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'@]]S8$$"))(QQQQQQ#######&U)r#iQQQQU#cQQK$cccYPQQ#cQ#cc:D#,#Pap# #a$0$z#.)c)#c#QQQ c:   Limited distribution IOC/IODE /OBIS-MC-8/5.1 9 November 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) OBIS Managers Committee, 8th Session Oostende, Belgium, 16-17 November 2009 Report of the Regional OBIS Node for Antarctica Data holdings and growth in last year number of records: 1,029,917, ca. +100,000 in 2009 number of distinct points: ca. 20,000 number of distinct species: 8,213 (5,235 with occurrence records) number of distinct data providers: 22 Usage statistics (2008 alone) web site different from iobis.org web site number of hits: 716,154 number of pages downloaded: 364,741 number of visits: 61,681 publications based on RON data: ca. 10 (some are ongoing) mentioning RON: ca. 25 presentations in national, regional and international meetings: ca. 20 Funding situation/sustainability core funding and source (monetary; in kind; FTE): BELSPO, 150 K per year (for new project, committed for 2 years) SCAR: 5 KUSD per year CAML: 5 KUSD per year TOTAL Foundation: 260 K , one shot Australian Antarctic Division: 6 KAUD per year (committed for 2 years) German Science Foundation: 5 K per year (committed for 2 years) Alfred Wegener Institute: 7 K per year (committed for 2 years) ARCOD: 3 KUSD, one shot proposals submitted and those approved; for each of the proposals ANTA BIF abstract Amongst biomes endangered by global changes, Antarctic ecosystems require particular attention. They include highly specialized, poorly known and potentially vulnerable species, which are challenged by fast-paced environmental variations (polar amplification). Rigorous understanding of ongoing processes and their impact on biodiversity is necessary to implement systematic conservation measures, in order to allow Antarctic ecosystems to cope with these potentially harmful changes.Even if the scientific community generally agrees that a massive extinction period is underway, no quantification of the loss of Antarctic biodiversity has as yet been undertaken. In order to do so and to forecast impacts, reliable models are needed. Precise diagnostics of Antarcticas ecological functions and services, and their potential degradation due to biodiversity loss are virtually inexistent. Using a process-oriented approach should allow to accumulate sufficient knowledge to allow its integration into policy strategies developed for Antarctic conservation. A manageable panel of indicators can also be developed, to precociously detect ongoing biodiversity shifts, and continuously adapt conservation strategies. Conditional to these goals is the availability of scientific information and data, which requires rigorous and integrated data management, and the means to access this information and data. By offering free and open access to relevant information, and mobilizing the community to contribute to, and build upon this knowledge body, the project will allow responding in a timely fashion to these essential research and conservation needs. AntaBIF will construct a dedicated Antarctic biodiversity data portal giving access to a distributed network of contributing database, according to the principles of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (e.g., open access to data, due attribution of date sources: see www.gbif.org). It will build upon two complementary networks and will expand these by linking with other potential data resources. It will integrate SCAR-MarBIN (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research - Marine Biodiversity Information Network; www.scarmarbin.be), with the databases network managed by the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD). Whereas the former focuses on marine data, the latter consists of numerous linked datasets, mostly on terrestrial biodiversity related to SCARs EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in Antarctica; www.eba.aq) programme. In addition, AntaBIF is intended to become the data management tool and repository for the biodiversity-related research conducted at the Princess Elisabeth Station. AntaBIF will use the best available technology to integrate, share and disseminate all available information on Antarctic Biodiversity. Its implementation by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform ascertains that AntaBIF can take advantage of the relevant experience of the Belgian GBIF node. funding organisation(s): Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) resources requested/received: 395 K , ACCEPTED SCAR-MarBIN: explorer et conserver la biodiversit de l'extrme abstract Etant donn le contexte unique de l'Ocan Austral et l'impact potentiel des changements globaux sur ses cosystmes vulnrables, toute l'information disponible sur la biodiversit marine antarctique doit tre rendue facilement et immdiatement accessible pour les besoins de la science, de la gestion durable des ressources vivantes et de la conservation. Elle doit aussi tre largement diffuse, et sa qualit vrifie systmatiquement. Le rseau international SCAR-MarBIN (SCAR Marine Biodiversity Information Network) dveloppe et gre depuis 2005 un portail internet spcialis, donnant un accs ouvert cette information. SCAR-MarBIN a notamment tabli dans ce cadre le premier registre exhaustif des espces marines antarctiques (RAMS: 15,000+ taxa), et dvelopp un rseau distribu de bases de donnes intgrant ainsi toute l'information sur le portail (1,000,000+ d'entres, dans plus de 120 bases de donnes interoprables). En tant qu'hritage tangible de l'Anne Polaire Internationale 2007-2009, SCAR-MarBIN doit tre maintenu et dvelopp afin de transmettre les connaissances accumules aux gnrations prsentes et futures. funding organisation(s): Fondation Prince Albert de Monaco (FPA2) resources requested/received: 400 K , FAILED prospect of financing participation in RON meetings: shouldn t be an issue in the next two years participate in proposal development to maintain the OBIS network (can we. as a network, develop proposals that stand a better chance of being funded than as separate RONs?). yes we can, maybe aiming at private foundations? Problems encountered/issues operating the Node: Financial: lost a lot of time trying to get official support from nations rather than institutes, through official/diplomatic pathways at CCAMLR and ATS. Going directly through institutes proves to be far more efficient. Technical: not happy with the metadata system, still a lot of work to go through full Web2.0 technologies, which will allow better involvement from the community. Lost the developer (Sylvain) at the end of the project. Need tools for easier data publication, dispersion of effort, data control by the community, wider range of data types. political (are people willing to publish data through OBIS? Do the authorities stimulate uptake of OBIS and similar systems by requiring results of publicly-funded research be made public?): data publication is more a personnal fear than a political issue in 90% of the cases. It becomes politic when larger institutions or NGOs are reluctant to share the data (CCAMLR, IWC,) Technical Back-up and archiving procedures: same as VLIZ Quality control/assessment Take-up of WoRMS, IRMNG and CoL: RAMS is fully embedded in WoRMS Need for Gazetteer: will be managed by AAD, through REST webservices in new version. Description of the general quality control procedures: taxonomy check (confrontation to WoRMS/RAMS), georeferencing check: mapping of the points, then interaction with the provider before publication. Constant feedback. Collaboration with National Oceanographic Data Centre: Serge Scory (MUMM) is part of the SCAR-MarBIN national follow-up committee IOC/IODE /OBIS-MC-8/5.1 Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE /OBIS-MC-8/5.1 Page  PAGE 3 ,/012ST~  B C D G H K Q U V Y a b  ööpppppp hZh1CJOJQJ^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJ h15CJ$hJh1CJ$OJQJ^J!h9>ah15CJ$H*OJQJ\h15CJ$OJQJ\hJh15CJ$OJQJ\h1OJQJ^Jh15OJQJ\h1hGih`h :Sh9>ahYz`%ST / b  =  & F7$8$H$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 7$8$H$gd1$a$gd1$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd1gd1$a$gd1 ; < M P Q T q t u x fhfx9:JL\`!"""******* + +ϾϾϾϾϾϾϭϭϛϾϾόϛϾϛψ~x~m~~h10JmHnHu h10Jjh10JUh1h15CJOJQJ^JaJ#h<h15CJOJQJ^JaJ hZh1CJOJQJ^JaJ h<h1CJOJQJ^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJ#h1B* CJOJQJ^JaJph h15CJOJQJ\^JaJ*= U y * + L  0df 7$8$H$^gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 7$8$H$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1fxJ^`!d""""#$$$% & F7$8$H$gd1 7$8$H$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1p^pgd1 ^`gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 p7$8$H$^pgd1%'{(|(((()f)B*C******+++++$a$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 7$8$H$gd1 & F7$8$H$gd1 ++++++h1h10JmHnHujh10JU h10J% 0:p1|. 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