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HYPERLINK "mailto:manfred.rolke@bsh.de" manfred.rolke@bsh.de. MONDAY 8TH MARCH 08.30 09.00 Setting up computers (someone from BSH on hand to help) 09.00 Opening of the Meeting Welcoming remarks (BSH and Tracy McCollin) Logistics Introduction of Participants and Guests 09.45 Review of Terms of Reference and Agenda 10.00 ToR a and b Highlights from the National Reports. I have allowed 15 minutes each but if people only want to give a very brief overview for a few minutes that is fine as others will require more time. 10.00 10.15 Belgium Francis Kerckhof 10.15 10.30 Canada Sarah Bailey 10.30 10.45 Denmark Per Andersen 10.45 11.00 Egypt Wagdy Labib Guirguis 11.00- 11.30 Coffee break 11.30 11.45 Estonia Henn Ojaveer 11.45 12.00 France Daniel Masson 12.00 12.15 Germany Stephan Gollasch/Manfred Rolke 12.15 12.30 Germany Hanno Seebens 12.30 12.45 Germany Kerstin Stelzer 12.45 13.00 Greece Argyro Zenetos 13.00 14.00 Lunch 14.00 14.15 Japan Yukio Nagahama 14.15 14.30 Lithuania Sergej Olenin (presented by T. McCollin) 14.30 14.45 Norway NIVA 14.45 15.00 Spain Gemma Quilez Badia 15.00 15.30 Coffee 15.30 15.45 UK Tracy McCollin 15.45 16.00 US Allegra Cangelosi 16.00 16.15 US Lisa Drake 16.15 16.30 Vietnam Lam Nguyen-Ngoc/Doan Nhu Hai 16.30 16.45 Netherlands Cato ten Hallers-Tjabbers 16.45 17.00 IOC/EC Naomi Parker/Brian Elliott (by correspondence) 17.00 17.15 Discussion of points raised during the overview of the National Reports and any other points in relation to ToR a) and b). 17.15 Closing remarks Review of tomorrows agenda Overnight drafting tasks. 17.30 Adjournment of Day 1 TUESDAY 9TH MARCH 09.00 Announcements 09.30 ToR c) The morning will consist of presentations directly related to sampling strategies and related statistical issues. Melanie Frazier from the US has provided a statistical background by correspondence and I am hoping to have a statistician from our lab attend the meeting. So far, I have had offers of presentations from the following: 09.30 10.00 Allegra Cangelosi (sampling background) 10.00 10.30 Stephan Gollasch (sampling background) 10.30 11.00 Ehsan Mesbahi (statistical background) 11.00 11.30 Coffee 11.30 12.00 Mario Tamburri (land based testing/statistical background/compliance) 12.00 12.30 Lisa Drake (statistics and sampling) 12.30 13.00 EMSA workshop outcome/ISO standard (Tracy McCollin) Further presentations and discussion with the aim to start drafting a document for submission to IMO. 13.00 14.00 Lunch The afternoon session will consist of further drafting of the IMO document. 15.00 15.30 Coffee ToR e) Discussion regarding the issue of climate change Cooperation with IMO and IOC Request from GESAMP ToR for 2011 WGBOSV meeting 17.00 Closing remarks Review of tomorrows agenda Overnight drafting tasks. Adjournment of Day 2 WEDNESDAY 10TH MARCH Joint meeting with WGITMO 09.00 Opening of the meeting Welcoming remarks (BSH, Judy Pedersen and Tracy McCollin) Logistics Introduction of Participants and Guests 09.45 Review of Terms of Reference and Agenda Items relevant to both groups 09.45 10.15 Rohan Holt (UK) Didemnum vexillum eradication in Wales 10.15 10.45 Christian Buschbaum (Germany) Rapid Assessment 10.45 11.00 Discussion 11.00 11.30 Coffee 11.30 13.00 ToR d) Cooperation with PICES WG 21 Any other issues common to both groups Climate change Databases Vectors Reporting issues and streamlining between the groups Meeting venue for 2011 Review of WGBOSV ToR 2011 Intersessional work to be carried out Closing WGBOSV and concluding remarks 13.00 14.00 Lunch        <=NPTVbd; < h c d , - V W X ɼɲ|q|qhq`U`jh}]Ujh}]Uh}]h}]0Jjh}]h}]U h}]h}]h}]h}]5h}]h}]h}]B*phh}]h}]5B*H*phh}]5B*phh?R?5B*phh?R?h}]5B*phh?R?h?R?5B*phh?R?B*phhW hW 5H* h~u5 hW 5 h5hW hW 5=>bcd; < o p q r gdW $a$gd?R?gd}]$a$gd}]gd?R?$a$gd~u$a$gdW X l m n o p r z | G E F G U V ^ n o } ~  <>DSTabcս¹µ±µh h>h> h>5 h hf hf5 h{c5h h{ch~uh>hPhWMh{-I h~u5hW h I5hW hW 5H* hW 5 h}]5 h?R?5 h}]h}]h}]jh}]UhLh}]0J1   F G u v F G o /TgdPgd{cgdW $9?HI| #23Bvw𿻷ת좞h@?hMI+h\ hP5hh5hC5hhhFh}] hPh> hf5 h5hh5hWMh>hhPh?R?h{chf>:|$Bwz}gd p^p`gd?R?gdW gdgdPgd>byz (6v{}1234B{hL h35h/~sh{-I5h/~sh/~s5h#Kh3hvu>hBh/~s hvu>5 hW 5h{-Ih{-I5H* h{-I5 hW hW h hWM5hhWM5hh5 h5 h5hWMhC5h~uh{-I2'(uv34ef{| p^p`gdLgd3gdvu>gd{-IgdW $a$gd?R?fz|7Kgh~-A[\aciwx BXY߾֖֒֋ h~uh~uh\hyhyh[5 h[h[h%1:hKh[6 hy5h[ h[5h/~sh/~s5H* h}]5h@?h~u h~u5 h/~s5h/~sh/~s5h/~sh}ch}]hwh36|7Kgh~$a$gd}]gd}] & Fgd/~sgd/~s ^`gd@? ^`gd~ugd~ugd{-IV`\wx BYsgdy 0^`0gd%1:gd[gd{-Igd/~sh=Cjh=CUmHnHuhnjhnU h}]5hyhy5hygdy21h:p~u. 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