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ACTION PROPOSED The Services Coordination Group is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document; Review and comment on suggested work programme and priorities for the ETSI; Provide advice on the future ETSI activities and alignment with the WMO Strategic and Operating plans. ______________________ Appendices: A. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III B. Programme Area work plan for the remaining intersessional period Programme Area work plan for the next intersessional period Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III Expert Team on Sea IceDeliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Coordination and enhancement of sea ice services in the Polar Regions; maintenance of the Ice Logistics Portal (http://www.ice-logistics-portal.org) during and beyond the IPY 2007/2008- Coordination of resources for provision of sea ice services and establishment of regional alliances (NAIS, EIS, BSIS) with a synergy of enhanced scope of information and better issuing schedules; - Development and support for the Ice Logistics Portal as a single web-gate to sea-ice information - Endorsement by the WMO Executive Council (EC-LX, June 2008); - Close cooperation with ETMSS and ETMAES on aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to MSS and MAES; - Cooperation and joint meetings (October 2007, 2008 and 2009 (planned)) with IICWG as a forum of national ice services and ETSI technical advisor; - extend the MMSM Questionnaire to cover ice productsEndorse continuation of the Ice Logistics Portal, define a new context and develop a vision paper for the portal after IPY. Recommend the WMO Secretariat and the SPA to closely interact with IICWG on the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region Recommend the Members with running ice services to support the Portal by resources YES. Support for Ice Logistics PortalWMO ER7 & ER6Review and update sea ice terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register for Electronic Navigation Chart Systems - Management of the Ice Objects Register for ENC Systems by ETSI, including: establishment of formal linkages and cooperation with IHO TSMAD and HGMIO formal adoption of the Ice Objects Catalogue and responsibilities for its management by the WMO Secretariat and ETSI (March, May 2007) entering constituents of the Ice Objects Catalogue into the IHO Feature Catalogue Registry development of a product transmit and display specifications and testing S-57 transfer files containing ice information during navigational season 2008/2009 - Review and update of the SIGRID formats including development of a SIGRID-4 OGS-based prototype - Development and maintenance of the multi-language electronic version of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature (since 2004) - Development of the updated version of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature and Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice Terms Request the Members to implement the changes in sea ice standards WMO ER5 & ER6Development of sea ice capacity building support; encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and services - Annual update of the Sea Ice Services in the World pub. WMO-574 (3rd revision issued in 2007, 4th revision planned for 2009); - 1st joint ETSI/IICWG/GCOS Ice Analysts Workshop held in June 2008 snapshot of national ice informational systems provided on-line analysis of the multi-sensor satellite imagery and compilation of ice charts provided identification of uncertainties on current and historical ice charts provided JCOMM Technical publication summarizes workshop proceedings - 2nd joint ETSI/IICWG/GCOS//EIS Ice Analysts Workshop is planned for June 2009 - support for 2nd (2008) and 3rd Sea Ice Modelling/Data Assimilation Workshop (2009 or 2010)Recommend the WMO Secretariat to further support joint ETSI/IICWG activities relevant to sea ice capacity buildingNOWMO ER3 & ER6Development of sea ice climatology based on ice charts; maintenance of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank - By 2008 ice charts for 1933-2008 period available in standard SIGRID format with further annual updates; - provision of data for Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA) in 2007-2008; - assessment of extreme 2007 and 2008 conditions in terms of sea ice climatology; - development of requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS; - interaction with GCOS and WCRP; NOWMO ER2 Work Plan for the remaining intersessional period Expert Team on Sea IceDeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of non-occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCReview, catalogue and enhance products and services required by user communities in sea ice areas; Interact closely with the ETMSS and ETMAES on all aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue services;- Interaction with IICWG on user requirements and update of the Ice Information Services: Socio-Economic Benefits and Earth Observation Requirements document; - Summary of users feedback from the MMSM Questionnaire and dissemination of MSI in Polar Regions by ETSI-IV; - Support for the Ice Logistics Portal and development of a vision and strategy - Endorsement by the WMO Executive Council (EC-LX, June 2008); - E-mail exchanges with ETMSS and ETMAES to assist them in implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region;ETSI, ETMSS KPT: Full description of sea ice parameters, global cooperation of ice services and data providers KPI: Quality and timeliness of ice products within Arctic METAREA Likelihood: medium Severity: highWMO ER7 & ER6NODevelop technical guidance material, software exchange, specialized training and other appropriate capacity building; encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and services; - Request ice services to submit material describing data assimilation and numerical diagnosis and forecasting technique; - Develop annual 2009 update of the WMO publication Sea Ice information Services in the World; - Develop software depository at SPA or related web-site; - Prepare 2nd Ice Analysts Workshop jointly with EIS, IICWG and WMO Secretariat (June 2009); - Review list of sea ice guidance material by ETSI-IV ETSIKPT: Update of sea ice technical material KPI: Harmonization of national ice information systems and productsLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER3 & ER6NOReview and propose amendments to sea ice terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register for ENC Systems,- Agree on the updates to the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature and Illustrated Glossary by ETSI-IV; - Further sea ice exchange formats including development of SIGRID-4 OGS prototype; - Prepare next level of updates to Ice Objects Catalogue and ice transmit and display specifications for approval at ETSI-IV ETSIKPT: Sea ice standards answering modern user requests KPI: Quality, timeliness and harmonization of ice products Likelihood : low Severity : highWMO ER5 & ER6WIS ?Extension of Sea Ice Climatology and support for IPY activities; linkages with relevant organizations and programmes , in particular BSIM, CLIC, IICWG, ASPeCt, GCOS and IHO- Update of requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS; - Preparation of the 10th session of IICWG in the WMO Secretariat (October 2009)ETSI, WMO SecretariatKPT: Complete sets of historical sea ice data for climate analysis and model testing KPI: Quality of climatic modelsLikelihood : medium Severity : lowWMO ER2 Work Plan for the next intersessional period Expert Team on Sea IceDeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of non-occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and servicesMedium- Interact with IICWG on software and experience exchange between the national ice services including provision of sea ice modelling and data assimilation workshops - Regular update of relevant section in the WMO Sea Ice Information Services in the World - Joint meetings with IICWGETSIKPT: Update of sea ice technical material KPI: Harmonized national ice information systems and productsXXXXLikelihood: medium Severity: lowWMO ER1 & ER3NODevelop sea ice technical guidance material, software exchange and appropriate capacity building supportMedium- Develop annual updates of the WMO Sea Ice Information Services in the World - Maintaining software exchange sections at dedicated web-sites (e.g. SPA) - Support for further ice analysts interaction and workshops ETSIKPT: Update of sea ice technical material KPI: Harmonized national ice information systems and productsXXXXLikelihood: medium Severity: lowWMO ER6 & ER7NOAdvise on content of ice information disseminated in the new METAREAS; interact closely with the ETMSS and ETMAES on all aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue servicesHigh- Coordination meetings between national ice services, regional alliances and during IICWG sessions; - Support for Ice Logistics Portal - Coordination meetings and e-mail exchange with ETMSS and ETMAES to facilitate the overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic MSI Services and to review mandatory technical publications ETSI (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: Full operational capability to provide MSI for Arctic regions KPI: Number of Arctic METAREA Issuing Services providing full met-ocean MSI service for Arctic regions within the GMDSSXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER6 & ER7NOMaintain linkages with relevant international organizations and programmesHigh- Interaction with IICWG as an ETSI technical advisor and forum of national ice services; - Furthering formal linkages with the relevant IHO bodies - Update of requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS ETSIKPT: Promulgation of national ice services experience to relevant int'l bodies KPI: Synergy of joint effortsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER10NOExtension of sea ice climatology and the Global Digital Sea Ice Data BankMedium- Review and provide guidance on the operations of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank; - Encourage and facilitate submissions of sea ice data to the bank; - Update of the sea ice exchange formats to support assimilation of archived data into numerical models - Provide annual summaries of ice conditions with relevance to climatologyETSI, GDSIDB SGKPT: Complete sets of historical sea ice data for climate analysis and model testing KPI: Quality of climatic modelsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER8GCOS, WCRPReview and amendments to sea ice terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register for Electronic Navigation Chart SystemsHigh- Formal updates of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature, Symbology and Illustrated Glossary based on the input from national ice services; - Further sea ice exchange formats including development of SIGRID-4 OGS -based; - Manage and update Ice Objects Catalogue (S-57) , develop ice transmit and display (S-52) specifications ETSI (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: Sea ice standards answering modern user requests KPI: Quality, timeliness and harmonization of ice productsXXXXLikelihood: medium Severity: highWMO ER5, ER6 & ER7WIS ?Provide advice to the Services CG and other Groups of JCOMM, as required on issues related to sea ice and the ice-covered regionsmedium- Advice JCOMM bodies on sea-ice related mattersETSIKPT: Promulgation of national ice services experience to relevant JCOMM bodies KPI: Synergy of joint effortsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER10NOPlay a key role in JCOMM involvement in major international polar projects such as IPY 2007-2008.medium- Support for Ice Logistics Portal as a IPY legacy and single access point for ice MSI; - Provision of tailored advices and assessments of sea ice and icebergs conditions.ETSIKPT: Balanced presentation of operational and scientific communities KPI: Synergy of joint effortsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER8 & ER10WCRP, IGOS     SCG-IV/Doc. 5.2, p.  PAGE 2 SCG-IV/Doc. 5.4, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 2 SCG-IV/Doc. 5.4, Appendix A SCG-IV/Doc. 5.4, Appendix B, p.  PAGE 2 SCG-IV/Doc. 5.4, Appendix B SCG-IV/Doc. 5.4, Appendix C, p.  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