ࡱ> NPM QbjbjFF '.$$MHH     8Wk<(%''''''j! $' '  <|  %%:,  ^.  R0.$$ H :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XX/33 6 March 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX) Beijing, China, 4-8 May 2009 IODE activities in the IOC capacity development framework Joanns Berque, Ehrlich Desa, Stefano Mazzilli and Mika Odido; UNESCO/IOC Summary of the document Collaborations and synergies of IODE with other capacity development activities in IOC are briefly presented. A number of observations on IODE best practices are proposed in the framework of IOCs principles for capacity development. Promising avenues for further collaboration with IOC sections are proposed. Appendices: none DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT The last 4 years has provided opportunities for synergies between the ODINAFRICA project of IODE and the Capacity-development Section of IOC. These opportunities have arisen naturally during the CD programmes of workshops for directors, and training workshops for scientists in coastal modelling. Most hosts of National Oceanographic Data Centers have participated in the workshops and we trust that this is to some degree impacting the working of these Data Centers. A key and oft-repeated lesson that we have carried away from workshops during these 4 years of field work, is that capacity-development activities should focus at the level of organizations starting with directors, and deepening the interactions to teams of scientists depending on the institutes concerned. This message argues in favour of continuing and further strengthening the lead role given to directors of organizations in the conception, planning and implementation of ODIN AFRICA, if it is to attract recurrent government funding. Two guiding principles improved effectiveness of capacity-development efforts; these were to keep engagement in issues that are need-based and country-driven. By need-based we imply that all activities should be conducted for application to a specific issue of high national priority. A possible way to apply this principle could be that ODIN activities in a country focus on information exchange for application to a specific issue, in-line with the stronger emphasis on end-products now being promoted in ODINAFRICA. Country-driven signifies that the issues which activities focus on are chosen by the countrys authority the higher the authority, the greater the legitimacy of action. Alternatively, the issue should focus on priorities outlined in relevant ministries strategy papers. Possible applications of these principles that could be considered by the Committee would include, for example: Streamlining of Data Centres activities towards the listing, gathering and organisation of existing data and information along applications to specific national priorities; Evolving from activities implemented mainly by one data specialist towards the establishment of committees in institutes hosting NODC, representing the diversity of practitioners of data collection and research applications, that would guide NODC activities and ensure a strengthened relevance to institute priorities and buy-in of institutes scientists. One area that has proved an excellent area of collaboration of several IOC sections with IODE/ODINAFRICA is the training in decision-support tools based on coastal circulation modelling. As many institutes in African Member States put a high priority on further developing such skills, this will remain an excellent area of collaboration in the coming years also. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesStreamline data centres activities and existing data and information along specific priorities from institute or country NODC Flexible 00 Establish committees in NODC hosting institutes, reflecting the diversity of potential data collectors and users, to guide NODC activities NODC hosting institutes Dec. 2009 0 0 Determine priorities in decision-support tools training along participating institutes growth plan, and enhance collaboration with other IOC CD efforts in the domain IOC, Odinafrica institutes Dec. 2009 0 0  [end of document]     IOC/IODE-XX/33 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XX/33 page  PAGE 3  )*6Jtu  I ' '([rdUhh<CJOJPJQJhth0h<6OJPJQJhh<6CJOJPJQJh<5OJQJhh<CJOJQJh<6OJQJhth0h<6OJQJhth0h<5OJQJhth0h<5CJ$OJQJh<5OJQJ\hth0h<OJQJ^Jhth0h<5OJQJ\h<OJQJhth0h<OJQJ!IJu  I ' gd< &d P gd<$a$gd<$&d P a$gd<$&d P a$gd<$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd<$a$gd<#4U'([s $Ifgd<$a$gd< & Fgd<gd< NT^`cK@@@@@ $Ifgd<kd$$IflrE U" s> t0"644 lacd K@@@@@ $Ifgd<kd$$IflrE U" s> t0"644 laK@@@@@ $Ifgd<kd$$IflrE U" s> t0"644 laKC><<<gd<$a$gd<kd|$$IflrE U" s> t0"644 la    #$*+,-CDJKLMPQh<0JmHnHu h<0Jjh<0JUh<jh<Uhth0h<6OJQJ   ./NOPQgd<$a$gd< % 0:p<|. 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