easy or possible. 1.1 Issues There are currently numerous bespoke ocean/met SM systems available throughout the world, including the likes of ODAS, Pub.47, MEDI/EDMED, GCMD, EDIOS & EDMERP. These have generally been developed independently without the use of common vocabularies and structure. As a result maintaining integrity to enable interoperability between SM systems, DMM systems and the ocean/met data itself can be a complex task. Section 3 of  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2403" Technical Overview of Ocean Data Portal (WIGOS-2/Doc. 5.2) describes further information and issues with Ocean Data Portal data/metadata interoperability. Currently within the oceanographic and meteorological community there are no set standards or protocol for developing SM systems so consequently integrity across different systems is often lacking. For example within different systems there could be database objects of same meaning but these may be stored in very different ways i.e. location could be stored as a spatial reference or alternately as a group of objects latitude, longitude & quadrant. There are ways to remedy this by mapping different standards (GCMD has a webpage dedicated to mapping DIF to ISO and others) but this is an awkward work-around for systems already developed. It is not along-term model for future developments to be based upon. It is therefore apparent that standards for SM (like for DMM) need to be agreed and integrated within the community. 2.0 Requirements The ODP primarily uses DMM to support searches through geospatial/temporal extents and parameter keywords. However, SM is also essential in providing greater functionality and providing users more information on data. Basic requirements for ODP SM are: Description of how the observation was taken (platform, instruments etc) and/or how the product was generated (method etc); Quality metadata is important to store information as to how the data should be used; Structure of local data collection (hierarchy, data elements etc) and data storage (DBMS, file system, GIS) specifications, local code systems and units/naming of data elements; Data and service catalogues (registers) to search for data/services and also building the chains of extracting and processing services that meets a users needs and requests; Support versioning and lineage of data presented by data providers. Metadata should maintain reference information for data - reference documentation, bibliographic references and citation of the data. Potentially the metadata framework should allow archive users to publish findings on data; Provide data transport and assembly operations for access to data from ODP tools and enable time-defined transmission of data to users; Support ID/account information about the ODP users (it can be end-users and external systems, web applications or services) as needed for their authentication, authorisations and system reporting. Additionally, to support machine-to-machine interoperability, distributed access to metadata should be as seamless as access to the data itself. To facilitate the use of distributed data sources, the metadata framework should provide transparent access to all the metadata fields, including those required to operate on the data in a semantically meaningful way. To take full advantage of metadata stored within each system and to make access seamless, it is important that all SM systems are interoperable and of common structure. SM, DMM and actual data must be interoperable to exploit all information fully. The interoperability of semantic metadata needs to be such that, at least, the following are possible: Visualisation and layering of data/SM geospatially. To do this SM must be interoperable with the geographic data representation including images and spatial (GIS) data. Compatibility with the Ocean Data Portals distributed data system mechanisms. The life span of data (raw data, QCd data, end product) can be linked and viewed. All like-for-like objects within the different SM/DMM and data systems are identified and mapped. It is essential that DMM and SM can be linked so, for example, using the ODP you can click on platform or tools etc and be able to view all information about it. 3.0 Proposed Work Plan A possible solution to this integrity and interoperability issue would be to identify a model structure for SM and to document suitable standards to meet the above requirements and, where possible, remain in line with the ISO 19115. As there is still no dominant semantic metadata standard used by the ocean or meteorological community it is proposed that the following investigations be carried out by the task team to establish the best structure of SM system to be used. Identify the most-used system by the scientific data management community. Compare all systems identifying similarities and inconsistencies between metadata structure and content. Use this information to select the system that best suits the requirements of the entire community. Define the most desirable common model using environment (ISO 19100 series) interoperability interface. It has been noted that SeaDataNet have successfully developed a useful method to manage various SM/data systems. It would therefore be valuable to understand and document the structure, standards and approach used in this system. With consideration for ODAS database management and META-T findings, results of all investigations should be documented by the task team and circulated amongst the rest of the ETDMP and subsequently the way forward should be proposed. See TT-Metadata Work Plan 2010/2011 for further details. 4.0 Actions Review the inconsistencies of existing metadata systems and define the interoperability requirements respectively based on the minimum requirements above. Review the SeaDataNet approach in development of technical specifications on metadata interoperability. Document & propose the metadata interoperability standard and submission standards for ODS adoption. __________________     JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 4.3 Page  PAGE 2 JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 4.3 Page  PAGE 3 56|}    ! 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