ࡱ>  bjbj|:|: BBPPjm11118iDL1ĊZ(!!!5777777|77!!!L<!!!<R!!5!5!!&~"Q1 wd<Ċۂ(<!<! o:   WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION __________________INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) _____________ Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology JCOMM-IODE EXPERT TEAM ON DATA MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SECOND SESSION Ostend, Belgium 6-7 APRIL 2010 JCOMM-IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 1(2) (10.03.2009) ______ ITEM: 1 ENGLISH ONLY SECOND SESSION OF THE JOINT JCOMM/IODE EXPERT TEAM ON DATA MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PROVISIONAL ANNOTATED AGENDA 1. ORGANIZATION OF SESSION The Chair will open the Session on Monday 6 April at 09:30 am. He will introduce the Provisional Agenda. The Secretariat will inform the Session of the working arrangements of the Meeting. 2. ETDMP WORK ORGANIZATION 2.1. ETDMP report for 2008-2009 The Chair of the ETDMP will report on the activities of the Expert Team during 2008-2009: (i) participating in the development of the JCOMM Data Management Plan and the UNESCO/IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management, (ii) metadata management progress, (iii) the ocean data standards process, (iv) IODE Ocean Data Portal. 2.2. ETDMP basic tasks for 2010-2011 and work organization The Chair of the ETDMP will briefly review the new ETDMP terms of reference and membership which were adopted by IODE-XX (May 2009) and JCOMM-III (November 2009). He will also consider the tasks assigned to ETDMP through the decisions of the abovementioned meetings and projects established in 2007-2008: IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, IODE OceanDataPortal, WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM. The Chair will give his view on key issues and expected results on which ETDMP will propose to concentrate during next inter-sessional period. 3. OCEAN DATA STANDARDS 3.1. Ocean data standards process Mr Greg Reed (IODE Co-Chair) will provide a brief overview of the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process which should provide validation and acceptance of oceanographic and marine meteorological data management standards. 3.2. ODS candidates and priorities, ETDMP contribution Dr. Yutaka Michida will give an overview of ocean data standard candidates formulated by the IODE-XX session, the second meeting of the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM. He will provide his views on the future ETDMP contribution in this field. 4. METADATA MANAGEMENT 4.1 An instrument/platform metadata Dr Jixiang Chen will give a brief report on the ODAS metadatabase status and plans in response to the JCOMM-III recommendation for ODAS. 4.2. Data set metadata IODE-XX made the decision that the future development and administration of the MEDI metadata system should be managed by the ETDMP. Mr. Donald Collins will provide information on the status of MEDI status and propose future ETDMP work in this field taking account the need to link dataset metadata with other metadata objects (organizations, projects, etc.). 4.3 Other metadata needs (organizations, observing systems, etc.) and interoperability issues of metadata management Dr Nicola Scott will give an overview of issues related to common standards and processes to manage instrument/platform and other metadata to ensure consistent and better quality data by providing the linking between various metadata objects: platform/instruments, data sets, projects, organizations . She will propose how to organize the work to provide metadata integrity and will give proposals for future ETDMP contribution in this field. The experience of SeaDataNet for metadata integration (EDMERP, EDMO, EDIOS, EDMED) is used. 5. OCEAN DATA PORTAL 5.1. ODP (v.1) current status, the issues of data provider and interaction with other systems Dr Sergey.Belov will provide a report on current ODP (v.1) implementation and building the IODE distributed data system on the basis of the IODE network. Also he will consider the interoperability issues and technical specifications of interaction between ODP and similar systems: WIS, SeaDataNet, OBIS. Also the current status of ODP contribution to the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM will be considered. 5.2. ODP (v.2) overall architecture Dr Belov will give a brief analysis of existing information/portal systems based on the interoperability concept and preliminary architectural decisions for the next version of ODP which will be fully based on ISO/OGC standards. Finally Dr Belov will propose ETDMP actions related to ODP. 6. WORK PLAN FOR 2010 -2011 The ETDMP work structure and organization format is based on IODE-XX and JCOMM-III recommendations. A task-oriented approach based on activities of three subgroups (task teams) will be proposed: Task Team for Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Task Team for Metadata Task Team for ODP Participants will consider the composition of these task teams and their work plans. 7. DATA AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION 8. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION __________________     JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 1(2) Page  PAGE 2 JCOMM/IODE ETDMP-II/Doc. 1(2) Page  PAGE 3 56|}    ! 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