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'0]]S8$G")(Q(yyyyyyi  #ryyyy}myymmmyymymm:N,pb3ajz 0G.}#m}#myyy c:   Limited distribution IOC/IODE /OBIS-MC-8/5.2 9 November 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) OBIS Managers Committee, 8th Session Oostende, Belgium, 16-17 November 2009 Report of the Regional OBIS Node of the United States of America Data holdings and growth in last year - Became live on the public site HYPERLINK "http://obisusa.nbii.gov/"http://obisusa.nbii.gov/ on July 31, 2009 As of November 2, 2009: Number of records: 2,479,334 Number of distinct points: 300,823 Number of distinct taxa: 67,201 Number of distinct data providers: 42 Usage statistics Web Site (Oct 28 Nov 2, 2009) ** Note this was just activated last week Number of visits: 36 Number of pages: 62 Number of hits: 74 Data Transactions (July 31 Nov 2, 2009) ** Since going live July 31 2009 Number of atlas views: 117 Number of dashboard views: 173 Number of downloads: 30 Publications Based on RON data: Mentioning RON: 2 Oceans 09 papers in preparation will mention OBIS. Presentations in national, regional and international meetings: ca. 25 This number includes a variety of briefings within our agency and other agencies as well as commissions; meetings; and scientific conferences. Funding situation/sustainability Core funding and source (monetary; in kind; FTE): $150k (USGS base funding core) $65k (USGS supplement fiscal year 2010) Proposals submitted and those approved; for each of the proposals Abstract Funding organisation(s): Resources requested/received: Prospect of financing Participation in RON meetings: shouldnt be an issue in the next two years Additional funding ($40k) to support Department of Interior bureaus Problems encountered/issues developing and/or operating the Node: Financial In this budget climate we cannot guarantee budgets from year to year. We anticipate no immediate problems much depends upon the recovery of the economy. Current funding is sufficient for continued maintenance and measured development. We seek a budget $1 M to really function at a level nearer optimum. Technical OBIS-USA identified in Year 1 that data quality can vary across different marine biology resources. The goal is to capture the best quality available and provide transparency of data characteristics. The response by OBIS-USA has been to capture and document the full quality available from each participating dataset. Then the OBIS-USA web site provides tools for users to understand data quality measures so users can see what they will get in each dataset. OBIS-USA has encountered performance challenges for the relational database as total records approach 2.5 million and the number of distinct taxa exceed 67,000. The team has successfully addressed these performance challenges by pre-processing and indexing for common queries. OBIS-USA anticipates additional performance challenges as the total number of records continues to grow. Indexing, as well as database and server configuration, remain important tools for anticipated challenges. Overall the core database design and query design also focus on balancing query performance with functional richness. Political As anticipated there is mixed reaction when first approached but we have generally had very good success we think it somewhat do to the helpful and measured approach that we take with each new provider. This is beginning to happen. As an example we have been asked by one bureau within our agency to help them prepare language for all contracts that would require the data be sent to OBIS-USA. We hope to expand that to across our entire agency and then work within our interagency group to extent this government-wide. This is already being discussed within the inter-agency group. Technical OBIS-USA is built on the postgreSQL relational database with the postGIS extension for geospatial functions. OBIS-USA applications are built upon php, javascript and Google Maps. OBIS-USA is served on the internet through the USGS NBII portal (HYPERLINK "http://www.nbii.gov/"http://www.nbii.gov/). The NBII portal provides tools for constructing and managing the portlets. Portlets are the various text, image and database panels that comprise the OBIS-USA web site. The NBII portal enforces application practices that limit security hazards and improve usability. OBIS-USA data and applications currently reside behind the University of Colorado firewall for additional security and for development by the Colorado implementation team. The NBII portal hands-off, behind the scenes, to the distributed data and applications that reside at Colorado when users request such functions. The goal of OBIS-USA functional design is to enable users to find the data they are interested in, understand some major characteristics of data, and download their chosen data. To that end, OBIS-USA will continue to add new query paths and grow the quantity of participating data in Year 2. Collaboration with National Oceanographic Data Centre The US National Ocean Data Center was briefed this year on OBIS-USA and both organizations enthusiastically support collaboration. The OBIS-USA Node Manager is entering into discussions with the NODC Director to further consider next steps. 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