ࡱ>  " bjbjoo -,  D8X#(Kaaa<<<4!<<<<@\aa\\\DTaa\<\\:?,_;tswk <(0Xu.p"\p"\<<< m:   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-Off-2010/item 4.2.5 - GOSUD 2010-03-03 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) 2010 Session of the IODE Officers Meeting IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 8-11 March 2010 The Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Programme GOSUD Progress Report 2010 Loc Petit de la Villon, GOSUD Co-chair Bob Keeley, GOSUD Co-chair Summary of the document The document summarizes the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data programme (GOSUD) progress made after the 20th session of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX). The work plan for 2010 - 2011 is provided at the end of the document Background The objectives of the Pilot Project are stated in its Project Plan (2003) as To build a comprehensive archive for surface underway data. This encompasses data collected by any instrumentation at any time. It will contain sufficient metadata that users will have clear information about accuracy, instrumentation, sampling, etc. To add value to the archive by refining and standardizing existing quality assessment procedures carried out on real time and delayed mode data and documenting both what was done and the results. To provide data and information to users in a timely fashion. At any time after data collection, a user should be able to access the highest quality, and most recent data available. Users will be able to distinguish "levels" of quality in the archives. Users will be able to utilize the data and easily combine them with data from other sources. To work with data collectors to improve the data acquisition systems and to return information to data collectors about the data they provide. To work with scientific organizations interested in surface data to provide products to a broader community. Network status In 2009, 80 ships have routinely reported surface salinity, temperature and some other observed data to the Project. Most of them have reported their data through the GTS ( 57 ships amoung 80). The GTS data reach GOSUD by the way of ISDM Canada- and Meteo-France France- which provide data access to the GTS on a regular basis. In details the contribution are: (i) 35 vessels from the SeaKeepers society (GTS data) (ii) 14 selected vessels from the Sea Surface Salinity Observing Service maintained by IRD-France- (direct submission) (iii) 10 French research vessels that submit their data directly on a daily basis (iv) 21 other vessels (including NOAA ships) that submit their data through the GTS.  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s   EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  Data management progress It was agreed that the present GOSUD NetCDF format was not detailed enough to meet the needs of users. The new format will take into account the possibility to hold in a single file (i) the meta-data (ie calibration coefficients, change of instrument) (ii) the near real-time data and the delayed mode data (iii) the ancillary data that have been used to elaborate the delayed mode dataset (ie the water sample analysis results or the nearby Argo data). This new format is in the process to be implemented at the GDAC hosted by Coriolis / Ifremer France-. Ship Observations Team (SOT) of JCOMM. In May 2009, Loc Petit de la Villon, GOSUD co-chair, attended the fifth session of the JCOMM/SOT, which was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 18 22 May at the WMO Secretariat Headquarters. He prepared a presentation on GOSUD. The GOSUD activity was presented by Mathieu Belbeoch, SOT/JCOMM technical coordinator. OceanObs09 Conference poster The GOSUD contributing partners presented a poster at the OceanObs09 conference, which was held from 21-25 September 2009, Venice, Italy. The poster presented an overview of the Project in terms of objectives, data circulation, data contributors, data quality & delayed mode data, data users and perspectives. It highlighted the importance to expand the network and to have a more global coverage and to put priority on areas of high latitudes. Cooperation In 2009, GOSUD has been contacted by people that sail on pleasure sailing ships. They wanted to contribute to the global ocean observing system. Two of them began to report data directly to GOSUD. This kind of contribution is already provided by the SeaKeepers Society. Ifremer is considering how it could provide an extension to smaller sailing units. Next workshop A 2 day workshop will be held at the IOC Project Office in Ostend 4-5 May 2010. A joint session will be held with the GTSPP. The main objective of the workshop is to consider in detail the present state of the project. The following items will be addressed: a) Status of the project b) Status of the Network c) Status of the data stream and final agreement on the Format (GOSUD NetCDF V2) d) Presentation of the IRD software and elaboration of the delayed mode dataset e) How to have a better knowledge of the metadata f) How to enlarge the network g) Feedback from users In addition, we need to find a co-chair who will take over Bob Keeley 2010-2011 Work Plan Finalise the implementation of the new format Distribute the data at the new format in coordination with US-NODC which maintains the archives Evaluate the quality of the data especially when transmitted through the GTS Renovate the GOSUD web site. Transfer the present site to a CMS (Content Manager System) Funds required A amount of 3 .000 euros is required to renovate the web site. The remaining sum will be provided by Ifremer     IOC/IODE-Off-2010/item 4.2.5 - GOSUD Page  PAGE 2 ZG   XYiS)*BCEGH`abcd}0°nf°°°jhU9j9O hCJOJPJQJUVaJmH nH sH tH 9je 9O hCJOJPJQJUVaJmH nH sH tH jhU h\hB*ph3f hH* h5 h5CJhCJ$OJQJ^Jh5CJ$OJQJ\hOJQJ^Jh5OJQJ\h'YZ C >  \XYhi$ & F]a$$a$!$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$$a$i)FGd}0_mG{<B & F !_mCQh0JmHnHu h0Jjh0JUjhUh h5\BCR & F+ 0|. A!"#$% Dd g J  C A? "2rӾLmttLND`!FӾLmttL|)^P)xݗOhWfݠNE(J5KYb#Ul҈Pr/F"H@,z)B zE{a>e{yLfotx~,-&YqL+ zڣ=vf3Y^-ɘQ;;<:lm[s}yDne\gػ}jf32n[漒F${Q$OƉr @%rQNެ~mIJ `*Чm1h$]L bK_Jק;%ՅՅ- [ lAؼya¦M6&lLXEZQKs;2sss 1qcYqpc+zdMsz9+m5?>:5oތw8Z^; ? *mCu֮pAP_CuCŠmZU=#T چ꬝Ww::kԗ:k uE}n_%^M;hOQkT`T^h+gjXg?pP~ëIoQXs}>g  d|)gozziŏ]޲ri1+i%PNL+UVVoYN++Tޔ9NsjQΩ{mk䙽K&M?ףDd $ J  C A? 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