ࡱ> ac^_` bjbjFF k$$| ((*******pY,E-*=.J4 5 5 5<r'C;E *GF<"<GFKFV(( 5 5Ż<VVVOFV ( 5* 5VGFVV")h*bxXw*Q&J<=^mVmbVb*vGFGFGF [':   Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission  IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) Fourth Session IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium 27-30 January 2009 ANNOTATED AGENDA Doc IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/5 ort No. 209 UNESCO 2009 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Oostende, 16 January 2009 English only [PHOTO] Abstract .. For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH), Fourth Session, 27-30 January 2009-01-16 Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies, UNESCO 2009 (English), UNESCO, XX pp Published: .. .. .. TABLE OF CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-3" 1. Opening of the Session  PAGEREF _Toc93726968 \h 1 1.1 Welcome  PAGEREF _Toc93726969 \h 1 1.2 Adoption of the agenda  PAGEREF _Toc93726970 \h 1 2. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc93726971 \h 1 2.1 Issues remaining from GE-BICH-II  PAGEREF _Toc93726972 \h 1 2.1.1 Pilot Project on Nomenclators (GE-BICH II 4.4.3.)  PAGEREF _Toc93726973 \h 1 2.1.2 Document on need of Data Management (GE-BICH II 4.1.1.)  PAGEREF _Toc93726974 \h 1 2.1.3 XML Registry  PAGEREF _Toc93726975 \h 1 2.1.4 Contribution to Ocean Teacher  PAGEREF _Toc93726976 \h 1 2.2 Status of implementation of the GE-BICH-III action plan (Recommendation IODE/GE-BICH-III.1)  PAGEREF _Toc93726977 \h 2 2.2.1 Organisation of the Ocean Biodiversity Informatics-II Conference  PAGEREF _Toc93726978 \h 2 2.2.2 Topics arising from the GE-BICH III meeting  PAGEREF _Toc93726979 \h 2 2.2.3 Other action items arising from GE-BICH III  PAGEREF _Toc93726980 \h 3 2.3 Issues arising from IODE-XIX  PAGEREF _Toc93726981 \h 5 2.3.1 Revision of the Terms of Reference of GE-BICH (Recommendation IOC/IODE-XIX-3)  PAGEREF _Toc93726982 \h 5 2.3.2 Cooperation with IOC/IPHAB on the development of the HAIS ((Recommendation IOC/IODE-XIX-1)  PAGEREF _Toc93726983 \h 5 3. NEW ISSUES OF RELEVANCE TO GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc93726984 \h 6 3.1 Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project  PAGEREF _Toc93726985 \h 6 3.2 OceanDataPortal Project  PAGEREF _Toc93726986 \h 6 3.3 Standards for chemical data and metadata exchange in SeaDataNet  PAGEREF _Toc93726987 \h 7 3.4 Presentation of the highlights of ICES data management activities, external interactions and the ecosystemdata online application  PAGEREF _Toc93726988 \h 7 3.5 CDIAC (Carbon Dioxide Information Centre) Ocean Data Management Activities  PAGEREF _Toc93726989 \h 7 3.6 Plankton functional types and the green ocean modelling initiative - report from the Eur-Oceans Cambridge meeting.  PAGEREF _Toc93726990 \h 7 3.7 Perspective on collaborative research environments offered by D4Science project  PAGEREF _Toc93726991 \h 8 4. IODE ORGANIZATIONAL REFORM AND ITS IMPACT ON GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc93726992 \h 8 4.1 Relationship between OBIS and IOC and its impact on GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc93726993 \h 8 4.2 Implications of Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 (Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts) for GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc93726994 \h 9 4.3 Implications of the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange on GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc93726995 \h 10 5. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc93726996 \h 10 6. STANDARDS AND VOCABULARIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA  PAGEREF _Toc93726997 \h 12 6.1 Biological taxonomic standards  PAGEREF _Toc93726998 \h 12 6.2 Controlled vocabulary for data types and gears  PAGEREF _Toc93726999 \h 13 6.2.1 Controlled vocabulary for biological/chemical sampling gears.  PAGEREF _Toc93727000 \h 13 6.2.2 Controlled vocabulary for biological/chemical data types  PAGEREF _Toc93727001 \h 14 6.3 Standards and vocabularies for the management of ocean acidification data  PAGEREF _Toc93727002 \h 14 6.4 Action plan including recommendations and possible input to Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project.  PAGEREF _Toc93727003 \h 14 7. QUALITY CONTROL/ QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES  PAGEREF _Toc93727004 \h 14 7.1 Review of numerical criteria used in different data centres for chemical parameters QC  PAGEREF _Toc93727005 \h 14 7.2 Methods of quality control of biogeochemical data submitted to the MHI database  PAGEREF _Toc93727006 \h 15 7.3 Recommendations for the QC of biological and chemical data: priorities, existing procedures/expert groups for given compounds, applicability of existing QC flags  PAGEREF _Toc93727007 \h 15 8. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO GE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER  PAGEREF _Toc93727008 \h 16 9. WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD  PAGEREF _Toc93727009 \h 16 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc93727010 \h 16 11. ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S)  PAGEREF _Toc93727011 \h 16 12. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc93727012 \h 17 13. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc93727013 \h 17 14. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc93727014 \h 17  ANNEXES HYPERLINK \l "annex1"ANNEX I: Agenda of the Meeting  HYPERLINK \l "annex2" ANNEX II: List of Participants  HYPERLINK \l "annex3" ANNEX III: Recommendations..  HYPERLINK \l "annex4" ANNEX IV: ..  HYPERLINK \l "annex5" ANNEX V: ..  HYPERLINK \l "annex6" ANNEX VI: List of Acronyms Opening of the Session Welcome Welcome to participants and short round-table introductions. A brief introduction to GE-BICH will be made and the objectives of the meeting will be outlined. Adoption of the agenda Gwen Moncoiff will present the Provisional timetable and Agenda for the meeting and invite comments. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Issues remaining from GE-BICH-II Background documents: Reports from GE-BICH sessions II and III. Pilot Project on Nomenclators (GE-BICH II 4.4.3.) Update from Edward Document on need of Data Management (GE-BICH II 4.1.1.) Update from Edward XML Registry Update from Edward Contribution to Ocean Teacher It was decided during GE-BICH-III that a special group was to be created within GE-BICH to deal with this issue and was to include Edward Vanden Berghe, Mark Costello, Gwenaelle Moncoiff, and Sergey Konovalov. Sergey Konovalov and Gwen Moncoiff investigated means of contributing more effectively to Ocean Teacher by proposing to create a GE-BICH portal where, among other things, material relevant to Ocean Teacher could be assembled and articles worked on. However time constraint did not enable them to see this project through. The contribution to Ocean Teacher should still be a very important outcome of the work of GE-BICH and participants are invited to discuss the issues in Agenda Item 8. Status of implementation of the GE-BICH-III action plan (Recommendation IODE/GE-BICH-III.1) Background document: Report from GE-BICH-III. Organisation of the Ocean Biodiversity Informatics-II Conference The second Ocean Biodiversity Informatics conference OBI07 (the third in a series of conferences on biological or multidisciplinary oceanographic data management initiated and organised by IODE-GE-BICH) was held on 2-4 October 2007 at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. The conference programme included sessions on: Visualization Tools; Habitat and Ecosystems; Species Names Management and Tools; Metadata Developments; Data Use and Analysis;New Data Systems; and Integrating Different Types of Data. The conference was attended by over 100 participants from all over the world and included researchers, data managers, and contractors from government, universities, and the private sector. Poster and presentations details are available from http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/OBI07. Proceedings have been published by Canada DFO (DFO 2008. Proceedings of a Conference on Ocean Biodiversity Informatics; 2-4 October 2007. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Proceed. Ser. 2008/024). Topics arising from the GE-BICH III meeting Marine Habitats (GE-BICH III 5.2.1.) Background document: Marc Costellos paper ( HYPERLINK "http://www.scor-int.org/Project_Summit_2/PC2-Habitats-1.pdf" http://www.scor-int.org/Project_Summit_2/PC2-Habitats-1.pdf ). An article on marine habitats and ecosystems and some relevant links are also available from the Coastal Wiki on the Coastal Portal of the ENCORA project website (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.encora.eu/coastalwiki/Marine_habitats_and_ecosystems" http://www.encora.eu/coastalwiki/Marine_habitats_and_ecosystems ) Update from Edward. Globally Unique Identifiers (GE-BICH III 5.2.2.) The following communication was provided by Anton Guentsch who was invited but could not attend GE-BICH-IV. At the time of the last GE-BICH session (GE-BICH-III), it was clear that the new TDWG architecture would need something like globally unique identifiers for all sorts of "global" objects such as specimens, observations, names, references, etc.; all kinds of objects that data processors would like to re-use instead of re-creating them over and over again. However, it was rather unclear which "technology" to use for GUIs. Since then, the TDWG architecture group has decided to use Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) as GUIDs and many institutions and initiatives have already started to implement LSIDs into their databases (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.tdwg.org/activities/guid/" http://www.tdwg.org/activities/guid/ ). There is a TDWG-drive GUID and LSID Wiki which might be of interest to get some insight into the identifier issue at http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=HomePage. LSIDs are basically composed of three components which are i) some protocol related parts, ii) a namespace part belonging to the authority who issued the LSID and iii) a local identifier which has to be unique for the given authority. One of the important consequences of this syntax is that the local identifiers don't have to be globally unique. So if an initiative (say OBIS) has reliable unique identifiers for their observation records for example, they are ready to construct LSIDs from these identifiers automatically which will then be globally unique. Antons recommendation to data curators is to make sure that local IDs are a) stable (so keep the IDs when you migrate a database for example) and b) at least locally unique. If one is in the process of setting up a new data repository then UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) technology should be used. UUIDs are built already into many modern database management systems so that one only needs to choose it as a data type for the primary keys. Even if the DBMS does not have UUIDs, they are easy to implement (see  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UUID" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UUID ). Actions for GE-BICH IV: 1: Discuss whether GE-BICH should recommend the use of UUIDs within NODCs; 2: Discuss whether GE-BICH should recommend the inclusion of an article on UUIDs in Ocean Teacher. Quality Control flags (GE-BICH III 4.5.2) Gwen Moncoiff was asked to identify the best contact within SeaDataNet to discuss the issue of quality control flags. Lesley Rickards was co-ordinating this activity for SeaDataNet. Discussions were still at a very early stage when she was first contacted. However things moved quickly after that and a set of quality control flags had been adopted by SeaDataNet by the time the second communication with Lesley took place. See Agenda item 7.3 Other action items arising from GE-BICH III Representatives of PICES and CIESM to be invited to attend next meeting (GE-BICH III 4.3) No official invitation has yet been made to PICES and CIESM. Action for GE-BICH IV: Identify the best contact within PICES and CIESM. OBIS to contact NODCs (GE-BICH III 4.2.2) Update from Edward NeON (Marc Taconet) to contact with ICES and NODCs (GE-BICH III 4.4.) Background document: NeOn report Update from Marc Taconet: We have contacted ICES as part of the inventory of Fisheries information systems worth earmarking from the NeOn toolkit in order to crawl their content, index them with the ontology content and therefore improve the access to relevant data sources. We have done the same for a number of NODC nodes, including in particular NOAA, DFO, IFREMER, and probably others as reported in the NeOn report available from GE-BICH IVs background documents. Apart from the above, we have not directly followed up with NODCs. But as you know, we have presented NeOn at OBI07 where it became obvious that ontologies are strongly becoming emerging needs. At OBI07, we had common understanding with GBIF-TDWG on the needs for organizing at FAO a meeting which would bring together leaders in ontological developments, pursuing the objective to adopt common standards and ontology development practices, and start-off communities (eg Fisheries, Species taxonomy, Habitats, ...). Encyclopedia of life was interested to test the NeOn toolkit. Same concerning the Global Change Master Directory. Indirectly through D4Science, we are involving ICES in NeOn developments. ICES is officially part of the D4Science project, where we are planning to include the NeOn toolkit and the Fishery ontology as part of D4Science. An interesting point is that SeaDataNet will also be part of the next phase of D4Science through GENESI Digital Repository. This will be discussed further under agenda item 3.6. Relevance of GBIFs QC document of biogeographical data to the marine community (GE-BICH III 4.5.3.) Background documents: Chapman, 2005. Principles of Data Quality. http://www2.gbif.org/DataQuality.pdf; Chapman, 2005. Principles and methods of data cleaning. http://www2.gbif.org/DataCleaning.pdf Report from Mary Kennedy: A series of papers was commissioned from Arthur Chapman in 2004 by the GBIF DIGIT programme to highlight the importance of data quality as it relates to primary species occurrence data. GBIF recognizes that our understanding of these topics and the tools available for facilitating error checking and cleaning is rapidly evolving and as a result, GBIF sees these papers as interim discussions of the issues as they stood in 2004. GBIF expects there will be future versions of these documents and would appreciate the data provider and user communities' input.  HYPERLINK "http://www.gbif.org/Stories/STORY1124274724" http://www.gbif.org/Stories/STORY1124274724 The GE-BICH working group was requested to read these papers and to comment on their applicability to marine biological data collections. The principles described in the papers can easily apply to marine, terrestrial, survey and museum collections. The first paper http://www.gbif.org/prog/digit/data_quality/DataQuality is a no-nonsense description of principles followed by most data managers and an excellent reference document to standard practices that should be followed and referenced by all data managers, marine or terrestrial. Actions for GE-BICH IV: 1. Should GE-BICH suggest to OBIS to recommend using the GBIF QC papers to QC marine data on its website? 2. Could GE-BICH start a list of similar useful references for biological and chemical data QA/QC? 3. Should GE-BICH recommend that the IODE Ocean Teacher program include discussion of these papers in its data management module? Issues arising from IODE-XIX Revision of the Terms of Reference of GE-BICH (Recommendation IOC/IODE-XIX-3) In their report to IODE XIX, the co-chairs Sergey Konovalov and Gwen Moncoiff proposed to extend GE-BICH terms of reference to reflect the need to make the results of GE-BICH work available more widely via a web portal, and also to emphasize the need to contribute material to Ocean Teacher. As a result, 2 new ToRs (vi and vii) were recommended and adopted. The full Terms of Reference of the GE-BICH thus became: (i) To document the systems and taxonomic databases and inventories currently in use in various data centres; (ii) To document the advantages and disadvantages of different methods and practices of compiling, managing and archiving biological and chemical data; (iii) To develop standards and recommended practices for the management and exchange of biological and chemical data, including practices for operational biological data; (iv) To encourage data centres to compile inventories of past and present biological and chemical data holdings; (v) To encourage data holders to contribute data to data centres for the creation of regional and global integrated oceanographic databases incorporating physical, chemical and biological data; (vi) To create and keep updated GE-BICH web portal making all results from the GEs work available to a wider community of data managers and data users; (vii) To contribute results of GE-BICH activity to OceanTeacher making results from the GE and from other programmes available to education of data managers and data users. Action for GE-BICH IV: To note the current terms of reference. Cooperation with IOC/IPHAB on the development of the HAIS ((Recommendation IOC/IODE-XIX-1) Backgound document: HAIS draft report A Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS) was established to discuss the strategy to be adopted. This Task Team met at the IOC Project Office for IODE, 8-9 January 2008 for the Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System Design Workshop. The meeting was attended by representative of IODE (Tjess Hernandez, Sergey Konovalov, Gwen Moncoiff, Peter Pissierssens), HAB (Catherine Belin, Zivana Gladan, Richard Gowen, Antoine Huguet, Seppo Kaitala, Jennifer Martin, Oejvind Moestrup, Vera Trainer, Adriana Zingone, Monica Lion, Henrik Enevoldsen), OBIS (Edward Vanden Berghe), and Encyclopedia of Life (Paddy Patterson). As a result of the meeting a document has been prepared that describes the vision, structure and partnerships for an international information system on the occurrence, impacts, identification, and monitoring of marine and brackish water planktonic and benthic microalgae perceived as harmful by humans. A short presentation summarising the main aspects of the proposal will be made by G. Moncoiff. Actions for GE-BICH IV: comment on the proposal; discuss the role of IODE and GE-BICH in the proposal. NEW ISSUES OF RELEVANCE TO GE-BICH Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project Background document: Greg Reeds power point presentation. A presentation on the Ocean Data Standards Pilot project by IODE co-chair Greg Reed will be given by Roy Lowry. This presentation informs participants on the objectives and current status of this IODE project. It also provides suggestions on how GE-BICH could participate. Greg identified 5 ways by which GE-BICH could contribute to this project. These are: Identify areas where standards for the collection, management and exchange of data are required to improve interoperability; Encourage submission of standards; Participate in expert review of proposed standards; Contribute to community review of proposed standards; Adopt and promulgate recommended standards within GE-BICHs community. Actions for GE-BICH IV: To ensure that these recommendations are taken into account when discussing GE-BICHs strategy and workplan under Agenda items 5 and 9. OceanDataPortal Project Presentation by Sergey Belov. Live demonstrations of the OceanDataPortal will also be made during the meeting. Actions for GE-BICH IV: To identify how GE-BICH can work more closely with the ODP project. Standards for chemical data and metadata exchange in SeaDataNet Presentation by Roy Lowry, BODC. Actions for GE-BICH IV: 1) to identify SeaDataNet standards which could be recommended/adopted by GE-BICH; 2) to identify areas not covered by SeaDataNet where GE-BICH could contribute. Presentation of the highlights of ICES data management activities, external interactions and the ecosystemdata online application Presentation by Neil Holdsworth, ICES. The ICES Data Centre is a supporting structure for the science and advisory programmes in ICES, in addition we host a number of large datasets and work with marine related organisations to manage their data and produce data products of relevance to the marine community. In this short presentation I will aim to give an overview of the Data Centre for those less familiar with our activities, including a number of highlights from the 2009 work programme. Of particular interest to this group will be EcoSystemData, the online data warehouse for ICES maintained biological and chemical related marine data, I will give an overview of this project and elaborate on future linkages and developments. Action for GEBICH IV: To identify areas of co-operation between ICES data management activities and GE-BICH. CDIAC (Carbon Dioxide Information Centre) Ocean Data Management Activities Presentation by Alex Kozyr, CDIAC. Action for GEBICH IV: To identify areas of co-operation between CDIAC data management activities and GE-BICH. Plankton functional types and the green ocean modelling initiative - report from the Eur-Oceans Cambridge meeting. Presentation by Stphane Pesant, EUR-OCEANS and CNRS. Actions for GEBICH IV: 1) to note the requirements of the Green Ocean Modelling Community; 2) to identify whether and how GEBICH could contribute to some of the actions identified by the group of experts meeting in Cambridge. Perspective on collaborative research environments offered by D4Science project Presentation by Marc Taconet, FAO. IODE ORGANIZATIONAL REFORM AND ITS IMPACT ON GE-BICH Relationship between OBIS and IOC and its impact on GE-BICH Background documents: IOC-OBIS workshop report, draft proposal for GE-BICH new ToRs, and draft proposal for GE-OBIS ToRs. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) and GE-BICH have always had close connections. In its first 6 years of existence, GE-BICHs activities had largely focused on marine biodiversity data management issues under the leadership of Edward Vanden Berghe. In 2010, funding for OBIS is due to end. In order to investigate the possibility of OBIS continuing under the umbrella of the IOC, the IOC Executive Council requested the Executive Secretary and the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group (IODE) to work together with the OBIS Secretariat to develop a document for submission to the 25th Session of the IOC Assembly in 2009. In order to develop such document, an IOC-OBIS workshop on collaboration between IOC and OBIS towards the long-term management, archival and accessibility of ocean biogeographic data took place at the IOC Project Office for IODE, Ostende, Belgium, 24-26 November 2008. The workshop was attended by IOC, IODE and GE-BICH representatives (Geoff Holland, Peter Pissierssens, Greg Reed, Gwen Moncoiff, Mary Kennedy), and by OBIS and GBIF representatives (Serge Garcia, Edward Vanden Berghe, Bob Branton, Ron ODor, and Vishwas Chavan). Workshop participants discussed three possible scenarios: a partnership between OBIS and IOC/IODE, OBIS as an IODE project and OBIS as an IOC programme. The final decision was to recommend that OBIS becomes an IOC programme with strong connections with IODE. A short presentation summarising the main outcome of the meeting will be made by G. Moncoiff. The adoption of OBIS within the IOC structure does impact on GE-BICH ToRs as issues related to biological taxonomies and biodiversity data would be looked after by the IOC-IODE/OBIS group. This is seen by GE-BICHs chair as an opportunity to go a little further in the review of the ToRs (see working document) with the following emphasis: GEBICH should still deal with issues related to both biological and chemical data management and this is because only a fraction of biological data in oceanography is related to a taxonomic identifier. Indeed, a large fraction of biological data in oceanography is collected at the community level from measurements carried out on either bulk or size-fractionated samples. The chair believes that in order to avoid this type of data being left out, biology should remain a strong element of GEBICH ToRs side by side with chemical data. Strong connections between IODE and OBIS would be supported by the formation of a new GE (GE-OBIS) and GEBICH participants are invited to discuss the ToR of this new group. Actions for GE-BICH IV: 1- Participants are invited to comment on the outcome of the workshop; 2- Discuss the proposed revised ToRs of GE-BICH and whether these should be put forward for recommendation at IODE XX; 3- Draft the ToR of the new IODE-OBIS Group of Experts (GE-OBIS). Implications of Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 (Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts) for GE-BICH Background document: IOC/IODE-XIX report. IODE-XIX.2 recommendation for the Groups of Experts is as follows: (i) Objectives: a. IODE Groups of Experts will undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee; b. IODE Groups of Experts, including the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP, will monitor scientific and technical developments, and identify needs to be addressed by IODE, as pertaining to their IODE subject area and propose a work programme with clear priorities, for consideration by the IODE Committee; c. To facilitate implementation of the Groups of Experts work programme, the Groups of Experts will (i) seek cooperation from IODE national coordinators; (ii) develop and implement projects with clear objectives and deliverables, and take responsibility for the coordination and management of such projects. (ii) Membership: a. the total number of Members of IODE Groups of Experts should not exceed 8; b. the Groups should be composed of not more than 4 long-term members; and not more than 4 short-term members; c. The long-term members will be selected by the Executive Secretary, based upon nominations from Member States and further based upon individual expertise as relevant to the concerned IODE Group of Expert. Long-term members can remain a member of the Group during not more than 4 inter-sessional periods; d. The short-term members shall be selected by the long-term members of the Group, based upon their specific expertise, documented in the OceanExpert system, related to specific tasks or projects and will remain a member during, preferably, not more than two inter-sessional periods; The current membership of GE-BICH is of 5 members. Four members (G. Moncoiff, M. Kennedy, A. Kouznetsov, and H. Gonzalez) have been part of the group since its first session. S. Konovalov joined the group at the beginning of GE-BICH III. H. Gonzalez who was unable to come to this session, has offered to step down should GE-BICHs focus move away from his main area of expertise. Margarita Gregg (US-NODC) has expressed interest in joining the group but could not attend this first session in person. Participants should note that GE-BICH membership needs to be reviewed in relation to the groups new objectives. In particular it will need to be strengthened with experts from the field of marine chemistry. Actions for GE-BICH IV: 1- Ensure that GE-BICHs new ToR drafted under agenda item 4.1. fits the objectives of IODE GEs. 2- Review the long-term membership of GE-BICH; 3- Decide on whether new long-term members are needed; 4- Identify a pool of potential candidates for short-term expert members bearing in mind the new direction taken by GE-BICH and reserving final decision depending on agreed short-term work plan and long-term strategy. Implications of the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange on GE-BICH Background document: IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange 2008-2011. This agenda item should discuss GEBICHs strategy in the context of IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange. In particular, cooperation with other IOC programmes (e.g. IOCCP, HAB), ICES, etc. A short presentation summarising the main points of the strategy and how GEBICH is currently addressing them will be made. Actions for GEBICH IV: Identify new avenues that should be explored by GEBICH in relation to the IOC Strategy Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR GE-BICH The strategic priorities for GE-BICH need to reflect and address: 1- IODE priorities, including needs identified by its network of NODCs and by projects and activities within the IODE; 2- Need from other IOC programmes such as e.g. HAB, IOCCP, etc. 3- Knowledge or resource gaps specific to biological and chemical oceanographic data management identified by the community of scientists and data managers involved in projects such as SeaDataNet but also large international programmes such as SOLAS, IMBER, GEOTRACES, etc. 4- Liaise with other multinational organisations and networks to promote synergy and avoid duplication. The strategic priorities should reflect a long-term strategy covering the next two intersessional periods (i.e. 4 years) and a more detailed 2-year work plan with clear deliverables. The work plan should: a) be realistic in what can be achieved considering the limited time that GE-BICH members can make available, b) engage with other working groups such as ICES WG-DIM, and established or emerging scientific working groups and activities (e.g. PFTs, working groups and initiatives within SOLAS, IMBER, etc.) In the next four years, it is proposed that GE-BICH focuses its resources around two main areas of activities: 1- specialised vocabularies lists; and 2- QA/QC of biological and chemical ocean data. GE-BICH can contribute to the international effort in developing, compiling or collating standardised vocabularies and QA/QC protocols in support of the management and exchange of chemical and non-taxonomic biological data. For the short term work plan it is proposed that, based on GEBICH IV participants knowledge and the presentations given under Agenda item 3, GE-BICH identify areas of priorities and form small working group to take these projects forward. For work on specialised vocab lists, it is proposed to adopt the following strategy: 1) use the framework put in place in the frame of the NERC data Grid, the SeaDataNet, and the Marine XML projects (i.e. BODC Vocab server and SeaVox); identify existing lists within GE-BICH remit which are not yet in the system; identify partner and form small working group to build up a comprehensive list of existing vocabularies and link them to the existing SeadataNet hierarchies; submit completed list to SeaVox; respond to any queries from SeaVox. Once the process is complete the list can be made publicly available via the BODC Vocab server. In the next agenda item, it will be proposed that such approach be applied to vocabularies used for describing plankton samplers. This should constitute one of the item of GEBICH workplan 2009-11. The second area of priorities, QA/QC of biological and chemical data, should also be driven by a small working group and the final output of such work should be lodge within Ocean Teacher. Priorities for this area of work will be identified under agenda item 7. Actions for GE-BICH IV: 1) to discuss the proposed strategic priorities; 2) to identify specific tasks which should be prioritised by GEBICH. STANDARDS AND VOCABULARIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA This discussion items 6.1 and 6.2 will be introduced by Mary Kennedy. Biological taxonomic standards One of the key issue to enabling interoperability of biological databases is to have reliable taxonomic identifiers. One way of enabling this is to use a reference or master taxonomic code list such as ITIS for example. By doing this one can then rely on the adoption of a common spelling and linkage to valid synonyms and taxonomic hierarchy. In previous GE-BICHs sessions, ITIS stood as the only viable recommendation with regards to linking databases to authoritative species lists. However, there was an awareness of the problems which started to emerge. The increasing demand for taxonomic QC of species names from all parts of the world, for all kingdoms and for organisms from all possible habitats, resulted in ITIS becoming a bottleneck for many activities reliant on checking the validity of a taxonomic identifier. This was particularly acute in the marine domain and for smaller organisms such as planktonic organisms. In response to this demand, WoRMS started its existence and set up a community of taxonomists to develop and maintain authoritative lists and taxonomic hierarchy for all marine species. While WoRMS activities would enable marine biological databases to strengthen the quality of their taxonomic information by linking their record to a WoRMS identifier (AphiaID), one needs to be aware that WoRMS on its own might not be sufficient for many databases. Two limitations spring to mind: Low-salinity estuarine or freshwater species will not be present in WoRMS Non-taxonomically define groupings often found in datasets from planktonic or benthic samples A second question to be discussed is related to the quality control of taxonomic nomenclature assignment. One strategy to quality control species identification is to check new species lists against regional registers of species. If such lists were developed to cover most coastal and oceanic area then linking local databases to authoritatives lists would become a powerful tool to improve the QC of species related information in oceanographic databases. The discussion will be preceded by one or maybe two presentations. The first presentation will be by M. Kennedy on current work on Canadian regional registers of marine species. It will possibly be followed by a presentation of the work undertaken by WoRMS (Tjess Hernandez, tbc). Actions for GE-BICH IV to discuss and decide on: 1- What should GE-BICHs recommendation be with regards to adopting a reference taxonomic code list for biological organisms? 2- What solution can GE-BICH recommend for dealing with non-taxonomically defined groups or labels? 3- What should GE-BICHs recommendation be regarding the quality control of name assignment? Controlled vocabulary for data types and gears One important task for a group like GE-BICH is to identify requirements to improve the management of biological and chemical data. One of these requirements is the need for greater standardisation of the terminology used for labelling biological and chemical data types, sampling gears and methods, and analytical instrumentation. Work on controlled vocabularies and ontologies for the marine sciences is taking place in the frame of SeaDataNet, MarineXML, NERCDataGrid and the Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative. Thanks to these initiatives, there is now a solid framework and dedicated community of experts to help build and maintain vocabulary lists. With SeaVox, there exists a mechanism by which one can submit a list to scrutiny and, if or once accepted, a mechanism by which one can make this list publicly available. It is proposed that GE-BICH start identifying existing lists of vocabularies relevant to its domain of expertise and select a few which could be easily prepare for submission to SeaVox. Controlled vocabulary for biological/chemical sampling gears. A good starting point to determine what lists may be currently available is to browse through the Marine Metadata Information web site at http://www.marinemetadata.org/ and search for vocabularies. A power point presentation will walk through this web page and show the links to both the US and BODC vocabularies. The US gear code table was downloaded and its content will be examined. The Canadian plankton gear codes are not accessible on the web but portions of the table will be displayed for demonstration purposes. It is expected that these two source tables should open the floor for discussion re what is required to properly describe our collection gear. BODC gear tables will also be presented. It is proposed that the first list to be looked at is the list of plankton samplers. In building the draft list, it is proposed to follow the SeaDataNets hierarchy for gears and other data production tools as follows: Device Category Types > Device Categories > Device Catalogue Where Device catalogue contains the definition of gears at the highest possible degree of granularity, device categories represent intermediate groupings, and Device Category Types represent the upper level categories. There are five Device Category Types: In-situ sensor and instrument package categories; Remote sensor categories; Sample collector categories; Sample measurer categories; Sample processor categories. Actions GEBICH IV: Agree on priority for this project (proposed priority is plankton sampler); Identify task team, deliverables and agree on time-scales for deliverables. Controlled vocabulary for biological/chemical data types To be completed... Standards and vocabularies for the management of ocean acidification data Stphane Pesant will present a new initiative from the Ocean Acidification community to create a Guide for Best Practices in Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting. This is a joint initiative from the EU FP7 Integrated Project EPOCA (European Project on OCean Acidification), International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), and the US Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program (OCB). The guide is one of the main outcome from an international research workshop on best practices for ocean acidification research that took place on 19-21 November 2008 in Kiel, Germany. See for more details: http://www.epoca-project.eu/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=22&Itemid=190 A draft version of the section of the guide on Data Reporting is due out on 15th January 2009. This draft will be made available to GE-BICH participants prior to the meeting. Action: GE-BICH IV participants are invited to comment on the draft document. Action plan including recommendations and possible input to Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project. GE-BICH IV should discuss amend and complete the proposed action plan for vocabularies and taxonomic standards to be included in GE-BICH intersessional work plan. QUALITY CONTROL/ QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Review of numerical criteria used in different data centres for chemical parameters QC This discussion item will be introduced by Alexander Kouznetsov. At the last GE-BICH meeting (Ostende, 2006) Sergey Konovalov presented a review of QC methods applicable for chemical parameters. Most of the QC algorithms are based on comparison of the observed variable with climatological range values, or on comparison of parameter rate of change with depth (time, distance) against some numerical criteria and so on. The simplest and widely used QC method is comparison of the observed variable with climatological range values. And we can find the published issues for the range values of some chemical parameters. More difficult is to find published numerical criteria used within other algorithms (vertical gradients, spikes). The assurance of the error identification in the data set is greatly depends on the reliability and sensitivity of the used numerical criteria. The quality of the data control will be higher if the numerical criteria are related to space (geographic region), time (season) and depth. The mentioned three points of criteria functionality (sensitivity) will be taken into account in the review. The following issues relevant to chemical data QC were found and reviewed: IOC. Manuals and Guides 26. Manual of quality control procedures for validation of oceanographic data. 1993. NOAA technical report NESDIS 81. Quality control and processing of historical oceanographic temperature, salinity, and oxygen data. 1994. World Ocean Database 1998, Documentation and Quality Control. OCL, NODC, 1998 World Ocean Database 2005, Documentation. OCL, NODC, 2006 MEDAR/MEDATLAS II. Final report for the period 01/01/1998-31/12/2001 The tables for the range values from a few above mentioned issues are presented in Ocean Teacher (see  HYPERLINK "http://tinyurl.com/8ka95s" http://tinyurl.com/8ka95s ). The range values prepared by Russian oceanographic data centre for the some seas around the Russia also will be considered. The purpose of the review is to identify merits and demerits of criteria being used in the data centres and to find a way to interoperability of QC methods and consistency of the data sets. Methods of quality control of biogeochemical data submitted to the MHI database This discussion item was to be introduced by Sergey Konovalov. Unfortunately, Sergey is unable to come to the meeting. He will submit a written document which GE-BICH participants will be invited to comment upon. Recommendations for the QC of biological and chemical data: priorities, existing procedures/expert groups for given compounds, applicability of existing QC flags This discussion item will be introduced by Alexander Kouznetsov. Background document: SeaDataNet_measurand_qualifier_flags Action: GEBICH IV should discuss the SeaDataNet QC flag list, compare its merits to other QC flag lists and decide on whether it can be recommended without caveats. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO GE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER This agenda item is aimed at identifying means by which GEBICH could improve its record in providing material to Ocean Teacher. The problem is obviously the difficulty in freeing sufficient time for this activity. GEBICH IV should discuss ways by which GEBICH might contribute material to Ocean Teacher without too much extra demand on individual members. Below are a few contributions which could be considered: IMBER Data Management activities: in the frame of the IMBER Programme, its Data Management Committee (of which Gwen Moncoiff is a member) has initiated two types of activities aimed at research scientists. The main objectives are to 1) demystify data management and 2) help scientists adopt sound data management practices when collecting and assembling data. The first initiative is the compilation of a Data Management Cookbook and the second initiative is the organisation of a short data management workshop which took place during IMBERs IMBIZO in Miami in November 2008. Action: GEBICH IV are invited to look at the presentations made during the workshop (available from http://www.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=1185) and at the draft cookbook (currently under  HYPERLINK "http://planktondata.net/imber/" http://planktondata.net/imber/) and comment whether such material would be a useful inclusion to Ocean Teacher. GE-BICH web portal should we try and take this forward? Submission from/link to other external resources e.g. GBIFs Data Quality Control documents (Chapman 2005). WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD To be prepared during the Session ANY OTHER BUSINESS Participants will be invited to raise any additional issues that require discussion and/or action ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S) The Third Session of the GE-BICH elected Gwenaelle Moncoiff and Sergey Konovalov as Co-Chairs. Unfortunately, during the inter-sessional period, Dr Konovalov had to resign as Co-Chairs due to other commitments. The meeting will be invited to elect Dr Moncoiff for a second term and to consider the need for a Co-Chair. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION The meeting will be requested to propose dates and place of he Fifth Session of the Group. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT The meeting will be invited to review and adopt the summary report of the Session CLOSURE It is expected that the Session will be closed on 30 January 2009 at 12h30. ANNEX I AGENDA OF THE MEETING 1. ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Members of the Group Dr Gwenaelle MONCOIFFE (Chair) Senior Data Scientist British Oceanographic Data Centre Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L3 5DA United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gmon@bodc.ac.uk" gmon@bodc.ac.uk Mary KENNEDY Zooplankton Research Bedford Institute of Oceanography P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2 Canada Tel: +1-902-426-3263 Fax: Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca" KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca Alexander KOUZNETSOV Head of Laboratory All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center 6, Koroleva 249020 Obninsk, Kaluga region, 249020 Russian Federation Russian Federation Tel: +7-48439-74674 Fax: +7-495-255-2225 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kuznet@meteo.ru" kuznet@meteo.ru Invited Experts Mr Sergey BELOV software engineer Korolev st.6 Russian Federation Tel: +7 48439 74194 Fax: +7 495 795 22 25 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:belov@meteo.ru" belov@meteo.ru Dr. Hernan GARCIA Oceanographer (Chemical) United States Tel: [1] (301) 7133290 ext 184 Fax: [1] (301) 7133303 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Hernan.Garcia@noaa.gov" Hernan.Garcia@noaa.gov Francisco HERNANDEZ Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) IT Manager Belgium Tel: [32](59)34.21.30 Fax: [32](59)34.21.30 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:francher@vliz.be" francher@vliz.be Mr Neil HOLDSWORTH Head of Data Centre International Council for the Exploration of the Sea H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46 DK-1553 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 33386718 Fax: Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:neilh@ices.dk" neilh@ices.dk Dr. Sergey KONOVALOV Head of department 2a, Kapitanskaya Street, 99011 Sevastopol Ukraine Tel: +38-050-588-1952 Fax: Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sergey_konovalov@yahoo.com" sergey_konovalov@yahoo.com Mr Roy LOWRY British Oceanographic Data Centre Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L3 5DA United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rkl@bodc.ac.uk" rkl@bodc.ac.uk Dr Stphane PESANT Research Scientist France Tel: +33 (0)4 93 76 3835 Fax: +33 (0)4 93 76 3834 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:pesant@obs-vlfr.fr" pesant@obs-vlfr.fr Mr. Marc TACONET Senior Fishery Information Officer FAO/ OAA Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +390657053799 Fax: +390657052476 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:marc.taconet@fao.org" marc.taconet@fao.org Dr Edward VANDEN BERGHE Executive DIrector Ocean Biogeographic Information System Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences 71, Dudley Road New Brunswick New Jersey 08901 United States Tel: +1 732 932 6555 ext 565 Fax: +1 732 932 8578 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:evberghe@iobis.org" evberghe@iobis.org Secretariat Mr Mika ODIDO IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7/61 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-34 01 76 Fax: +32-59-34 01 52 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:m.odido@unesco.org" m.odido@unesco.org Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE IODE Programme Coordinator Wandelaarkaai 7/61 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-34 01 58 Fax: +32-59-34 01 52 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org ANNEX III RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation BICH-IV.1: TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE PRACTICES (GE-BICH) Recommendation BICH-IV.2: Recommendation BICH-IV.x: GE-BICH-IV ACTION PLAN FOR 2009-2011 Recommendation BICH-IV.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE PRACTICES (GE-BICH) The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices, .. .. .. [] Recommendation BICH-IV.x GE-BICH-IV ACTION PLAN FOR 2009-2011 The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices, Having reviewed its completed and on-going activities, Being aware of the resource constraints under which IOC and its IODE are operating, Taking into consideration the ongoing discussions on Collaboration Between IOC and OBIS Towards the Long-term Management, Archival and Accessibility of Ocean Biogeographic Data, Stressing the importance of Biological and Chemical Data Management, Adopts a plan of action for the inter-sessional period 2009-2011, as detailed in the Annex to this Recommendation. Annex to Recommendation IODE/GE-BICH-IV.x Action #DescriptionResponsibilityDeadlineCost ANNEX IV . ANNEX V ) ANNEX VI LIST OF ACRONYMS WoRMS World Register of Marine Species     IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/5 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/5 Page (i) IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/5 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 205 Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex I - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC Workshop Report No. 209 Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 209 Annex IV - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex IV - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 209 Annex V - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 209 Annex VI - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ +,-.014MſziZH7 h+hCJ0OJQJ^JaJ-#h+hCJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-hCJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-!hCJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4'h+hCJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4$h5CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4*h+h5CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4h^JaJ h^JjhUmHnHuh^JaJ#h+h6CJ$OJQJ^JaJ#h+hCJ$OJQJ\^JaJ,-/01234   , - @ Z g $`a$gd$a$gd`gd $`a$gd $`a$gdgd $$`a$gd      ٭vfYvUJ8-hru9hCJaJ#hru9h6CJOJQJ^JaJhchOJQJhhCJ8RHe\^JaJ4hchCJRHe\^JaJ4h+hCJ8RHe\^JaJ4*hH|h>*CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4!hCJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4(h+hCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,h+hCJOJQJRHe^JaJmH sH &hCJOJQJRHe^JaJmH sH $h+hCJOJQJRHe^JaJ + , - ? 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