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It will make use of the channels already developed by the United Nations. BACKGROUND Governments agreements in Bali in December 2007 set the road map for negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This forms the basis on which key aspects of the global response to climate change post-2012 must be finalised at the 15th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP15) in December 2009 in Copenhagen. The United Nations have stepped up their effort to provide assistance to developing countries to effectively participate in the intergovernmental process. In this framework, this UNESCO project focuses on the science input for climate change-driven coastal issues in Africa. In addition to the main climate change impacts affecting inland areas (water, ecosystems, food, health), climate change has coast-specific aspects such as sea-level rise, changes in frequency and intensity of ocean-based extreme events, and ocean acidification. The resulting impacts will include exacerbated shoreline erosion problems, increased damage from flooding, loss of wetlands, and risks of coral mass mortality, to name a few. These must be considered in the context that coastal areas accrue a disproportionate share of population growth, infratructure investment and economic activities, and associated non-climate stress to ecosystems. As an example, the estimated additional investment and financial flow needed by 2030 in beach nourishment and dykes for coastal zones is of the same order as that for food or water (11 billions USD), of which about half is needed in developing countries. There are specific aspects to the challenges for adaptation and technology transfer in coastal areas, such as the availability of proven technologies for adaptation, the imperative for integrated management approaches, and the lack of private sector interest resulting in a predominant role for government initiatives. Correspondingly, specific opportunities exist for adaptation and technology transfer in coastal zones, with distinct barriers to their use, which negotiating texts must clarify if developing countries are to fully benefit. This projects objective is to enhance the uptake by African negotiators of scientific and technical information of coast-specific issues, and the coordination of their positions, with the objective that the intergovernmental process successfully removes coast-specific impediments to adaptation and technology transfer, and African coasts fully benefit from existing opportunities for better adaptation. This project will contribute to better information of African negotiators of the scientific and technical issues relating to coasts, allowing them to coordinate their positions and work the intergovernmental process to remove the impediments to adaptation and technology transfer, thereby preparing coastal communities and livelihoods in the face of climate change. The approach will be to work with African scientists and contribute to their effective participation to the national or regional preparation processes. The project focus on science uptake is in keeping with UNESCOs designation, jointly with WMO, as the UN entity with convening responsibility in the climate knowledge cross-cutting area, and builds on other UNESCO/IOC contributions to the UN systems work on climate change, such as the GEF-supported Adaptation to Climate and Coastal Change in West Africa. Initiated in discussions with African scientists and in consultation with other UN entities and in particular with UNDP, UNEP and UNFCCC, it will employ existing UN processes and channels to prepare and disseminate the science input for coastal zones. The largest part of the preparation of the continent is carried out by individual countries, with a small number of them taking a major share. As well, UN entities are conducting major programmes to assist in this process. There is thus an imperative for good harmonisation with these existing activities. This project is closely coordinated with the African Union Commission (AUC), now mandated by the Heads of States to propose the modalities of a unified African representation at COP15, empowered to negotiate on behalf of the continent. It is part, and adopts the format, of the larger framework of the planned AUC preparations to deliver on this mandate, which was presented to relevant UN entities and potential donors by the AUC on 1st April 2009 in Addis Ababa. This effort is aligned with the AUCs African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), sub-regional organisations and individual countries, focussing on specific transboundary issues where continent-wide coordination by the AUC is most needed. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES Overall objective: African negotiators in Copenhagen present coordinated and well-informed positions for financial flows and technology transfer mechanisms for adaptation and mitigation in African coastal zones. Note: secured funds allow carrying through a reduced version of the activities below. The additional support needed is detailed in Table 1. Objective 1: synthesized information on climate change impacts and opportunities for technology transfer and financial flows in African coastal zones is assembled in a format suitable for negotiators Develop effective communication channels with negotiating teams in several African countries Update project outline based on expressed priorities of negotiators and follow-up with regional organisations, negotiating teams, and UN agencies Present and widely discuss updated project outline with relevant regional and sub-regional organisations, a representative group of country negotiation teams and UN agencies Conduct an overview of uptake of coastal issues in negotiations preparations into country, sub-regional, and UN organisations, identify regional champions and less prepared countries Prepare a synthesis report suitable for negotiators based on country reports, UN reports and scientific literature, in a format usable by negotiating teams Contribute to the effective participation of African coastal scientists to their countries preparations: With relevant leads from the IOC roster of marine science directors, conduct an initial survey of their organisations input to the preparations for Copenhagen Following the lead of institutes actively participating in the preparations, facilitate the exchange of good practices within the continent. Recently developed fora on climate change in Africa may be a convenient tool If appropriate, use existing UN channels to contribute to an uptake of national expertise on coasts into the countries preparations Disseminate draft reports to negotiating teams Using existing UN channels such as the web 2.0 Knowledge Platform (UNDP climate community), provide the platform for an initial discussion of common positions based on the report and other relevant documents Presentation of the results at the July 2009 Assembly of Heads of State of the African Union to authorities and the African delegation to Copenhagen being prepared by the African Union Commission Presentation of the results at the August 2009 informal meeting of negotiators being organised by UNFCCC in Bonn If appropriate, convene a negotiators workshop to discuss draft reports that will be presented by the AUC to the AU Conference in July 2009, and after approval to the informal meeting of Negotiators at Bonn in Aug 2009. This may be replaced by a special session on coasts within already planned meetings, such as the UNEP/UNFCCC-convened second meeting for the Africa group, to be held October-November 2009 in preparation for COP15/CMP5. Objective 2: reports are updated with further study of magnitude of impacts, adaptation requirements, and opportunities for mitigation and associated financial flows in ongoing debates or emerging negotiating texts Recruit 3 African experts to: Establish communications with relevant national, regional, and international processes Analyse texts emerging in the negotiations processes, compare options and consequences for African coastal zones, and provide input for formulation of positions Take account of activities outlined within Objective 3 below. If time permits, collect or produce useful information on: inundation maps based on different scenarios of sea-level rise geographical information on climate-driven coastal erosion acceleration based on existing formula, such as satellite-based GIS maps of changing coastal profiles along the African coasts Estimates of costs of loss of infrastructure due to sea-level rise and erosion Conduct coastal hydrodynamic modelling cooperative projects in Eastern Africa that: Enhance capacities to model the impact of climate change in selected case studies Enhance capacities of government-mandated institutes to provide the science-base to guide climate-proof coastal planning Conduct workshop on managing erosion in Central Africa that: Trains in erosion adaptation and mitigation strategies Enhances national capacities for hydrodynamic modelling for appropriate coastal defence design Advances understanding of transboundary, sub-regional scale processes influencing coastal erosion, and related national capabilities Enhances capacities to plan for increased coastal erosion resulting from sea-level rise and climate-driven changes in wave and extreme events statistics Use existing high profile events and meetings to promote the effective participation of scientists from the continent to their countries or regions preparation to the conference Objective 3: Provide science input on coastal issues as requested during and following COP15/CMP5 The activities proposed below are a preliminary outline that will be updated in discussions with the UNFCCC and other entities. For this objective, it is expected that the African Union Commission will take the lead, with UNESCO only assisting on specific technical issues as requested Follow options arising in debates and texts relevant to African coastal zones, analyse consequences and inform negotiators in adequate time to react Prepare daily briefings on coasts for African states, if appropriate as a contribution to other briefings Participate to meetings organised by the African and other relevant groupings (G77, LDCs), and contribute to the science-base on coasts for the discussions Ensure negotiators are adequately informed so that key technological transfer and financial issues to coasts are brought up as needed to optimise opportunities for Africa Assist the African Delegation (now proposed by the African Union) as requested, for convening meetings, organise information disseminations to African delegations, and practical issues as they emerge. Shortly after the meeting, report on key issues related to African coasts, how they were negotiated, practical consequences for adaptation opportunities and financial flows, and possibilities for further negotiations After the meeting, disseminate reports on key coastal issues to relevant authorities and in existing networks and fora, and prepare a preliminary Work Plan for continued support to coordination on coastal issues through 2011, and propose to the African Union Commission. KEY ENTRY POINTS IN ONGOING PROCESSES This project contributes to the fulfilment of the African Union Commissions mandate on preparations for the Copenhagen conference, and its outputs will follow the same delivery mechanisms and opportunities as the UN expert support in other domains. Being part of this framework will ensure effective employment of AUCs AMCEN channels to bring sub-regional concerns to the table. As an effective entry point in the UNFCCC process, it is envisaged to offer a special session on coasts at the informal meeting of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) in Bonn mid-August 2009. The experts analysis of emerging texts (within objective 2) could be added to the preparatory material for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) preparatory meetings being planned as part of the joint support to LDCs in 2009. The UNEP/UNFCCC-convened second meeting for the Africa group, to be held October-November 2009 in preparation for COP15/CMP5, could be a very effective channel to report and disseminate information on this project. Another possibility would be the UNDP-led knowledge platform on the Bali building blocks, where, where the project could contribute information on science for coastal zones. Activities within Objective 3 would greatly benefit from guidance from the UNFCCC Secretariat.  Investment and financial flows to address climate change: an update. UNFCCC Technical Paper, 2008, FCCC/TP/2008/7.  IPCC Special Report: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer, Chap. 15, Coastal Adaptation  The United Nations System Chief Executive Board for Coordination: The CEB Climate Change Action Framework. Climate Change DPI/2526, Nov 2008.  Rpondre aux changements affectant le littoral et ses dimensions humaines en Afrique de l'Ouest, par une gestion intgre de la zone ctire. See e.g. http://www.accc-afr.net/  Decision on the African Common Position on Climate Change, XIIth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of States of the African Union, Doc. 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