ࡱ> ` 0Cbjbjss (;d d d d d d d 4 ___h0`l` da:a:aaacpc$c 3B& $h.d n ccnn.d d aa4C*qqqnd ad a qn qq d d aXa aӕ_ko=9m<ݵyoZyxyd cZgqilccc..MqXcccnnnn d @D  @ d d d d d d   WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) SERVICES COORDINATION GROUP FOURTH SESSION GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 11 TO 13 MARCH 2009SCG-IV/Doc. 5.6 (18.II.2009) __________ ITEM 5.6 Original: ENGLISH CB Progress/Activity Report (Submitted by Mr Johannes Guddal, CB Rapporteur for SPA) Summary and Purpose of Document This document provides information on Capacity Building (CB) activities since MAN-VI. It also presents the outcome of the 7th session of the JCOMM Management Committee (Melbourne, Australia, December 2008) regarding the JCOMM CB Principles. ACTION PROPOSED The Services Coordination Group is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document; Propose a future CB work programme for SPA taking into account the JCOMM CB Principles. ______________________ Appendices: A. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III B. JCOMM CB Principles Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III Capacity Building (SPA)EventsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)JCOMM/IODE Combined Modelling and Data Management Training Workshop (Jamboree-II). (6-14/10/2006)The purpose of the workshop was; to initiate improved interaction/mutual understanding between ocean numerical modellers and ocean data managers; To enable attendants to implement national services for warnings of storm surges, and potential application services such as oil spill simulations. To be acquainted with the ocean circulation models. Provide additional training regarding tsunami propagation and simulations.NoWMO ER4, WMO ER5, IOC ER9, IOC ER10, IOC ER11TCP/JCOMM workshop on Waves and Storm Surge Forecasting (Melbourne, 1-5 December 2008)The workshop aimed to provide trainees: with open source and transferable numerical models for ocean waves and storm surges connected with tropical cyclones, and guide them in conducting operational experiments with these models; with access to existing products, and guide them in using these products for operational forecast. This workshop will be particularly addressed to Pacific Island countries (PICs).NoWMO ER1, WMO ER6, WMO ER 7, IOC ER 1, IOC ER 2, IOC ER 9 JCOMM Capacity Building Principles 1. INTRODUCTION The WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) was established in 1999 to coordinate worldwide marine meteorological and oceanographic services and their supporting observational, data management and capacity building programmes. As formally constituted, JCOMM is an intergovernmental body of experts, and is the major advisory body to the two parent Organizations (consisting of their Members/Member States, Governing Bodies and other subsidiary bodies and programmes) on all technical aspects of operational marine meteorology and oceanography. JCOMM coordinates, and develops and recommends standards and procedures for, a fully integrated marine observing, data management and services system that uses state-of-the-art technologies and capabilities; is responsive to the evolving needs of all users of marine data and products; and includes an outreach programme to enhance the national capacity of all maritime countries. The purpose of this document is to lay down the guiding principles on which JCOMM capacity building activities in marine meteorology and oceanography should be based. The document has been prepared taking into account previous documents and initiatives on capacity development undertaken by JCOMM. A member of the JCOMM Management Committee will be charged with coordinating capacity building activities. JCOMM's Mission is to coordinate and facilitate the activities of Members/Member States to describe the marine environment for: Improved understanding (research and education), Provision of maritime services, and Monitoring climate and its variability. JCOMM's vision is to benefit the global community by maximizing the benefits for its Members/Member States in the projects, programmes and activities that it undertakes in their interest and that of the global community in general. 2. CAPACITY BUILDING PRINCIPLES WMO and IOC Capacity Building Programs The WMO and the IOC jointly sponsor the JCOMM and therefore its Capacity Building activities must operate within, and draw upon, the overall principles of its governing bodies. The WMO and IOC should also assist with the development of partnerships with potential donor agencies and with links with other UN and other relevant regional and global organizations. The activities also must be compatible and work with similar efforts in other WMO and IOC programmes. In addition, the JCOMM should seek partnerships to pursue mutual objectives in the development of capability. Finally, capacity building requirements of the GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) and WMO Regional Associations must be considered. It is generally agreed that a separate capacity building programme for JCOMM was not required, taking into consideration the existing capacity building strategies of WMO and IOC. Rationale for JCOMM Capacity Principles JCOMM represents the first time where operational oceanography and marine meteorology have been combined on an intergovernmental basis. There is the need to entrain the oceanographic and meteorological communities and to enhance mutual understanding of JCOMM among the members of these communities. There is the need for sustainable capacity development efforts to build joint atmosphere-ocean capabilities. These include building capabilities for the use of JCOMM data and products, enhancing advocacy for JCOMM, and improving the JCOMM system itself. JCOMM should support capacity development elements that are not fully included in other ocean or atmospheric programs, and draw attention specifically to other Capacity building programs of the WMO or IOC. Examples include specialized observations and resulting products, e.g., those of some satellite missions, the Argo profiling float program, or the Data Buoy Cooperation Program, and other applications. The three JCOMM Program Areas each should include Capacity Building activities for a more integrated, focused and proactive approach. There are many examples of JCOMM capacity development needs for specific regions or nations. For example, low-lying coastal regions or islands may need the following: Enhanced wind forecasts Improved forecasts of waves and surge Improved forecasts of storm intensity and track Improved storm surge models Improved fields of topography and bathymetry Uncertainty estimates in sea level rise The JCOMM Capacity Building Mission To provide to nations, sub-regions, and regions capacity development related to JCOMM data, products, and services, and to understand their needs for operational systems and information and to assist them to address deficiencies, working in partnership with the capacity building programs of the WMO and IOC. The JCOMM Capacity Building Vision JCOMM contributing effectively to assist regions, sub-regions, and nations through training, transfer of technology and development of programmes and projects that will jointly develop capacity for operational oceanography and marine meteorology. The JCOMM Capacity Building Principles Note that there is no priority implied by the order of these principles. The primary objective of JCOMM Capacity Building is to enhance the implementation of the overall JCOMM Programme through enhancing capacity in all JCOMM Members/Member States to contribute to and benefit from the programme. JCOMM capacity building activities should be the responsibility of the respective Programme Areas and included in their work plans. (iii) JCOMM Capacity Building activities should aim to fill-in gaps and avoid overlapping at national, regional and international levels. It is highly desirable that national partners from both JCOMM themes (i.e., oceanography and marine meteorology) be involved so the complementary and symbiotic benefits of JCOMM are clearly demonstrated. (iv) JOMMM Capacity Building will include continuous professional development. (v) JCOMM Capacity Building will aim, where possible, for a train the trainer approach to help ensure continuity by countering staff turnover/brain drain problems and to promote the wide spread of knowledge and practices. (vi) At the regional level, JCOMM Capacity Building will develop programmes and projects that follow WMO and IOC strategies (e.g. the ODIN strategy, developed by IOC/IODE). (vii) At the regional level, JCOMM Capacity Building will develop, preferably, medium to long-term programmes and projects that will result in national structural and embedded capacity that can be sustained by national funding sources. (viii) Creating awareness in the minds of the public and policy makers is essential for raising national and international support. (ix) JCOMM Capacity Building activities will include assessment of feedback regarding the satisfaction and requirements of users of JCOMM observations, products and services. One member of the JCOMM Management Committee will be responsible for liaison with the three Programme Areas regarding Capacity Building activities. (xi) JCOMM Capacity Building activities should endeavour to utilize existing methods, courses, tools and other capacity building aids, particularly those of the WMO and UNESCO/IOC. 3. TYPES OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES AND IMPLEMENTATION Methods and Tools Capacity Building activities will be implemented using a wide variety of methods, tools and resources that are currently available within IOC (IODE) and WMO (including its 23 Regional Training Centres (RTCs)), or which will need to be developed by JCOMM and its parent bodies. Training Courses A traditional mechanism for transfer of capacity is the training course. This will also be the case for JCOMMs capacity building activities. Each JCOMM capacity building activity (programme, project) should include a training component. The project document should contain a clear statement on what expertise needs to be built. Based upon this information, training activities will be planned. Training Tools At the 5th session of the Management Committee (Geneva, Switzerland, October 2006) OceanTeacher ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.org" http://www.oceanteacher.org), a training tool that was developed by the IOC/IODE, has been identified as one of the suitable tools for the management of JCOMM-related knowledge and training materials. Other tools also were identified and should be explored. WMO/ETR e-learning modules have been used for the management of educational and training materials on meteorology, including for marine meteorology. It is important to maintain the highest possible standards for the quality of materials entered into OceanTeacher and Met e-learning, and interoperability between these tools should be ensured. It will also be desirable to establish and agree upon standard curricula for all topics. This can be achieved through close coordination between the resource persons and between the resource persons and the Chief Editors. It may be necessary to identify multiple Chief Editors, e.g. one per Programme Area. E-leaning modules use dynamic content management technology. As such, resource persons can enter materials from their usual place of work. In principle, the number of resource persons who can enter materials is unlimited. Bilko is a complete data analysis system developed primarily for learning and teaching remote sensing image analysis skills, providing a powerful application capable of handling ocean model data. Current lessons teach the application of remote sensing to oceanography and coastal management, but Bilko routines may be applied to the analysis of any image in an appropriate format, and include a wide range of standard image processing functions. Supported by UNESCO, Bilko is available to users absolutely free including a wide variety of satellite and ocean model outputs with associated self-study lessons that are ideally suited for 'off the shelf' training courses in oceanography. See  HYPERLINK "http://www.bilko.org/" http://www.bilko.org/. A Bilko lesson on ocean forecasting system outputs was developed for the COSPAR Regional Workshop for African Oceanographers, Rabat, Morocco, 19-30th September 2005, titled 'Exploring output from the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF) Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM)'. In many cases material in the Digital Library and Training Curriculum materials make extensive use of hyperlinks to other content both within and outside OceanTeacher and WMO Digital Library. An important quality control task for the Joint Secretariat is therefore; to regularly check whether links are still valid. It is noted that the use of these e-learning modules is free and open to all. Access to the Digital Library is open and does not require registration. Access to the training Curriculum also is free, but registration is required for full functionality. Workshops Workshops are useful tools to promote the sharing of expertise and experience at the national, regional and global levels. Travel and Study Grants Travel and Study Grants allow national experts to benefit from the expertise acquired in other institutions. They also are effective in promoting long-term informal professional relations between experts. As an example, the WMO Fellowship Programme enables fellowship holders to derive from their training the knowledge and professional competence, which will increase their ability to make essential contribution to enhancing the capabilities of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) and enable them to participate more actively in the economic and social development of their countries. The fellowships granted by WMO are for studies or training in meteorology, including marine meteorology and hydrology, at universities or training institutes with appropriate facilities. Fellowships are awarded only at the request of the candidate's government and the Permanent Representative of the candidates country with WMO must endorse the candidates. (More information is available on  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/etr/fellowship_en.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/etr/fellowship_en.html). Communication and Outreach Tools As a way of documenting and monitoring JCOMM Capacity Building activities, the use of the IOC/IODE Alumni database to record all JCOMM CB events and alumni is recommended. This will assist in tracking JCOMM training course participants and in assessing the long-term impact of the training provided. _____________     SCG-IV/Doc. 5.2, p.  PAGE 2 SCG-IV/Doc. 5.4, Appendix C, p.  PAGE 2 SCG-IV/Doc. 5.6, Appendix A SCG-IV/Doc. 5.6, Appendix B p.  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