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Requirements for the Observations Programme Area (OPA) quick review of scientific requirements for climate, GCOS progress and update (Harrison) critical review of non-climate requirements and feasibility (Statements of Guidance as part of CBS rolling review, including SPA requirements) Update of the OPA strategic plan and guidance from MAN of consideration of WMO and IOC strategic planning Coordination and integration issues from the point of view of the JCOMM Services and Data Management Programme Areas (Donlon and Keeley) 3. Review of status and challenges for each observing system component Reports from each in situ system (panel chairs): performance measured against requirements delivery of raw data (data collection and exchange) measurement standards and quality control issues logistics and resources costs of the system and benefits (how information is used and identifying data users) capacity-building requirements potential new technology: instrumentation, communications, platforms ideas for the way forward Satellite (Lindstrom) brief overview of observations status and challenges by variable (SST (IR and ATSR), sea level, sea ice, surface wind, sea state, ocean color, new capabilities) need for in situ validation from OPA networks liaison with WMO satellite bodies and satellite community (CEOS, CGMS) JCOMM OPA metrics Are data/information needs (including those of JCOMM SPA) being met? Instrument best practices and standards (contribution to WIGOS pilot project, JCOMM Catalogue) Common capacity-building requirements and how to effectively implement the PANGEA concept Common strategy to move forward including cross-coordination and synergies 4. Technical coordination status of JCOMMOPS report from secretariat on process for OPSC expansion guidance from the panels 5. JCOMM-III what needs to be raised at the cross-programme area technical level what needs to be raised at the intergovernmental level 6. OceanObs09: review of Community White papers from OPA and common issues for the Plenary Papers 7. Closing ___________     OCG-III/Doc. 1 v.1, p.  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