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This document provides a brief overview of the above projects in the light of their requirements to ETDMP and gives proposals on organizing ETDMP activities accordingly. 1. ETDMP related Pilot Projects 1.1. IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project The IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project should provide validation and acceptance of oceanographic and marine meteorological data management standards. It is planned to implement the project by the following groups: Originators of the standards document and submit the standards as well as take into account all the comments and recommendations concerning the evaluation and other aspects of the submitted standards; ETDMP - make the internal review of the standards at the submitted stage, regulate testing of the Standards Process on the submitted, proposed and recommended stages and provide the relevant follow-up management on the use stage; IODE Project Office (a) support Web-site to host the adopted standards, (b) arrange the external discussions, comments, etc.; (c) provide the process of acceptance at the recommended stage.  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/" http://www.oceandatastandards.org/ 1.2. IODE Ocean Data Portal The objective of the IODE Ocean Data Portal is to facilitate and promote the exchange and dissemination of marine data and services. The Ocean Data Portal will deliver a standards-based Infrastructure that integrates marine data and information provided by a distributed network of IODE NODCs/WDCs as well as the resources provided by other systems operating in the IODE application domain (WIS, OBIS, SeaDataNet, etc) . IODE-XIX established the Ocean Data Portal Project by Recommendation IODE-XIX.4 (adopted by IOC-XXIV) defining that the project will be implemented with the help of the following work packages: WP1 - Project coordination and management; WP2 - Standards development package; WP3 - Portal implementation package. The responsibility of ETDMP under this Project includes the following: WP1 ETDMP members will participate in the Steering Group, which defines the ODP development and establishment paths and provides the best conditions for this. WP2 - development of the ODP standards is the full responsibility of the ETDMP. These standards should largely be based on results of the IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project. WP3 ETDMP should play a central role in the ODP implementation developing (adaptation exists) the ODP components, realizing portal functions and building the IODE distributed data system on basis of the IODE network in close cooperation with the IOC Secretariat and IODE Project Office. Besides data inter-exchange between the ODP and other similar system should be organized. The ODP web site is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.org/" \t "_parent"www.oceandataportal.org. This site provides background information on the project, software, documentation and training materials in addition to assistance to users on how to use ODP and how to become ODP data providers. The ODP user entry is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.net/" \t "_parent" http://www.oceandataportal.net. 1.3. JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS The Pilot Project is aimed to contribute standards, tools, marine data and products to the development of the WIGOS/WIS  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=54" http://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=54 In order to avoid duplication and to promote collaboration between the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the JCOMM Pilot Project the DMCG-3 meeting (March 2008, Oostende, Belgium) recommended to establish the Joint ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM. Three deliverables are expected in the project plan: 1.Document and integrate instrument best practices and related standards; 2. Build marine data systems that are interoperable with the WIS; 3. Promote quality management and standards. With respect to the ETDMP field of activities the Pilot Project specifies the following actions: Deliverable 1 - define and agree on common standards and processes to manage the instrument/platform metadata to ensure consistent and better quality data to both the broad user and modelling communities. This work should be done in close cooperation with JCOMM expert teams (META-T, VOS/VOSC and etc.); Deliverable 2 - build a distributed marine data system and provide its interoperability with WIS. The goal is to provide an access to marine meteorological and oceanographic data to serve a number of applications, including climate applications, in an integrated way via the WIS. The Ocean Data Portal (version 1) is used to establish the distributed marine data system basing on the IODE and JCOMM data infrastructure. Deliverable 3 prepare and submit the ocean and marine meteorological standards to be adopted via IODE Standards Process. 1.4. IODE MEDI Programme The Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) is a catalogue system for marine datasets within the framework of the IODE programme. Metadata has now become an important component of a number of IODE projects (ODP, WIGOS, ODS) and it is important that the MEDI implementation becomes a part of the overall IODE strategy for data discovery. The IODE-XX made decision that the future development and administration of the MEDI should be managed by the ETDMP. 1.5. Interaction between Projects The above projects are aimed to develop methods and tools for marine data integration and sharing and therefore they are interconnected to a considerable extent. The basic points of interaction and complementary activities of the Pilot Projects are given below: IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project will provide the interoperability infrastructure for building the IODE ODP (standards development package) and for implementing the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS ( best practices and standards and making marine data systems and WIS interoperable ); IODE ODP Project will provide the construction and operation of a distributed marine data system based on the IODE NODC/DNA network and this system and corresponding portal services will provide data and information exchange with WIS and other systems; Involving JCOMM data sources into the ODP distributed data system under the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS will promote information completeness of the ODP system. 2. Proposed ETDMP work structure and organization The ETDMP work structure and organization format is based on  HYPERLINK \l "REC2" Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 (Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts). The proposed ETDMP structure uses the task-oriented approach and includes three groups: Task Team for Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Task Team for Metadata Task Team for ODP The Task Team for ODS provides: the IODE Standards Process in the field of the ETDMP responsibility: to conduct the review and adoption of standards as well as to continue their management, including updating process; the contribution to ODP WP 2 (partly) respectively the common codes and dictionaries for ODP operations; Deliverables 1 and 3 of ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project. The Task Team for Metadata provides: the coordination and conducting of the collection, distribution, and archiving metadata systems taking account the MEDI, META-T, ODAS, and other similar work that provided under IODE and JCOMM activity; the contribution to ODP WP 3 (partly) with respect to the connection of ODP distributed data system with metadata sets: data set, platform/instrument and etc. descriptions taking account metadata of ocean observing systems (DBCP, SOT, GLOSS, Argo, OceanSITES); Deliverables 1 and 3 of ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project. The Task Team on the ODP provides: the IODE Ocean Data Portal (WP 2 partly and WP3); Deliverable 2 of the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project. Experts are distributed to the task teams in accordance with their interests and professional capabilities. Each team is managed by a team leader providing the coordination and management of the TT activity, including the links of the ETDMP with other similar projects, initiatives and systems in the field of the TT activity. The cross - coordination and management of the ETDMP activity as a whole are provided by the ETDMP chair. __________________     JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 2.2. Page  PAGE 4 JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 2.2. Page  PAGE 3 56|}    ! 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