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Yet, this linkage currently lacks a firm, quantitative foundation. Objectives A new working group is to be proposed to SCOR to assess and compare spatial relationships between changing global nutrient exports and loads and the proliferation of major HAB species, and will place these patterns in the context of coastal and estuarine typology. The rationale is that nutrient loads alone are not sufficient to predict where certain HABs may occur; their distribution is also a function of the physical character of the receiving waters (the typology) as well as the physiological characteristics of the algae in relation to the quantity and quality of the nutrients. We will apply a range of models, including spatially-explicit nutrient export models, ecosystem and physiological models, and statistical approaches. This project will advance predictive capability of the extent of blooms, the dominant harmful taxa involved, and our ability to manage these HABs by an improved understanding of the impacts of nutrients on HABS. Linkages and relevance to other IOC programmes The activities of this working group are relevant to several SCOR and IOC international research programs. They are directly relevant to the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms Programme (GEOHAB;  HYPERLINK "http://www.geohab.info" www.geohab.info; Glibert 2006) which has specifically identified the following questions as priorities in the core research project on HABs and Eutrophication “What HAB species or species clusters are indicators for nutrient over-enrichment at global and regional levels?” and “How are long-term trends in nutrient loading changing HAB bloom patterns and dynamics?” The working group can address these questions in a fundamentally different way from the activities of GEOHAB, however, since GEOHAB is focused on ecology, physiological adaptive strategies of species, and oceanography. The activities of the working group also stem from the activities of the Global Nutrient Export from Watersheds Program (Global NEWS, an IOC working group) which has developed and applied spatially explicit watershed nutrient export models that predict land-based nutrient loading to coastal systems globally. Questions of nutrient export and its effects in the coastal zone are also relevant to the mission of LOICZ. Nutrient fluxes and their key impacts are also of interest to the IMBER programme. Global NEWS has received endorsement from LOICZ, and we will seek endorsement from LOICZ, GEOHAB and IMBER for this working group. The working group will build on existing data sets and models and will synthesize relationships and will lay the groundwork for new research which can, and likely will, be proposed under the auspices of these global programmes. Our working group will be composed of biologists, chemists, hydrologists and modelers as well as those who have experience in large scale data analysis. Required action by IPHAB: Does IPHAB wish to recommend IOC co-sponsorship of this proposed WG? SCOR normally expects that a co-sponsorship of its WG’s imply financial support for the members to attend the meetings of the WG. 012Xƒ–žк S м н о щ    Q d k ежнјёјыјыјсјыжЧжПГЂ“„s„“b“WГ“h0$xhtЧCJaJ h0$xhtЧ6B*CJaJph h0$xh0$x5B*CJaJphh0$xhЋs'B*CJaJphh0$xhtЧB*CJaJph h0$xhtЧB*CJ]aJphh0$xh0$x5CJaJhЋs'CJaJh0$xh0$xB*CJaJphh0$xhЋs'CJaJhыŸhЋs'5CJ hЋs'CJ h0$x5CJ hЋs'5CJ3HVWXƒТк оММ—v``v```$ ЦИe*№Еz?!@&a$gdЋs' $ Ц/wњ<§Ц‹P л  e*№Еz?!a$gdЋs'$$ Ц/wњ<§Ц‹P л  e*№Еz?!„`„a$gdЋs'! 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