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ACTION PROPOSED The Group will review the information contained in this document and comment and make decisions or recommendations as appropriate. It will in particular: Review and agree on deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III; Review and agree on OPA work plan for the remaining intersessional period; Review and agree on OPA work plan for the next intersessional period; ____________ Appendices: A. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III Programme Area operating plan for the remaining intersessional period Programme Area operating for the next intersessional period WMO and IOC Expected Results relevant to JCOMM OPA Discussion 1. Introduction 1.1 At its Seventh Session, Melbourne, Australia, 8-12 December 2008, the JCOMM Management Committee reviewed proposals for aligning the JCOMM Operating Plan with the WMO and IOC Strategic Planning in terms of the high-level deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III, as well as work priorities proposed for the next intersessional period. This will constitute JCOMMs response to the requirements of WMO and IOC for reporting the implementation plans of their major subsidiary bodies against the Expected Results (Appendix D) under the respective Organizational strategies. This exercise effectively results in prioritizing JCOMM OPA work plan for the next few months until JCOMM-III and for the next JCOMM intersessional period. Once reviewed, updated, and agreed, by the OCG, paragraph 2 below together with Appendices A, B, and C will constitute the JCOMM OPA Operating Plan. 2. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III, and Programme Area work plan for the remaining intersessional period, and the next JCOMM intersessional period. 2.1 The deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III, the Programme Area work plan for the remaining intersessional period, and the Programme Area work plan for the next intersessional period which are detailed below are also summarized in tabular form in Appendices A, B, and C respectively. Deliverable 1: JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals 2.2 It is required to update the JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals (previously named OPA Strategic workplan) to take into account latest developments in terms of requirements for climate applications (e.g. the GCOS Implementation Plan is now being revised), but also requirements arising from the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) and detailed in the Statements of Guidance for a number of application areas. The RRR applications areas the most relevant to JCOMM are (i) Seasonal to inter-annual forecasting, (ii) Ocean Applications (i.e. Met-Ocean Forecasts and Services (MOFS), including marine services, marine hazards warning, and ocean mesoscale forecasting), (iii) Global Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), (iv) Regional NWP, and (v) Synoptic Meteorology. 2.3 The JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals also needs to be updated (i) to take into account effective developments of the observing system since JCOMM-II (September 2005), (ii) to refine the implementation targets for the different components of the observing networks, and (iii) to better consider integration of both in situ and satellite observations. In addition, there will be a need to address the recommendations from the OceanOBS09 conference (e.g. how to design the XBT network in face of the completed Argo and TIP). 2.4 Recent developments with regard to the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) also need to be considered. 2.5 By OCG-III, 58% of the ocean observing system will be completed. A moderate increase of national support for in situ observations should permit to achieve 60% completion by JCOMM-III, i.e. a 10% increase compared to what was presented at JCOMM-II. Achievements to be reported at JCOMM-III in terms of observing system implementation include the following elements: While the drifter array achieved its target at JCOMM-II, it remained sustained since them at its 1250 units level, and 50% of the drifters are now equipped with barometer; Argo and VOSClim achieved their observing targets although efforts remain to be made to achieve better geographical coverage of Argo, and to record the additional VOSClim elements; TAO/TRITON and PIRATA are being maintained at target; Progress with regard to RAMA in the Indian Ocean; Progress with regard to OceanSITES; Significant increase in real-time reporting sea level stations with GPS. 2.6 Based on the updated JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals, it is proposed that JCOMM-III adopts a recommendation urging Members/Member States to commit resources towards achieving the implementation targets and sustaining the networks. 2.7 For the next intersessional period, it is proposed that JCOMM would work at achieving Completion and sustainability of the observing system by JCOMM-IV, i.e. essentially: Updating the JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals taking into account the revised GCOS implementation plan, recommendations from the OceanOBS09 conference, and non climate requirements arising from WMO and IOC application areas; Sustaining Argo and other observing components that reached completion; Providing the required additional elements (i.e. QC flags, metadata) for all of the VOSClim ships; Completion of the RAMA network in the Indian Ocean; Completion of the network of ocean reference stations (OceanSITES); Completion of the Sea level network, including real-time reporting and installation of GPS receivers for geo-referencing; Completion of the Repeat Hydrography and carbon inventory; Equipping all newly deployed drifters with Barometers; Deliverable 2: Observing Programme support Centre (OPSC) 2.8 Following JCOMM-II recommendation, a comprehensive review of JCOMMOPS was conducted in close consultation with relevant ocean observing Panels and groups. It was recognized that in order to fully implement a sustained global ocean observing system, the JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) will have to evolve into an expanded technical support centre to serve the growing requirements of the DBCP, SOT, and AST, and in addition begin to serve the developing requirements of other international programmes, which are also working to coordinate elements of the global ocean observing system. This expansion is expected to greatly enhance the implementation of GOOS by servicing all global observing components/elements with a system-wide approach. System-wide coordination, cooperation, and efficiencies will be improved by all systems working together to manage global implementation issues. This should include system performance monitoring, system evaluation, coordination of deployment opportunities, consolidated reporting, technical advice, and technical coordination to improve system efficiency and effectiveness. 2.9 The JCOMMOPS review process lead to issuing a joint WMO-IOC letter calling Members/Member States to propose to host a future Observing Programme Centre (OPSC). The OPSC will essentially consist of the expanded JCOMMOPS as detailed above. The call resulted in fifteen letters of intent being received, and an evaluation committee lead by the JCOMM Co-Presidents was formed to review the proposals. Final decision regarding who should be selected to host the future OPSC is expected to be made by the Secretary General of WMO, and the Executive Secretary of IOC before OCG-III (March 2009). 2.10 JCOMM-III will be invited to formally establish the OPSC which will be replacing the existing JCOMMOPS. OPSC will be established by mean of a JCOMM Recommendation defining inter alia its Terms of Reference (to be drafted and proposed by OCG-III), hosting agency, staff, and management conditions. Members/Member States will be invited to contribute financially or in kind to the new OPSC. Deliverable 3: WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM 2.11 Following decisions and recommendations by the WMO fifteenth Congress (Resolution 30 - Cg-XV), the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) was initiated and Pilot Projects proposed. One of the Pilot Project for JCOMM was initiated in 2008 in close cooperation with the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of IOC. The Pilot Project has defined is project plan and implementation plan, and substantial progress will be reported to JCOMM-III. 2.12 One aim of the Pilot Project will be to define and agree on common standards for instruments and methods of observation as well as subsequent organization and handling of the data and information to deliver consistent and better quality data to both the broad user and modelling communities. Data records must be traceable to standards. Maintenance and calibration are critical for ensuring stability and sustainability of systems. To understand system and component performance, a thorough documentation of observing platform siting and history as well as the recording and updating of metadata are critical in the elimination of inhomogeneities in data records. Closer links have been established with the WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO). The Pilot Project will address the issue of documenting instrument best practices (DBCP, SOT, GLOSS, IOCCP, OceanSITES, Argo) in light of the WIGOS developments, and to provide input to the WMO Guide for Instruments and Methods of Observations (WMO No. 8 CIMO Guide) and other relevant documentation comprised in the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and standards. The Pilot Project will be a mechanism for providing input to the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards. In addition, the Pilot Project is promoting establishment of Regional Marine Instrument Centres on a trial basis. Such centres will facilitate having all WIGOS observational data and metadata and processed observational products to adhere to WIGOS standards for instruments and methods of observation as well as standard observing network practices and procedures. They will be essential for monitoring instrument performance, calibration procedures, providing assistance with regard to intercomparisons, as well as providing for appropriate training facilities that would complement what the manufacturers are currently providing. Invited ocean experts will be in a position to provide required training. 2.13 Another aim will be to make appropriate identified data sets interoperable with the wider WMO and IOC communities in order to facilitate international data exchange - using agreed upon data and metadata representation forms and formats - and ensure that ocean data sets are properly searchable through modern data exchange systems that meet ISO requirements for geographical information. Thirteen potential data-sets have been identified by the Pilot Project for which interoperability with the WMO Information System (WIS) and/or the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) should be developed. These data-sets include both in situ (e.g. Argo, drifters, GTSPP, marine climatology) and satellite observations (e.g. GHRSST, SVW). Agencies in charge of those data-sets have been approached and some of them are already committed to the Pilot Project. The ODP will become interoperable with the WIS as a Data Collection and Production Centre (DCPC). 2.14 JCOMM-III will be invited to endorse the Pilot Project and Implementation Plans, approve changes to CIMO Guide as proposed by the Pilot Project, and approve establishment of Regional Marine Instrument Centres, including their Terms of Reference. 2.15 While the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM should end by the end of 2010, two of its last deliverable will be (i) a business plan for the integration of marine observations in WIGOS, and (ii) a legacy plan for pursuing the integration of the ocean observing systems, including in situ and satellite systems. 2.16 Based on the recommendations from the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM, for the next intersessional period, JCOMM will work at better integrating satellite observations, including virtual constellations such as GHRSST, ocean topography, and surface vector wind. Closer links will be established within JCOMM with Argo, OceanSITES, and IOCCP. Work will continue to document instrument best practices in appropriate WMO & IOC Manuals and Guides, including the WMO Guide on Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO No. 8), and the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and standards. Assessment of marine instrument centres as established or recommended by JCOMM-III will have to be made, and new centres proposed as appropriate. JCOMM will also continue to work at providing additional data sets through the WIS (e.g. Sea level, GHRSST, SVW, Ocean Color, Sea Ice, Waves). Deliverable 4: New wave observing technology 2.17 Requirements for wave observations include (i) assimilation into wave forecast models; (ii) validation of wave forecast models; (iii) calibration / validation of satellite wave sensors; (iv) ocean wave climate and its variability on seasonal to decadal time scales; and, (v) role of waves in coupling. Marine forecasters use wave model outputs as guidance to issue forecasts and warnings of important wave variables (such as, significant wave height and dominant wave direction) for their area of responsibility and interest, in support of several marine operations. In situ observations are used for the validation of models and satellite products with requirements of 1000km spacing requiring a network of around 400 buoys with minimum 10% / 25cm accuracy for wave height and 1 second for wave period. 2.18 A JCOMM Technical Workshop on Wave Measurements from Buoys was held in New York City, New York, United States of America, from 2 to 3 October 2008. The workshop was organized jointly with the DBCP and the JCOMM Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges (ETWS). A key outcome of the workshop was the proposal endorsed by the DBCP at its twenty-fourth Session, Cape Town, October 2008 - to establish a Pilot Project on Wave Measurements from Drifters (PP WMD) within the DBCP framework to look at feasibility to develop new cost-effective technology (e.g. using GPS). A twin project was also established, the JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET). 2.19 JCOMM-III will be invited to approve the development of both PP-WMD and PP-WET, and Members/Member States will be invited to commit resources in support of the Pilot Projects. 2.20 Until JCOMM-III, OPA will follow the recommendations from the wave workshop and DBCP-24, as well as the development of PP-WMD, and PP-WET. Work will continue after JCOMM-III with completion of both Pilot Projects before JCOMM-IV. 2.21 Depending upon the Pilot Projects success and possible recommendation, and in order to address the requirements for wave model and satellite wave products validation, OPA might eventually recommend to implement a global in situ wave observing system, including installation of wave observing technology on JCOMM operational moorings (OceanSITES and Tropical Moorings), and sustaining no more than 300 drifters capable of making cost-effective wave observations. Deliverable 5: Satellite data telecommunication 2.22 There is a strong demand from the ocean data community for cost-effective, global satellite coverage, real-time high data-rate telecommunication, sufficient system capacity, and two-way telecommunication with the in situ ocean observing platforms. There is for example an increasing demand for high temporal resolution data with frequencies usually higher than one observation per hour and much higher in case of some applications (e.g. Tsunami monitoring). Two-way communication also permits new approaches to data acquisition, management and distribution with the potential to make the best use of on-board systems depending upon local or regional geo-physical conditions, while saving battery power and extending the platform life-time. 2.23 Many governmental and commercial satellite systems are being used for the full range of ocean platforms, each of them having their strengths and weaknesses and addressing most of the criteria above. Progress has been made recently regarding the evaluation of new satellite data telecommunication systems such as Iridium which have considerable potential for the broadband collection of meteorological and oceanographic data from ocean platforms, as well as for two-way communication with those platforms. 2.24 Excellent progress with regard to the DBCP iridium Pilot Project will be reported at JCOMM-III, as the initial target of 50 units to be deployed in the world oceans has been exceeded, and the data now distributed on GTS from CLS and Mto France. However, efforts remain to be made to test the technology in all ocean conditions and regions and make sure that the data can be distributed on the GTS after appropriate QC procedures have been applies, and the data encoded according to the standard GTS formats. 2.25 JCOMM-III will be invited to support the continuation of the evaluation of current satellite data telecommunication systems, as well as the DBCP & SOT Iridium Pilot Projects in order to permit the collection of high data-rate data, and two-way telecommunication with the observing platforms. It will also be invited to encourage Members/Member States to use Iridium. The DBCP will be invited to work at the design of an effective global solution for the GTS distribution of data collected via Iridium according to agreed quality control procedures and data formats. DBCP will be invited to negotiates cost-effective GTS data processing with the satellite data telecommunication and GTS data processing service providers. The DBCP and SOT Pilot Projects should be completed during the next intersessional period and results presented to JCOMM-IV so that further recommendations can be made to Members/Member states by then. Deliverable 6: JCOMM Metrics 2.26 Progress was made since JCOMM-II regarding the development of integrated performance metrics to routinely report observing system monitoring and performance for certain key ocean variables. This was made possible thanks to cooperation with the GOOS Project Office, ISDM, Canada, various US agencies through the new Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC), and JCOMMOPS. 2.27 Work will continue so that at JCOMM-III it will be reported that metrics will be routinely produced on a quarterly basis for Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Salinity, sub-surface Temperature, sub-surface Salinity, surface Currents, and Heat storage of the mixed layer. The metrics are being made available via the OSMC and the new OPSC. 2.28 At its seventh Session the JCOMM Management Committee recommended future reporting of ECV-based (Essential Climate Variables) metrics and indices for satellite and in situ data and metadata. JCOMM-III will be invited to urge OPA to complete the metrics scheme accordingly, and to invite Members/Member States to use the Metrics. Deliverable 7: Integration of satellite observations 2.29 Much progress has been made in recent years for addressing the ocean community requirements for satellite data. For example, satellite altimetry is permitting ocean mesoscale forecasting; scatterometers address the requirements for tropical and extra-tropical high-wind warnings for mariners; GHRSST products (Sea Surface Temperature) enable better ocean/NWP forecasts and flux products for ocean research; and imagery permits the monitoring of sea-ice extend. 2.30 The cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements has initiated work for the production of a document titled Observing the Global Ocean for JCOMM - The Integrated Space-based and in situ Strategy. It aims to articulate a singular set of observing requirements for JCOMM for key ocean variables that space the applications from near-real time marine operations, NWP, climate monitoring, and research. Its scope will include: Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Salinity, Sea Surface Height (including sea state), Surface Vector Winds (including wind stress), Ocean Colour (chlorophyll-a), Sea Ice (Extent). The document will cover the current use of space and in situ observations in existing products and services (derived from known sources), including tables of current requirements by variable. It will highlight similarity and differences in operational and research requirements. The key content would be the JCOMM Strategy a unified set of requirements for each variable, and consequences for an idealized observing system, where such requirements are fully realized. 2.31 The document will be presented to JCOMM-III after consultation with JCOMM and CBS experts. The Commission will be invited to endorse the document and urge Members/Member states to commit resources towards achieving the implementation targets and sustaining the missions, and develop a strategy for approaching the satellite agencies with this guidance via established channels at the WMO and IOC. 2.32 Plans until JCOMM-III and for the next JCOMM intersessional period are to enhance liaison with satellite experts both in WMO and IOC through the appropriate bodies and Expert Teams (e.g. CBS ET-SAT and ET-SUP, CEOS, CGMS). The new OPSC would be requested by JCOMM-III to coordinate the collection of information on satellite data requirements and the information on satellite planning. Efforts will continue towards the developments of the Virtual constellation for Surface Vector Wind, global wave observing capability, and sustainability of satellite missions including GHRSST and ocean topography. 2.33 JCOMM will work towards better integration of in situ and satellite observations, as well as the consideration of new variables such as sea ice, wind, wave and storm surge observations. JCOMM will focus on the coordination of ocean variables where a viable integrating participation group is available. Deliverable 8: Capacity Building 2.34 Partnerships for New GEOSS Applications (PANGEA) are designed to build sustainable capacity in maritime regions by conducting in-country, practical, socio-economic applications training by JCOMM experts to decision-makers, policy and budget administrators, scientists and end-users, in exchange for regional ship time for the deployment of new in-situ ocean observations. 2.35 PANGEA provides multiple benefits by (i) providing expert applications training to users and decision-makers in the region; (ii) demonstrating the practical socio-economic importance of ocean information to administrative budget and policy officials; and (iii) increasing regional in-situ ocean observations for numerous cross-cutting applications that impact the region. 2.36 The PANGEA Partnerships provide socio-economic benefits for various economic sectors including; fisheries, agriculture, climate and coastal risk management, water resource management, community resiliency and marine multi-hazards. A more sustainable capacity for the region can be achieved through the increases in both near real-time in-situ ocean observational data and information as well as the more effective applications of existing and new data. 2.37 JCOMM-III will be invited to plan/organize PANGEA workshop during the next JCOMM intersessional period using multiple sources of funding (WMO&IOC, National, DBCP TF, etc.). ________________ Appendix A Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III Observations Programme AreaDeliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)JCOMM Observing System Implementation GoalsUpdated JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals presented to the Session. The plan, still based on the guidance in GCOS-92, was updated according to latest developments, including consideration of WIGOS, current status of the observing system, integration of in situ and satellite observations, and new requirements (Statements of Guidance from WMO Rolling Review of Requirements)Endorse workplanUrge Members/Member States to commit resources towards achieving the implementation targets and sustaining the networks and satellite missionsY; Implementation of the JCOMM Observing System Implementation GoalsWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1, 2Grew and maintained a system 10% closer to OPA targets for the in situ Observing System Observing System 60% completed through moderately increasing annual national support for in situ observations. Drifter array achieved target at JCOMM-II and remained sustained close to target; 50% of the drifters now equipped with barometer Argo and VOSClim achieved observing target (incl. additional elements), TAO/TRITON and PIRATA maintained at target. Progress with regard to RAMA in the Indian Ocean Progress with regard to OceanSITES Significant increase in real-time reporting sea level stations with GPSNoNoNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2OPSCNew OPSC in placeEndorse new OPSC and decisionsMembers/Member States to contribute to the new OPSCY; TOR of OPSCWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS PP for JCOMMSubstantial progress with regard to the Implementation plan Document best practices and provide input to the CIMO Guide Contribution to the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards Regional Marine Instrument Centres on a trial basis and proposed TOREndorse Project Plan and Implementation Plan Approve changes to CIMO Guide Approve establishment of Regional Marine Instrument CentresMembers/Member States invited to apply for running Regional Marine Instrument CentresY: TOR of Regional Marine Instrument CentresWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2Plans for new wave observing technologyRecommendations from the JCOMM Technical Workshop on Wave Measurements from Buoys (NY, USA, 2-3 Oct 2008) and DBCP-24 Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD), and JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET) initiatedApprove development of PP-WETMembers/Member States to commit resources in support of the Pilot ProjectNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2Enhanced Satellite data telecommunicationExcellent progress with regard to the Iridium Pilot Project More Iridium drifters deployed than planned (target was 50) but tests need to be conducted in all ocean conditions GTS data processing for Iridium Data working at Mto France and CLS (with standard QC and formats)Encourage Members/Member States to use Iridium Invites DBCP to negotiate cost-effective GTS data processing by CLSNWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2Integrated (space and in situ) observing strategy documentDocument presented to the sessionEndorse documentUrge Members to commit resources towards achieving the implementation targets and sustaining the missions, and develop a strategy for approaching the satellite agencies with this guidance via established channels at the WMO and IOCNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1, 2JCOMM MetricsMetrics being routinely produced on a quarterly basis for 6 variables (SST, SSS, Tz, Sz, surface currents, heat storage of mixed layer) and made available via OSMC and OPSCEndorse metricsUrge NOAA and ISDM to complete the metrics for other variables Invites Members/Member States to use the MetricsNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2 Appendix B Programme Area OPERATING Plan for the remaining intersessional period Observations Programme AreaDeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCJCOMM Observing System Implementation GoalsOCG-III meeting (Mar 2009) to update JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals according to: latest developments, including consideration of WIGOS and integration of in situ and satellite observations new requirements for marine forecast and services (JCOMM Statement of Guidance) addressing XBT measurements in face of completed Argo and TIP OCGKPT: Updated workplan KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) Likelihood: High Severity: MediumWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS, ET-SUP, ET-SAT) OOPC GOOSImplementation of the JCOMM Observing System Implementation GoalsSOT-V meeting (May 2009) DBCP-25 + S&T workshop, and JTA-29 meetings (Oct. 2009) One DBCP CB workshop in East Africa (mid-2009) GLOSS-GE-XI meeting (May 2009) Sustain DBCP, Argo, TAO, and PIRATA Further Develop RAMA Sustain VosClim (250 ships) and provide the required additional elements Add barometers on all newly deployed drifters More real-time sea level stations Through coordination with the scientific programmes, increase OceanSITES time series stations and complete IOCCP decadal survey For satellite issues, coordination undertaken by email mainly for (i) assisting in the development of the Virtual constellation of Surface Vector Wind (SVW) (ii) contributing to the development of global wave observing capability (in liaison with ET-SAT, ET-SUP), (iii) contributing to the continued development and sustainability of GHRSST, and (iv) sustainability of missions (sea level in particular).OPA & Obs. PanelsKPT: Completion of the observing system KPI: Percentage of completion Likelihood: Medium Severity: HighWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS, ET-Sat, ET-SUP) IOCCP GOOSOPSCEvaluation of questionnaires by evaluation committee (by email) Recommendations by evaluation committee Decision by WMO and IOC Terms of Reference proposed by OCG-III, including management structure for staff Contractual arrangements for staff Transition from JCOMMOPS to OPSCEvaluation Committee WMO&IOC Secr.KPT: OPSC in place KPI: Number of steps achieved (0 to 5)Likelihood: Medium Severity: MediumWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS)WIGOS PP for JCOMMOne meeting of the joint Steering Group (late 2009) Implementation of the plan, i.e. mainly Providing data sets through GTS and WIS and/or ODP (e.g. GHRSST, ocean topography, SVW) To address the issue of documenting instrument best practices (DBCP, SOT, GLOSS, IOCCP, OceanSITES, Argo) in light of the WIGOS developments, and to provide input to the CIMO Guide and other relevant WMO % IOC Manuals and Guides, as well as documentation comprised in the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and standards Implement Regional Marine Instrument Centres on a trial basis and propose TOROPD-WIGOS & Obs PanelsKPT: Integrated best practices documented in WMO No. 8, and instrument centres in each of the 6 Regional Associations KPI: WMO No. 8 updated : success=1; fail=0; plus ratio of instrument centres established (n/6) Likelihood: Medium Severity: LowWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WIGOS, WIS CBS (ICT-IOS, IPET-MI, ET-AWS) CIMO (IMOP) IODE Plans for new wave observing technologyCoordination by email mainly plus discussion at JCOMM meetings as appropriate Follow recommendations from DBCP-24 and development of Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD) Establish JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET), and follow up DBCP, ETWSKPT: Pilot Projects Established and Initiated KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success) Likelihood: High Severity: LowWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS)Enhanced satellite data telecommunicationContinue review of Satellite data Telecommunication Systems under DBCP leadership Coordination by email and DBCP/TC mainly plus discussions at SOT-V & DBCP-25 Complete DBCP & SOT Iridium Pilot Projects and make recommendations Deploy more Iridium drifters and use Iridium on more ships Distribute Iridium ocean observing platform data of required quality on GTS in real-time DBCP, SOTKPT: 50 drifters evaluated KPI: percentage of drifters compared to target (n/50) Likelihood: High Severity: MediumWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WIGOS, WIS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-DRC)Integrated (space and in situ) observing strategy documentEric Lindstrom to draft document Document to be reviewed by JCOMM & CBS experts Final draft approved by JCOMM Co-PresidentsOPAKPT: Document available KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) Likelihood: High Severity: HighWMO ER4, IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS, ET-SUP, ET-SAT) GOOS, GCOS, OOPCJCOMM MetricsDiscussions at OCG-III plus coordination by email Resume routine production of metrics for the 6 variables (SST, SSS, Tz, Sz, surface currents, heat storage of mixed layer) Produce ECV-based metrics and indices for satellite and in situ data and metadataOCGKPT: Metrics routinely available for 9 variables KPI: percentage of variables addressed routinely Likelihood: Medium Severity: HighWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS) OOPC IODE Appendix C Programme Area OPERATING Plan for the next intersessional period Observations Programme AreaDeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Completion and sustainability of the observing systemHighUpdating the JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals taking into account new GCOS implementation plan, recommendations from OceanOBS09, and WMO Rolling Review of Requirements Yearly DBCP & JTA meetings Biennial SOT meetings in 2011, 2013 Biennial GLOSS-GE meetings in 2011, 2013 CB workshops as required/appropriate Coordination through JCOMMOPS, then OPSC Provide additional elements for the VOSClim Complete RAMA Complete OceanSITES Complete Sea level network, including real-time reporting and GPS Complete Repeat Hydrography All drifters with Barometers Sustainability of Argo and completed networks For satellite observations, coordination by email mainly and participation of JCOMM experts at ET-SAT, ET-SUP, CEOS, CGMS as appropriate for (i) coordination on requirements and provision of information on satellite planning through JCOMMOPS, then OPSC, (ii) contribution to the development of the Virtual constellation for Surface Vector Wind (in liaison with ET-SAT, ET-SUP), (iii) contribution to the development of global wave observing capability (in liaison with ET-SAT, ET-SUP), (iv) contribution to the continued development and sustainability of GHRSST, and (v) sustainability of missions (sea level in particular)OPA & Obs. PanelsKPT: Completion of the observing system KPI: Percentage of completionxxxXLikelihood: Medium Severity: HighWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS, ET-SUP, ET-SAT) GOOS GCOS OOPCIntegration in WIGOSHighOne meeting of the joint Steering Group in 2010 Coordination by email Integration of Argo, OceanSITES, IOCCP in JCOMM Integration of in situ and satellite observations Provide data sets through WIS and/or ODP (e.g. Sea level, GHRSST, SVW, Ocean Color, Sea Ice, Waves) Integration of Best Practices (to feed in WMO No. 8, JCOMM Catalogue, and other appropriate IOC Manuals & Guides) Run existing, establish new Regional Marine Instrument Centres; assess effectiveness of established centres Complete the Business plan for the WIGOS PP for JCOMM, and agree on a legacy plan OPD-WIGOS & Obs PanelsKPT: Integrated best practices documented in WMO No. 8, and instrument centres in each of the 6 Regional Associations KPI: WMO No. 8 updated : success=1; fail=0; plus ratio of instrument centres established (n/6)xXLikelihood: High Severity: HighWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WIGOS, WIS CBS (ICT-IOS, IPET-MI, ET-AWS, ET-Sat, ET-SUP) CIMO (IMOP) Argo, OceanSITES, IOCCPGlobal wave observing systemMediumCoordination at JCOMM meetings as appropriate Workshop as required/appropriate Complete DBCP Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD) Complete JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET) Implement global wave observing system according to the outcome of the Pilot ProjectDBCP, ETWSKPT: New cost-effective technology available KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success)xXLikelihood: Medium Severity: MediumWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS)Enhanced satellite data telecommunicationHighContinue review of Satellite data Telecommunication Systems under DBCP leadership DBCP and SOT Iridium Pilot Projects; coordination at DBCP and SOT meetings, through JCOMMOPS/OPSC, and by email Deploy more drifters, VOS, ASAP, SOO, etc. with Iridium Distribute quality platform data collected via Iridium on GTS in real-timeOPA & Obs. PanelsKPT: Observing platforms meeting requirements for high temporal resolution data KPI: Percentage of deployed platforms meeting the requirementsXxxxLikelihood: High Severity: MediumWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2JCOMM MetricsMediumProduce ECV-based metrics, and indices for satellite and in situ data and metadataOPAKPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success)XXXXLikelihood: Medium Severity: LowWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WMO CBSPANGEAMediumPlan/organize PANGEA workshop using multiple sources of funding (WMO&IOC, National, DBCP TF, etc.) Partnership for New GEOSS Applications (PANGEA) Inviting developed countries to contribute to PANGEA and provide (i) funds, (ii) expertise to assist developing countries receiving support regarding the use of the data Developing Countries to support the implementation of ocean observing networks by providing logistical capabilities. WMO to commit resources for PANGEA through CB efforts, and assist in organizing PANGEA workshopsOPA & SPAKPT: Organize one workshop per year KPI: Number of workshops organizedxxxXLikelihood: Low Severity: HighWMO ER 4, 9WMO TCOP, RP IOC CD Appendix D WMO and IOC Expected Results relevant to JCOMM OPA WMO Strategic Thrust Science and technology development and implementation to monitor and observe the environment, forecast and warn of significant weather, water and climate conditions, and understand the Earth system: WMO ER4: Integration of WMO Observing Systems WMO ER5: Development and implementation of the new WMO Information System (WIS) IOC HLO 1: High-level Objective 1 Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards, Action 1a: Promote integrated and sustained monitoring and warning systems for coastal and oceanic natural hazards, in close coordination with other relevant intergovernmental organizations where appropriate, using enhanced coastal and ocean networks, including education and training activities [primarily responsibility by the Tsunami Programme] IOC HLO 2: High-level Objective 2 Mitigation of the impacts of and adaptation to climate change and variability, Action 2b: Contribute to the better prediction of climate through ocean observations and process studies at regional and global scales [primary responsibility by GOOS, JCOMM, IODE, IOCCP]. ________________     OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), p.  PAGE 7 OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), Appendix A, p.  PAGE 9 OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), Appendix A OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), Appendix B, p.  PAGE 12 OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), Appendix B OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), Appendix C, p.  PAGE 16 OCG-III/Doc. 7(3), Appendix D, p.  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