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Wave height Wind speedMean wave periodOtherMember Data TypeAlgeria ArgentinasQuestionnaire on the use of satellite data for ocean surface wind wave related activities (August 2004, JCOMM ETWS)yesJASONreal-time/ fast delivery altimeter OSDR (Jason) space agency Australianoaltimeter, scatterometerJASON, ENVISAT, ERS2JASON, ENVISAT, ERS2, QuickSCAT,OSDR (JASON), FDP (ERS-2), RA2-WWV (ENVISAT)<OSDR (JASON), FDP (ERS-2), RA2-WWV (ENVISAT) NPR (QuickSCAT)BUFR)GTS (JASON, ER-2), space agency (ENVISAT)6GTS (JASON, ER-2), space agency (ENVISAT), NOAA/NESDISglobal)data assimilation (optimum interpolation)edata assimilation (obs-based 3D-Variational; General statistical interpolation), real time monitoring yes (ERS-2)6research, on going implementation in operational suitemodel data, internalAustriaBulgariaCanadaDMSP/SSMI, Quickscat (research))data sets retained through FTP (research)space agency, Nesdis)gloabal (operations), regional (research)mdata assimilation (3D VAR), model validation, real time monitoring, development of wind prediction techniquesChileIR1 - IR2, NIR -WV, VIS imagesGOES 12full disk and defined sectorsBit MapG-VAR"South Pacific Ocean Coastal Watersreal time monitoring operational scatterometerTOPEX/ Poseidonoff-line/ delayed mode+East China Sea, Yellow Sea, South China Seaclimatology, model validtaion6data assimilation (WAM), climatology, model validationresearch model dataQuikSCATinternal Wind speed*MChina *additional information from National Meteorological Center in 2nd rowCyprusDenmarkJASON, ENVISAT, TOPEX/ Poseidon0real-time/ fast delivery, off-line/ delayed moderegional&model validation, real time monitoringEgyptFijiQuikscat and ERSsea surface wind dataNOAA/NESDIS via internetNOAA via internetregional (WPAC and EPAC)Zmodel validation, real time monitoring, routine and severe weather forecasting and warning9model validation, real time monitoring, search and rescueOther (wind direction)Other (ocean currents)ASARASAR, altimeterASAR, altimeter, scatterometerASAR, scatterometer ENVISAT, ERS2global, regionalmodel validation#data assimilation, model validation;data assimilation (optimum interpolation), model validationGermany (GKSS) Germany (ZMK) Germany (DWD)*ASAR, altimeter, scatterometer, radiometerOther (SSH, SST, ice)altimeter, radiometer+JASON, ENVISAT, ERS2, TOPEX/ Poseidon, DMSP2JASON, ENVISAT, TOPEX/ Poseidon, DMSP, AQUA, TRMM)brightness, temperatureEOS-HDFspace agency, otherglobal, various regions climatologyGdata assimilation, climatology, model validation, algorithm developmentdata assimilation, climatologyno, yes for SARclimatology, model data, otherJASON, ENVISAT, ERS2, QuikScat:real-time/ fast delivery, off-line/ delayed mode (Envisat)5Fdmar (Envisat; RA2-WWV_2P), OSDR (Jason), FDP (ESR2)"OSDR (Jason), FDP (ERS2), QuikScat)GTS (ERS2, Jason), space agency (Envisat)9GTS (ERS2, Jason), space agency (Envisat), FTP (QuikScat)data assimilation (optimum interpolation), model validation (global sea wave model, gloabl atm. model), real time monitoring (global atm. model)bresearch (global sea wave model), on going implementation in operational suite (globla atm. model)model data (global atm. model)Hong Kong, ChinaScaWindsNorthwest Pacific?data assimilation (successive correction), real time monitoringresearch, operationalIcelandItalyERS2, QUIKSCATKNMIglobal, North Atlanticdata assimilation (3D Var),on going implementation in operational suiteJordanKenyaclimatology, model dataCresearch, on going implementation in operational suite, operational9data assimilation, model validation, real time monitoringFdata assimilation, climatology, model validation, real time monitoringLatvia LithuaniaMalaysiaMaltaMoroccoMyanmar New ZealandPakistanPeru JASON, TOPEX/ Poseidon, QuikscatQuikscatQuikScat level 3 dailyTopex-Poseidon Wind SpeedHDF, GIF!climatology, real time monitoringPortugalscatterometer, radiometerERS2, TOPEX/ PoseidonENVISAT, Quikscat, SMIinternetNorth Atlanticglobal, North Atlantic, Europemodel data, inetrnalRomaniaSenegalSpainSwedenThailand PO.DAAC MGDR from Topex/PoseidonASCIIJPLGulf of Thailand, Andaman SeaTunisiaUruguayZimbabwetotal number of memberstotal number of repliespercentage of replies@scatterometer (operations and research), radiometer (operations) radiometerRA IRA IIRA IIIRA IVRA VRA VInumber of maritime members'number of replies from maritime members+percentage of replies from maritime members/number of maritime members using satellite data*number of maritime members using as sensor(number of maritime members using data inWorld*H* not the sum of the 6 RAs because some members are dedicated in two RAs&number of members using satellite data3percentage of maritime members using satellite data*percentage of members using satellite data$Some statistics on the questionnaireB {l 6#  uun8h2}G "   E |3PR cc  0+$1@Q\hu+  dMbP?_*+% &C- &P -MnMicrosoft Office Document Imag/ dXXLetterwidm" dX,??U} } I}  }  }  }  } I} $ } I} m } $} $ } } } $              = =============                    A #  ? $  ? $ ? $ @ %!""""""""""" & #   ' $              ' $              ' $   ( % !""""""""""" 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