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ACTION PROPOSED The Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) is invited to: Note and comment on the information provided, as appropriate; Develop a plan of actions during the IPY implementation stage, as well as, in post-IPY era in provision of the efficient operations of the observational networks, of the sustainable exchange of the IPY data in real- and non-real time modes, and in security of a legacy of the IPY, including sea ice observing systems and observational data sets _____________ DISCUSSION Progress Report on preparation of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 1. The IPY (2007-2008) initiated by the WMO and ICSU will be an intensive and internationally coordinated campaign of high quality research activities and observations in Polar Regions during the periods of 1 March 2007 to 1 March 2009. In April 2006, the WMO/ICSU Joint Committee (JC) for IPY had completed an evaluation of 452 full project proposals (received from nations up to 31January 2006) for scientific or educational significance, consistency with the IPY themes, evidence of international collaboration, and evidence that activities proposed would contribute to an IPY legacy. Of these 452 project proposals, the JC endorsed 228 (170 scientific project proposals, one for data and information services, and 56 proposals for education and outreach). Information on the IPY projects can be located at the following web address: www.ipy.org Of the 170 scientific project proposals, over 100 scientific projects of these are focused on comprehensive studies of the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and hydrological cycle, ecosystems in Polar Regions, as well as on the study of climate change impact on socio-economic and living conditions of local population. 2. The Intercommission Task Group (ITG) on the IPY (Chaired by Professor Qin Dahe (China)) had played an active role in the process of preparation of full project proposals for the IPY. The ITG activities during 2006 were found to be going in two directions. The first direction aimed to assist technical commissions in determining of their role at the IPY implementation stage within their areas of responsibility. The second was to contribute to the development and coordination of concrete IPY projects. With regards the first direction, the sessions of the CAS, CAeM, CBS, and CIMO, which took place in 2006, have endorsed concrete proposals for the activities during the IPY. Similar actions were taken by the sessions of the CCl and JCOMM in 2005. 3. With respect to the second approach, there are several examples of active involvement ITG Members in preparation and coordination of the IPY projects. The IPY projects dedicated to studies of atmosphere, ocean, hydrological cycle and cryosphere in polar regions such as the IPY-THORPEX, COMPASS, IASOA, IAOOS, CASO, ARCTIC-HYDRA, CRYOS and others have been, to large extent, developed thanks to leading role in their planning and coordination provided by the following ITG Members: Dr O. Hov (CAS), Dr S. Pendlebury and DrI.Frolov (JCOMM), Dr A. Snorrason (CHy), and Dr B. Goodison (WCRP/CliC). The important contribution of the ITG Members, as well as the Presidents of some technical commissions to the overall coordination of IPY, through the participation in the established mechanisms such as IPY Joint Committee (Dr Beland, Professor Qin), Sub-Committee on Observations (Dr Snorrason and Dr Dexter), and Sub-Committee on Data Policy and Management (Dr Sterin), was well recognized by polar scientific community. 4. Proponents of all endorsed projects have applied for funding from national and international funding agencies. In July 2006, the letter signed by the WMO Secretary-General and Executive Director of the ICSU was sent to Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Science and Technology of all WMO and ICSU Members. The two Organizations strongly urge governments of their Members to provide financial support for the IPY implementation, in the context of their respective national research budgets, in order to allow scientists to make a contribution to this extraordinary international scientific collaborative effort. The reaction received was positive. Many nations (such as Brazil, Canada, China, France, Italy, Norway, Russian Federation, Netherlands, UK and other respective nations) have developed new funding to support these innovative and coordinated studies. According to information collected by the IPY International Programme Office, as of 15 January 2007 (see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ipy.dk" www.ipy.dk), 76 of 228 endorsed projects received substantial funding, 65 projects received partial funding, 5 projects are pending funding, and information has not been received from 81 projects. One project has been withdrawn. 5. The IPY Sub-Committee on Observations (SCOBS) with participation of ITG Members had prepared the assessments of the observing systems contained within the 156 IPY scientific projects. The assessment covered all projects within the domains of: Atmosphere, Ocean, Ice, Land, People, and Earth & Space (partially). The assessment results were very informative, in particular with respect to observational data requirements, data sources, technology/institutional gaps, data management requirements and potential legacy of observing systems planned to be established during the IPY. The assessments are used to large extend to assist project in filling the gaps. 6. One of the important tasks of the IPY SCOBS is to establish an open means of communication between IPY project coordinators and Space Agencies to assist the IPY projects to meet the requirements for satellite data, products and services. To carry out this dialog, the Space Task Group (STG) for the IPY, comprised of nominated representatives of Space Agencies, was recently established within the SCOBS. The STG was tasked with reviewing the IPY space data requirements and making data acquisition plans, processing, archiving, and the distribution of recommendations regarding contributions of the Space Agencies. Results from the first meeting (WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 17-19 January 2007), indicated that the STG is well on the way to developing the concept of an effective space component of the observing system for the polar regions during the IPY. This would deliver a series of firsts, to include: Pole to coast multi-frequency InSAR measurements of ice-sheet surface velocity; Repeat fine-resolution SAR mapping of the entire Southern Ocean sea-ice cover for sea ice motion; One complete high-resolution visible and thermal IR (Vis/IR) snapshot of circumpolar permafrost; and Pan-Arctic high and moderate-resolution Vis/IR snapshots of freshwater (lake and river) freeze-up and break-up. In terms of how this will information will be delivered, the Agencies have introduced the concept of IPY data portfolios. Each Agency will determine what data will be made available to the IPY scientists as part of its portfolio. The intention of this project is to provide open and easy access to these portfolios for scientific use. The content of the portfolios will evolve through the STG coordination of planning, acquisition, downlink and processing satellite data during the IPY and beyond, as a legacy. The STG noted with appreciation, the presentation of Representative of Canadian Space Agency (who), who had provided the meeting with information on IPY PolarView Services and described the planned Web Portal for one-stop shopping for operational sea-ice products derived from ice services. 7. Another important task of the SCOBS is to establish through JC, a dialog with the CBS, CAS, CHy, JCOMM, GEO, CGOS, GOOS, WCRP, as well with the Arctic Council and ATCM to secure provision for the legacy of observing systems established or rehabilitated during the IPY. The results of the SCOBS assessment, in particular related to a legacy of IPY observing systems, are of potential use by international programmes and organisations. There is an idea proposed by the GEO Secretariat to organize an IPY Legacy Workshop in 2008, when detailed information on the real implementation of the IPY projects in the field during the first year of IPY would be available. This should provide information on the status of the observing systems that have been actually established and operated during the first annual period of the IPY. 8. The IPY Sub-Committee on Data Policy and Management (SCDPM) has finalized a Policy on IPY data management (www.ipy.org), and is currently working on developing an IPY Data and Information Service (DIS), which will be based on existing systems, and will follow the successful example of the Data Information Units developed by the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). The Joint Committee of the SCOBS and SCDPM (Beijing, China, October 2006), has started to develop a strategy for the overall data flow within the IPY. The important issue in this connection would be an establishment of an infobase that should contain the following information: data sources both the IPY and non-IPY; templates for data and metadata, where data to submit to; outcomes of survey on data management requirements and plans carried out by the SCDPM and IPO among Project Coordinators. 9. The Joint Committee produced a technical document entitled, The scope of science for International Polar Year 2007-2008 (WMO/TD-No. 1364, February 2007), that provided scientific basis and organizational structure for the IPY. The IPY was officially launched on 1 March 2007, in Palais de la Decouverte, Paris, France, in the presence of the Executive Heads of WMO, ICSU and Members of the JC. At its Fifth Session, the JC (Paris, France, from 28 February to 2 March 2007) agreed to begin planning an IPY Science Conference to be tentatively scheduled for autumn 2010, and accepted the kind offer of Norway to host the Conference in Oslo. The Science Conference is considered as a complimentary conference to many polar science meetings already scheduled or planned, and in particular, as a way to accelerate our progress on the interdisciplinary and integrating themes of the IPY. 10. Following the WMO Resolution 34 (Cg-XIV) and the recommendations of JCOMM-II, the Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) agreed to support the International Polar Year 2007-2008 by: (i.) providing tailored information, including web pages dedicated to GDSIDB normals, ice records and national ice data, available on a timely basis, (ii.) encouraging national ice services to supply updates and historical documents and ice data from coastal stations to the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank (GDSIDB) centres, and (iii.) encouraging the ETSI Members to enhance sea ice observations and data archiving at the designated centres. In this context, the ETSI has been developing an Ice Information Portal, hosted by the PolarView project (supported by the ESA and European Commission with participation by the CSA (see: http://www.polarview.org). This issue is further developed under document 2.10(2). 11. At present, regular meteorological forecasts and warning for shipping under the GMDSS do not extend to polar regions, because of lack of data from these areas would make such information very unreliable, and also because of the lack of broadcast coverage by Inmarsat. In response to this issue, a joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group on Maritime Safety Information Services was established to address this problem and other associated issues. This Correspondence Group includes representatives of all affected countries (Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and USA) and other interested organizations (including the IMSO, Inmarsat and any other respective approved safety-service providers). The JCOMM Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS) is represented on this Group, and the work of this Group was summarized and reported at the Eleventh Session of the IMO Sub-committee on Radio Communications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR-XI, London, United Kingdom, February 2007). This issue is further detailed under Agenda Item 2.6.2. 12. The coordination for the deployment of oceanographic and meteorological observing platforms in Polar Regions (e.g., ice buoys, ice tethered platforms and Ice Mass Balance buoys) was made possible through the IABP and WCRP-SCAR IPAB. The IPY development is also being followed through these two DBCP Action Groups. Both the IABP and IPAB participants have made submissions to the IPY accordingly. 13. The Meeting invited to note this information and develop a plan of actions during the IPY implementation stage, as well as in the post-IPY era in provision of the efficient operations of the observational networks, of the sustainable exchange of the IPY data in real- and non-real time modes, and in security of a legacy of the IPY to include sea-ice observing systems and observational data sets. _____________     ETSI-III GDSIDB-XI/Doc. 2.10(1), p.  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'-@Times New Roman- 2  `g J)- 2 `g J1-"2 `gACTION PROPOSED?B7HB=BH=H==B 2 o `g J3- 2 `g J,S2 0`gThe Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) is invited to:933=-33933M33=33.3=9=.3-333 2  `g J1 2 &`g J1-2 `g(a) 3@ Arial- 2 v`g J-M2 1,`gNote and comment on the information providedB33333.3MM33333333M33333-333#2  `g, as appropriate3.3333333 2 0`g;J 2 J`g J1g`' 2 `g J1g`'-2 d`g(b) 2- 2 ds`g J-=2 d1!`gDevelop a plan of actions during B3-333333333.33.33342 d `gthe 33O2 d* -`gIPY implementation stage, as well as, in postt==M33M33333.3433.A33.333. 2 di`g-J=2 1!`gIPY era in provision of the effic ==33333-.333333.\2 . 6`gient operations of the observational networks, of the 33333333.33333.3-333333A3/.333/2 81`gsustainable exchange of .3.33333-3-.33343-3-2 8d`gthe 33,#2 8 `gIPY data in real==,333,3,33 2 8 `g-J2 8 `g and non,333,333 2 8d `g-J/2 8 `greal time modes, and in 33,M3,M333.,333,3y2 1I`gsecurity of a legacy of the IPY, including sea ice observing systems and .3.3-D3D3D343.-D3D33D==C3.3334C.33C.3C33.3-34C.-.3M.C333.2 1`gobservational data sets 33.3-3333333.3. 2 `g J1 2 v`g J1 2 `g J12 J `g_____________3333333333333 2 J^ `g J1 2 `g J1-gg``ff__ee^^dd]]cc\\bb[[aaZZ``YY__XX ^ ^W W  ] ]V V  \ \U U  [ [T T  Z ZS S YYRRXXQQWWPPVVOOUUNN՜.+,D՜.+,` hp|  wmo`5  si3_gdsidb11 si3_gdsidb11 TtuloTitle 8@ _PID_HLINKSA`ephttp://www.ipy.dk/  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012356789:;=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxz{|}~Root Entry F oData 41Table<*RWordDocumentAfSummaryInformation(f%DocumentSummaryInformation8yCompObj  F.Objecto de documento do Microsoft Office Word MSWordDocWord.Document.89q