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However, the Panel stressed that the IOC HAB Programme will only be able to develop and implement at the present rate if there is extra-budgetary financial support from Member States to fund programme staff and activities. The major achievements reported were: (i) development of the regional activities WESTPAC/HAB, FANSA, ANCA and HANA; (ii) the continued publication of the IOC Harmful Algae News; (iii) the IOC co-sponsorship of several international HAB conferences; (iv) provision of HAB literature to developing countries; (v) the continued development of the IOC-ICES-PICES Harmful Algal Event Database; (vi) the implementation of eight training courses and several training-through-research projects; (vii) the results of the ICES-IOC WGHABD; (viii) the publication with SCOR of the GEOHAB Implementation Plan and the organization of GEOHAB Open Science Meetings; (ix) a joint FAO/IOC/WHO initiative to provide scientific advice to the Codex Committee on Fish and Fisheries Products regarding aquatic biotoxins; and (x) the co-publication with APEC and SOA (China) of Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation. The Panel decided on four resolutions and endorsed six recommendations. The Resolutions concern (i) the continuation of the two IOC Task Teams on Algal Taxonomy and Biotoxin Regulations; (ii) a strengthened regional HAB Programme development; and (iii) IPHAB operation regarding GEOHAB. The Recommendations concern (i) the strategy for the development of GEOHAB including an urge for Member State support; (ii) the assessment of the potential effect of tsunami on temporal and spatial changes in ciguatera occurrence; (iii) the implementation of HAB monitoring within the GOOS; and (iv) the operation of the ICES-IOC-IMO Working Group on Ballast and other Ship Vectors. The Resolutions, Recommendations, and planned intersessional activities, were summarized into a work plan and budget for the IOC HAB Programme 2006-2007. ANNEX II ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Code Title Resolutions Resolution IPHAB-VII.1 Task Team on Algal Taxonomy Resolution IPHAB-VII.2 Task Team on Biotoxin Monitoring, Management and Regulations Resolution IPHAB-VII.3 Regional HABP Development Resolution IPHAB-VII.4 IPHAB operation regarding GEOHAB Recommendations Recommendation IPHAB-VII.1 Development of GEOHAB Recommendation IPHAB-VII.2 Assessment of the Potential Effect of Tsunami on the Temporal and Spatial Changes in Ciguatera Occurrence Recommendation IPHAB-VII.3 Implementation of HAB Monitoring within the Global Ocean Observing System Recommendation IPHAB-VII.4 ICES-IOC-IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors Recommendation IPHAB-VII.5 HABP Workplan 2006-2007 Recommendation IPHAB-VII.6 Operation of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms Resolution IPHAB-VII.1 TASK TEAM ON ALGAL TAXONOMY The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recognizing the pivotal role of harmful algal taxonomy in training, scientific and monitoring activities in the HAB programme, Acknowledging the valuable sources for identification of harmful algae e.g. provided by the IOC Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae, Hallegraeff, G. et al. (eds.), UNESCO 1995, 2003, and 2004 and Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, Thomas, C. R., (ed.) 1995. Recalling the frequent change of names of many harmful algae; Noting the instability of names as a source of confusion for ecologists, toxicologists, and monitoring workers; Recalling the decisions of the previous Sessions of the Panel regarding the Task Team on Algal Taxonomy; Acknowledging the progress of the Task Team and the Inter-net publication of the IOC Taxonomic Reference List of Toxic Plankton Algae; Decides, with reference to the HAB Programme Plan, objective 6.2.2,ii(AnnexV), to continue the Task Team on Algal Taxonomy with the following terms of reference: maintain, complete and update the list of toxic algal species; maintain, complete and update the information about the known occurrence of toxic strains of each species; include illustrations showing diagnostic features of each species or reference to such illustrations or links to such illustrations; include a description of each species or a link to such a description; organise a Session at the XIIth International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms (Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2006), during which the web site is demonstrated and discussed; provide the Reference List with a short section on application of the botanical and zoological codes of nomenclature to microalgal taxonomy; Decides also that the Task Team will be composed of: .Moestrup (Denmark) Chair, Y.Halim (Egypt), M.Elbraechter (Germany), A.Zingone (Italy), Y. Fukuyo (Japan), M.Faust (USA), S.Fraga (Spain), F.R.J.Taylor (Canada), G.Codd (UK), and G.Cronberg (Sweden). The Task Team may be expanded as required to fulfil the Terms of Reference; Notes that the Task Team will continue its work until otherwise decided by the Panel, and that it will work by correspondence and/or meet on an opportunistic basis, as for example during the XIIth HAB Conference in Copenhagen, September 2006, and provide a progress report including a workplan for the intersessional period to the Chair IPHAB prior to IPHAB-VIII. Resolution IPHAB-VII.2 TASK TEAM ON BIOTOXIN MONITORING, MANAGEMENT AND REGULATIONS The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recalling Resolution IPHAB-VI.2 concerning compatibility of regulations on aquatic biotoxins; Acknowledges the result of the IPHAB-VI Task Team on Biotoxin Regulations as a result of its merge into the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO ad hoc Expert Consultation on Biotoxins in Bivalve Molluscs; Acknowledges the continued existence of various groups which address the scientific aspects of methodology and legislation with regards to the contamination of seafood with phycotoxins, and that each group generates valuable scientific information that may be used to recommend on regional or national policies [such as those of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), EU National Reference Laboratories, CEN, AOAC]; Notes with concern that there is limited coordination and exchange of information among these groups; Notes with concern the potential incompatibility of regulations and the associated impediments to trade in seafood products; Decides to establish a Task Team the following Terms of Reference: identify incompatibilities among regulations in various markets; take the initiative to expand the participation in the Task Team (e.g. EC, APEC, US FDA, and relevant experts) as required to assist the Codex Committee on Fish and Fisheries Products (CCFFP) to clarify and include into the CCFFP Standard and Code of Practice for Live Bivalve Molluscs the recommendations contained in the Report of the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO ad hoc Expert Consultation on Biotoxins in Bivalve Molluscs; in cooperation with the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO executive, complete the background papers to the report of the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO ad hoc Expert Consultation on Biotoxins in Bivalve Molluscs in preparation for publication. Decides that the Task Team will be chaired by PhilBusby (New Zealand). The Chair may establish the membership of the Task Team as required to address the Terms of Reference; Encourages the relevant organizations to invite the IPHAB Task Team to participate as observer at the principal meetings of their respective groups in order to facilitate international compatibility of applied methodology and legislation with respect to phycotoxins; Notes that the Task Team is established until otherwise decided by the Panel, and that it will work by correspondence and/or meet on an opportunistic basis, and provide a progress reports for the intersessional period to the Chair IPHAB prior to IPHAB-VIII. Resolution IPHAB-VII.4 REGIONAL HABP DEVELOPMENT The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recalling the priority of the implementation of IOC programmes at the regional level; Noting with appreciation the reports of the regional activities within WESTPAC/HAB, ANCA, and FANSA; Recalling Recommendation IPHAB-VI.1 concerning assessing the feasibility of undertaking regional HAB activities in Northern Africa; Recognizing with satisfaction the results from a regional workshop in Tunisia December 2003 to identify priorities and formulate terms of reference for a regional network on HAB for North Africa; Endorses the proposed work plans of ANCA, FANSA and WESTPAC-HAB for 2006-2007 subject to availability of funding; Decides to establish the IOC Regional Network on Harmful Algae in North Africa (HANA) with general Terms of Reference to: i) Improve scientific knowledge of the physical, biogeochemical and physiological factors governing HABs, ii) Establish a data-base relative to the incidence of HABs in the region as a contribution to HAE-DAT, iii) Establish a directory of the personnel involved in HABs, their area of specialization and their level of expertise as a contribution to the HAB-DIR, iv) Compile an inventory of regional publications relevant to HABs, v) Promote the exchange of information through regular working groups, workshops and otherwise, vi) Promote capacity building for scientists and managers involved in HABs, vii) Develop an identification guide book for harmful species from the region. HANA is expected to submit to each session of IPHAB a report with their prioritized needs and proposed activities for each two year period coinciding with the biennial budgets of IOC. HANA will be supported by the IOC subject to available funding. Request that the regional Chairs maintain contact and coordinate activities when feasible and appropriate and ensure that activities for e.g. data bases use the same IOC formats. Urge Member States to contribute resources to help implement the work plan of the regional networks and groups. Resolution IPHAB-VII.4 IPHAB OPERATION REGARDING GEOHAB The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Referring to the establishment of the joint SCOR-IOC international science programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) through IOC Resolution IOC/EC-XXXI/3, and the associated GEOHAB Science Plan, Recognizing that GEOHAB cannot be implemented without a strong involvement of the scientific community and funding agencies at national and regional levels; Decides, that the individual IPHAB members will continue to: inform their national representatives at the IOC Assembly about GEOHAB and related IPHAB recommendations and resolutions; encourage the establishment of committees, working groups, mailing lists as appropriate in order to facilitate the coordination of their national activities and international collaboration relevant to GEOHAB, and serve as a focal point for interactions with the GEOHAB-SSC and IPO; examine the possibilities and draft a proposal to include GEOHAB research activities into development projects; in cooperation with the GEOHAB SSC Members, inform relevant regional bodies (e.g.ICES, PICES, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, etc.) about GEOHAB, the related IPHAB-VII Recommendations and Resolutions, and make suggestions for their support and/or action. Recommendation IPHAB-VII.1 DEVELOPMENT OF GEOHAB The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recalling the establishment of the joint SCOR-IOC international science programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) through IOC Resolution IOC/EC-XXXI/3, and the associated GEOHAB Science Plan and Implementation Plan; The Panel acknowledged the importance for the development and implementation of GEOHAB of the coordinated call for proposals by the European Commission (EC) and the United States National Science Foundation (NSF); The Panel strongly encouraged the continuation of the coordinated funding mechanism of the EC and the USA NSF and also strongly encouraged for other similar bilateral or multilateral coordinated funding initiatives; Acknowledging that an IPO established under the joint auspices of the IOC and SCOR is required for a satisfactory implementation of GEOHAB; Recognizing that a model where contributions are pooled from different countries has been applied with success by a similar research programme (InterRidge); Recommends that the application of such a model be further explored by the GEOHAB SSC and the IOC and SCOR Secretariats; Recommends that the national representatives of IOC Member States to the IOC Assembly and Executive Council take the necessary action to explore the feasibility of their governments to provide a contribution to the establishment and operation of an IOC-SCOR International Programme Office for GEOHAB. Recommendation IPHAB-VII.2 ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL EFFECT OF TSUNAMI ON THE TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL CHANGES IN CIGUATERA OCCURRENCE The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recognizing that Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is a major health hazard in most tropical and sub-tropical regions; Recognizing the possible effects of climatic trends and oscillations as well as of exceptional events on the spatial and temporal occurrence of CFP; Recognizing that the Tsunami disaster that occurred on 26 December 2004 significantly impacted the coastal environment of several countries facing the Andaman Sea such as Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India; Noting that CFP has occurred after such devastation of the coastal environment, because decay of live corals provides opportunities for proliferation of seaweeds, on which benthic toxic microalgae responsible for ciguatera grow; Recommends that IOC, its Subsidiary Bodies, and Member States in conjunction with WHO and other relevant agencies, develop and provide information to health care workers in areas potentially impacted by CFP on the signs and symptoms of the syndrome to ensure that these unusual effects are recognized and appropriate treatment administered; Recommends further that IOC consult with WHO on a mechanism to provide information of risks for consumption of coral fishes to prevent outbreak of ciguatera poisoning to Member States. Recommends that areas that have experienced significant destruction of coral reefs according to the UNEP/OCHA Environmental Impact Assessment and other official evaluations, also be identified as areas of highest risk for CFP outbreaks; Recommends also that the IOC in cooperation with WHO gather information on previous and current reports of CFP from the appropriate structures in the area (hospitals, food control agencies, municipalities, fisheries communities, scientists, etc.) to determine where CFP is occurring and whether it has increased; Recommends that IOC and its concerned regional subsidiary bodies encourage Member States to screen for the occurrence of benthic dinoflagellates on seaweeds and of ciguatera toxin contamination in endemic coral fish species in areas affected by the Tsunami. Recommendation IPHAB-VII.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF HAB MONITORING WITHIN THE GLOBAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms: Recalling recommendation IPHAB-V.3 and IPHAB-VI.3, Recognizing that in the Integrated Strategic Design Plan for the Coastal Ocean Observations Modules of The Global Ocean Observing System, the reduction of public health risks and the restoration and protection of living marine resources are among the goals of GOOS with operational observation of HABs as an important constituent; Noting that three of the goals of the coastal GOOS are to reduce public health risks, control and mitigate the effects of natural hazards more effectively, and protect and restore healthy ecosystems more effectively; Noting that the provisional common variables include biological variables; Noting that Integrated Strategic Design Plan and the associated draft Strategic Implementation Plan for the Coastal Module of the Global Ocean Observing System does not specify the variables to detect the occurrence of HABs; Recognizing the rapid development of innovative techniques for detection of HABs and their toxins and that active research programs are underway to develop HAB observation and forecasting systems including in-situ sensors, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, and molecular probes; Recognizing that harmful algal observation and forecasting systems are now operational in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and have potential to become so in other regions, and are used by local management officials; Recommends that the IOC Secretariat and the Chair of IPHAB work together with the IOC/GOOS programme, its subsidiary body (I-GOOS) and the coastal component of GOOS (COOP); Acknowledging that JCOMM is the vehicle for the collection, archiving, distribution and utilisation of ocean and meteorological data, and that their Terms of Reference allow for the coastal module of GOOS to include non-physical variables; Recommends that IPHAB cooperate with JCOMM and GOOS Regional Alliances to develop effective systems for monitoring algal blooms, harmful species and/or their toxins, and the environmental conditions conducive to harmful algal event development, which would allow the detection of detrimental changes in marine systems to be made in order to understand and manage coastal ecosystems. Recommendation IPHAB-VII.4 ICES/IOC/IMO WORKING GROUP ON BALLAST AND OTHER SHIP VECTORS (WGBOSV) The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Noting with satisfaction the progress of the ICES/IOC/IMO WGBOSV 2003, 2004 and 2005, Recognizing the valuable contribution of the WGBOSV to the adoption of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments; Recognizing also the important contribution of the WGBSOV to the development of Guidelines for the implementation of the Convention; Recalling the IPHAB Ballast Water Background Paper of May 2003; Recommends that the ICES/IOC/IMO BSOSV continue 2006-2007 under the joint auspices of ICES, IOC and IMO; Recommends the sponsoring organizations to consider inviting PICES to join to the WGBOSV in recognition of PICES actively addressing the same issues in the Northern Pacific Area; Recommends that the IOC continue to ensure participation in the WGBOSV of an expert in HAB events in relation to transfer via ballast water of invasive organisms between IOC Member States; Recommends that it be included in the 2006 terms of reference of the WGBOSV to evaluate the portion of the Convention guidelines involving phytoplankton and other micro organisms, taking into account the comments of the IPHAB; Urges IOC Member States to support activities to assess the effectiveness of the Convention to prevent invasion of aquatic organisms via ballast water. Recommendation IPHAB-VII.5 HABP WORKPLAN 2006-2007 The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Referring to the deliberations of its Seventh Session and the priorities identified prior to the session by WESTPAC/HAB, FANSA and ANCA; Endorses the implementation of the Work Plan for the IOC Harmful Algal Bloom Programme as presented in Annex 1 to this Recommendation within the resources available; Urges Members of the Panel and the IOC Secretariat to identify the required resources. Recommendation IPHAB-VII.6 OPERATION OF THE IOC INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recommends that the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms continue until otherwise decided by the IOC. The Terms of Reference should remain unchanged.  67JKLR}     IJܡwkbYbMHMA: h 5\ h_5\ h ;h 0JB*CJphh C;CJaJ$h ;CJaJ$h 0JB*CJphh 0JB*OJQJphh 0JB*phh jh UmHnHu h<h 0J>*B*CJph"h<h 0J5>*B*\ph.h<h 0J5>*B*OJQJ\^Jphh<h 0J>*B*ph(h<h 0J>*B*OJQJ^Jph 6JLMNOPQR}   <$Ifgd $a$gd $a$gd $ a$gd gd  gd  gd  gd FXKX # t  ( c i  D E $ t    6:LVdrxEIg;=%EIJVWkth_h_wh ChuJ hFuhFu hFuh h #hofRh"hFuh hp#P *]mmZ$ `1$G$a$gd7s$ `]x1$G$a$gd7s $ha$gd7s$a$gd7sgd [kd$$Ifl#064 la $Ifgd *.}Ll89:RnĬtmbVmL8'h7sh7sCJKHOJQJ\^JaJh7sh7s5>*h7sh7s\nHtHh7sh7snHtH h7sh7s#h7sh7s5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h7sh7sCJOJQJ\^JaJ&h7sh7s5CJOJQJ\^JaJ.h7sh7s5CJOJQJ\^JaJnHtH(h7sh7sCJOJQJ^JaJnHtH h7sh7sCJOJQJ^JaJ h :h h 5\h Ch ].`LM8:QR$a$gd7s `N1$G$^`Ngd7s N^`Ngd7sgd7s$ `]1$G$a$gd7s$ `1$G$a$gd7s$ `N1$G$^`Na$gd7sRno()*+ijDErs$ & F xa$gd7s & F xgd7s$a$gd7s $@&a$gd7s  gd7sno)6 *4jqESs(4|>@  A B z | !!@#F###%$,$h$"'*'''(()))R*S*]***++ *h7sh7s5$h7sh7sCJKHOJQJ^JaJh7sh7s5>*h7sh7sH*h7sh7sPJnHtHh7sh7s6]h7sh7s5 h7sh7sC'({|  A B { | !!?# $@&a$gd7sgd7s$a$gd7s $ @&a$gd7sgd7s$a$gd7s$ & F xa$gd7s?#@###$$%$h$i$$J&"'''(())))))$ @&`a$gd7s$0^`0a$gd7s & F xgd7s  & F xgd7s  xgd7s$a$gd7s)**S*T***++++[,\,,,I-J---......^/_/$a$gd7s $@&a$gd7s $ @&a$gd7s+++\,d,,,00111123242522}334#4Y4O7Q7U7p7q7777777888899 :#:r::: ;~~~th7sh7s5\h7sh7smH sH h7sh7s5mH sH  *h7sh7s* *h7sh7sCJKHOJQJ\^JaJ'h7sh7sCJKHOJQJ\^JaJh7sh7s5>*\h7sh7sPJnHtHh7sh7s>*h7sh7s5>*h7sh7s5 h7sh7s-_/////00112224252V2W222|3}344X4Y4 ^`gd7sgd7s$a$gd7s $ @&a$gd7s$a$gd7sY445]6O7P7Q7R7S7T7U7p7q77777889 & Fgd7sgd7s $@&a$gd7s  gd7s $ @&a$gd7s$a$gd7s$ @&`a$gd7s  & F xgd7s9r::;<B=C=D=E=`=a=b===>>{>|>????@@#B$BBgd7s$a$gd7s$a$gd7s & Fgd7s ;;;< <B=D=E=`=a===>>>|>>????@@$B.BBBCCEE F F'F(FFFF-H3HI ISIYI5J@JMKXK"L-LLLMMCOEO`OOOOOO:PEPPPkQtQQh7sh7s5>* *h7sh7s5h7sh7s5B*phh7sh7s5>*\ h7sh7sh7sh7s5h7sh7s5mH sH h7sh7smH sH DBBCCEEF F F F F'F(FPFrFsFFFFF,H-HIIRI@&gd7s $@&a$gd7s $ @&a$gd7s$a$gd7sgd7sRISI4J5JKKMK!L"LLLMM@OAOBOCODOEO`OaOOOOOO9P$a$gd7s $ @&a$gd7s$a$gd7sgd7s9P:PPPjQkQQQRRRRSSoTpTU U U%U&U>U?UxUyU $@&a$gd7s  gd7s $ @&a$gd7s$a$gd7sgd7sQQR!RRRSSpTuTU U U%U&U>UxUyUUV VVVWWWWWWDXEXFXIXJXKXLX~zh%l_h #h #CJOJQJmH sH  h7sh .h7sh7s5CJOJQJ\^JaJnHtH#h7sh7s5CJOJQJ^JaJ h7sh7sCJOJQJ^JaJ'h7sh7sCJKHOJQJ\^JaJh7sh7s5>* h7sh7sh7sh7s5#yUVVVVWWWWWdWeWWWEXFXHXIXJXKXLXd A#$ `1$G$a$gd7s $@&a$gd7s $ @&a$gd7s$a$gd7s,1h. 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