ࡱ> KMJ` bjbjss 7 DNNNNbF 4R npppppp$#htrrr666rdn6rn666v [ËN6n06:668L#66Y,, rrrrF F F F F F  WDS/MAP/MMO/SI-W, Annex III Ice Analysts Workshop 12-17 June 2008 Bundesamt fr Seechifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), Rostock, Germany PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION FORM Family name: __________________________________________________________________ First name: __________________________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________________ Institution: __________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Country: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________________ FAX: __________________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________ Please indicate if you are submitting for discussion a case study on the techniques used in analysis imagery and preparing ice charts: Yes:  FORMCHECKBOX  No: FORMCHECKBOX  If yes, please provide detailed information on your submission (e.g., region covered, season, type of imagery, ice charts, etc.): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Audiovisual and computer requirements: A laptop computer running MS Windows/PowerPoint, multimedia projector, overhead projector, and WiFi, will be available. If you have any other audio-visual and computer requirements, please note these below: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please submit this form to the WMO Secretariat (attention: Ms A. Soares, E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:asoares@wmo.int"asoares@wmo.int, Telefax: +41-22 730 8128) as soon as possible, but no later than 4 April 2008. Marine meteorology and Ocean Affairs Division World Meteorological Organization 7 bis avenue de la Paix, Case postale 2300 CH-1211, Genve 2 SWITZERLAND Ice Analysts Workshop web sites:  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-services.org/Ice-Analysts-Workshop-June-2008.html"http://www.jcomm-services.org/Ice-Analysts-Workshop-June-2008.html  HYPERLINK "http://bsis.eisdienst.de/IceWorkshop/LocalInformation.html"http://bsis.eisdienst.de/IceWorkshop/LocalInformation.shtml (local information) 3l ~ > ? @ E F T U V Z [ i j k ()LMN]^ȽȹȵȹȜȎȜȀȵȵȜrihBh F0JjhBh FUjthBh FUjhBh FUjhBh FU hBh> hBhs|hs|h F hBhBh#*, hBh FhBh F5CJaJh>h>mHsHh>5^JmHsHhRuh>5^JmHsH'34DI J 5 6  i $a$gdBgdB$a$gdB$a$gd>i j ? @ l m ? @ +Jl $^a$gdB $^a$gd>$a$gdB+lmJKLϸϸϦhZhBj~hBh FUhBh F0JjhBh FUjhBh FUh>h>mH sH h>h FmH sH  hBh FhBh F551h:pB;0. 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Soares, E23V33333VK.W=W=333.W= 2 `g-q2 `gmail: M2@ Arial-- "2 `gasoares@wmo.int3.333.]AM33- @ !-   2 `g, Telefax: +419323-633 2 `g-qD2 &`g22 730 8128) as soon as possible, but 3233333322..3333.32..3332-22 , `gno later than 4 April 20088723$8382?8$3333- 2 n`g.q 2 `g q1 2 w`g q1O2 0-`gMarine meteorology and Ocean Affairs DivisionnK333M333324-333H.333<3.B-.33 2  `g q2=2 J0!`gWorld Meteorological Organization Y23K333324.3G433-333 2 J `g q1.2 0`g7 bis avenue de la Paixv33.3-3333333=3-2 `g, %2 `gCase postale 2300B3.333.333333 2  `g q02 0`gCHBB 2 `g-q42 `g1211, Genve 2 SWITZERLAND.3333H333-33;X98=B3=BB 2 # `g q1=2 0!`gIce Analysts Workshop web sites: .3=33-..Z2..333A33.3. 2  `g q0- #2 0`ghttp://www.jcomm32BBA.3LM 2 `g-q#2 #`gservices.org/Ice.2-.3.33.2 2  `g-q2  `gAnalysts=33-.. 2  `g-q2 : `gWorkshopZ2/.332 2  `g-q2  `gJune.332 2  `g-q2  `g2008.html 33332M- @ !? 0-   2 o`g q0- d2 Y0;`ghttp://bsis.eisdienst.de/IceWorkshop/LocalInformation.shtml_323..3.333.33-1Z2/.33233.323M233.3M- @ !p c0-   2 Y `g q2 Y `g(local p3.32 Y `ginformation23M233 2 Ys`g)q 2 Y`g q1-gg``ff__ee^^dd]]cc\\bb[[aaZZ``YY__XX ^ ^W W  ] ]V V  \ \U U  [ [T T  Z ZS S YYRRXXQQWWPPVVOOUUNN՜.+,D՜.+,@ hp|  wmo%   Ice Analysts Workshop Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAbl ;http://bsis.eisdienst.de/IceWorkshop/LocalInformation.htmlolaChttp://www.jcomm-services.org/Ice-Analysts-Workshop-June-2008.htmloPhmailto:asoares@wmo.into  !"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ACDEFGHILRoot Entry F[ËNData 1TableWordDocument7SummaryInformation('4DocumentSummaryInformation8BCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q