ࡱ> suwy{}z { ` 0bjbjss ``4ZZZhœd06(^^^=l fhhhhhh$}h9=^^^^ffZ~a<m^ @=:tZeoL)0lf^͞͞m͞mPX$N6d$86d   EMBED Msxml2.SAXXMLReader.5.0 The JCOMM Services Program Area Work Plan 2006 - 2009 Reference: FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT JCOMM-SPA-WP-06-09-v1.7.docIssue:1.7 Date of issue: SAVEDATE \@ "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT Thursday, 3 December 2009Document type:Work Plan Author:The JCOMM SPA Coordination group The JCOMM Services Program Area Work Plan 2006-2009 Compiled by Craig Donlon and the JCOMM SPA coordination group Dr. Craig Donlon JCOMM Services Program Area coordinator Met Office Fitzroy Road Exeter, EX3 1PB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1392 886622 Fax: +44 (0)1393 885681 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:craig.donlon@metoffice.gov.uk"craig.donlon@metoffice.gov.uk The JCOMM SPA coordination group (2006 - 2009): Craig Donlon JCOMM SPA coordinator, Met Office, United Kingdom Val Swail Chairperson of the Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges (ETWS), Environmental Canada, Canada Vasily Smolanitsky Chairperson of the Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI), AARI, Russian Federation Henri Savina Chairperson of the Expert Team on Marine Accident and Emergency Services (ET-MAES), Meteo France, France Pierre Daniel Chairperson of the Expert Team on Marine Safety Services (ETMSS), Meteo-France, France Phil Parker Services Coordination Group (Australia) Guijun Han Services Coordination Group (China) Pierre Le Traon Rapporteur for Satellites Data Requirements, IFREMER, France Johannes Guddal Rapporteur for Capacity Building, Norwegian Met Service, Norway Secretariat Edgard Cabrera WMO Secretariat, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland Alice Soares WMO Secretariat, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland Candyce Clark IOC Secretariat, UNESCO/IOC, Paris, France Albert Fischer IOC Secretariat, UNESCO/IOC, Paris, France Document change record Title: The JCOMM Services Program Area (JCOMM-SPA) work Plan 2006-2009 Approved by: NameEntitySignature.DateC J DonlonJCOMM SPA coordinatorV. SmolanitskyChairperson of the ETSIV. SwailChairperson of the ETWSH. SavinaChairperson of the ETMAESP. DanielChairperson of the ETMSSA. HinesRapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecast SystemsJ. GuddalRapporteur for Capacity BuildingP. LeTraonRapporteur for Satellite Data RequirementsA. SoaresWMO SecretariatP. ParkerMemberH. GuijunMember  Document change record: AuthorModificationIssueRev.DateC. DonlonOriginal.DRAFTV0.115-06-06C. DonlonRevised based on discussions with A Soares and V Swail.DRAFTV0.227-08-06C. DonlonRevised based on discussions with J Guddal.DRAFTV1.003-09-06C. DonlonDraft version to SCG and ET chairs for review.1.0V1.113-09-06C. DonlonDraft revised based on discussions with A. Soares and V. Swail1.0V1.203-10-06C. Donlon, V. Swail and A. Soares, MANRevised based on discussions at the JCOMM MAN V meeting, October 2006.1.0V1.313-10-06C. Donlon, R. Keeley, M. JohnsonRe structured document as suggested at MAN V and incorporated Comments form DMPA and OPA Chairs1.0V1.429-10-06A. Blunt, A. SoaresRevised for SCG1.0V1.505-11-06C. DonlonFinal Edits 1.0V1.615-11-07A. Soares2009 status1.0V1.703-12-09 Executive Summary The Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) promotes a state-of-the-art globally distributed and inter-connected system based on present and next-generation technologies and capabilities. The system is responsive to the evolving needs of all users of marine data and products and a close dialog with the user community is fundamental to the system design. In addition, JCOMM promotes the implementation of an outreach programme to enhance the national capacity of all maritime countries to work effectively for the maritime community and the management of the marine environment. The long-term strategic vision of JCOMM is to benefit the global community through international co-ordination activities, the development of appropriate technical standards and procedures for a fully integrated met-ocean observing, data management and services system. The JCOMM Services Program Area (SPA), established at the First Session of the Commission (JCOMM-I) and re-established in a slightly revised format at JCOMM-II, September 2005, has been created to facilitate the development and application of these globally distributed marine meteorological and oceanographic services in partnership with the user communities, supporting observational, data management and, capacity building program areas. JCOMM does not itself conduct research or develop models, but coordinates and facilitates the operational implementation and dissemination of proven models, products and services. Part of this dissemination process is the implementation and maintenance of a JCOMM Products Web Portal. The process also covers Quality Assurance, Standards and User Interactions related to products and services. This document presents the work-plan of the JCOMM SPA for the 2006-2009 period. It has been developed based on the abridged final report (WMO-No. 995) of the JCOMM Second Session, Halifax, Canada, 19-27th September 2005 and discussions within the JCOMM SPA teams and the JCOMM Secretariat. The aim of the JCOMM SPA is: To coordinate and facilitate the sustained provision of global and regional coverage data products and services to address the continued and expanding requirements of the maritime user community for marine meteorological and oceanographic services and information. Bearing this in mind, the JCOMM SPA work-plan is founded on the Top Level Objectives (TLO) embodied within the SPA terms of reference which are: TLO-1: To provide support to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems. The objective is to monitor and develop modifications to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems and to provide assistance to Members/Member States as required. Systems include: the WMO marine broadcast system for the GMDSS, as well as MPERSS; storm surges; tropical cyclones; Tsunami; search and rescue; marine pollution; ice and iceberg warnings; rogue waves and dangerous sea state. TLO-2: To develop, maintain and monitor international MetOcean product and service standards. The Objective is to ensure that the JCOMM SPA acts as a flexible, streamlined organisation capable of coordinating international maritime services; TLO-3: To implement a User Focussed Program. The Objective is to understand and respond to present and future needs of the maritime service industry and ensure that the services provided to users meet these requirements, including content, delivery timeliness and quality. A key priority for the JCOMM SPA is to provide mechanisms and services that engage the user community in JCOMM discussions, plans and activities and to manage user feedback on all aspects of JCOMM. TLO-4: To working effectively with Members/Member States. The Objective is to keep under review and to respond to the requirements of Members/Member States for guidance in the implementation of their duties and obligations with regard to marine services, in particular those specified in the WMO Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558); TLO-5: To encourage the pull-through scientific and technical expertise to operational systems. The Objective is to build on international scientific and technical excellence to better meet the needs of the international maritime service industry by developing the preparation and dissemination of ocean products and services; TLO-6: To develop and maintain communications across JCOMM and join up the SPA. The Objective is to integrate the internal cross-program area activities of JCOMM, with international regional/global efforts and with that of others to increase efficiency and capability including the relevant programmes of WMO and IOC (e.g., DPM, WWW, WCP, GOOS, GCOS), as well as with other organizations such as IMO, IHO, IMSO and ICS in the provision of marine services and information; TLO-7: To build appropriate capacity within JCOMM. The Objective is to build appropriate capacity within JCOMM to make the most of international collaboration to share marine meteorological and oceanographic knowledge, infrastructure and services for the benefit of the Maritime community. Table of contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011607"Executive Summary  PAGEREF _Toc150011607 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011608"Table of contents  PAGEREF _Toc150011608 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011609"1 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc150011609 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011610"1.1 JCOMM structure  PAGEREF _Toc150011610 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011611"1.2 The JCOMM Services Program Area (SPA)  PAGEREF _Toc150011611 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011612"1.3 Approach adopted to developing the SPA work plan  PAGEREF _Toc150011612 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011613"2 Summary of specific resolutions and recommendations adopted by the second session of JCOMM-II applicable to the SPA  PAGEREF _Toc150011613 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011614"2.1 Resolutions from JCOMM-II  PAGEREF _Toc150011614 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011615"2.1.1 Resolution 2 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Services Program Area  PAGEREF _Toc150011615 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011616"2.1.2 Resolution 5 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Capacity Building  PAGEREF _Toc150011616 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011617"2.1.3 Resolution 6 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Satellite data  PAGEREF _Toc150011617 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011618"2.1.4 Resolution 7 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Recommendations of the first JCOMM Session adopted prior to its second session and maintained in force  PAGEREF _Toc150011618 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011619"2.2 Recommendations from JCOMM-II  PAGEREF _Toc150011619 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011620"2.2.1 Recommendation 12 (JCOMM-1) Working arrangements between WMO and the International Mobile Satellite Organisation (IMSO)  PAGEREF _Toc150011620 \h Error! Bookmark not defined. HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011621"2.2.2 Recommendation 1 (CMM-XI) Marine Meteorological services monitoring program  PAGEREF _Toc150011621 \h Error! Bookmark not defined. HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011622"2.2.3 Recommendation 1 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Guide to storm surge forecasting  PAGEREF _Toc150011622 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011623"2.2.4 Recommendation 2 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Actions for the further development of operational oceanographic products and services  PAGEREF _Toc150011623 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011624"2.2.5 Recommendation 6 (JCOMM-II), JCOMM Data management Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc150011624 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011625"2.2.6 Recommendation 7 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex (1&2), Complementary guidelines for NAVTEX broadcasts  PAGEREF _Toc150011625 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011626"2.2.7 Recommendation 8 (JCOMM-II), Guidelines for sea ice charts  PAGEREF _Toc150011626 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011627"2.2.8 Recommendation 10 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex (1 & II, Marine Pollution and Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS)  PAGEREF _Toc150011627 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011628"2.2.9 Recommendation 12 (JCOMM-II) JCOMM Support for Multi-hazard warning systems, including Tsunamis  PAGEREF _Toc150011628 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011629"2.2.10 EC-LVIII/Doc. Disaster prevention and Mitigation (DPM) and Multi-Hazard Risk Reduction.  PAGEREF _Toc150011629 \h 22 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011630"3 JCOMM-SPA Top Level Objectives and priority actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011630 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011631"3.1 TLO- 1: To provide support to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems.  PAGEREF _Toc150011631 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011632"3.1.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011632 \h 24 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011633"3.2 TLO-2: To implement a user focused program  PAGEREF _Toc150011633 \h 30 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011634"3.2.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011634 \h 30 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011635"3.2.2 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc150011635 \h 30 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011636"3.3 TLO- 3: To work effectively with JCOMM Members/Member States  PAGEREF _Toc150011636 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011637"3.3.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011637 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011638"3.3.2 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc150011638 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011639"3.4 TLO-4: To pull-through scientific and technical expertise to operational systems  PAGEREF _Toc150011639 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011640"3.4.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011640 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011641"3.4.2 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc150011641 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011642"3.4.3 Maintaining and policing JCOMM service and JCOMM endorsed product standards  PAGEREF _Toc150011642 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011643"3.5 TLO-5: To develop and maintain communications across JCOMM and join up the SPA  PAGEREF _Toc150011643 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011644"3.5.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011644 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011645"3.5.2 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc150011645 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011646"3.6 TLO-6: To develop, maintain and monitor international MetOcean product and service standards  PAGEREF _Toc150011646 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011647"3.6.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011647 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011648"3.6.2 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc150011648 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011649"3.6.3 Approach Standards  PAGEREF _Toc150011649 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011650"3.7 TLO-7: To build appropriate capacity within JCOMM  PAGEREF _Toc150011650 \h 35 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011651"3.7.1 Relevant actions  PAGEREF _Toc150011651 \h 35 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011652"3.7.2 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc150011652 \h 35 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011653"4 Detailed actions arising from JCOMM-II  PAGEREF _Toc150011653 \h Error! Bookmark not defined. HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011654"5 Schedule of JCOMM SPA meetings and events 2006-2009  PAGEREF _Toc150011654 \h 52 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011655"6 JCOMM SPA Expert Team work plans  PAGEREF _Toc150011655 \h 55 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011656"6.1 Expert Team on Marine Safety Systems (ETMSS)  PAGEREF _Toc150011656 \h 55 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011657"6.1.1 Provision of appropriate Maritime Safety Information (MSI) related to Tsunamis  PAGEREF _Toc150011657 \h 55 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011658"6.1.2 Definition of boundaries and responsibilities for new potential Arctic NAV/METAREAS  PAGEREF _Toc150011658 \h 55 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011659"6.1.3 Coordination of provision of MSI for polar regions  PAGEREF _Toc150011659 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011660"6.1.4 Keep under review the guidelines and common abbreviation list for NAVTEX messages  PAGEREF _Toc150011660 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011661"6.1.5 Other Improvements in regulations & guidance materials  PAGEREF _Toc150011661 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011662"6.1.6 Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs  PAGEREF _Toc150011662 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011663"6.1.7 GMDSS Graphic products  PAGEREF _Toc150011663 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011664"6.1.8 Coordination mechanisms in the provision of MSI (especially for GMDSS)  PAGEREF _Toc150011664 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011665"6.1.9 Websites  PAGEREF _Toc150011665 \h 57 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011666"6.1.10 User feedback - quality control  PAGEREF _Toc150011666 \h 57 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011667"6.1.11 Cooperation with other bodies (mainly) IMO & IHO  PAGEREF _Toc150011667 \h 57 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011668"6.1.12 Scheduled plan for meetings  PAGEREF _Toc150011668 \h 57 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011669"6.2 Expert Team on Marine Accident and Emergency systems (ETMAES)  PAGEREF _Toc150011669 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011670"6.2.1 Guidance material  PAGEREF _Toc150011670 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011671"6.2.2 Integrating appropriate dynamic links with JCOMM associated documentations  PAGEREF _Toc150011671 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011672"6.2.3 Improve communication  PAGEREF _Toc150011672 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011673"6.2.4 Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs  PAGEREF _Toc150011673 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011674"6.2.5 Products related to specific risks  PAGEREF _Toc150011674 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011675"6.2.6 Definition of boundaries and responsibilities for MPI AREAS  PAGEREF _Toc150011675 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011676"6.2.7 User feedback - quality control  PAGEREF _Toc150011676 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011677"6.2.8 Cooperation with other bodies (mainly) IMO  PAGEREF _Toc150011677 \h 58 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011678"6.2.9 Scheduled plan for meetings  PAGEREF _Toc150011678 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011679"6.3 Expert Team on wind waves and storm Surges (ETWS)  PAGEREF _Toc150011679 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011680"6.3.1 Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting  PAGEREF _Toc150011680 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011681"6.3.2 Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting  PAGEREF _Toc150011681 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011682"6.3.3 Wave Forecast Verification Project  PAGEREF _Toc150011682 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011683"6.3.4 Wind Wave and Storm Surge Technical Reportst  PAGEREF _Toc150011683 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011684"6.3.5 Workshops related to Waves and Storm Surges  PAGEREF _Toc150011684 \h 59 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011685"6.3.6 Extreme Wave Data Archive  PAGEREF _Toc150011685 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011686"6.3.7 Wave Observations  PAGEREF _Toc150011686 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011687"6.3.8 Outreach and Liason with the Waves and Storm Surge Community  PAGEREF _Toc150011687 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011688"6.3.9 Capacity Building  PAGEREF _Toc150011688 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011689"6.3.10 Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs  PAGEREF _Toc150011689 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011690"6.3.11 Waves and Tropical Cyclones  PAGEREF _Toc150011690 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011691"6.3.12 Meetings  PAGEREF _Toc150011691 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011692"6.4 Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI)  PAGEREF _Toc150011692 \h 61 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011693"6.4.1 Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs  PAGEREF _Toc150011693 \h 61 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011694"6.4.2 The ETSI work plan defined at the ETSI-II meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 15-17 April 2004  PAGEREF _Toc150011694 \h 61 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011695"6.4.3 Work Plan for cooperation between the members of the Steering Group for the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank Project for 2004 - 2007  PAGEREF _Toc150011695 \h 63 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011696"7 Acronyms and other abbreviations  PAGEREF _Toc150011696 \h 67 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011697"8 Appendix I Annex to Resolution 14.1/2 (JCOMM-II)  PAGEREF _Toc150011697 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011698"8.1 Services Coordination Group Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011698 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011699"8.1.1 General Membership  PAGEREF _Toc150011699 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011700"8.2 Rapporteur for Satellite Data Requirements Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011700 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011701"8.3 Rapporteur for Capacity Building Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011701 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011702"8.4 Rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011702 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011703"8.5 Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011703 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011704"8.5.1 General Membership  PAGEREF _Toc150011704 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011705"8.6 Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011705 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011706"8.6.1 General Membership  PAGEREF _Toc150011706 \h 71 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011707"8.7 Expert Team on Sea Ice Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011707 \h 71 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011708"8.8 General Membership  PAGEREF _Toc150011708 \h 72 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011709"8.9 Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc150011709 \h 72 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc150011710"8.9.1 General Membership  PAGEREF _Toc150011710 \h 72  Introduction Prior to 1999, marine meteorological and oceanographic observations, data management and service provision programmes were coordinated internationally by two separate bodies - the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), through its Commission for Marine Meteorology (CMM), and UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), jointly with WMO through the Committee for the Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS). The increasingly close relationship between the two agencies' operational activities in the global oceans culminated when the Thirteenth WMO Congress (May 1999) and the 20th IOC Assembly (July 1999) formally agreed that a new IOC/WMO Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) should be established, initially through the merger of CMM and IGOSS. JCOMM was tasked to coordinate globally distributed marine meteorological and oceanographic services and their supporting observational, data management and capacity building programmes. The long-term strategic vision of JCOMM is to benefit the global community through international co-ordination activities, the development and recommendation of appropriate technical standards and procedures for a fully integrated marine observing, data management and services system. JCOMM promotes a globally distributed but inter-connected state-of-the-art system based on present and next-generation technologies and capabilities that is responsive to the evolving needs of all users of marine data and products. JCOMM also promotes the implementation of an outreach programme to enhance the national capacity of all maritime countries. JCOMM structure JCOMM has a current membership including 123 Countries and approximately 250 experts, with most national delegations comprising roughly equal numbers of oceanographers and marine meteorologists. As formally constituted, JCOMM is an intergovernmental body of experts on all technical aspects of operational marine meteorology and oceanography, and is the major advisory body to the two parent Organizations WMO and IOC (consisting of their Members/Member States, Governing Bodies and other subsidiary bodies and programmes). In fulfilling this role, it is expected to prepare plans, proposals, regulations, guidance etc, within its field of competence, for consideration and approval by the Governing Bodies. Following approval, there is an obligation on Members/Member States to apply and implement them.  Figure 1. The structure of the WMO/IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) following the second Session (JCOMM-II) 19-27th September 2005, Halifax, Canada, modified for the SPA to highlight interactions with the maritime user communities. Figure 1 highlights the importance of working with commercial and public Met ocean applications. Good interactions between JCOMM and the end user community are essential if the work of the Commission is to deliver useful and cost effective outcomes. Interactions across the JCOMM Program areas must also be strengthened so that user interactions and requirements are shared across all of the activities within JCOMM. One of the priorities for the JCOMM SPA work plan is to provide mechanisms and services that engage the user community in JCOMM discussions, plans and activities and to manage user feedback on all aspects of JCOMM. The structure of JCOMM Programme Areas is intended to facilitate the delivery of JCOMM's mandated responsibilities by subdividing them into logical and coherent groupings. The work of the Commission is split into three programme areas (PAs): Observations programme area (OPA), Data Management programme area (DMPA) and, Services programme area (SPA). Each PA has a set of subsidiary expert teams (ETs) and task teams (TTs). The OPA and associated teams focus on the sustained development and collection of met-ocean observations to Member/Member State activities. The SPA and associated systems focus on the application of these observations within operational systems that generate products (climatologies, analyses, hindcast and forecast) using advanced ocean model and synthesis systems. JCOMM does not itself conduct research or develop models or serve products and provide services. Instead, it coordinates and facilitates the operational implementation and dissemination of proven models, products and services. Through its work, JCOMM aims to reduce minimise duplication of effort and instead develop operational robustness within systems that serve a variety of national, regional and international users. Part of this process is the implementation and maintenance of a JCOMM Products Web Portal that can showcase example products and services and provide links to operational systems. JCOMM activities also include user interactions, guidance and standards for quality assurance and standards issues related to the definition and delivery of products and services. The applications that JCOMM must work with have a large scope ranging from ocean state variables forecasts to complex decision making tools and systems requiring state of the art inputs (e.g., current, wind, sea ice, waves, storm surges etc) such as ship routing, engineering design, search and rescue (SAR) or oil spill management tools. The JCOMM DMPA is concerned with developing and monitoring new standards for data product formats, distributed data management systems, communication protocols, data base formats, quality control and marine climatology (amongst others) and helps integrate the activities of the OPA Area and the SPA. The DMPA bridges the gap between the SPA and the OPA and has a central role to play in terms of providing interfaces to data (in situ observations, satellite observations), ocean model outputs (analysis, hindcast and forecast, including observation input to assimilation systems etc.), data providers and the user community. Data management standards and protocols for ocean model outputs are rapidly evolving and the DMPA has a key role in terms of ensuring that interoperability and data management standards are adhered to at an international level (especially important when integrating the outputs of several National systems in critical application s and inter-comparison projects). Crosscutting activities were developed at JCOMM-II; one for capacity building and one for satellite data requirements. This structure fosters a comprehensive view of JCOMM satellite data requirements and Capacity Building requirements. In addition, a task team on resources was established to consider resource issues while implementing the JCOMM work plans. Coordinating the work of the JCOMM SPA is complex due to the wide scope of the work-plan and the inter-connected nature of its activities. In order to ensure that the JCOMM SPA acts as a flexible, streamlined organisation capable of coordinating international maritime services, the work-plan prioritises the development and monitoring of international Standards for products and services. The Products and services that must be coordinated by JCOMM are user focussed and a method to monitor JCOMM activities against user requirements using appropriate performance metrics is essential to the success of JCOMM and the SPA.  Figure 2. The core elements of a cross cutting strategy to develop products for use in marine oceanographic and meteorological services. Figure 2 shows the essential elements of a cross cutting strategy (including the OPA, DMPA, SPA and MAN) that is required to generate and manage marine oceanographic and meteorological products and services. Three main data streams are identified: traditional in situ and satellite observations (ships, buoys, research cruises); ocean model system outputs (NWP, ocean forecast/hindcast/analysis (circulation, bio-geo-chemical, waves, storm surges, sea ice etc); marine climatology (including in situ, satellite and ocean model outputs/hindcasts). Each of these areas requires specific activities in terms of quality control, data format, data management and stewardship, communications and pull-through of scientific advances, documentation, user interfaces that are coordinated by JCOMM. However, in order for JCOMM to gain the trust of the diverse communities working in these areas, useful and appropriate standards need to be set and monitored for conformance. The work of the DMPA therefore cuts across the entire product development and production cycle and the service provision systems. Within the SPA, providing guidance and knowledge regarding all aspects of the product development cycle, addressing the limitations/strengths of each product/service, the production of technical guides and user interactions (e.g., advice, standards and scientific workshops) is an important component of the work-plan. The SPA must also support the JCOMM implementation and management strategy and Data management Strategy that have been developed. These take a pragmatic approach, designed to encourage creative synergies and knowledge amongst governments, the international community, donors and the private sector, and to foster increased national support in terms of experts, in-kind resources and funding. The framework outlined in Figure 3 describes a mechanism to define current capability, obtain and analyze user requirements and prioritize the activities of the SPA in an ongoing manner placing the aim of the SPA within a user community framework. A key activity for the JCOMM SPA is to draft and publish a proper user community specification of needs within a well-articulated JCOMM Services User Requirement Document. This must capture present and future needs, applications and scenarios for operational met ocean products from individual user communities. A template to systematically capture descriptions of current user system requirements in a scenario based approach is one (previously used) approach that works well. A high level of detail on the application, products, and support requested by each user must be documented to gain a clear understanding of what is required. Often detailed discussions are required to clarify aspects of a user requirement. Typically, the scope is large encompassing data products (including observations, analyses & bulletins (graphical and text based) timeliness, reliability, accuracy/uncertainty estimates, formats) and services e.g., guidance, technical reference, international standards, training, delivery mechanisms, IPR and licensing issues, verification and validation, system sharing and coordination etc. Once user requirements are captured and formalized within a URD, a set of common user requirements (e.g., the need for more surface wave observations for use in wave prediction systems) or specific high priority requirements (e.g., access to basic met ocean system outputs) can be extracted.  Figure 3. A framework in which user interaction/feedback is used to guide the development and implementation of the JCOMM SPA. A user requirement document (URD) specifies what services users actually require, a reference baseline (RB) document (containing a capability audit) and a number of pre-defined performance metrics (which measure the progress of the SPA (using the RB) towards satisfying the need defined in the user requirement) are highlighted. The use of these tools as a means to manage user community interactions and the development of the SPA in a prioritized manner is through user feedback and information/data flows (arrows). The URD can then be used to prioritize specific developments and actions within the JCOMM SPA by identification of gaps in current service provision. A review of current capabilities (services, products, user community etc.) is conducted and a capability audit performed to generate a reference baseline (RB) document. The JCOMM SPA will produce the JCOMM Catalogue of Operational Ocean Products and Services as a reference baseline. The mismatch between the RB and the URD is used to prioritize activities within the SPA that address user requirements in the most efficient manner. Gaps and differences between RB and URD can also be used to define appropriate performance metrics that measure the progress of the SPA towards satisfying user requirements. This is requested by Rec. 1 (CMM-XI) Marine Meteorological services monitoring program which calls for a systematic long-term marine meteorological services monitoring program be implemented. For the purpose of the JCOMM-SPA, a performance metric defines common quantities and diagnostics with given mathematical definitions. Thus, given a specific metric, there is a need to absolutely classify numerical threshold that defines acceptable and unacceptable performance. Such a threshold may be called a target. A range of acceptability should be avoided so that metrics are specific; e.g. Surface current fields should be available within 30 minutes of production. A metric is then the percentage of data files that meet this target for which 90% may be acceptable but 80% is not. Metrics need not be complex; e.g., JCOMM web space updated on a 6 monthly basis). Perceptions are such that extreme (high or low) numbers carry implied performance and care is required to develop consistency in terms of scaling (i.e., low is bad and high is good or vice versa?). Metrics must provide a number that shows how the JCOMM-SPA is performing in well-defined user interactions and operations or against the stated actions within the work plan. This approach has been used successfully in other large international projects (e.g., WMO rolling Requirements Review process) and the SPA can take benefit from the experience and lessons learned from these initiatives. Implementation of the JCOMM work plan is the responsibility of the subsidiary expert teams, pilot projects in collaboration with other programmes. The work overall JCOMM work-plan is updated based on changes in requirements, emphasis, priorities and resources within JCOMM. A Management Committee (MAN) integrates all JCOMM activities providing overall management and coordination of JCOMM. The primary role of the Management Committee is both tactical and strategic: it is charged with overseeing the implementation of the JCOMM, as well as any adjustments to this programme and associated subsidiary body structure as the work progresses. The implementation of JCOMM work programme agreed by the Commission in session, strategy, programmes and performance are reviewed regularly by the MAN against the work plan. Finally, due to the complex nature of the systems operated across the world, the implementation and coordination process requires a phased, iterative and cost-effective approach. Through the work of JCOMM, the long-term operation of a coordinated, integrated, global oceanographic and marine meteorological observing, data management and services system will become a reality providing many potential benefits to all countries. The JCOMM Services Program Area (SPA) The JCOMM Services Program Area was established at the First Session of the Commission (JCOMM-I) and re-established in a slightly revised format at JCOMM-II, September 2005. It has been created to facilitate the development and application of these globally distributed marine meteorological and oceanographic services in partnership with supporting observational, data management and, capacity building program areas. The aim of the JCOMM SPA is: To coordinate and facilitate the sustained provision of global and regional coverage data products and services to address the continued and expanding requirements of the maritime user community for marine meteorological and oceanographic services and information. The continuing provision of safety-related weather and oceanographic services is afunda mental aspect of JCOMM and of its Services Programme Area. Resolution 2 of the second session of WMO/IOC JCOMM (Halifax, Canada, 2005) implements a JCOMM Service Program Area (SPA) including the following components: A Services Coordination Group to link the various expert teams together through cross cutting activities and provide an interface to other Program areas and Expert teams (see HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-service.org"http://www.jcomm-service.org). The Scientific Coordination Group (SCG) of the SPA provides overall management and co-ordination of SPA activities and tasks. It is responsible for developing, managing and delivering outcomes against the JCOMM-SPA work-plan and long term strategy. An Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS) that coordinates monitors and reviews arrangements for GMDSS (see HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org"http://weather.gmdss.org) and related services provided in support of safety at sea. An Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Response (ETMAES) that promotes development of pollution response support capabilities on a world wide basis (see HYPERLINK "http://www.maes-mperss.org"http://www.maes-mperss.org) and advises on techniques and systems available to agencies charged with combating marine pollution emergencies. It also facilitates coordination and cooperation in the provision of meteorological and oceanographic information and support to maritime search and rescue operations. An Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges (ETWS) that advises on scientific and operational aspects of wind-wave and storm surge forecasting, and coordinates with other JCOMM groups, scientific and technical bodies to ensure that the latest advances are incorporated into operational practice. An Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) that coordinates the delivery of sea ice products and services to facilitate maritime operations in high latitudes advises on scientific and operational aspects of sea ice and oversees the operations of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank. (see HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Publications/publications.htm"http://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Publications/publications.htm) A Capacity Building Rapporteur, as a member of the Services Coordination Group and of the Cross-cutting Team on Capacity Building; A Satellite Expert, as a member of the Services Coordination Group and of the Cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements. An Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems Rapporteur, as a member of the Services Coordination Group providing advice and information on operational ocean forecasting systems. HYPERLINK \l "_Appendix_I_"Appendix I provides the JCOMM-SPA and Expert Team Terms of Reference (ToR).  Revised structure of the JCOMM SPA following discussions at MAN-V. Based on discussions at the MAN-V meeting, the structure of the JCOMM SPA was revised to provide a common focus to all expert activities Approach adopted to developing the SPA work plan This document presents the work-plan of the JCOMM Services Program Area for the 2006-2009 period. The SPA work plan is managed by the SPA coordinator in collaboration with the Services Coordination Group (SCG) and expert team chairs. The following inputs were used to develop the content of the JCOMM SPA work plan: Resolutions and discussions at the second session of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) took place between19 27th September 2005 in the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax, Canada; Expert Meeting on the Possible JCOMM Contributions to the development and maintenance of Marine Multi-Hazard warning systems (Geneva, Feb. 2006, JCOMM-37); JCOMM Services Programme Area, First Coordination Meeting, Teleconference, 26 April 2006; Requirements of other Program Areas (PAs) or Expert Teams (ETs) within the JCOMM Structure; Formal reporting requirements within JCOMM (MAN); User community requirements and feedback; Expected Scientific and technical developments; Requirements for outreach and promotion of JCOMM and the activities of the SPA; Participation and feedback in international scientific and engineering conferences and symposia; Current and planned meteorological and oceanographic products and services; Requirements and plans of other external bodies and organisations (e.g., IMO, IHO, GOOS, GEO/GEOSS, satellite operators/data providers; Inputs from the JCOMM SPA Expert teams; Inputs from the JCOMM Secretariat. The work plan itself was developed based on the following approach: Detailed actions have been extracted from WMO-No. 995: Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Second Session, Halifax, Canada, 19-27th September 2005. Direct inputs were solicited from the SPA Expert Team Chairs. A set of Top Level Objectives (TLO) was established for the SPA intersessional period based on WMO-No. 995. An extensive action list was developed and prioritised by the ET chairs, Secretariat and SPA co-ordinator according to effort required and their importance in delivering the SPA TLO; The work plan was reviewed and accepted by the JCOMM MAN; The work plan was reviewed and accepted by the SCG. The JCOMM SPA work plan is a dynamic document that will be reviewed and revised on a regular basis in order to optimise the successful outcomes of the SPA during the inter-sessional period prior to third Session of the Commission (JCOMM-III) planned for Morocco, October 2009. Summary of specific resolutions and recommendations adopted by the second session of JCOMM-II applicable to the SPA Resolutions, recommendations and associated actions that are relevant to the work of the SPA have been extracted from the abridged final report: Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Second Session, Halifax, Canada, 19-27th September 2005 (WMO-No. 995). These are presented in bullet form in the following sections. WMO-No. 995 should be consulted as the comprehensive reference for all SPA activities and provides background details for all activities. Resolutions from JCOMM-II The following resolutions (abbreviated and condensed) provide specific actions and direction for the work of the SPA during the inter-sessional period prior to JCOMM-III in late 2009. Resolution 2 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Services Program Area Decides on the following action: Re-implement a JCOMM Services program area comprising of: A Services Coordination Group (SCG), An Expert Team on Maritime Safety Systems (ETMSS), An Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges (ETWS), An Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI), An Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support (ETMAES), A Capacity Building Rapporteur, A Satellite Expert, A rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems. (Note that the rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems was added to the SPA structure at the MAN-V meeting, WMO, Geneva, 4-7th October 2006.) Resolution 5 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Capacity Building Decides on the following actions: To appoint Capacity Building Rapporteurs within the Observations, Services and Data Management Program Areas to develop appropriate capacity within JCOMM (including a strategy, review and update of training and guidance material and secure appropriate resources). To establish a Joint task team between JCOMM and GOOS for resources. Resolution 6 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Satellite data Decides on the following action: To appoint satellite experts (one meteorological and one oceanographic) within the Observations, Services and Data Management Program Areas to identify and coordinate the end-to-end requirements for satellite data within JCOMM and communicate these to relevant external bodies. Resolution 7 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Recommendations of the first JCOMM Session adopted prior to its second session and maintained in force Decides on the following action: Recommendation 12 (JCOMM-1) Working arrangements between WMO and the International Mobile Satellite Organisation (IMSO) remains in force (see section 2.2) Recommendations from JCOMM-II The following recommendations (abbreviated and condensed) provide specific actions and direction for the work of the SPA during the inter-sessional period: Recommendation 1 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Guide to storm surge forecasting Recommends the following action: The Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting is prepared in accordance with Rec.1/Annex-1. Recommendation 2 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex, Actions for the further development of operational oceanographic products and services Recommends the following actions: Redevelop the JCOMM Electronic Product Bulletin (J-EPB) as a web portal to JCOMM products and services. Prepare a User Requirement Document (URD) of the needs, applications and scenarios for operational met ocean products. Prepare a Catalogue of quasi-operational ocean products by a team of experts. Prepare Guidelines on ocean product presentation, symbology and nomenclature by a dedicated task team. Develop Standard data and metadata formats for ocean products in collaboration with IODE, DMPA and GODAE. Recommendation 6 (JCOMM-II), JCOMM Data management Strategy Recommends the following actions: The SPA must work closely with the DMPA to help develop a JCOMM data management strategy. The JCOMM Data management strategy must be prepared jointly by IOC/IODE and the WIS. Recommendation 7 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex (1&2), Complementary guidelines for NAVTEX broadcasts Recommends the following actions: Revise the guidelines for the provision of meteorological forecast and warning broadcasts through international NAVTEX Service and adopt the list of common abbreviations for the International NAVTEX service provided in Annex 2. Amend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 with the revised services and abbreviation guidelines. That the ETMSS keep under review the implementation and user response to changes (abbreviations and guidelines) to the NAVTEX service. Recommendation 8 (JCOMM-II), Guidelines for sea ice charts Recommends the following actions: Amend item 4.2.9 of WMO-No. 558 (Model sea ice information charts) in the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1. That the ETSI work closely with the ETMSS. That the ETSI gather user requirements and feedback on operational and climatological sea ice charts. That the ETSI keep under review the implementation and user response to guidelines for sea ice information products. Recommendation 10 (JCOMM-II) and associated Annex (1 & II, Marine Pollution and Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS) Recommends the following actions: Adopt the MPERSS system and include this in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471). That the ETMAES keep under review the implementation and user response to MPERRS. That the ETMAES provide technical support to Members on the implementation of MPERSS. Recommendation 12 (JCOMM-II) JCOMM Support for Multi-hazard warning systems, including Tsunamis Recommends the following actions: Ensure the effective coordination of JCOMM activities within a global framework of cooperation for tsunami and marine-related natural disaster reduction as appropriate including: Contribute to the development of guidance material for Members/Member States relating to the components and operations of a marine hazards warning service. Coordination with IMO and IHO to ensure the dissemination of tsunami warnings and related information through GMDSS communications facilities for Maritime Safety. Coordinate an effective link for exchange and dissemination of early warnings, contribute to the development of a fast warning system, especially for maritime safety issues, utilizing both existing and new transmission facilities in order to reach the public and the relevant mitigation mechanisms. EC-LVIII/Doc. Disaster prevention and Mitigation (DPM) and Multi-Hazard Risk Reduction. The 58th session of the EC requested that the concept of multi-hazard approach need to be further explored through clear demonstration projects to determine whether economies and synergies could be achieved through building on and complementing existing early warning systems capacities, infrastructures and activities of various partners involved in different aspects of early warning systems. The EC-58 also noted that an action plan for JCOMM contributions, through its Programme Areas and component Expert Teams, to multi-hazard warning systems, was adopted by a group of experts, under the JCOMM Management Committee. It urged the Commission to proceed with the implementation of this action plan; it also noted the substantive achievements under JCOMM during the past intersessional period and urged that work in the ongoing priority areas should continue, including the new area of tsunami monitoring and mitigation systems and services, in close cooperation with the various Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems of IOC . The 58th Executive Council (EC-LVIII, June, 2006) approved a crosscutting coordination framework, for identifying WMO DPM Programmes strategic priorities and projects that would be measurable with respect to their benefits and outcomes. Such crosscutting projects would be prioritized and built upon activities of WMO Programmes, Technical Commissions, Regional Associations, and strategic partners, with clear definition of roles, responsibilities and deliverables. JCOMM-SPA Top Level Objectives and priority actions The JCOMM Services Program Area (SPA) is focused on the continued provision of safety-related weather and oceanographic services in response to requirements established under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). The SPA is also concerned with the coordination of global operational marine meteorological and oceanographic products and services (both commercial and public good) within national marine meteorological and oceanographic agencies. Operational met-ocean services rely on complex and expensive data collection and real time synthesis systems that must interact in real time across international boundaries. Products and services include warnings of gales, storms, severe tropical weather systems such as typhoons, hurricanes and tropical cyclones, wind waves and storm surges, and other hazardous phenomena at sea, information on sea ice conditions and other products disseminated through the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Providing international coordination, support and strategic direction to these activities is the heart of the JCOMM SPA work-plan. In addition, MetOcean data is becoming increasingly important including for applications and activities including: offshore resource exploration, military and defence operations, marine engineering, sub-surface communications, tsunami prediction and warning systems, storm surges and coastal defence communities, ship routing and navigation, operations in the marginal ice zone, pollution monitoring prevention and clean-up, sustainable management of commercial fishing, marine and coastal environmental management, Synoptic, seasonal and other long-term forecasting, Climate predication at different time scales. All of these applications require marine meteorological and oceanographic observational data sets and prognostic products that are operationally available, accurate, timely and supported by innovative and accessible services. Today, the quality and breadth of data products and associated services expected by these and other marine industries has expanded considerably and the challenge is to ensure that they provide value to the present and future generation of maritime applications. The JCOMM SPA work plan must support and assist data producers, providers and user applications at an international level. In order to develop activities and actions across all of the SPA Expert Teams, rapportures and the Services Coordination Group, the JCOMM SPA work-plan defines seven Top Level Objectives (TLO). All of the work conducted by the SPA ETs should support one or more SPA TLO. The TLO for the SPA are: TLO-1: To provide support to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems. The objective is to monitor and develop modifications to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems and to provide assistance to Members/Member States as required. Systems include: the WMO marine broadcast system for the GMDSS, as well as MPERSS; storm surges; tropical cyclones; Tsunami; search and rescue; marine pollution; ice and iceberg warnings; rogue waves and dangerous sea state. TLO-2: To develop, maintain and monitor international MetOcean product and service standards. The Objective is to ensure that the JCOMM SPA acts as a flexible, streamlined organisation capable of coordinating international maritime services; TLO-3: To implement a User Focussed Program. The Objective is to understand and respond to present and future needs of the maritime service industry and ensure that the services provided to users meet these requirements, including content, delivery timeliness and quality. A key priority for the JCOMM SPA is to provide mechanisms and services that engage the user community in JCOMM discussions, plans and activities and to manage user feedback on all aspects of JCOMM. TLO-4: To working effectively with Members/Member States. The Objective is to keep under review and to respond to the requirements of Members/Member States for guidance in the implementation of their duties and obligations with regard to marine services, in particular those specified in the WMO Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558); TLO-5: To encourage the pull-through scientific and technical expertise to operational systems. The Objective is to build on international scientific and technical excellence to better meet the needs of the international maritime service industry by developing the preparation and dissemination of ocean products and services; TLO-6: To develop and maintain communications across JCOMM and join up the SPA. The Objective is to integrate the internal cross-program area activities of JCOMM, with international regional/global efforts and with that of others to increase efficiency and capability including the relevant programmes of WMO and IOC (e.g., DPM, WWW, WCP, GOOS, GCOS), as well as with other organizations such as IMO, IHO, IMSO and ICS in the provision of marine services and information; TLO-7: To build appropriate capacity within JCOMM. The Objective is to build appropriate capacity within JCOMM to make the most of international collaboration to share marine meteorological and oceanographic knowledge, infrastructure and services for the benefit of the Maritime community. TLO- 1: To provide support to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems. The objective is to monitor and develop modifications to maritime safety, hazard warning and disaster mitigation systems as necessary and to provide assistance to Members/Member States as required. Systems include: the WMO marine broadcast system for the GMDSS, as well as MPERSS; storm surges; tropical cyclones; Tsunami; search and rescue; marine pollution; ice and ice burg warnings; rogue waves and dangerous sea state. Relevant actions Recommendation 12 (JCOMM-II) JCOMM Support for Multi-hazard warning systems, including Tsunamis Requirements of the Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPM) Working group (WMO EC-LVII) and IOC strategy for Tsunami. Rec. 7: Revise the guidelines for the provision of meteorological forecast and warning broadcasts through international NAVTEX Service; Rec. 7: Adopt the list of common abbreviations for the International NAVTEX service provided in Annex 2; Rec. 7: Amend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 accordingly; Rec. 7: That the ET-MSS keep under review the implementation and user response to changes (abbreviations and guidelines) to the NAVTEX service. Rec. 10: Adopt the MPERSS system and include this in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471). Rec. 10: That the ETMAES keep under review the implementation and user response to MPERRS; Rec. 10: That the ETMAES provide technical support to Members on the implementation of MPERSS; Recommendations at the WMO EC LVIII on Marine Multi-Hazard Warning Systems, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPM), and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Work effectively with the Rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems Contributions to the Development and Maintenance of Marine Multi-Hazard Warning Systems and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPM) At the Halifax session of JCOMM-II, there was strong support for JCOMM input to the development and maintenance of marine multi-hazard warning systems. The Commission adopted Rec. 12 (JCOMM-II), which requests the JCOMM co-presidents, in consultation with the Programme Area Coordinators, with relevant WMO technical commissions and subsidiary bodies of IOC, GOOS regional alliances and associations and IODE regional networks, as appropriate, to develop and implement a plan of action to contribute to the implementation and maintenance of marine multi-hazard warning systems for all ocean basins. Responding to this recommendation, an expert meeting on this subject was convened in Geneva, 1-3 February 2006, chaired by the JCOMM co-president, Dr P. Dexter. The meeting developed and agreed on a range of possible contributions of JCOMM, through its Programme Areas and component Expert Teams, to multi-hazard warning systems, within the areas of expertise of the Commission. The meeting adopted an action plan for JCOMM contributions to Multi-hazard Warning Systems. The actions were divided into two different categories. The first set of actions comprises those that are immediately feasible and would be undertaken by JCOMM within the next two years. These actions address tsunamis, cyclones and storm surges, and also maritime safety issues. The second set of actions includes those that JCOMM could offer as a contribution to Marine Multi-hazard Warning Systems, with additional resources. In addition, the group highlighted several issues that are the primary responsibilities of other bodies, but that are important for the work of JCOMM, especially related to Marine Multi-hazard Warning Systems. These items include: (i) extension of communication means for the dissemination of MSI especially in areas of poor coverage, by geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites or ground-based radio systems, (ii) additional research to enhance forecasts and product delivery for marine hazards on all time scales, (iii) operation and sustained access to EOS polar orbiting satellites, and (iv) operation of coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean models. The 58th session of the EC requested that the concept of multi-hazard approach need to be further explored through clear demonstration projects to determine whether economies and synergies could be achieved through building on and complementing existing early warning systems capacities, infrastructures and activities of various partners involved in different aspects of early warning systems. The Management Committee is invited to comment on this issue Defining the concept of marine multi-hazard approach and consideration of demonstration projects that could assist with determining benefits and synergies of such approach. In particular defining the importance of different time and space scales and their relationship to different classes of Disaster (e.g., Tsunami or El Nino), warning potential and management actions needs to be elaborated. The EC-58 also noted that an action plan for JCOMM contributions, through its Programme Areas and component Expert Teams, to multi-hazard warning systems, was adopted by a group of experts, under the JCOMM Management Committee. It urged the Commission to proceed with the implementation of this action plan; it also noted the substantive achievements under JCOMM during the past intersessional period and urged that work in the ongoing priority areas should continue, including the new area of tsunami monitoring and mitigation systems and services, in close cooperation with the various Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems of IOC . Opportunities Arising for NMHSs through the International Movement for Disaster Risk Reduction. The international movement in DRR following the World Conference for Disaster Reduction (WCDR, Kobe, Japan, January 2005) and its outcome, the Hyogo Framework for Action, aimed to shift disaster risk management at the national level from post emergency response and recovery to a more balanced approach that would include prevention and mitigation strategies, as well as preparedness and contingency planning. This movement is already reflected through changes in the strategic direction of some international and regional humanitarian development and donor agencies supporting activities on national and regional levels. Many of these agencies work with different ministries at the national level, and thus collaboration could result in enhanced recognition, credibility and financing, providing a bases for better NMHSs and marine meteorology and oceanography services in support of DRR. Status of WMO Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme Development WMO has established a new crosscutting Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPM) Programme with the vision to strengthen contributions of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) toward improving the safety and well being of communities in a more cost-effective, systematic and sustainable manner. This Programme addressed capacity development of NMHSs in supporting disaster risk reduction (DRR) decisions at the national level including prevention and mitigation as well as emergency preparedness, response, recovery and reconstruction. The 58th Executive Council (EC-LVIII, June, 2006) approved a crosscutting coordination framework that would be measurable with respect to their benefits and outcomes for identifying WMO DPM Programmes strategic priorities and projects. Such crosscutting projects would be prioritized and built upon activities of WMO Programmes, Technical Commissions, Regional Associations, and strategic partners, with clear definition of roles, responsibilities and deliverables. As a benchmark, the Secretariat had initiated four fact-finding surveys to document DRR capabilities, activities and needs of WMO Members, WMO Regions, as well as to map related activities of WMO Programmes and Technical Commissions. On-going consultations with DPM focal points and Working Groups as well as the outcomes of these surveys are essential in identifying strategic priorities and prioritizing crosscutting projects to assist NMHSs. A WMO DPM Programme operating plan was being prepared outlining the overall WMO strategy in DRR and, within the new WMO result-based approach, providing prioritized projects and activities. The JCOMM co-Presidents are responding to the DPM survey in close collaboration with the Secretariat to reflect JCOMM activities relevant to DRR. The DPM Programme intended to host a meeting of Technical Commission DPM Coordinators late in December 2006 to further explore the cross-programme opportunities. The outcomes of this coordination meeting will be presented at the 2nd meeting of the EC Advisory group on DPM in late January 2007, to which President of Technical Commissions will be invited to discuss (inter-) Commission activities in support of the DPM Programme. JCOMM has a critical role in the development of the WMO DPM Programme. In this regards, as the first step, a coordinator for the Commission on DPM related matters should be designated, from the JCOMM Management Committee, with Terms of Reference outlined in the Appendix B. JCOMM contribution to DPM The cross-cutting framework of the DPM Programme was supported by an Executive Council Working Group on DPM (EC AG DPM), high-level focal points in Technical Commissions, Working Groups of the Regional Associations, National focal points designated by Permanent Representatives, the Secretariat Steering Committee on DRR, DPM Programme Department and the focal points of WMO Departments. Furthermore, it noted the role of Presidents of Technical Commissions to coordinate contributions, particularly related to inter-Commission activities. DPM focal points within the Management Committee of JCOMM (Dr Craig Donlon and Rodrigo Nunez) have been appointed as focal points for JCOMM DPM interactions at the MAN-V meeting, Geneva 4-7th October 2006. The coordinator should coordinate with JCOMM Programme Areas coordinators regarding their activities in support of disaster risk management. Specifically, several JCOMM activities areas are highly relevant for committees discussions, including: WMO DPM Programme is initiating, as requested by EC-LVIII, a project involving the development of guidelines for hazard databases and methodologies and statistical analysis techniques for hazard characteristics and mapping. As part of this effort, DPM Programme will initiate a crosscutting users group to review and develop satellite data requirements for use of satellite technologies in support of disaster prevention and mitigation. To this end, the Crosscutting Team of Satellites is critical in the development of requirements for enhancing climatology and real-time detection of ocean-related hazards; Through DMPA together with CBS, to develop CREX code format for sea level data monitoring in support of tsunami early warning systems (EWS); Synergies can be developed between the DBCP and the DART Consortium. The DBCP benefits from 20 years of experience, which can be shared with the DART consortium. The DART consortium can bring new ideas and different perspectives to various issues, including on deep ocean sensor technologies. Activities of interest to the two groups include: - Buoy deployment methods - Instrument calibration and evaluation, - Quality Control and best practices - Logistics required for buoy deployment and availability of ship time - Satellite data telecommunication - Real-time data distribution issues, including real-time GTS distribution (DBCP has experience with GTS Table driven code forms) - Metadata In addition, cooperation be established between DBCP and DART consortium Members in order to develop and operate cost-efficient multi-purpose buoys equipped with wide range of instruments, including tsunameters, as well as meteorological and/or oceanographic sensors should be initiated; Through the ETWS, to develop storm surges guidelines, followed by development of demonstration projects for storm surge warnings. Note that through the WMO DPM Programme a number of EWS projects were being initiated and that this presented an opportunity to include storm surge warnings as part of these projects, if relevant; Through the ETWS together with the ETMC, to enhance storm surges statistics; this would involve guidelines for storm surges historical databases and statistical techniques to enable members carry out statistical analysis in their countries. There is need for enhanced global and regional statistics on Storm Surges. Through the ETWS to initiate close collaboration with: The WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme to develop better interface between Tropical Cyclone and storm surge modelling and forecasting, and; Commission on Hydrology (CHy) for interfacing storm surge models with coastal flood forecasting models. With regards to capacity development for storm surge warnings, it is necessary to strength linkages with CBS OPAG on PWS for enhancement of public storm surge warnings and dissemination mechanisms. Storm surge warnings could also be demonstrated within the EWS demonstration projects initiated through WMO DPM Programme in collaboration with other Programmes. Approach for GMDSS Virtually all navigable waters of the world are covered by Inmarsat satellites. Each satellite transmits EGC traffic on a designated channel at 1.5 GHz. Ships regulated by the Safety of Life at Sea Convention travelling outside areas covered by NAVTEX must carry an Inmarsat C SafetyNET receiver by 1 February 1999. Any ship sailing within the coverage area of an Inmarsat satellite will be able to receive all SafetyNET messages broadcast over this channel by that satellite. SafetyNET, along with NAVTEX, is recognized by the GMDSS as the primary means for disseminating maritime safety information. However, there are several areas where the GMDSS system could be improved: Smaller vessels (constituting the majority of vessels) do not have to be equipped with GMDSS equipment (including domestic voyages and those vessels less than 300 GRT engaged on an international voyage). There are no direct communications available between GMDSS and non-GMDSS vessels outside of VHF (channel 16) range of about 20 nautical miles. A merchant ship can therefore sail past a small vessel in distress, and vice-versa. Shore based GMDSS infrastructure for relaying ship-shore alerts from GMDSS vessels to their non-GMDSS equipped counterparts are limited in coverage. Some areas of the word have no or limited GMDSS coverage (e.g., polar regions). NAVTEX guidelines require review and update. Application of modern oceanographic forecast and nowcast products within the GMDSS should be developed including graphical products that are not properly included within the GMDSS system. There remains considerable room for improvement with regard both to the quality and content of MSS services, and also their coverage. To address these issues, enhanced collaboration with other supporting organizations such as IMO/IHO and INMARSAT is required. For example, the co-ordination and dissemination of tsunami warnings to mariners especially regarding the GMDSS and the use of common URL gmdss.org for the provision of both meteorological and navigational warning information in real time via the www. Work towards the designation of Kenya to be an operational GMDSS Preparation Service for Metarea VIII (S) must also be continued. Appropriate amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) related to requirements for non-GMDSS marine broadcast services, in particular for coastal zones is required and the feasibility of expanding the MMS monitoring survey to non/GMDSS users should be explored. In order to provide information for Polar Regions through the establishment of new METAREAs/NAVAREAs for Arctic Waters, a continued dialog with the IMO Sub-Committee on Radio Communications and Search & Rescue (COMSAR) through the joint IMO/IHO/WMO correspondence group on MSI services should be maintained. The provision and application of graphic information at sea (e.g., using the SafteyNET system) should be developed for new data products applicable to GMDSS and experts need to work together frequently on this topic. These latter issues are particularly complex and it has been agreed that a PhD/MSc project would provide an excellent way to review the issues and present viable solutions to delivering graphical Met-ocean products. In addition, there is also a need to revise the guidelines for the provision of meteorological forecast and warning broadcasts through international NAVTEX Service and amend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 accordingly. The implications and impact of these changes needs to be monitored and any changes to NAVTEX guidelines must be kept under review. User feedback (through questionnaires and surveys) must be conducted to ensure that the ETMSS is working on the issues that matter to the Maritime user community. There is a clear need to continue a systematic long-term global MMS monitoring programme, based on the questionnaire and response format presently in use. The Commission requested the ETMSS investigate the feasibility of expanding the survey to non-GMDSS users. It is recommended that this survey should be reviewed and content revised as required by the ETMSS prior to its distribution, by the Secretariat, to national PMOs, for onward distribution to ships masters. The ETMSS must also work with the ETWS and ETSI to establish the best way to make use of wind wave, storm surge and sea ice data and services within the Maritime Safety Information services. It is recommended that this work is conducted as part of the development of the JCOMM Services URD described in TLO-1. At present the ETMSS has an open membership from issuing services for the GMDSS, IMO, IHO, IMSO and other user groups as required. In order to address the issues within the ETMSS and SPA work plan it is recommended that this team is defined in detail so that appropriate actions can be assigned to the most appropriate representatives. Furthermore, task-teams and expert groups may be required to consider specific aspects of the work plan. Approach for MAES/MPERSS The primary objective of the MPERSS is to maintain a coordinated, global system for the provision of meteorological and oceanographic information for marine pollution emergency response operations outside waters under national jurisdiction. The areas covered by the MPERSS have the same geographical distribution than those for the GMDSS, and Area Meteorological Coordinators have been identified for all of them. The MPERSS system should be included in a revised version of WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 accordingly. The implications and impact of MPERSS needs to be monitored and guidelines must be kept under review in a rolling manner similar to that of GMDSS. New agencies are emerging with regional area pollution coordination responsibility (such as the European Maritime Safety agency, EMSA) and the needs of these groups must addressed by MPERSS. It is recommended that a brochure of MPERSS capability and strategic direction is developed as an outreach tool to promote the MPERSS system. As the MPERSS operates in international waters and AMOCs only have limited experience with the MPERSS, it is suggested that there is some benefit in testing the system in a live scenario. The test should be carefully monitored and a thorough review of the system performance reported. If conducted appropriately, such a test would provide an excellent opportunity to solicit user feedback and review the performance of the MPERSS system. As in the case of GMDSS, there remains considerable room for improvement of MPERSS with regard both to the quality and content of MPERSS services, and also their coverage. There is a need to evaluate new met-ocean products of relevance to MPERSS (especially new ocean forecast and ecosystem model outputs) and to define and police standards in collaboration with the SPA TT-OPD within the Standards for JCOMM Services and Products document (including sections on accuracy, format, timeliness, operational status, etc.). Such standards allow the new generation of Met Ocean (bio-geo-chemical and ecosystem) products to be endorsed by JCOMM. The ETMAES must also work with the ETWS and ETSI to establish the best way to make use of wind wave, storm surge and sea ice data and services within the MAES/MPERSS. It is recommended that this work is conducted as part of the development of the JCOMM Services URD described in TLO-1. At present the ETMAES has an open membership AMOCs for MPERSS and other groups as required. In order to address the issues within the ETMAES and SPA workplan it is recommended that a core membership is defined in detail so that appropriate actions can be assigned to the most appropriate representatives. Furthermore, task-teams and expert groups may be required to consider specific aspects of the workplan. For example, close liaison with experts on Harmful Algal (nuisance) blooms, oil and chemical weathering, pollution dispersion modellers, experts in oil spill forecast and monitoring, use of satellite data (SAR and visible colour products), handling of nuclear and other dangerous cargoes, pollution cleanup and management teams etc. TLO-2: To develop, maintain and monitor international MetOcean product and service standards The objective is to ensure that the JCOMM SPA acts as a flexible, streamlined organisation capable of coordinating international maritime services. Relevant actions Res. 2: Re-implement a JCOMM Services program area Ensure that expert teams to work effectively according to the SPA and ET work plans Work effectively with the JCOMM Management Committee (MAN) Work effectively with the Services Coordination Group (SCG) Work effectively with the Capacity Building Rapporteur Work effectively with the Rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems Work effectively with the SPA satellite expert Approach The JCOMM SPA is a large program area that must consider a wide variety of issues relating to the development and application of operational ocean products and services. A concerted effort is required to ensure that the links between ETs are strong thorough active dialog and common themes. The main cross-cutting themes for the SPA during this JCOMM-II/III intersessional period are: The provision of met-ocean data and services in support of Maritime Safety Information and MPERSS; Developing appropriate integration and relationships with the ETMC; The need to provide support to DPM and Tsunami warning systems; Establish, implement and monitor standards for met-ocean products and services; Establish and implement metrics to monitor the progress and performance of the SPA against the SPA work plan TLOs and associated ET work-plans; Develop and publish critical SPA documents (e.g., URD etc.) Approach Standards The SPA must remain flexible and responsive to user needs and in this respect the development of the following documents in a timely manner is critical to ensure the SPA is able to engage properly with the user community: Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services JCOMM Catalogue of Operational Ocean Products and Services Standard Data and Metadata Formats for Ocean Products Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature JCOMM Services User Requirement Document (URD) It is as much about the process of developing these documents as the final documents themselves that will ensure the effectiveness of the SPA. Professionalism when working together with internal (JCOMM) and external organisations and users, international authorities and other Commissions is essential to the credibility of the JCOMM SPA. All documents and activities must be delivered to a high standard and where possible, subject to proper peer review in order to secure their authority (and the authority of JCOMM itself). All activities and outputs must also be useful to an end user group and must take a forward thinking view working towards the requirements and expected capabilities for the 2009/2015 period. This is especially the case for satellite systems and operational met-ocean forecast systems where significant changes may take a long time to realise due to development lead times and cost. Furthermore, all JCOMM SPA activities need to be cost effective and helping to maximise the investments made by National Governments in their willingness to support maritime services and associated infrastructures. If these aspects can be considered in the day-to-day work of the JCOMM SPA and ETs, the outputs of this work will be respected and the authority of JCOMM is assured. If they are not, then the future role of JCOMM will almost certainly be questioned and the funding required to conduct an effective service will be reduced. The only way to assure the community investing and working within the JCOMM SPA that the JCOMM SPA is a flexible, streamlined organisation capable of coordinating international maritime services is to conduct a transparent and honest assessment of progress against the work plans on a regular basis. This has the added benefit of forcing better communications within the SPA and within JCOMM as a whole. While this is a significant amount of work, it is an essential part of the JCOMM work plan because without working hard to earn the trust and respect of the international maritime community, JCOMM will lack authority to influence the quality and performance of the products and services provided for the safety of Citizens on the high seas and the management of the oceanic commons for the good of all. TLO-3: To implement a user focused program The Objective is to understand and respond to present and future needs of the maritime service industry and ensure that the services provided to users meet these requirements, including content, delivery timeliness and quality. A key priority for the JCOMM SPA is to provide mechanisms and services that engage the user community in JCOMM discussions, plans and activities and to manage user feedback on all aspects of JCOMM.; Relevant actions Rec.2: Redevelop the JCOMM Electronics Product Bulletin (J-EPB) as a web portal to JCOMM products and services; Rec.2: Prepare a user requirement document of the needs, applications and scenarios for operational met ocean products; Rec.2: Prepare a catalogue of quasi-operational ocean products by a team of experts; Rec.2: Prepare guidelines on ocean product presentation, symbology and nomenclature by a dedicated task team; Rec.2: Develop standard data and metadata formats for ocean products in collaboration with IODE, DMPA and GODAE; Rec.7: That the ET-MSS keep under review the implementation and user response to changes (abbreviations and guidelines) to the NAVTEX service. Rec. 8: That the ETSI gather user requirements and feedback on operational and climatological sea ice charts; Approach A close dialog between those people pioneering the development of the next generation of maritime service infrastructures and those using their outputs in maritime applications is essential to ensure value for money and maximum impact across all maritime operational services. At present only a generic specification of the JCOMM services user community is available and a complete inventory of available services has not yet been compiled. Nevertheless, without a bona fide statement of requirement, it is difficult to argue the case for sustained investment within the JCOMM SPA. To achieve TLO-1, an essential component of the SPA work plan for the 2005-2009 intersessional period must focus on establishing gaps in the existing systems that must be closed using future capability or redirection of current capability in some way. The WWW will be used as one approach to gathering user feedback. As the maritime community moves forward and develops better e-communication tools (especially email and other broadband internet services), the WWW will, as in other areas, become increasingly important. For shore-side activities WWW is one of the primary communication mechanisms and is ideally placed to solicit feedback through on-line questionnaires and web pages. The JCOMM Services web page (HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-services.org"http://www.jcomm-services.org) and other web sites within the JCOMM family should be used to deliver user feedback systems (as web pages or as Word, Excel or pdf files for example). Analysed and collated results should be published on these web pages to feedback to the application community the common opinions and perspectives on Maritime Services. Feedback from the user community on all aspects of the SPA work is essential if JCOMM is to remain flexible organisation and serve users in the most appropriate manner. While direct interactions with the user community is one of the most essential aspects of the SPA work plan, it is also the most challenging as it requires an investment of considerable time and effort to work effectively with the user community. Web based systems, questionnaires; direct feedback from user community; meetings and symposia; peer review of papers/reports; and other avenues all must be explored as useful cost effective routes to user feedback and interaction. It is proposed to hold an international conference called the International Met-ocean Maritime Services Conference (IMSC) in October 2008. The IMMSC 2008 will provide a unique opportunity for international leaders (executive level decision makers) of the maritime Industry, governments, maritime service providers, marine scientists and engineers for Maritime Safety, Marine Accident and Emergency Systems, Wind Wave and Storm Surge systems and services in the Arctic and Antarctic to help shape the future of JCOMM activities that will assist the delivery a new generation of systems for the Maritime Service Sector. The aim of IMMSC 2008 is to: Establish and agree international MetOcean Services requirements, identifying shortcomings of the present systems and reviewing long and short-term solutions. The objectives of the IMMSC 2008 are: To understand to present and future MetOcean needs of the international maritime industry; To build on scientific and technical excellence to respond and better meet these needs; To integrate international regional/global efforts with that of others to increase efficiency and capability and minimise duplication of effort; To ensure JCOMM acts as a flexible, streamlined organisation capable of coordinating international maritime services. Enhanced coordination of worldwide marine meteorological and oceanographic services and their supporting observational, data management and capacity building programmes. Influencing the development of best practices IMMSC2008 will provide a forum and close dialog between leaders working with marine meteorological and oceanographic (MetOcean) products and services including private and public maritime application industries, system and service providers, marine scientists and engineers to improve communication and mutual understanding. The conference is planned for a 1 week period (Mon-Friday) in October 2008 at the Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom. A limited number of trade stands will be available in the Met Office street area as well as poster presentation areas, plenary presentation and limited parallel sessions/breakout groups. Places will be limited to 200 people with a preferred 50:50 mix of world leading Scientist/Engineers and applications specialist. It is expected that IMMSC 2008 will work with/benefit from other conferences, particularly with industrial conferences, GODAE, MERSEA, BLUElink> and other major operational ocean projects. TLO- 4: To work effectively with JCOMM Members/Member States The Objective is to keep under review and to respond to the requirements of Members/Member States for guidance in the implementation of their duties and obligations with regard to marine services, in particular those specified in the WMO Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558); Relevant actions Rec. 1: Prepare the Guide to Storm Surges Rec. 6: Develop a JCOMM data management strategy with the DMPA Rec. 7: Revise the guidelines for the provision of meteorological forecast and warning broadcasts through international NAVTEX Service; Rec. 7:Adopt the list of common abbreviations for the International NAVTEX service provided in Annex 2; Rec. 7: Amend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 accordingly; Rec. 7: That the ET-MSS keep under review the implementation and user response to changes (abbreviations and guidelines) to the NAVTEX service. Rec.8: Amend item 4.2.9 of WMO-No. 558 (Model sea ice information charts) in the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1; Rec.8: That the ETSI keep under review the implementation and user response to guidelines for sea ice information products. Rec.9: Adopt the MPERSS system and include this in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471). Rec.9: That the ETMAES keep under review the implementation and user response to MPERRS; Rec.9: That the ETMAES provide technical support to Members on the implementation of MPERSS; Rec. 12: Ensure the effective coordination of JCOMM activities within a global framework of cooperation for tsunami and marine-related natural disaster reduction as appropriate Approach The main approach to working most effectively with JCOMM Members and Member States is to ensure that JCOMM provides timely, accurate guidelines for useful products, services, scientific knowledge and experience building on the strengths of current MetOcean service capability. Maintaining the content of the various Guides and publications including dynamic content as part of the JCOMM Electronics Bulletin is essential. Periodic reports describing co-ordination activities will be provided to the various committees within the JCOMM structure and published as part of the JCOMM report series. These processes provide an important tool to inform Members of JCOMM SPA progress and achievements as well as problems and issues that they may be able to assist in solving or alleviating. A systematic long-term JCOMM SPA monitoring program should be implemented by the Expert Teams and SCG to keep both JCOMM and Members properly informed of the activities and progress of the SPA. The monitoring system should address: The sustained provision of global and regional coverage marine meteorological and oceanographic data products and services; How well these products and services address the continued and expanding requirements of marine users; The progress toward building appropriate capacity in all regions of the world for marine safety, accident and emergency response systems; The successful pull through to operational services of international scientific and technical investment in marine meteorological and oceanographic data products and services; The level of international regional/global efforts integration for marine meteorological and oceanographic data products and services; The cost effectiveness, responsivity and impact of JCOMM International co-ordination. Clearly the importance of a user focussed program (TLO-1) in this respect is an obvious and essential element to achieving TLO-2. But this alone is insufficient as JCOMM must establish credibility within National systems responsible for providing marine meteorological and oceanographic data products and services. The development and implementation of standards for oceanographic data products and services in a draft Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature and its review and acceptance by authoritative Member States is particularly important in this respect. Finally, the JCOMM SPA is at the user-interface to Member state systems and has a heavy responsibility to manage and respond to user feedback. Establishing appropriate methods for this purpose is a significant but exciting challenge. Ultimately the acceptance of JCOMM as an authoritative organisation capable of delivering value to the Member states is arguably one of the most challenging aspects facing the JCOMM in the coming years. TLO-4: To co-ordinate the pull-through scientific and technical expertise to operational systems The Objective is to build on international scientific and technical excellence to better meet the needs of the international maritime service industry by developing the preparation and dissemination of ocean products and services;; Relevant actions Rec. 2: Redevelop the JCOMM Electronics Bulletin as a web portal to JCOMM products and services; Rec.2: Prepare a user requirement document of the needs, applications and scenarios for operational met ocean products; Rec. 2: Prepare a catalogue of quasi-operational ocean products by a team of experts; Rec.2: Prepare guidelines on ocean product presentation, symbology and nomenclature by a dedicated task team; Rec. 2: Develop standard data and metadata formats for ocean products in collaboration with IODE, DMPA and GODAE; Approach The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) is conducted its main demonstration phase from 2003 to 2006. Operational and research institutions from Australia, Japan, United States, United Kingdom, France and Norway will be performing global oceanic data assimilation and ocean forecast in order to provide regular and comprehensive descriptions of ocean fields such as temperature, salinity and currents at high temporal and spatial resolution. This demonstration phase will be followed by a consolidation and transition phase from 2005 to 2008 where synthesis and transition to operational systems will take place. Climate and seasonal forecasting, navy applications, marine safety, fisheries, the offshore industry and management of shelf/coastal areas are among the expected beneficiaries of GODAE. The integrated description of the ocean that GODAE will provide will also be highly beneficial to the research community. JCOMM must work together with GODAE and in association with intermediate and end users, to identify, standardise and operationally implement new ocean products and public good services that have emerged over the past 6 years. Of particular importance is the need to help GODAE transition appropriate capability from a demonstration project into an operational system environment. In collaboration with GODAE and other relevant organisations, the SCG, ET-Chairs and ET-Team members will promote Ocean Product Development. The main tasks include: Collect and present documentation describing of ocean product data processing and assimilation system characteristics as an electronic catalogue; Monitor and harmonize using appropriate ocean product and product service metrics where appropriate, distribution systems for ocean products through web servers and by ftp, in addition to the GTS, that are now required to broaden the range of organizations that can access data; Coordinate the application of standardized, modern formats for ocean products and associated data; Promote systems that asses the accuracy and timeliness of coherent, consistent ocean product streams and archives including open and detailed inter-comparison activities; Promote the wide dissemination and accessibility of ocean products and work with data providers to encourage feedback on their value; Develop, with appropriate international groups, ocean product user/producer feedback/response systems and material. Participate in appropriate capacity building activities for better understanding and application of MetOcean data, products and services. The SPA should prepare a comprehensive JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services including quasi-operational products, including those of GODAE, and a draft document Standard Data and Metadata Formats for Ocean Products in collaboration with IODE, DMPA and GODAE. Maintaining and policing JCOMM service and JCOMM endorsed product standards The development/endorsement of standards for oceanographic data products and services in a Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature and its review and acceptance by authoritative Member States is particularly important to the success of the JCOMM SPA. Where products and services fail to meet agreed standards, JCOMM and partner organisations must promptly advise the user community of deficiencies and shortcomings and apply influence to resolve these in a cost effective and timely manner. This is a complex task requiring expert scientific and technical expertise. The JCOMM SPA TT-OPD should develop a draft Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature, for review through a wider JCOMM process (SCG, MAN, JCOMM members). The guide should address: Standards for product/service timeliness, accuracy, robustness; Standards for the provision of appropriate uncertainty estimation; Standardization of presentation and delivery formats, nomenclature, etc; Standards for inter-comparison of data products; Standards for assessment of products (metrics); Classification of needs according to users; Detailed specifications for such user requirements; Criteria for selection as branded JCOMM products; Data and metadata (file and discovery) related to products; By upholding and monitoring high standards for products and services in a monitoring program, Member states can be assured that Citizens working in the Maritime environment are served with reliable and accurate knowledge and information on which critical decisions can be made with security. TLO-6: To develop and maintain communications across JCOMM and join up the SPA The objective is to integrate international regional/global efforts with that of others to increase efficiency and capability including the relevant programmes of WMO and IOC (e.g., DPM, WWW, WCP, GOOS, GCOS), as well as with other organizations such as IMO, IHO, IMSO and ICS in the provision of marine services and information; Relevant actions Rec. 12 (JCOMM-1): JCOMM should establish formal working relationship with IMSO, especially relating to the use of INMARSAT for GMDSS; Rec. 2: Develop standard data and metadata formats for ocean products in collaboration with IODE, DMPA and GODAE; Rec. 6: The SPA must work closely with the DMPA to help develop a JCOMM data management strategy Rec. 6: The JCOMM Data management strategy must be prepared jointly by IOC/IODE and the WIS. Rec. 8: That the ETSI work closely with the ETMSS; Rec. 8: That the ETSI gather user requirements and feedback on operational and climatological sea ice charts; Rec. 12: Ensure the effective coordination of JCOMM activities within a global framework of cooperation for tsunami and marine-related natural disaster reduction as appropriate; Rec. 12: Coordination with IMO and IHO to ensure the dissemination of tsunami warnings and related information through GMDSS communications facilities for Maritime Safety; Approach The detailed actions arising from JCOMM-II are in many cases concerned with effective coordination of JCOMM activities with other National, Regional and International Agencies. JCOMM does not conduct research or develop models, but coordinates and facilitates the operational implementation and dissemination of proven models, products and services. Part of this coordination and dissemination process is the implementation and maintenance of a JCOMM Products Web Portal. The JCOMM SPA also covers Quality Assurance issues and user interactions related to products and services. The following sub-set of work plan actions indicate the diversity of coordination and liaison activities which form the core of JCOMM SPA activities: Continue to work with IMO, IHO and IOC on the use of the GMDSS for the dissemination of tsunami warnings, as appropriate. Continue to work with IMSO, especially relating to the use of INMARSAT for GMDSS. Ensure that inputs are provided to the satellite rapporteur in order to ensure that a rational balance of in situ and satellite data is maintained to support SPA activities. Contact the head of POGO (via/with the CB rapporteur) to establish the needs of the POGO community in terms of CB activities relevant to the SPA. Work closely with the DMPA to help develop a JCOMM data management strategy jointly by IOC/IODE and the WIS. The ETs of the SPA should review and consider how best to work with and adopt, as required, Marine XML within the activities of the SPA. The SPA needs to work with the proposed pilot project on standards. This will lead to more efficient data and product exchange by JCOMM services. MarineXML is particularly important for ocean forecast system outputs. Work with the Capacity building rapporteur to assess the effectiveness of JCOMM related training workshops, courses, and./or seminars. Investigate use the IOC/UNESCO Bilko program to demonstrate the application of marine meteorological and oceanographic data sets and services. The Ocean Information Technology (OIT) Project could be of use to the JCOMM SPA as it would integrate some aspects of user integration. This is especially important regarding the integration of activities such as ARGO, GODAE, GHRSST-PP etc. Work with the GTSPP and establish how to provide services t through the SPA. This could be the case for value added (integrated) data products. There are clear links to GODAE activities in terms of data management (dictionaries etc). Work with the GOSUD and establish how to provide services t through the SPA. This could be the case for value added (integrated) data products. There are clear links to GODAE activities in terms of data management (dictionaries etc). Ensure the effective coordination of JCOMM activities within a global framework of cooperation for tsunami and marine-related natural disaster reduction. Initiate discussions to liaise with the existing tsunami warning and mitigation support activities of both IOC and WMO to determine the most appropriate approach. Establish with GODAE a small ad hoc Task Team for Ocean Product Development (TT-OPD) comprising representatives of major existing ocean product centres, including as a minimum the GODAE product centres. Some JCOMM Services will be data driven services (e.g., access to buoy observations at a site and for a time period). We need to establish the responsibility for these services in collaboration with OPA and DMPA. Work together with UNICPOLOS/UN-Oceans to promote the need for sustained ocean monitoring, ocean prediction and ocean services (perhaps with representation at the annual UNICPOLOS sessions. UN-Oceans provide a user community portal for the SPA which should be captured by the SPA URD. The JCOMM SPA should review the requirements of GEO and establish a mapping between SPA and GEO activities, products and services. This will help the implementation of GEO by establishing clear links and responsibility between the JCOMM SPA & GEO/GEOSS. SEACAMP & WIOMAP projects needs to be linked up to the activities of the SPA. The SPA coordinator should explore ways for these groups to work more effectively together with JCOMM. Ensure that proper linkages between the SPA web site (HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-services.org"www.jcomm-services.org, containing the J-EPB) and the OPA web spaces dedicated to observing systems Ensure that a clear set of observational data requirements to support marine meteorological and operational oceanographic products and services are finalized in a document on Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services. Send Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services document to the Chair of the OPA and take steps to ensure that the information is included in the CEOS/WMO database. The provision of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) provides a common focus for the expert teams working within the JCOMM SPA and this is considered a focus for all ETs within the SPA. A regular dialog between JCOMM program areas (PAs) is necessary in order to ensure that JCOMM is providing useful products and services to ETMSS and other communities. This is important as it ensures that the work of JCOMM remains innovative and flexible, adjusting as the user community learns and evolves itself. Dialog between those people pioneering the development of the next generation of maritime service infrastructures and those using their outputs in maritime applications is essential to ensure value for money and maximum impact across all maritime operational services. The proposed IMMSC 2008 conference will provide an excellent opportunity to join-up the JCOMM SPA teams prior to the JCOMM-III Session in 2009. TLO-7: To build appropriate capacity within JCOMM The objective is to build appropriate capacity within JCOMM to make the most of international collaboration (e.g., GOOS, GEO) to share marine meteorological and oceanographic knowledge, infrastructure and services for the benefit of the Maritime community; Relevant actions Res. 5: To appoint Capacity Building Rapporteurs within the Observations, services and Data Management Program Areas to develop appropriate capacity within JCOMM (including a strategy, review and update of training and guidance material and secure appropriate resources) Res.5: To establish a Joint task team between JCOMM and GOOS for resources. Approach JCOMM will assist countries to enhance their capacities in marine data collection, data management and provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services. Building capacity is a high priority activity directed at ensuring that maritime nations can not only contribute meaningfully to JCOMM's various programmes but also gain optimum benefits from the global system. The Capacity Building activity, in direct consultation and cooperation with the three JCOMM Programme Areas, has the mandate to coordinate the delivery of training, facilitate the transfer of technology, assist in providing equipment and work closely with the capacity building programmes of donor countries and other UN Agencies. In structural terms, the JCOMM Capacity Building activity is supported by and delivered through three Capacity Building Rapporteurs, attached to each of the three Programme Areas, and reporting to the Management Committee through a single designated representative. At present, capacity building work is concentrated in two areas: Specialized training and Regional Cooperative development projects. In recognizing the importance of capacity building and of the need to enhance coordination and cooperation in capacity building activities, a JCOMM Capacity Building Strategy has been prepared and published. This provides a coherent framework for all future JCOMM capacity building projects, compatible with similar work under other programmes of WMO and IOC; substantial capacity building activities of direct relevance to JCOMM are undertaken under a number of other WMO and IOC programmes, including GOOS, GCOS, IOC TEMA and IODE, and the WMO Education and Training, Technical Cooperation, Voluntary Cooperation and satellite programmes and the GEO/GEOSS Capacity Building Strategy. In the case of met-ocean services, capacity needs to be developed appropriately for each Member state in a manner that eventually results a fully functioning suite of met-ocean services satisfying regional and international needs. Four stages of development can be defined for which the capacity building needs are very different: Stage-0: Countries that are not aware of their need for MetOcean information and services; Stage I: Countries with little or no services, limited resources, but recognize their needs; Stage II: Countries with some infrastructure, resources and good knowledge of met-ocean requirements and limitations. These countries are capable to implementing SPA Systems; Stage III: Countries / Regions that have high level infrastructures, resources and R&D activities. Capable of developing the next generation of JCOMM services and products through innovations (e.g. graphic products, ecosystem models, etc) In each stage, the most appropriate specialised training and regional cooperative projects will be different. Fore example, Stage-III countries may require advanced training workshops (such as the GODAE International Summer School of Oceanography, "An integrated view of oceanography: ocean weather forecasting in the 21st century"). In contrast, it may be more appropriate to develop an initial capacity to use apply met-ocean products and services provided by other Member states in countries that do not yet have operational services in place (Stage-I). Importantly, while resources must be dedicated to building capacity across all Member states, priority to regions developing new met-ocean capability where there is otherwise none, must be given. However as appropriate, the JCOMM SPA must support initiatives at all three stages of development to ensure that sufficient capacity to deliver the JCOMM work plan. Collaboration with proven distance education and training projects (e.g., The IOC/IODE OceanTeacher Virtual Laboratory; The WMO Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology; The International Ocean Institute (IOI)) is encouraged. The IOC/UNESCO Bilko program (see HYPERLINK "http://www.bilko.org"http://www.bilko.org) is a complete system for learning and teaching remote sensing image analysis skills. Its primary aim is to make remote sensing training materials accessible to those without specialist resources at their disposal and to promote good teaching practice by tapping the diverse skills and expertise of an expert community. Considerable resources have been generated by the project including an intuitive image processing software package. Pedagogical materials include short self-study lessons focused on a particular remote sensing technique, oceanographic phenomenon or sensor that students can work through in their own time. The project currently serves many users located in over 70 countries and has supported international workshops and training courses. Several networks have been developed that are monitored by the Bilko steering committee including a network dedicated to Bilko lesson authors another for Bilko users. Recently, a new set of Bilko lessons and resources have been developed that focus on the use of ocean forecast output systems. These lessons, together with the Bilko introductory tutorial, accompanying satellite and ocean model data and Bilko software provide an excellent resource for teaching oceanography and satellite remote sensing. Within the framework of the JCOMM SPA, it is proposed to develop new lessons, in collaboration with GOOS and GODAE, that teach the application of satellite observations and ocean model outputs for wind waves, storm surges, sea ice, MAES (HAB, oil spills, SAR), MSS (ship routing, structure design etc) and Marine Climatology. Within the JCOMM-II/II intersessional period, it is proposed to organize a scientific/technical workshop on storm surge, September/October 2007 in Korea. The proposed scientific workshop will complement other international efforts including the series of capacity building workshops on storm surge and wave forecasting organized by JCOMM and the WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme, and JCOMM efforts into developing marine multi-hazard warning systems. The focus of the workshop will be similar to the very successful JCOMM scientific workshops in other related fields, including the International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and the CLIMAR Workshop on Advances in Marine Climatology. The objectives of the workshop are: to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to storm surge forecasting and hindcasting; to develop appropriate input for the dynamic part of the WMO Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting, emphasizing new developments; to provide guidance/technical support for National Meteorological Services; to discuss priorities for future research and development. The Capacity Building Rapporteur for the SPA must be informed of the developments and requirements for enhanced capacity within the remit of the ETs. A particular requirement is to ensure access to Met Ocean services and products and provide adequate training in their application and interpretation by Members and Member states that currently have no capacity to provide these services for the safety of its Citizens working in the Marine environment and the management of the Marine environment itself. The Services Program Area Action Plan Table 4.1 provides a detailed list of issues, recommendations and actions that are relevant to the work of the SPA that have been extracted from the abridged final report (WMO-No. 995) of the Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Second Session, Halifax, Canada, 19-27th September 2005. Prioritisation of each task is required due to the large scope of the work requested by the Commission during the 2005-2009 inter-sessional period. Final prioritisation was agreed at the SCG-III meeting, Exeter, United Kingdom 7-9 November 2006. Table 4.1. Tasks for the JCOMM Services Program Area 2005-2009 extracted from WMO-No. 995: Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Second Session, Halifax, Canada, 19-27th September 2005. The estimated effort required to achieve the task is specified as Low, Medium and high. HighMediumLowThe priority for each activity is shown in colour: e.g., No.WMO-No. 995 referenceTask descriptionOwnerTargetPriority & effortDeliverableStatus1Rec. 1 (CMM-XI)A systematic long-term marine meteorological services monitoring program should be implemented. An initial design of the monitoring program should be prepared for review by JCOMM-III. A clickable map will be developed as part of the SCG web pages showing different services around the world. This will be implemented in collaboration with the OPA.SCG, OPA, JCOMM co-presidents and MANIntersessionalHighReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-III. Clickable map on SPA and OPA web pages25% done (Ice Logistics Portal)2Rec. 12/1 GEO/JCOMMThe SPA should ensure that requests are provided to the satellite rapporteur in order to ensure that a rational balance of in situ and satellite data is maintained to support SPA activities.SPA coordinator SCG, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSIOn-goingLowReport to MAN and SCG. Requested a new Rapporteur for Satellite Communications systemsDone3Participate in the planned 2007 GODAE SummerSchoolWorkshopSPA coordinator and ETMAES, Rap. OOFS2007 (when GODAE has workshop)MedSupport to GODAE, better awareness of GODAE.Done4Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexPrepare a draft JCOMM Services User Requirement Document (URD) including the needs, applications and scenarios for operational met ocean products;SPA Coordinator, SCG, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSIOn-going, draft by end of 2007HighPrepare a draft JCOMM Services User Requirement Document (URD)Done5Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexConvene an international Met Ocean Maritime Services Conference (IMMSC) to confirm and review the draft JCOMM Services User Requirement Document (URD) and JCOMM SPA activities. The IMMSC 2008 should be discussed with OPA and DMPA chairs, MAN and the SCG.SCG, ETWS, ETSI, ETMSS, ETMAES, JCOMM co-presidents and MANOctober 2008HighConvene an international Met Ocean Maritime Services ConferenceNot done. Postponed.6Paragraph 4.2.2, 11.2.11 and 11.2.13Ensure that a clear set of observational data requirements to support marine meteorological and operational oceanographic products and services are finalized. Include a clear reference to the activities and requirements of DRR and DPM activities within the URD. DRR=Disaster Risk Reduction DPM=Disaster Prevention and ManagementSPA Coordinator, SCG, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSIIntersessionalHighPrepare a document on Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services Done7Paragraph 4.2.2Send Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services document to the Chair of the OPA and take steps to ensure that the information is included in the CEOS/WMO database. SPA CoordinatorIntersessionalLowSend Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services document to the OPA co-ordinator and CEOS/WMO database owner.Done8Paragraph 12.2.2, 12.2.11, The JCOMM SPA should review the requirements of GEO and establish a mapping between SPA and GEO activities, products and services. This will help the implementation of GEO by establishing clear links and responsibility between the JCOMM SPA & GEO/GEOSS.SPA coordinator, GEO SecretariatJCOMM-IIIMediumPrepare a document identifying requirements of GEO and activities of SPADone9Paragraph 6.3.11Ensure that proper linkages between the SPA web site (HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-services.org"www.jcomm-services.org, containing the J-EPB) and the OPA web spaces dedicated to observing systems.SPA coordinatorEarly 2007LowReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone10Paragraph 8.1.2 & 8.1.6SPA ETs to review and comment on the JCOMM Capacity building requirements survey and assist in the preparation of revised survey material.CB RapporteurASAPMediumReport to SCG & JCOMM-IIIDone11Paragraph 10.13The SPA to develop a web site to assist in the coordination and direct communication between SPA teams and members. The site should include mailing lists, discussion groups, and direct feedback options to the websites as suggested in Paragraph 10.13SPA coordinatorASAPHighDevelop JCOMM SPA web site.Done12Paragraph 7.5.6Some JCOMM Services will be data driven services (e.g., access to buoy observations at a site and for a time period). We need to establish the responsibility for these services in collaboration with OPA and DMPA. SPA, OPA, MAN and DMPA coordinators.ASAPLowArrange a meeting to discuss these issues. Attend a DMPA and OPA meeting.This activity should be under the responsibility of OPA13Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexEstablish in collaboration with GODAE (under SCG) a small ad hoc Task Team for Ocean Product Development (TT-OPD) comprising representatives of major existing ocean product centres, including as a minimum the GODAE product centres. At MAN-V this was modified to be the responsibility of the SCG Chair and ET Chairs together with a Rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (OOFS). The scope and ToR for this position was agreed at SCG-III.SPA Coordinator, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSI, MANASAPMediumAgree ToR for Rapporteur OOFS. Appoint Rapporteur (Done)Done14Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexPrepare a comprehensive JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services including quasi-operational products.SPA Coordinator, Rap. OOFS, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSI,JCOMM-IIIHighDraft of the JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services40% done15Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexDevelop a draft document Standard Data and Metadata Formats for Ocean Products in collaboration with IODE, DMPA and GODAESPA Coordinator, Rap. OOFS, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSI,JCOMM-IIIHighDraft of the Standard Data and Metadata Formats for Ocean Products40% done16Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex and Paragraph 5.2.3Develop a draft Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature, for review through a wider JCOMM process (SCG, MAN, DMPA, JCOMM members, GODAE etc.). The guide should address: Standards for timeliness, accuracy, robustness; Standards for the provision of appropriate uncertainty estimation; Standardization of presentation and delivery formats, nomenclature, etc; Standards for inter-comparison of data products; Standards for assessment of products (metrics) Classification of needs according to users; Detailed specifications for user requirements; Criteria for selection as branded JCOMM products; Standards for data and metadata (file and discovery) related to products; Use of existing standards, Model grids and structures. There are clear links to GODAE activities in terms of data management standards (dictionaries etc).SPA Coordinator, Rap. OOFS, ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS, ETSI,JCOMM-IIIHighPrepare a draft Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature.30% done17Paragraph 9.2Keep under review the preparation a set of regulations and guidance material, relating to the preparation and provision of oceanographic products and services for adoption by WMO and IOC.SPA Coordinator and MANJCOMM-IIILowReport to SCG, MAN and JCOMM-IIIOngoing18Paragraph 7.5.2, and 7.5.3Consider table driven codes for JCOMM SPA data products (present and future bio-geochemical products for MAES). E.g., those derived from ocean forecast model data sets.DMPA and ETMAESJCOMM-IIIHighReport to SCG, MAN and JCOMM-IIIDone19Paragraphs 11.2.11 and 11.2.13The provision of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) provides a common focus for the expert teams working within the JCOMM SPA and this is considered a priority focus for all ETs within the SPA. In particular improving observational systems and MSS services in the Arctic and Antarctic by developing user requirements and observation requirements. ECDIS formats for all variables should be considered.SCG, ETWS, ETSI, ETMSS, ETMAES and OPA, DMPACont.HighInput to the Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services document and the JCOMM Services User Requirement Document (URD)50% done20Paragraphs 5.2.5 and 5.2.7Promote the development of operational oceanographic products and services under JCOMM (outreach projects including a brochure and web site pages).SCG, Secretariat, MANASAPHighDevelop a brochure describing the role and function of the JCOMM SPADone21Paragraph 5.1.31 5.1.32Thoroughly review the contents and structure of the WMO published Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume D - Information for shipping in the light of the expected target audience, the relevance of the information provided, and capabilities for regular updating. Vol. D should be maintained in essentially its existing format, but with revised contents especially relating to GMDSS. The GMDSS Web sits shouls be maintained and updated. Secretariat/SPAJCOMM-IIIHighRevise Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume D - Information for shipping Done22Paragraph 5.1.31 5.1.32A Web based copy of Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume D - Information for shipping should be available from the JCOMM Web site.Secretariat/SPAJCOMM-IIILowPublish Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume D - Information for shipping on the JCOMM WWWDone23Paragraph 5.3.2 & 5.3.4Publish the results and responses together with the detailed comments by ships masters and the full list of ships whose masters had responded of the Marine Meteorological Services (MMS) monitoring programme survey on the SPA web site and as a document. The document should be distributed to National Meteorological Services by the Secretariat, and also made available on the JCOMM, JCOMMOPS and GMDSS Web sites.SCG, ETMSSJCOMM-IIIMediumPublish findings on JCOMM SPA web site. Publish document. Distribute documentDone24Paragraph 6.2.9Investigate use the IOC/UNESCO Bilko program to demonstrate the application of marine meteorological and oceanographic data sets and services. A single Bilko lesson from each ET (ETSI, ETWS, ETMAES, ETMSS) highlighting a single product or several products could form an extremely useful input to the JCOMM Capacity building group as these could be used many times s part of JCOMM training workshops.SPA & Capacity building rapporteurJCOMM-III or next JCOMM CB workshop??HighDevelop UNESCO Bilko lessons25% done25Paragraph 8.1.6The Capacity building rapporteur should assess the effectiveness of JCOMM related training workshops, courses, and/or seminars.SCG, Capacity building rapporteur JCOMM-IIIMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone26Rec. 6 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexThe SPA must work closely with the DMPA to help develop a JCOMM data management strategy jointly by IOC/IODE and the WIS.SCG and DMPAASAPLowProvide input to the JCOMM Data management Strategy Done27Paragraph 7.5.24 & 7.5.25The ETs of the SPA should review and consider how best to work with and adopt, as required, Marine XML within the activities of the SPA. The SPA needs to work with the proposed pilot project on standards. This will lead to more efficient data and product exchange by JCOMM services. The JCOMM META-T project provides a potential model for this type of work and the SPA should support this activity (especially ISO-90115 Marine Profiles.SCG, DMPA ETWS, ETSI, ETMSS, ETMAESJCOMM-IIIMediumProvide input to the JCOMM Data management Strategy Provide input to META-TDone (Plans to develop GIS formats)28Paragraph 7.6.4 & 7.6.7Work with the GTSPP and establish how to define services through the SPA. This could be the case for value added (integrated) data products.SCG, DMPA ETMAES, OPAJCOMM-IIIMediumProvide input to the document Standards for JCOMM Services and ProductsNot done29Paragraph 7.6.8 & 7.6.10Work with the GOSUD (e.g., through the British Oceanographiuc Data Centre, BODC & IFREMER, France) and establish how to define services through the SPA. This could be the case for value added (integrated) data products.SCG, DMPA, ETMAESJCOMM-IIIMediumProvide input to the document Standards for JCOMM Services and ProductsNot done30Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex and Paragraph 5.2.5 and 5.2.8Re-establish and develop the JCOMM Electronic Products Bulletin (J-EPB) as a user-friendly Web portal to existing operational products classified as JCOMM products. This was particularly important in the light of the large number of new products now available on the Web. The J-EPB should include real time monitoring of key products, summarise current ocean state, include re-analyses (ERA40, waves, sea ice) and climate trends etc. An inventory of appropriate web map servers should be prepared. The J-EPB should adopt an end-to-end data management philosophy The J-EPB should encourage and promote standards based approaches such as Open GIS Consortium (OGC) web map servers and web feature servers.SCG, ETWS, ETSI, ETMSS, ETMAES, JCOMM co-presidents and MAN. (Contact Nic Mikihlov)End 2007HighRe-establish the JCOMM Electronic Products Bulletin as part of the (SPA) web portal. Prepare an inventory of web map servers.Done31Rec. 12 (JCOMM-II) and Paragraph 5.1.34Ensure the effective coordination of JCOMM activities within a global framework of cooperation for tsunami and marine-related natural disaster reduction. Initiate discussions to liaise with the existing tsunami warning and mitigation support activities of both IOC and WMO to determine the most appropriate approach. Arrange a joint meeting to discuss: Contribute to the development of guidance material for Members/Member States relating to the components and operations of a marine hazards warning service; Coordination with IMO and IHO to ensure the dissemination of tsunami warnings and related information through GMDSS communications facilities for Maritime Safety; Enhancement of the GLOSS network through the upgrading of some of the existing GLOSS stations to tsunami monitoring standard; Coordinate an effective link for exchange and dissemination of early warnings, contribute to the development of a fast warning system, especially in the maritime safety, utilizing both existing and new transmission facilities in order to reach the public and the relevant mitigation mechanisms; DPM=Disaster Prevention and Mitigation DRR=Disater Risk ReductionSCG and ETMSSIntersessionalHighMeeting and meeting report to SCG, MAN and JCOMM-III Develop dedicated SPA web pages for DPM including scope of DPM related projects within the SPA, links to relevant technical reports, guidelines educational material and curriculums relevant to NMHSs in support of DRR. Ensure that requirements are included in the DRR and DPM Done32Paragraph 2.3 + othersThe SPA will consider a set of planning guidelines for simulated marine emergencies in order to promote testing operational robustness of existing systems. Ideally, a series of test cases should be run in a hindcast scenario mode during periods when sufficient validation data are available. The process and results of these scenarios will help to establish the key areas of weakness and strengths within the MSS/MPERSS.SPA, ETMSS, ETSI, ETMAESJCOMM-IIIHighReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-III. Document activities on the JCOMM SPA web site. Promulgate results to improve systems Link to proposed JCOMM SPA brochure Not done33Paragraph 11.3.5 & 11.3.6How can the SPA make useful outreach contributions to strengthen interest in SPA activities in terms of public education including schools and professional institutions? How can the SPA contribute to WMOs Education and training fellowships program?SPA and Capacity Building RapporteurJCOMM-IIIMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIINot done34Paragraph 12.4 & 12.4.2The SPA should contact the head of POGO (via/with the CB rapporteur) to establish the needs of the POGO community in terms of CB activities relevant to the SPA. An action plan for targeted CB within the SPA (not as a replacement for but as part of the overall JCOMM CB strategy) should be developed.CB RapporteurASAPLowReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone35Rec. 12 (JCOMM-I)Establish and develop a formal working relationship with IMO, especially relating to the use of INMARSAT for GMDSS.ETMSS and SCGIntersessionalHighReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone36Paragraph 5.1.34Continue to work with IMO, IHO and IOC on the use of the GMDSS for the dissemination of tsunami warnings, as appropriate.ETMSS in liaison with IMO and IHOCont.HighArrange a joint meeting with IMO, IHO and IOCDone37Paragraph 5.1.34Co-ordinate the dissemination of tsunami warnings to mariners especially regarding the GMDSS, in liaison with IMO and IHO.ETMSSASAPMediumDevelop a plan of actionNot done38Rec. 7 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexRevise the guidelines for the provision of meteorological forecast and warning broadcasts through international NAVTEX Service. This includes the adopting the list of common abbreviations for the International NAVTEX service provided in Annex 2 and amend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 accordingly.ETMSSASAPHighAmend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1 Promulgate NAVTEX abbreviationsDone39Rec. 9 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexKeep the implementation of and user response to the guidelines and common abbreviations for meteorological forecast and warning broadcasts through the International NAVTEX Service under reviewETMSS with IMO and IHOIntersessionalMediumReport to SCG, MAN and JCOMM-IIIDone40Paragraph 5.1.6Liaise with IHO and IMO to coordinate the use of common URL gmdss.org for the provision of both meteorological and navigational warning information in real time via the WebETMSSOn-goingMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone41Paragraph 5.1.7Continue the work for the designation of Kenya to be an operational GMDSS Preparation Service for Metarea VIII (S)ETMSSIntersessionalLowReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone42Paragraph 5.1.9Develop appropriate amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) related to requirements for non-GMDSS marine broadcast services, in particular for coastal zones.ETMSSIntersessionalMediumAmend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1Ongoing43Paragraph 5.3.4 and 5.3.6There remains considerable room for improvement with regard both to the quality and content of MSS services, and also their coverage. As a follow-up to these results, the Commission agreed on the need to continue maintaining a systematic long-term global MMS monitoring programme, based on the questionnaire and response format presently in use. It recommended that this format should again be reviewed for currency and applicability of content by the Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services prior to its distribution, by the Secretariat, to national PMOs, for onward distribution to ships masters. The Commission requested the ETMSS investigate the feasibility of expanding the survey to non-GMDSS users. Investigate and report on the feasibility of expanding the MMS monitoring survey to non/GMDSS users.ETMSSIntersessionalMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-III Revised version of the MMS monitoring surveyOngoing44Paragraphs 5.1.5 and 5.3.7Implement a project to explore, develop and disseminate graphic information of as part of the GMDSS.ETMSS, Secretariat, SPA co-ordinatorCont.HighDevelop a strategy and plan including test scenarios. Establish adequate resources to conduct work50% done45Rec. 10 and Rec 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex Gather MSS user needs, applications and scenarios and user feedback and include these in the JCOMM SPA-URD. A lead could be taken from activities in the Arctic and Baltic. Icebergs are particularly important.Secretariat, ETMSS ETSI, SPA coordinator.IntersessionalHighProvide input to the JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services and JCOMM Services User Requirement Document The document should includeexample historic test cases. 75% done46Rec. 10 and Rec 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexDevelop a brochure on MPERSS capability as an outreach tool to engage the user community with the MPERSS.ETMAES and secretariatASAPMediumBrochure on MPERSSDone47Rec. 10 (JCOMM-II) and Annex and Paragraph 5.1.27Adopt the MPERSS system and include this in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471). Include the revised MPERSS system plan (Annex to Rec. 2 (CMM-XI)) in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471)ETMAES and secretariatASAPHighAmend the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471).Done48Recommendation 10/1 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexKeep under review the implementation and user response to MPERRS. Report to MAN and SCG.ETMAESIntersessionalMediumReport to SCG, MAN and JCOMM-IIIDone49Rec. 10 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexProvide technical support and advice to Members on the implementation of MPERSS. Report to MAN and SCG.ETMAESOn-goingMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone50Rec. 10 and Rec 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex Gather MPERSS user needs, applications and scenarios and user feedback and include these in the JCOMM SPA-URD and establish observation requirements for MPERSS activities.ETMAES and SCG, DMPAASAPHighProvide input to the JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services and JCOMM Services User Requirement Document and input to The Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services60% done51Rec. 1 (JCOMM-II) and Annex Paragraph 10.3Finalise the dynamic part of the Guide to wave analysis and forecasting (WMO-No. 702)ETWSJCOMM-IIIHighComplete the dynamic part of the Guide to wave analysis and forecasting (WMO-No. 702)Done52Rec.1 (JCOMM-II) Paragraphs 5.1.15 and 10.3, and Complete the Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting and publish it in the WMO Manuals and Guides series. A dynamic part of the guide should reside on a JCOMM web space.ETWS and SecretariatIntersessionalHighPublish the Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting including a web-based dynamic section.Done53Paragraph 5.1.13(l)Analyse the questionnaire distributed to identify operational storm surge model outputs and publish the results online within the dynamic part of the Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting. ETWSASAPMediumPublish results online within the dynamic part of the Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting, and provide input to the SPA-URD.Done54Paragraph 5.1.13(l)Investigate the scope for a verification project for operational storm surge model outputs in different regions. At the same time, help develop the Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature. Follow up on the ETWS role in the provision of expert assistance to the IOC/IHO/WMO.ETWS and SecretariatASAPHighDevelop a project plan and initiate activities. Input to the Guide to Ocean Product Presentation, Symbology and Nomenclature. Report to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-III10% done55Paragraph 5.1.14 and 6.3.4Provide support as appropriate in establishment of multi-hazard warning systems. This should be done in collaboration with the JCOMM OPA and DMPA. Also note JCOMM Pub-37 (developed from the Expert Meeting on possible JCOMM Contributions to the Development and maintenance of marine multi-hazard warning systems)ETWS, ETSI, ETMSSJCOMM-III/ASAPMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone56Paragraph 8.3.1 & 8.1.3Follow up on the proposal for a project Storm Surge monitoring, hind-casting and forecasting in the Gulf of Guinea by R. Folorunsho. How can the SPA and the ETWS support/participate in this work?ETWS, Secretariat and SPA-CoordinatorASAPLowReport to MAN, SCG25% done57Paragraph 5.1.14Strengthen ETWS activities in training, in close cooperation with capacity building activities. Develop and hold a storm Surge Workshop. Strengthen links to Ocean Teacher (including Bilko) Host a side meeting to discuss the JCOMM Extreme Water Level Project (JEWEL)ETWS, OOFS Rapporteur, Secretariat and SPA CoordinatorJCOMM-III/ASAPHighReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-III Organise and host side meeting for JEWEL discussions90% done58Rec. 10 and Rec 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex Gather wind wave and storm surge user needs, applications and scenarios and user feedback and include these in the JCOMM SPA-URD. What is the consensus on output formats? What BUFR codes are required (if any) Is there a need for observations inter-comparison experiments?ETWS and SCG, OPA, DMPAASAPHighProvide input to the JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services and JCOMM Services User Requirement DocumentDone59Rec. 8 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexETSI should liaise with the ETMSS and report to the SCG and MAN on how ESI can provide support and advice on sea ice issues that impact Maritime Safety Systems.ETSI and ETMSSIntersessionalHighReport to SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone60Recommendation 9/2 (JCOMM-II) and Rec. 8 (JCOMM-II) and Annex Paragraph 5.1.21Review the guidelines for sea ice information products and develop appropriate amendments for the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558). Amend item 4.2.9 of WMO-No. 558 (Model sea ice information charts). Include a reference to the SIGRID3: a vector archive format for sea ice charts (WMO/TD-No. 1214) and the Ice Chart Colour Code Standard (WMO/TD-No. 1215) in the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558)ETSI, ETMSS, DMPA, OPA and secretariatIntersessionalHighAmend WMO-No. 558, Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, Vol. 1, Part 1Done61Rec. 8 and Rec. 2 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexETSI should gather user needs, applications and scenarios and user feedback on operational and climatological sea ice charts and include these in the JCOMM SPA-URD.ETSI and SCGASAPMediumInput to JCOMM Services URD and Catalogue on Ocean ProductsDone62Rec. 8 (JCOMM-II) and AnnexKeep under review the implementation and user response to guidelines for sea ice information products.ETSIOn-goingMediumReport to SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone63Paragraph 5.1.20Finalise the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including an Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice Terms (HYPERLINK "http://www.aari.nw.ru/gdsidb/XML/nomenclature.asp"http://www.aari.nw.ru/gdsidb/XML/nomenclature.asp), It was intended that the final version of the nomenclature would be a contribution of the ETSI to the IPY 2007/2008. ETSI, DMPABefore the end of the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008HighPublish WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including an Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice TermsDone64Paragraph 5.1.20Incorporate the comprehensive work undertaken by the experts from CIS to extend the coding of sea ice melting to identify ice decay and the associated strength of the ice into the new WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including an Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice TermsETSI, DMPAEnd of 2008MediumInclude in WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including an Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice TermsDone65Paragraph 5.1.20Make the existing and new electronic version of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including an Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice Terms available through the JCOMM Web site.ETSI, DMPAOngoingHighPublish the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including an Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice Terms on the www.Done66Paragraph 5.1.24Facilitate close cooperation with the major international sea ice programs and projects, in particular BSIM and IICWG, ETSI, SecretariatOn goingMediumReport to SCG, MAN and JCOMM-IIIDone67Paragraph 5.1.24 and Paragraph 5.1.18Advise on integrated sea ice products and coupled sea ice ocean atmosphere numeric models, new initiatives for the provision of tailored support for the IPY, including ice climate normals and data archival in close cooperation with the major international sea ice programmes and projects, in particular BSIM and IICWG. Follow up on the growing request from the user community for the integrated sea ice information products, and to this end endorsed further development of the coupled sea ice ocean atmosphere numerical model approach being adopted by some NMHSs.ETSI with cooperation of BSIM and IICWG and the OOFS RapporteurOn goingMediumProvide input to IPY, report to SCG and MAN. Input to JCOMM Services URD and Cat.OP. Provide input to IPY, report to SCG and MANDone68Paragraph 5.1.23 11.2 11.2.6 11.2.7 11.2.13Follow up/Clarify the intended provision of tailored support from GDSIDB centres with regard to ice climate normals and data archival during the IPY. ETSIBefore IPYHighInputs to IPY including a plan of activitiesDone69Paragraph 11.2.13Provide tailored services and information support to the IPY via international ice services web portal and to cooperate with DBCP, IABP and IPAB in their implementation during the IPYETSI2007-2008HighProvide input to IPY, report to SCG and MAN. Contribute to the International Ice PortalDone70Paragraph 5.1.19 and 8.3.4Continue to develop training in the science of ice analysis and forecasting (including NIC, ARRI, DMI, CIS, SMARA) and liaise with the Rapporteur on Capacity Building. Work with Ocean Teacher Work with BilkoETSIOngoingMediumReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone71Paragraph 5.1.21Revise on an annual basis the publication Sea Ice Information Services in the World (WMO-No. 574) issued in electronic form in the JCOMM Technical Report SeriesETSI2005, 2006, 2007, 2008MediumRevise Sea Ice Information Services in the World (WMO-No. 574)Done72Paragraph 5.1.22Include the work plan for the Steering Group of the GDSIDB for the next inter-sessional period, which would be included in the overall JCOMM work plan.ETSI and SPA SCG ASAPMediumInclude details in ETSI workplan50% done73Paragraph 5.1.22Continue to work on comparison between the [current operational and] historical ice charts collection and passive microwave (SSM/I and AMSR) satellite products in order to lower uncertainties in climatic sea ice statistics. Links to OOPC Working group on SST and Sea Ice..ETSI, SPA SCG, ETMSS and SecretariatASAPHighArrange a workshop to compare sea ice analysis charts Report to JCOMM-IIIDone74Paragraph 5.1.24Continue to work as the international body responsible for ice information standards, in particular for the Ice Objects register in ECDIS in cooperation with the IHO and for information and assessment of sea ice as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) under GCOS, in particular for the Ice Objects register in ECDIS in cooperation with the IHO and, in cooperation with the GDSIDB Steering Group.ETSI with cooperation of IHO, DMPA and SecretariatASAPHighReport on the assessment of sea ice as an ECV. Arrange meeting with IHO and ECDIS community.Done75JCOMM SPA SCG (April 2006)ETSI to provide the OPA with an inventory of observation user requirementsETSI, OPA, DMPAASAPLowProvide input to Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services documentDone76Paragraph 11.2.11(IPY) The Commission noted the necessity of extending the observational network in the Arctic region, in order to assure enhancement of meteorological and ice services for navigation in the Polar Regions. It noted the existing lack of broadcast coverage in the Arctic by Inmarsat, which does not allow navigators to receive GMDSS information to a full extent. The Commission considered that it would be highly desirable that the JCOMM PAs strengthen their efforts in extending products and services relayed to users.ETSI, SCG and ETMSS, OPA, DMPAASAPLowProvide input to Observation Requirements for JCOMM Services document and IPY coordinators.Done77Rec. 10 and Rec 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex Gather sea ice user needs, applications and scenarios and user feedback and include these in the JCOMM SPA-URD. Include a summary of formats and BUFR code table requirements (if any)ETSI and SCG, DMPA, OPAASAPMediumProvide input to the JCOMM Catalogue of operational ocean products and Services and JCOMM Services User Requirement DocumentDone78Paragraph 7.5.5Follow up on developments with the ETDMP and RTSI re SIGRID-3 data format. Identify further actions as required.ETSI, DMPAASAPReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone79Paragraph 12.3.3ETSI to establish if and how it can contribute to the proposed IGOS-P theme on cryosphere (including sea ice and floating ice). Develop options for operational monitoring of icebergs and dissemination of information to mariners in graphical format if required.ETSIASAPReport to MAN, SCG and JCOMM-IIIDone Schedule of JCOMM SPA meetings and events 2006-2009 The schedule for JCOMM Services Program Area meetings is provided in the table below. Schedule of JCOMM SPA and other relevant meetings and events 2006-2006 (last revised 2006-10-03) TitleProposed dateLocationWWW linkContactSPA-Telecon-I26 April 2006N/ASecretariatsCo-location meeting ETMSS and ETMAES11-12 July 2006Toulouse, FranceC Donlon/A SoaresSPA-Telecon-IISeptember 2006N/AC Donlon9th Waves Workshop, 24-29 September 2006Victoria, CanadaHYPERLINK "http://www.oceanweather.com/waveworkshop/"http://www.oceanweather.com/waveworkshop/ V SwailJCOMM MAN5-7 October 2006Geneva, SwitzerlandSecretariatsInternational GODAE Steering Team Meeting & GODAE symposium16-20 October 2006Beijing, ChinaC Donlon/A FischerDBCP 16-20 October 2006La Jolla, USAE Charpentier/ B LeeGODAE Symposium on ocean data assimilation and prediction in Asia-Oceania16-18 October 2006, Beijing, ChinaHYPERLINK "http://ctwf.iap.ac.cn/godae2006/OtherNews_show.asp?id=1"http://ctwf.iap.ac.cn/godae2006/OtherNews_show.asp?id=1 C DonlonSCG-III (back to back with GOOS meetings)7-10 November 2006 Exeter, UKHYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-services.org"http://www.jcomm-services.org C Donlon/A SoaresETMSS-II24-27 January 2007Angra dos Reis, Brazilhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmH. Savina/A SoaresETMAES-I29-31 January 2007Angra dos Reis, Brazilhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmP. Daniel/A SoaresETWS-II20-24 March 2007 (tentative)Geneva, Switzerlandhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmV Swail/A SoaresETMC 26-27 March 2007 (tentative)Geneva, Switzerlandhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmScott Woodruff/ SecretariatsETSI-III28-31 March 2007 (tentative)Geneva, Switzerlandhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmV. Smolanitsky/A Soares SPA-Telecon-IIIMarch 2007N/AC DonlonSPA-Telecon-IVSeptember 2007N/AC DonlonStorm Surge Symposium2-6 October 2007Seoul Koreahttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmV Swail/B Lee10th Waves WorkshopNovember 2007Oahu, Hawaii, USAV SwailSPA-Telecon-VFebruary 2008N/AC DonlonCLIMAR-III2008TBDhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmOGP/ETWS joint workshop on climate change and design criteria (possibly in conjunction with CLIMAR-III) 2008TBDhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmProposed Joint JCOMM GCOS Sea Ice working group Sea Ice analysis inter-comparison workshopTBDTBDSPA-Telecon-VIJune-September 2008N/AC DonlonInternational Maritime Services Conference (IMSC), 2008October 5-9, 2008Met Office, Exeter, United KingdomC DonlonJCOMM SPA SCG IV October, 2008TBDhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmC Donlon/A SoaresSPA-Telecon-VIIJune-September 2008N/AC DonlonJCOMM-IIISeptember-October 2009Moroccohttp://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Forthcoming-Events/forthcoming-events.htmSecretariats JCOMM SPA Expert Team work plans The Chair of each JCOMM SPA expert team has provided an outline work-plan for the 2005-2009 inter-sessional period which has been re-produced in the following sections. Expert Team on Marine Safety Systems (ETMSS) ETMSS is the key actor regarding the coordination of the provision of meteorological and oceanographic multi-hazards safety information & warnings for mariners. In addition to coordination aspects, the Terms of Reference for the Expert Team (see HYPERLINK \l "_Expert_Team_on"Appendix-I) include the monitoring & review of the operations of marine broadcast systems, not only for the GMDSS but also for others related to vessels not covered by the SOLAS convention, the monitoring and review of the technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information (particularly for the GMDSS) and the implementation of appropriate actions to ensure feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services. In particular, the current status of good health of the GMDSS, result of prolonged effort by the team and its predecessor (the CMM ad hoc Group on the GMDSS) and participating meteorological services, should be noted. However, significant improvements or additional contributions could be planned or expected, especially regarding the dissemination aspects, products related to specific risks or covering the coastal and shelf zone Provision of appropriate Maritime Safety Information (MSI) related to Tsunamis If the public good was clearly behind the decision by IMO/COMSAR 9 and COMSAR/Circ. 36 to encourage the rebroadcast of tsunami warnings/advisories via the GMDSS SafetyNET service (within the World Wide Navigational Warning System - WWNWS coordinated by IHO, through its Commission for Promulgation of Radio navigational Warnings (CPRNW)), more permanent coordination arrangements need to be jointly developed. During the 7th meeting of the CPRNW in September 2005, it was agreed to establish a special joint IMO-IHO-WMO-IOC working group to look at all issues and make recommendations that affect all interested organizations, especially to avoid duplication of ongoing or new activities, to be submitted to COMSAR as a joint paper by the IMO SafetyNET and NAVTEX Coordinating Panels. Issues to be resolved include in particular the provision of consistency and understanding in IOC, WMO, IHO, and IMO as to exactly what is each organizations role, the position of Tsunami Warnings (are they Navigational Warnings or a Meteorological Warnings ?), the dissemination protocols. If the main point to consider is the delivery of Tsunamis Maritime Safety Information (warnings & related information) to mariners, the potential role of ships and maritime telecommunication infrastructures for the relay of such information to National authorities or onshore communities should also be studied. ETMSS chair is supposed to prepare a draft proposal. Then, a tentative guidance scheme of operational relations & responsibilities between respective operational centres (Regional & National TWC, Met. & Nav. Issuing Services,) for the provision of Tsunamis MSI, both during interim/implementation & operational phases of regional TEWS, should be prepared by the ETMSS. Type, content, format, priority status of Tsunami Warnings for mariners should also be prepared & reviewed, for update of both Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) and Guide on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471). An expert from ITIC, PTWC or JMA should probably be invited. Definition of boundaries and responsibilities for new potential Arctic NAV/METAREAS When the boundaries of the existing 16 GMDSS NAVAREAs/METAREAs were decided upon, the Arctic Region was not considered. Consequently, as the opening of the Northern Sea Route for international shipping increases, gaps and problems with availability of appropriate Maritime Safety Information (MSI) and broadcast facilities for SOLAS ships are expected to rise. A first proposal for 2 new areas covering a part of the Arctic Ocean was submitted by the Russian Federation to IMO. The IMO Sub-Committee on Radio-communications and Search & Rescue (COMSAR) asked the IHO CPRNW to review this proposal. The Seventh Meeting of CPRNW, held in Monaco in September 2005, noted that Norway did agree that establishment of new areas in this region is important, but could not support Russian proposal. The CPRNW agreed to the suggestion of its Chairman to consider the whole Arctic Ocean. A very first draft of 5 new areas, taking into account the proposal from the Russian Federation was presented as a starting. The Tenth session of the COMSAR, held in London in March 2006 also considered this issue. The Sub-Committee noted the reservations expressed by Norway, which were re-iterated during the session and supported by Iceland. The Sub-Committee also agreed that all Arctic Waters should be included and not simply the areas proposed by the Russian Federation. The concept of 5 new NAVAREAs/METAREAs was supported, but the limits of these new areas were not agreed, and need to be the subject of detailed international discussions. To address this problem, in addition to several other additional associated issues, the Sub-Committee then approved the establishment of a joint IMO/IHO/WMO correspondence group on MSI services. This correspondence group, which should include representatives (Meteorological & Hydrological services, Hydrographic agencies, maritime authorities) of all affected countries (Russian Federation, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, United Kingdom, Canada and USA) and other interested organizations (including IMSO, Inmarsat) is chaired by the Chairman of the IHO/CPRNW. The WMO secretariat has recently sent a letter to the relevant PRs to identify Met focal points. The work of this group will be summarized for a report at the next COMSAR (11), planned in February 2007. The proposal, if any, should also be approved by WMO. Coordination of provision of MSI for polar regions There is a need to clarify with IHO the coordination of the provision of MSI related to sea ice, as mentions are made in both IHO & WMO regulation/guidance materials, and to complete as far as necessary JCOMM documentation for polar regions (coordination & responsibilities, dissemination, information content), to make sure to avoid gaps and overlapping. Keep under review the guidelines and common abbreviation list for NAVTEX messages Other Improvements in regulations & guidance materials ETMSS will also continue to contribute to the update & development of regulation & guidance material for MSI related to other marine hazards. Among others, some important issues are the improvements in the provision of sea ice information (information content, development of standard for text warnings/bulletins - in cooperation with ETSI), of sea state information especially regarding dangerous & complex seas, risk of rogue/freak waves (in cooperation with ETWS) - within GMDSS, storm surges warnings for ports (in cooperation with ETWS). Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs Develop better coordination and communication between the various teams within the JCOMM SPA in order to impermanent the SPA work-plan and develop the success stories for SPA. GMDSS Graphic products Definition of objects (including graphical presentation) for met-ocean parameters within ECDIS (and future open formats) in liaison with IHO and ISO, should be considered as a priority. Experience from ETSI (for sea ice) and other WMO bodies or teams (for Aviation in particular) could be useful. Anyway, the project to improve the GMDSS through expansion of services to provide products in graphical format via the Inmarsat SafetyNet service has been active in one way or another for many years, but has yet to achieve any of the objectives or expectations placed upon it. The Cont. importance of this issue was stressed by JCOMM-II, but the optimal & practical means to achieve this has still to be identified. Coordination mechanisms in the provision of MSI (especially for GMDSS) There is a need to implement coordination mechanisms in the provision of GMDSS MSI for shipping, especially regarding NAVTEX dissemination (avoid duplication, forecast coordination), as requested by IMO. If, for several areas (part of Metarea I (North Sea), Metarea II, part West of Metarea III), NMS and mariners could now take benefit from common marine sub-areas, the Baltic Sea is the only area where such a coordinating system is operational for the provision of metocean MSI. If the Team has to facilitate this huge work, it has to be strongly relayed and supported at a regional level. Strong support from the Secretariat is also needed. There is another main point related to the intensity scale & associated units used in Tropical Cyclone advisories or warnings. Such information may vary depending mainly on the WMO region. Such differences may not be a problem at a local or regional level, but may lead to misunderstanding, for instance, when existing in GMDSS products, for SOLAS ships who travel across several WMO regions. Action should be taken, in cooperation with the WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme, to find an appropriate solution. Such kind of problem, related a lack of harmonization of products or scales at a global level, for warnings systems coordinated at a regional level, should really be avoided for tsunamis warnings, especially for the provision of MSI. Websites Significant potential contributions on dissemination aspects could be implemented or improved. Within JCOMM, an operational GMDSS web site has been developed and implemented by Mto-France (HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org/"http://weather.gmdss.org), and has now been in operation for more than a year, with considerable success. An e-mail access for GMDSS bulletins available at this website is also being developed (HYPERLINK "http://www.meteo.fr/marine/navimail"http://www.meteo.fr/marine/navimail). This first version could be significantly enriched and improved in several ways, by including additional metocean products (graphics, NAVTEX, ice information,...), by integrating appropriate dynamic links with JCOMM associated documentations (especially WMO-No. 9, Vol. D there is an action for WMO secretariat, to make the relevant needed links available). In cooperation with other WMO programs or Commissions, we should note for example the work done within the CBS, especially regarding the Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC) web site (http://severe.worldweather.org/). Recently, after discussions with the Honk-Kong China representative in JCOMM-II, cross links with the GMDSS web site have been included. But a deeper cooperation & integration should be search in that area. In cooperation with other organizations, the GMDSS web site, for example, should be considered again : feedback from the maritime community indicates that there is a growing demand for Radio Navigational Warnings to be reproduced on the Web, so that they might be accessed at any time. The IMO International NAVTEX and SafetyNET Coordinating Panel has a similar analysis as the one made by ETMSS for the GMDSS Web site: it is not envisaged that such a service for navigational warnings would replace the standard services, SafetyNET and NAVTEX, but would provide a valuable additional service, as there is no doubt that any additional method of dissemination of safety information is welcomed. As requested by JCOMM-II, ETMSS should liaise with IHO and IMO, with a view to coordinating the use of the common URL gmdss.org for the provision of both meteorological and navigational warning information in real time via the Web. User feedback - quality control It is important to enhance and facilitate collection of international user feedback (for example using web-based questionnaire), and to study the feasibility think about some kind of indicator. The need to provide some general guidelines for national surveys should perhaps also be considered. Cooperation with other bodies (mainly) IMO & IHO In addition to specific topics described in previous actions, we should also note the need to deeply interact with IMO on the evolution of regulations for the dissemination of MSI, especially for the GMDSS, to contribute to the development or implementation of new & faster transmission facilities in order to reach the maritime community. It should be a joint task for JCOMM secretariat & ET Chair. Scheduled plan for meetings The second session of the ETMSS should take place in Mauritius, back-to-back with the first session of ETMAES, at the end of January 2007 (date & location to be confirmed by WMO secretariat). As a minimum, actions 1 to 4 should be considered. A third session of the Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services should also be planned before JCOMM-III (end of 2008 or beginning of 2009 probably in Geneva). It is important to be able to maintain, if funds available, a 2-years frequency instead of a 4-years frequency for those meetings (for example alternatively in Geneva and in countries with GMDSS Issuing Service responsibility), keeping in mind that the annual frequency of meetings for associated commissions within IHO (CPRNW) & IMO (COMSAR). Expert Team on Marine Accident and Emergency systems (ETMAES) Guidance material The MAES-MPERSS web site (HYPERLINK "http://www.maes-mperss.org"http://www.maes-mperss.org) would provide useful information, including technical and scientific issues related to the implementation of MPERSS. In this regard, MAES-MPERSS web site could be significantly enriched and improved with additional metocean products and specifications of available models. AMOCs who run models should make model details available on the web site. Integrating appropriate dynamic links with JCOMM associated documentations Includes the MPERSS system plan to the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471). Training in the interpretation of models (meteocean models and drift models) would be important for the further implementation of MPERSS worldwide. Improve communication The fast communication of metocean data and numerical model outputs is essential for MPEROAs (Marine Pollution Emergency Response Operations Authorities) across a MPERSS region. Effective electronic data communications should be established for MPEROAs. The data must be in a format that meets user requirements in quality, accuracy and presentation needs. Communication exercises, sea trials. Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs Develop better coordination and communication between the various teams within the JCOMM SPA in order to impermanent the SPA work-plan and develop the success stories for SPA. Products related to specific risks All MPI areas should consider carefully the various specific recommendations arising from Ocean Ops 04 - metocean data input should focus on specific products for: search & rescue operations cargo removal and lightering pollution removal at sea the high risk areas (shipping routes, ports, navigation hazards, oil production/exploration platforms). Definition of boundaries and responsibilities for MPI AREAS With regard to the possible adjustment to the areas of responsibility for MPIs, it would be necessary to confirm that Canada has been designated as the AMOC North of 67N in areas IV and XII. JCOMM-I agreed that a new MPI sub-area III (c) should be created, comprising the Black Sea. The possibility of Bulgaria assuming the responsibility of AMOC for that sub-area. User feedback - quality control It is important to enhance and facilitate collection of international user feedback (for example using web-based questionnaire), and to study the feasibility think about some kind of indicator. Cooperation with other bodies (mainly) IMO IMO was not represented at previous MPERSS meeting or Ocean Ops 04. It is highly desirable that the IMO be represented at future meetings relevant to MPERSS. IMO can help to assist better communications with mariners/ship companies. Scheduled plan for meetings The first session of the ETMAES should take place back-to-back with the second session of ETMSS, at the end of January 2007 (date & location to be confirmed by WMO secretariat). Expert Team on wind waves and storm Surges (ETWS) The key elements for ETWS during the 2005-2009 period are: Production of the Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting Continue and expand the operational wave forecast verification project Develop and update the dynamic part of the Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting Complete Technical Reports on assimilation of satellite data, wave climate effects on design criteria and review of boundary layer wind fields Develop archive of extreme wave events Develop a statement of requirements for wave observations Contribute to the organization of the scientific/technical Storm Surge Symposium in Korea Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting Keep under review the Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting and propose additional new material as appropriate for the dynamic part of the Guide. Such new material typically includes specific technical reports produced by the Team, proceedings of meetings such as the 9th Waves Workshop, questionnaire results on wave models and data bases, descriptions and links to related material such as the online ERA40 wave atlas. Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting Develop content for and produce the initial Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting, and once developed to keep under review the contents of the Guide and add additional material as appropriate to the dynamic part of the Guide, in the same manner as for the Wave Guide. Wave Forecast Verification Project Continue the operational wave forecast verification project and add new participants including regional participants where appropriate, and expand the scope of the intercomparison as feasible. Wind Wave and Storm Surge Technical Reportst Complete technical reports on wave model verification, satellite data in wave models, wave climate effects on offshore design and operations, and review of boundary layer wind fields; other technical reports may be initiated as a result of ETWS-II. Workshops related to Waves and Storm Surges Participate in organization and planning of major technical workshops related to waves and surges; specifically organize technical workshops as appropriate for waves and surges to facilitate information exchange among world experts in these fields, and to provide material for the dynamic parts of the Guides. Of particular note in this respect is the 9th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, sponsored by Environment Canada, US Army Corps of Engineers and JCOMM, the theme of which is extreme storm seas. That workshop is scheduled for September 24-29, 2006 in Victoria B.C. Within the present intersessional period the 10th Waves Workshop will also occur now scheduled for November 11-16, 2007, in Oahu, Hawaii.. ETWS will certainly play a continuing role in the CLIMAR meetings led by ETMC, ensuring that waves and surges are well represented within the marine climatology envelope; CLIMAR-III is now tentatively scheduled for April/May 2008 in Warsaw, Poland. At the same time a new series of technical workshops is being developed specifically dealing with storm surges. There appears to be no such series of technical workshops (by the experts for the experts), only capacity building surge workshops. The Storm Surge meeting in Febraury 2006 endorsed the concept of such a series, and proposed the 1st such workshop might be in fall 2007; this has subsequently been confirmed for October 2-6, 2007 in Seoul, Korea at the invitation of the Korean government. The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) has expressed interest in a workshop on the potential impacts of climate change on future design criteria, which relates to our planned Technical Report on the subject. The timing planned is mid-2007. Extreme Wave Data Archive Develop in coordination with DMPA an archive of data on extreme measured wave events for use in model validation and validation of remotely sensed waves, where such models and algorithms suffer from lack of sufficient data, and to develop an archive of storm surge events for similar purposes. The 9th Waves Workshop expressed strong interest in expanding the scope of the extreme wave data archive to include satellite estimates as well as data from wave radars such as WaMoS or MIROS. Wave Observations ETWS does not have the technical expertise to develop wave measurement systems but as a user group must specify its requirements to the OCG to address. ETWS-I expressed a requirement for more wave observations, especially in areas well away from the coastal zone, and especially in the Southern Ocean and tropics. ETWS communicated this to the OOPC meeting in Ottawa in September 2003. The action for ETWS is, during the JCOMM-II inter-sessional, to develop in conjunction with the OPA, in particular the SOT and DBCP, and the OOPC, a plan for additional wave measurements from all available sources including increased shipboard wave sensors, buoys, Argo, OceanSites, TOGA/TAO/PIRATA etc. Requirements for wave measurements were be presented to the 1st Joint GOSUD/SAMOS Workshop May 2-4, 2006 in Boulder, CO; these requirements will also be presented to the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel meeting in La Jolla, CA, October 16-20, 2006. Outreach and Liason with the Waves and Storm Surge Community Liaise as appropriate and feasible with JCOMM and other intergovernmental bodies with significant wave and surge interests, for example by participating in meetings of ETMSS, ETMC, DBCP, OOPC and others. Capacity Building Provide support, as requested, to include wind wave and storm surge material in capacity building activities. It has been noted that the priority areas to be included are west Africa and the Caribbean. The nature of such a commitment has not been specifically described. Previous capacity building activities of the ET have produced much useful material, but the delivery of that material was not deemed to be particularly effective in terms of training. The team will explore various CB alternatives to traditional (week-long) workshop settings and how ETWS might contribute especially at the regional level. For example, material produced for previous workshops is very good and could be adapted to another delivery mechanism. The Storm Surge Symposium in Korea, while primarily a scientific/technical meeting, will have an aspect of capacity building through the regional applications session, and could also be considered to contribute to building capacity at a higher level through the exchange and discussion of models, methods, etc. Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs Develop better coordination and communication between the various teams within the JCOMM SPA in order to implement the SPA work-plan and develop the success stories for SPA. Waves and Tropical Cyclones Provide support, as requested to the TCP in waves and surge matters related to tropical storms. Meetings Meetings organized or co-organized by ETWS or under consideration during the intersessional period include: 9th Waves Workshop 24-29 September 2006, Victoria Canada ETWS-II 20-24 March 2007 Geneva (back-to-back with ETMC) CLIMAR-III April/May 2008 Warsaw, Poland OGP/ETWS joint workshop on climate change and design criteria tentatively mid-2007 location TBD Scientific/technical workshop on storm surge modelling and forecasting; October 2-6, 2007, Seoul, Korea 10th Waves Workshop, November 11-16, 2007, Oahu, Hawaii Meetings at which ETWS could/should possibly be represented include: DBCP 16-20 October 2006 San Diego ETMSS 24-27 January 2007, Angra dos Reis, Brazil ETMC 26-30 March 2007 Geneva International Maritime Metocean Services Conference October 5-9, 2008, Exeter, UK Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) Better integration and coordination with other SPA ETs Develop better coordination and communication between the various teams within the JCOMM SPA in order to impermanent the SPA work-plan and develop the success stories for SPA. The ETSI work plan defined at the ETSI-II meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 15-17 April 2004 Ref.SubjectAction proposedWith whomTargetPara 2.4.3IICWG, BSIS and ETSI collaboration To continue development of ETSI and IICWG, BSIS collaborationIICWG, BSISContinuous Para 2.5.1WMO Sea Ice NomenclatureTo implement appropriate changes in the nomenclature in order to used it as an official French and Spanish versions on sea ice symbols and glossarySecretariatIntersessional periodPara 2.5.4To approve the database and software of the English/French/Russian/Spanish electronic versions for the nomenclature; SecretariatASAPPara 2.5.5(i) To conduct a review of the nomenclature section by section by correspondence; (ii) To submit a report on the progress of the review on the new updated version nomenclature (iii) To continue development for discussion in a final form at ETSI-IIIMembers Secretariat MembersIntersessional period JCOMM-II ETSI-III Para 2.5.7To develop a new version of the illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice TermsMembersASAPPara 2.5.8WMO publication No. 547 Sea Ice Information in the WorldTo revise WMO publication No. 547- Sea Ice Information in the World to be published in an electronic form as JCOMM Technical Report SeriesMembers, SecretariatOnce per yearPara 2.5.14CIS amendment to the nomenclature To incorporate CIS amendment on Ice Decay/Stages of Melting into the work on the new Sea Ice NomenclatureJ. FalkinghamJCOMM-IIPara 3.5ETSI and GCOS coordination(i) To develop close coordination between ETSI and GCOS with respect to sea ice observations; (ii) To designate ETSI to be the responsible body for information and assessment of sea ice as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV)SecretariatJCOMM-IIPara 3.10Blended sea ice data setsTo extend blended sea ice data set based on the new available data AARIContinuesPara 4.8IHO Ice Objects and ETSITo contact IHO to get additional information for the future ETSI activities on the establishment of the IHO Ice Objects registerJ.Falkingham, M. PicassoASAPPara 5.1Date and place of the next meetingTo finalize arrangements for the timing and venue for the next ETSI-III and GDSIDB-XI sessions in due course, and notify group members accordinglySecretariat2006Table 4.4.1 Actions for the ETSI secretariat Ref.SubjectAction proposedWith whomTargetPara 2.5.5WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature(i) To conduct a review of the nomenclature section by section by correspondence; (ii) To continue development for discussion in a final form of the nomenclatureChairman ChairmanIntersessional period ETSI-IIIPara 2.5.7To develop a new version of the illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice TermsChairmanASAPPara 2.5.8WMO publication No. 547 Sea Ice Information in the worldTo revise WMO publication No. 547- Sea Ice Information in the World to be published in an electronic form as JCOMM Technical Report SeriesChairman, SecretariatOnce per yearPara 4.8IHO Ice Objects and ETSITo contact IHO to get additional information for the future ETSI activities on the establishment of the IHO Ice Objects registerJ.Falkingham, M.PicassoASAP Table 4.4.2 ETSI Actions for team members Ref.SubjectAction proposedWith whomTargetPara 2.4.3IICWG, BSIS and ETSI collaboration To continue development of ETSI and IICWG, BSIS collaborationSecretariatContinuousPara 2.5.5WMO Sea Ice NomenclatureTo prepare an electronic version of the documents to facilitate comparison of the old and new publicationAARIMay 2004Para 2.5.14CIS amendment to the nomenclatureTo incorporate CIS amendment on Ice Decay/Stages of Melting into the work on the new Sea Ice NomenclatureChairmanJCOMM-IIPara 3.10Blended sea ice data setsTo extend blended sea ice data set based on the new available dataChairmanContinuousPara 3.13CIS historical chartsTo provide scanned copies of CIS historical charts starting from 1956 in GIF formatCISIntersessional periodPara 3.15Swedish ice chartsTo transfer all available digitized sea ice data from SMHI to the GDSIDB in SIGRID-3 formatSMHIEnd 2004Para 4.3National Sea Ice services and IPYTo submit updated historical sea ice charts and documents to the GDSIDBCIS,DMI, NICBefore IPYTable 4.4.3 ETSI Actions with other groups Ref.SubjectAction proposedWith whomTargetPara 2.4.3IICWG, BSIM and ETSI collaborationTo continue development of ETSI and IICWG, BSIS collaborationIICWG, BSISContinuosPara 2.5.1French and Spanish versions of the WMO Sea ice nomenclatureTo implement appropriate changes in the nomenclature in order to used it as an official French and Spanish versions on sea ice symbols and glossaryChairmanIntersessional periodPara 2.5.4Electronic version of the WMO Sea Ice NomenclatureTo approve the database and software of the English/French/Russian/Spanish electronic versions for the nomenclatureChairmanASAPPara 2.5.5WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature(i) To conduct a review of the nomenclature section by section by correspondence; (ii) To submit a report on the progress of the review on the new updated version nomenclature (iii) To continue development for discussion in a final form at ETSI-III Chairman Chairman Chairman, MembersIntersessional period JCOMM-II ETSI-III Para 2.5.8WMO publication No. 547 Sea Ice Information in the WorldTo revise WMO publication No. 547- Sea Ice Information in the World to be published in an electronic form as JCOMM Technical Report SeriesChairman, MembersOnce per yearPara 3.5ETSI and GCOS coordination(i) To develop close coordination between ETSI and GCOS with respect to sea ice observations; (ii) To designate ETSI to be the responsible body for information and assessment of sea ice as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV)ChairmanJCOMM-IIPara 5.1Date and place of the next meetingTo finalize arrangements for the timing and venue for the next ETSI-III and GDSIDB-XI sessions in due course, and notify group members accordinglyChairman 2006 Table 4.4.4 ETSI Actions for Secretariat Work Plan for cooperation between the members of the Steering Group for the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank Project for 2004 - 2007 1. Technique Development The experts from the GDSIDB centres will continue to make available data browsers, translating and other necessary software for processing data in SIGRID, various GIS, and EASE-grid formats, and will develop tools for working with the new SIGRID-3 format. NSIDC plans to develop software to translate from SIGRID-3 to EASE-Grid files of total, multi-year, first year and thin ice concentration. 2. Data Exchange. 2.1 Data sets anticipated to be contributed by GDSIDB members, on a schedule dictated by available resources, during the intersessional period 2004 2007 are shown in the table below. Institute Region Time intervalExchange date (notes)1.AARIAntarctic Arctic 1971-1990 (10-days period) 1933-1949 2004, ongoing, forward in timeSIGRID, EASE-GRID SIGRID, EASE-GRID, After availability of data at WDC Obninsk SIGRID2Argentine Navy Hydrographic ServiceWeddell and Bellingshausen SeasCurrent observations Point observations in NIC-code in .db format, submitted with weekly interval to NSIDC and AARI ftp-servers 3.SMHIBaltic Sea1980 up to present, twice a week 2004, ongoing forward in time By the end of 2004, SIGRID-3 SIGRID-3, TBD4. CISCanadian Arctic Ongoing charts Weekly Regional charts from 1968 to present Historical weekly ice charts 1956 to 1974; Daily charts (~2000 to present). Observation chart collection from 1956 SIGRID, SIGRID-3 .GIF format, SIGRID-3 .GIF, .e00, SIGRID-3 .e00 .GIF5State Oceanic Administration of China Bohai SeaBefore 1998, after 2001 TBD 6. DMI Greenland waters2004, forward in time SIGRID-3(once a year, for the whole ice season) 7. Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) Baltic Sea (south of 56N and to the west of 1420 E)3 times a week, 1960-1996 Ice Map Format, to be submitted during intersessional period after QC 8Icelandic Meteorological OfficeIcelandic waters1971-1974 2002, ongoing forward and back in timePublished reports and charts From IMO, Iceland, web-site9UK BASAntarctic ship observations 1950s forward in timeMetadata10.JMASea of OkhotskEvery 5 days, forward in time Once a year in SIGRID-2 format 11.NIC Arctic, Antarctic Arctic Antarctic Hemispheric bi-weekly charts, 2003 forward in time Hemispheric 1997 and 2001 Corrected and updated version of hemispheric 1973-2001 weekly ice charts 2001-2004 bi-weekly hemispheric ice charts SIGRID-3, .e00 e00, ~40 charts still require QC .e00, end of 2007 .e00, August 2004 All data are available on-line via NIC web-site12BSIMBaltic seaIce observations from the climatological BSIM stations. As published on BSIM web-page 2.2 Technical assistance. 2.2.1. Experts from AARI and NSIDC centres of GDSIDB will continue to provide assistance to data contributors and data users who wish to use formats other than SIGRID (EASE-grid, Contour, etc.) provided that resources are available. 2.2.2 NSIDC and AARI will continue to provide guidance on preparation of metadata and other necessary documentation accompanying data submitted or to be submitted to GDSIDB. 3. Modification of formats for data exchange 3.1 The GDSIDB centres will work with the ice services to assist with the implementation of SIGRID-3 3.2 NSIDC and AARI, with the assistance of experts from operational centres, will prepare a report on the given activity for the next IICWG-VI meeting in 2005. 4. Use, validation and inter-comparison of GDSIDB data 4.1 Experts from the GDSIDB will continue joint activity on development of blended sea ice data sets and sea ice climate estimates from the GDSIDB data. 4.2 GDSIDB members will endeavor to establish linkages with the other programs and projects concerning the development of climate estimates, validation and inter-comparison of GDSIDB data, in particular GCOS/GOOS, IPY, WCRP CliC 5. Future activities 5.1 The GDSIDB will advertise the ASPeCT data of ice observations from Antarctica. 5.2 The GDSIDB will request members to update contributions of ice thickness data in time for the forthcoming IPY. 5.3 The GDSIDB will construct monthly series of statistics on sea ice based on GDSIDB data and submit them to the WMO Secretariat so that the WMO Secretariat can encourage the scientific community to use these data in climatologically studies and reanalysis. Acronyms and other abbreviations AHGMDSS Ad Hoc Group on the GMDSS (CMM) ALRS Admiralty List of Radio Signals CMM Commission for Marine Meteorology (WMO) COMSAR Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue (IMO) CPRNW IHO Commission on the Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings EC Executive Council ECDIS Electronic Chart Display Information System ETMSS Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (JCOMM) FMI Finnish Meteorological Institute GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GOOS Global Ocean Observing System GTS Global Telecommunication System (WWW) HF High Frequency IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities ICS International Chamber of Shipping IHO International Hydrographic Organization IMO International Maritime Organization IMSO International Mobile Satellite Organization IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO) IOS Initial Observing System (GOOS) ITU International Telecommunication Union JCOMM Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology KMD Kenya Meteorological Department LES Land Earth Station (Inmarsat) MSC Maritime Safety Committee (IMO) MSI Maritime Safety Information NAVTEX International system for reception of marine safety information NMS National Meteorological Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA) NWS National Weather Service (NOAA) PA Programme Area RA Regional Association (WMO) RSMC Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre SAWS South African Weather Service SCG Services Coordination Group (JCOMM) SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea TOR Terms of Reference UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization VOS Voluntary Observing Ship WIOMAP Western Indian Ocean Marine Applications Project WMO World Meteorological Organization WWW World Weather Watch (WMO) WWNWS World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (IHO/IMO) Appendix I Annex to Resolution 14.1/2 (JCOMM-II) TERMS OF REFERENCE AND GENERAL MEMBERSHIP OF THE COORDINATION GROUP AND EXPERT TEAMS OF THE SERVICES PROGRAMME AREA Services Coordination Group Terms of Reference The Services Coordination Group, in close collaboration with CBS, GOOS and GCOS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Keep under review and advise on the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the Services work programme, including performance with respect to timeliness, standards, quality and relevance to established user requirements; Through the assembly of requirements identified by specialist service groups, and other PAs of JCOMM, provide advice on JCOMM services that need to be changed, implemented or discontinued; Develop interfaces to representative user groups in order to monitor the strength and weaknesses of existing services; With the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create Expert Teams, Task Teams, Pilot Projects and appoint Rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Services Programme Area; Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with groups and bodies in the area of service provision, including other Programme Areas of the Commission; Liaise with external bodies, in particular those representing user communities; Identify capacity building requirements related to the Programme Area; Identify satellite remote sensing requirements related to the Programme Area. General Membership The Membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation. Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas and of other expert bodies may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of the Commission, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. PA/Services Coordinator (chairperson, Craig Donlon) Chairpersons Expert Teams (4) Capacity building Rapporteur Satellite Expert Chairpersons of any Task Teams Three additional experts (Guijun Han (China), Phillip Parker (Australia)) Rapporteur for Satellite Data Requirements Terms of Reference The Cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements shall: Be responsible for collecting and integrating the space-based remote sensing requirements that are essential for JCOMM services and products; Advise the subsidiary bodies on satellite/remote sensing matters, within each Programme Area, such as on the utilization, distribution and dissemination of satellite data and relevant data products; Maintain JCOMM satellite remote sensing data requirements based on regular contact with CGMS, the WMOSP, the IOC Remote Sensing Plan, CEOS, the relevant IGOS Themes, the WMO high-level policy meetings, the OOPC and other appropriate groups, and; Advise the Management Committee through the appointed satellite representative. Rapporteur for Capacity Building Terms of Reference The Cross-cutting Team on capacity building shall: The Capacity-building Rapporteur for each JCOMM Programme Area shall be responsible for the assembly of capacity-building requirements of that Programme Area as brought forward from groups, countries and regions through close liaison with the Coordinator, Coordination Group, and other teams and groups within that Programme Area; The Capacity-building Rapporteurs for the three Programme Areas will regularly liaise and integrate the capacity-building requirements of their respective Programme Areas; The Capacity-building Rapporteur assigned to the Management Committee shall transmit the integrated capacity-building requirements via the JCOMM co-presidents to WMO ET/TCO, IOCTEMA, IODE, GCOS, IGOS, GEF, IMF or other relevant organizations and bodies involved in capacity-building; Develop mechanisms for measuring the impact and success of capacity-building activities, and a system for regular review and evaluation. Rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems Terms of Reference The Rapporteur for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems is requested to: Provide advice to the SCG and SPA ETs on operational ocean forecasting system outputs and observational (in situ, satellite and model) input requirements; In collaboration with GODAE and other relevant parties, provide advice on the standards and nomenclature used by operational ocean forecasting systems; To act as a focal point and JCOMM SPA representative at GODAE meetings; To advise on the limitations and strengths of operational ocean forecasting systems and identify areas where JCOMM can help coordinate systems in a more cost effective manner; To attend SCG meetings and provide a report of activities to the SCG and MAN as requested. Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services, in close collaboration with IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO and other concerned organizations and bodies on maritime safety issues, including the GMDSS, shall: (a) Monitor and review the operations of marine broadcast systems, including for the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the SOLAS convention; Monitor and review technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information, particularly for the GMDSS, and provide assistance and support to Members and Member States as required; (c) Ensure feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services; (d) Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with concerned organizations, bodies and Members and Member States on maritime safety issues; (e) Propose actions as appropriate to meet requirements for international coordination of meteorological and related communication services; (f) Provide advice to the Services CG and other Groups of JCOMM, as required on issues related to maritime safety services. General Membership Chairperson, selected by the Commission, OPEN membership, including representatives/nominations of the Issuing Services for the GMDSS, representatives of IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, and other user groups as appropriate. Henri Savina, Chair, (France) Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges shall: Review and advise on the implementation of wind wave and storm surge activities within JCOMM and propose amendments as required; Develop technical advice on wave and storm surge modelling, forecasting and service provision and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; To interact closely with ETMSS on all aspects of sea state and surge forecasting relevant to the operation and improvement of maritime safety services; Monitor projects for verification of operational wind wave and storm surge model outputs and assist in their implementation as required; Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with other WMO and appropriate GOOS bodies, particularly on requirements for, and implementation of, wind wave and storm surge products and services; Provide advice to the Services CG and other Groups of JCOMM, as required on issues related to wind waves and storm surges. General Membership The Membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation. Up to nine members, including the Chairperson, and a further 3-5 (self-supporting) members, representative of the range of activities related to wind waves and storm surges within JCOMM. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of the Commission and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Val Swail Chair, (Canada) Masakazu Higaki (Japan) Martin Holt (UK) Igor Lavrenov (Russian Federation) Jean-Michel Lefevre (France) Jan-Won Seo (Republic of Korea) Henrik L. Tolman (USA) Hans de Vries (Netherlands) Graham Warren (Australia) Mara Paula Etala (Argentina) Yu Zouewen (China) Gudrun Rosenhagen (Germany) Kevin Horsburg (UK) Expert Team on Sea Ice Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Sea Ice shall: Review and catalogue the products and services required by user communities in sea ice areas; Encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and services; Develop technical guidance material, software exchange, specialized training and other appropriate capacity building support with regard to sea ice observations and services and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; Interact closely with the ETMSS and ETMAES on all aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue services; Maintain linkages with relevant international organizations and programmes, in particular BSIM, CLIC, IICWG, ASPeCt, GCOS and IHO Keep under review and provide guidance as appropriate on the operations of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank, including appropriate QC, error analysis and archiving mechanisms, and encourage and facilitate enhanced submissions of sea ice data to the bank; Review and propose amendments to formats, nomenclatures and procedures for sea ice data and information exchange as well as to relevant terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register within ECDIS, and requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS; Provide advice to the Services CG and other Groups of JCOMM, as required on issues related to sea ice and the ice-covered regions; Play a key role in JCOMM involvement in major international polar projects such as IPY 2007-2008 General Membership The Membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation. Up to twelve members, including the Chairperson, representative of the range of activities related to sea ice and the ice-covered regions within JCOMM. (It is expected that, in general, the ETSI will be self-funding.) Representatives of regional and international sea ice bodies in particular the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting and the International Ice Charting Working Group will also be invited to participate at their own expense. Vasily Smolyanitsky, Chair, (Russian Federation) Henric Steen Andersen (Denmark) Shan Bai (China) Halldor Bjornsson (Iceland) John Falkingham (Canada) Torbjrn Grafstrm (Sweden) Keji Hamada (Japan) Manuel Hiplito Picasso (Argentina) Marco Porcires (Norway) Ari Seina (Finland) Paul Seymour (USA) Jonathan Shanklin (UK) Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support shall: (a) in support of the Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS): monitor implementation and operations of MPERSS; review and suggest, as necessary, improvements to the contents of the overall system plan; facilitate coordination and cooperation amongst the Area Meteorological and Oceanographic Coordinators (AMOCs) of MPERSS, in particular with a view to ensuring full and ongoing operations in all areas, as well as the exchange of relevant advice, information, data and products between AMOCs, as appropriate and required; (b) in support of maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, and in particular for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS): Monitor requirements for meteorological and oceanographic data, information, products and services to support SAR operations worldwide, and prepare draft amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) in this regard, as appropriate; as necessary, facilitate coordination and cooperation amongst relevant agencies in the provision of meteorological and oceanographic information and support to maritime SAR operations; (c) ensure effective and ongoing coordination and cooperation with relevant organizations and bodies, as well as with Members/Member States on any type of marine accident emergency support needs; (d) provide advice to the Services Programme Area CG and other Groups of JCOMM, as required on issues related to marine accident emergency support. General Membership Chairperson, selected by the Commission, OPEN membership, including representatives of the AMOCs for MPERSS and other national agencies as appropriate. Representatives of IMO, IHO and other concerned organizations and bodies, including representatives of specific user groups as appropriate, should be invited to participate. Pierre Daniel, Chair, (France)     JCOMM-SPA Work plan 2006-09 Page  PAGE 50 of  NUMPAGES 73 3 December 2009 !"#$&6m~  ! r 񫢫thvX=hjw>0JCJ^JjhNbUhvX=hjw>CJhvX=hjw>CJ hNbhNbmHnHuhjw>mHnHuhjw>hvX=hjw>CJHjchvX=hjw>UjmN hvX=hjw>UVjhvX=hjw>UhvX=hjw>5\aJjhjw>U hvX=hjw>*%&'()*+,-./0123456VWmnopqr$a$$a$rs~xkdړ$$Ifl03$Y t0$644 la$If" $Ifxkdu$$Ifl03$Y t0$644 la" # 2 = $Ifxkd$$Ifl03$Y t0$644 la= > F g $Ifxkd$$Ifl03$Y t0$644 lag h k l m n o p q r $a$xkdF$$Ifl03$Y t0$644 la  7 B O _ n $a$n o / 0 1 q <   L { | '`  ^ `$a$ / 0 '  $%,lmzXYZ`a/0D\MN fjksuvwǿhjw>hNbjȘhjw>Uhplhjw>5hvX=hjw>5CJhvX=hjw>5CJ hvX=hjw>5CJhvX=hjw>CJ hvX=hjw>hvX=hjw>5CJ$E  $%,lmz$If  ^ ` 1+++$Ifkd$$IflN\S$\ $ 7 (0644 lap(\kd$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 la$If  b\\\\$Ifkd$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 la  /01b\\\\$Ifkdy$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 la12<UVWb\\\\$IfkdD$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 laWXabYYYY $IfgdH?kd$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 lab\\\\$Ifkdڧ$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 labYYYY $IfgdH?kd$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 lab\\\\$Ifkdp$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 la$+,-b\\\\$Ifkd;$$Ifl\S$\ $ 70644 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