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This effort builds on and complements design and implementation plans of the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS. In so doing, it was recognized that the occurrence of, or changes in, terrestrial and marine phenomena are often related and that interactions among them must be addressed explicitly. It was also recognized that coral reefs are of special interest, and thus, the IGOS Coral Reef Sub-Theme has been in incorporated into the Coastal Theme. Building on the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS, the IGOS Coastal Theme focuses on the observing requirements across the land-sea boundary and the information products that can be generated for users. Marine effects on land of particular interest include coastal flooding and erosion, sea level rise, and salt intrusions up rivers and into ground water. Similarly land influences on marine ecosystems include surface runoff and ground water discharge of fresh water, sediments, nutrients and contaminants; biogeochemical cycles; and ecosystem health and productivity. In this context, the following priority issues were targeted by the IGOS Coastal Theme Team: Coastal populations at risk (focusing on predicting, managing and mitigating impacts of natural hazards, land-use practices in the coastal zone, and climate change on human populations) and Coastal ecosystems at risk (focusing on the impacts of natural hazards, climate, human activities, and natural hazards on hydrological cycles, biogeochemical cycles, and ecosystem health). The report, approved by the IGOS in 2005, specifies observing system requirements, assesses current capabilities in terms of these requirements, and established a framework for integration across the land-sea interface. In addition, the establishment of a joint GOOS-GTOS technical panel and a Coastal Theme implementation team and were among the many actions recommended for 2005-2006. Although indorsed by the GSSC and the IGOOS Executive Board, a joint technical panel (equivalent to the OOPC but for the land-sea interface) has yet to be established. However, as a first step toward the establishment of an implementation team, the leadership of the IGOS Coastal Theme Team (Paul DiGiacomo and Liana McManus [Co-Chairs] and Bob Christian [GTOS] and Tom Malone [GOOS]) submitted a proposal to the GEO User Interface Committee (GEO-UIC) to establish a Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP). The proposal was approved by the GEO in 2006. 1.2 GEO-User Interface Committee and Communities of Practice The GEO-UIC was established to engage users in the nine societal benefit areas of the GEOSS in the development, implementation, and use of a sustained GEOSS that provides the data and information required by user groups on national, regional and global scales. The GEO-UIC is in the process of encouraging the development of communities of practice as the primary mechanism for achieving this challenging goal. Communities of practice have evolved over the years to enable groups of people with common interest in a subject or problem to share knowledge and ideas, find solutions, and build innovations. Communities of practice are intended to (1) decrease the learning curve of new comers, (2) respond more rapidly to customer needs and inquiries, (3) prevent reinventing the wheel, and (4) spawn new ideas for products and services. Building on the IGOS Coastal Theme and the work of GOOS and GTOS, a Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP) is being created to address the two targeted issues identified by the IGOS Coastal Theme Team as given above. 2. The Coastal Zone Community of Practice 2.1 Goals The purpose of the CZCP is to develop a strategy for engaging user groups across the land-sea interface in the development of those elements of the GOOS and GTOS that are required to provide and integrate data on terrestrial, freshwater, marine and atmospheric systems that converge in the coastal zone. Its specific objectives are to: Engage both data providers and users in the specification of requirements for in situ and remote observations needed to provide data and information at rates and in forms needed by decision makers in both private and public sectors ; Evaluate current and projected observation capabilities in terms of the extent to which they meet these requirements, identifying gaps, redundancies and activities that need to be strengthened; Establish a framework to integrate observations, both in situ and remote, across the land-sea interface; Stimulate collaboration among institutions within and across communities of practice to achieve the mutual goals of GOOS and GTOS. Liaise with the GEO-UIC, GEO, and other CPs on matters relating to coastal environmental issues, and on cross-cutting issues of interest to the CZCP. The CZCP will (among other methods) employ a regional approach to engage users and potential users through GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs). 2.2 The First Priority A high and immediate priority is to collaborate with CEOS, GOOS, GTOS and IGBP, to organize a workshop on Coastal Urbanization, Development, and Hazards: Impacts on Humans and Ecosystem Health and Productivity. The workshop will provide an end-to-end forum for data providers and users to identify necessary observing and decision-making approaches associated with coastal urbanization, development and vulnerability to inundation. To achieve this goal, the workshop aims to: Specify data and information requirements of three user groups: (a) real-time responders; (b) near-term, post-event builders; and (3) longer-term planners, policy makers, researchers and educators. Facilitate linkage of space-based observations, in situ measurements and models with studies focusing on (1) assessing changes in susceptibility and resilience to coastal flooding in high risk regions and (2) assessing and forecasting impacts on coastal populations, ecosystems and the living resources they support. Initiate planning for CODAS (COastal Data Assimilation System) pilot projects for data integration, analysis and modeling across the land-sea interface in two or more regions. This will include assessing the state of coastal predictive models and identifying steps needed to implement a full CODAS. The CZCP is currently working to identify a venue and schedule the workshop during Fall, 2007. ______________  IGOS Coastal Theme Report (www.igospartners.org/Coastal.htm)  http://www.earthobservations.org/roles/cmtes_wgs/uic.html     IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.8 page  PAGE 2 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.8 page  PAGE 3 145BEMZ[ij g h v uh`TA%hUhU5\mH nHo(sH tHh#mH nHsH tHh#mH sH hcwAmH nHo(sH tHhcwAhcwAmH nHsH tHh>/hD'CJaJnHo(tHh#CJaJnHo(tHh# h>/h#h>/h#5\h#5CJ\aJh#CJaJh#CJaJnHo(tHh#h#CJaJnHo(tHhcwACJaJnHo(tHh#h#CJPJaJ5[ij $$Ifa$gd>wgd# '7$8$]'`gd# '7$8$]'`gdcwA #P$$ A h ~~~~~yttoogdD'gd#gdcwA$a$gd#gd#skd$$Ifx\ q)   U(4 xayt>w qM\"&'ah9:;>?Swĺĺ㶭~hcwAB*ph hTL-hcwAhtsQhcwA6 h hcwA hhcwAjhcwA0J&UhcwAnHo(tHhcwAhcwAhcwA5\hcwA5\nHo(tH hcwA5\hD'hUnHo(tHhD'nHo(tH%hUh#5\mH nHo(sH tH0  ab !de$ 880]^8`0a$gdD'$ & F 880]^8`0a$gdD'$h]^ha$gdD' 8h]^hgdD'op"#-.~i+9:;RS$ & F]`a$gdD'$h]^ha$gdD'$ 8h]^ha$gdD'wy%&'(#####$$$O$P$Q$S$T$V$W$Y$Z$\$u$x$y$~$$$$ɼtdYdh10JCJaJhjh10JCJUaJhh1CJOJQJmH sH h1CJmH nHo(sH tHh1CJmH sH jh`hUh`h h;h1h1jh10J&UhzCJaJnHo(tHhcwAnHo(tHh#nHo(tHhcwA hcwA6hXhcwA6hcwAB*phhXhcwAB*ph"S1 2 6"7"b#c######$O$P$R$S$U$%gdcwA$h]^ha$gdD' h]^hgdD'$80]^8`0a$gd1$ & F0]`0a$gd1$h]^ha$gdD'U$V$X$Y$[$\$y$$$$$$$$$$$h]^ha$gdD' $B^ $B^gdcwA y$B$ y$B^a$gd#$ y$B^a$gdcwA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ôߩћ͗hzCJaJnHo(tHh`hh1CJOJQJmH sH h10JCJaJhh1CJmH nHo(sH tHh1CJmH sH h1h1CJOJQJmH sH jh10JCJUaJh hU0JCJaJhmHnHu: 00&P 1hP. 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