ࡱ> EGD bjbjFF ',$$L 8$v))(QQQ,,,fhhhhhh9 "h,,,,0htQQ}ttt4QQft,ftt~'*<0u#tu#t,,, k:   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XX/6 23 February 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX) Beijing, China, 4-8 May 2009 Co-Chairs Report Greg Reed, Malika Bel-Hassen Abid, IODE Co-Chairs Summary of the document This document provides an overview of the major activities of the IODE programme including an update on intersessional activities since the Nineteenth Session of the Committee. DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT The Groups of Experts continue to develop and improve IODEs data and information management capabilities. At the 10th session of GEMIM, Ms Linda Pikula was elected as the new chairperson, replacing Ms Suzie Davies. Significant progress has been made in ODINECET, with the establishment of an electronic document repository, and in the Pacific Islands with the creation of a sub-regional ODIN-project, the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS), which will focus on marine information management capacity building. The 4th session of GEBICH set strategic priorities for the Group, revised its Terms of Reference and discussed the formation of a new joint Group of Experts with OBIS (GE-OBIS). The focus of the joint IODE/JCOMM ETDMP has changed and the members have revised the Terms of Reference and called for new membership with a Circular Letter sent in October 2008 inviting nominations. The growing co-operation between IODE and JCOMM has continued during the intersessional period. IODE is a partner in the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) project for JCOMM. This project aims to make oceanographic data available in real-time and delayed mode through interoperability arrangements with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP). The ODP development continues with additional data providers planned for this year. IODE, in partnership with the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group, organized the IODE/JCOMM Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards in January 2008. The meeting discussed a wide variety of standards-related topics and agreed on a standards process that will enable the recommendation of a standard to the IOC and WMO. The IOC Manuals and Guides No. 5 (2nd revision) has now been released. This Guide is intended as a tool for policy makers at the national level to assist them with the decision-making related to the establishment of national facilities for the management of oceanographic data. It is also intendeds to be a reference document for national organizations involved in, or planning to be involved in, oceanographic data management. Changes to the ICSU World Data Centre system and the formation of the new World Data System will impact on the IODE and this will require further deliberation during this session. The fourth, and final, phase of ODINAFRICA has been approved with funding from the Government of Flanders. The overall goal of ODINAFRICA-IV is to promote the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources, as well as reducing the risks of ocean related hazards, based on sound scientific knowledge. Major changes in the structure and presentation of Ocean Teacher have taken place with the move to MediaWiki as the platform and the establishment of the Training Academy (a project funded by the Government of Flanders) which will provide an annual teaching programme of courses related to oceanographic data and information management. Online surveys on training requirements were undertaken in October and December 2008 and, based on the results of these surveys, a new Ocean Teacher Academy curriculum has been prepared for 2009-10. The development of African Marine Atlas continued during the intersessional period and a pilot project for the Caribbean Marine Atlas commenced. IODE has joined the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) and will host the 5th ICAN meeting in 2010. The Co-Chairs presented the progress of the IODE programme at the 24th Session of the IOC Assembly and the 41st Session of IOC Executive Council. IOC-XXIV adopted the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (Resolution XXIV-9), which aims to establish a "comprehensive and integrated ocean data and information system, serving the broad and diverse needs of IOC Member States, for both routine and scientific use. In order to provide governance for the Strategy, the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group has been established. This body will oversee the implementation of the Strategy and bring together the various programme elements of IOC as well as of bodies and organizations collaborating closely with IOC. [end of document]     IOC/IODE-XX/6 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XX/?? page  PAGE 3 Mwx   ! 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