ࡱ> BDCO( / 0LDArial 00TT.ܖO 0ܖ@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` @-      0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g4HdHd8;O 0ppp@  <4dddd  0T80___PPT10 OBIS Strategy meeting118-20 November 2009 IODE Project Office, OostendeContext for the meetingAdoption of OBIS by IOC Need to change governance structure Need to re-orientate OBIS strategy End of support for OBIS though CoML, and shortfall between now and at earliest 2011 Funding through proposal development Access to other potential funding sourcesLGy*Gy*Objectives of the meetingvRedefine OBIS in the context of IOC/IODE OBIS Strategy  Mission Statement Priorities, and measurable indicators to show progress to achieve goals OBIS Activities Following from Mission Statement Funding Following from activities Developing concept papers to present to potential donors, including IOC Member States)\!p)\!  pMission StatementSeveral  soundbites exist  revise in the context of new status of OBIS More emphasis on intergovernmental activities? More emphasis on societal benefit/environmental management applications than on support of science? How to communicate PR materials towards fundersLII  Activities4Corresponding with priorities Attractive to Donor Agencies, including IOC member states Different types Global activities (e.g. concepts distributed earlier) Activities tied to vulnerable ecosystems (e.g. coral reefs, mangroves) Activities tied to specific regions (e.g. regions in need of capacity building)*hh Resources needed/availableDNeeded: Approx 500K/year 3 members of staff (350K) Meetings (MC, GB) (30K) Staff travel (10K) Institutional support (15%) Grant and general administration, office space, internet connectivity&  Commissioned work (50K) Technical development; data development Subcontracts or consultancieslZaZIZZFZaIF  Resources available/neededAvailable for 2009: 480K MC meeting contributed by IODE Available for 2010: 200K No funds for anything but finalising obligations towards Sloan Available for 2011: 0`??k 1 ResourcesGNo sugar daddy after Sloan No money in UNESCO/IOC budget Proposals Concept papers for UNESCO Extra-budgetary funding; framework submitted Collaboration with existing IOC/IODE programmes ODINs, HAIS Submission of proposals to national organisations Submission of proposals to international organisations other than UNESCO (GEF?)VCw Cw P + *  Objectives of the meetingDeliverables Draft strategy document (what, why) List of priority actions (what, when) Including performance indicators Set of concept papers for proposals (how) Guidance Further funding opportunities How to publicise strategy and achievementsv J!* I J!* I   Structure of the meetingaSome time for initial plenaries Most time for writing sessions in smaller groups, plus opportunity for feedback to plenary Some time to consult by telephone with Karen Stocks (evenings) Serge Garcia, Cisco Werner, Dick West (Thursday lunch time) Jim Baker Friday afternoon finalising documents from Strategy meeting (including report?) and MC8 (report)BP^PaP^a,  F Writing groupsSelf-organised? Or  balanced composition ? OBIS & IOC & other in each of the groups? How many? 3-4 people/group Meaningful discussion, without need for chair Report back to meeting, but also by email to others?`+* ?5+* ?5    Time table$Wednesday morning: presentations OBIS, MC; plenary discussion Wednesday 4 pm: report back Thursday morning CoML presentation Thursday around lunch report back, teleconference, discussion Friday around lunch report back, teleconference, closing discussion Friday afternoon finalising documents%Z%   Wednesday morningThis intro Comments/alternatives on organisation of meeting OBIS reports Status of OBIS Report on MC8 Summary of some of the past discussions on priorities and work plan Plenary discussion on strategy and workplan, and organisation of writing groups [CoML presentation on Thursday?]BJPPPJP$  )    0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6Xo  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0q  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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