ࡱ> egdG q@bjbjَ Z;r]^^^^^^^$Pl^(Cl$h^~ ^^~ ~ ~  ^^^^^^~ ~ jh^^Z4@q\<P .o ANNEX II RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Code Title Resolutions Resolution IPHAB-V.1 Task Team on Algal Taxonomy Resolution IPHAB-V.2 Task Team on Aquatic Biotoxins Resolution IPHAB-V.3 Task Team on HAB Management Guidelines Resolution IPHAB-V.4 IPHAB operation regarding GEOHAB Recommendations Recommendation IPHAB-V.1 Staffing of the HAB Programme Office Recommendation IPHAB-V.2 Development GEOHAB Recommendation IPHAB-V.3 Implementation of HAB Monitoring within the Global Ocean Observing System Recommendation IPHAB-V.4 ICES-IOC Working Group on the Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms (WGHABD) Recommendation IPHAB-V.5 Compatibility of Regulations on Aquatic Biotoxins Recommendation IPHAB-V.6 HABP Workplan 2000-2001 Recommendation IPHAB-V.7 Operation of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms Resolution IPHAB-V.1 TASK TEAM ON ALGAL TAXONOMY The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recognizing the growing need to help co-ordinate the various efforts of organizations and institutions in relation to harmful algal taxonomy, Acknowledging the valuable sources for identification of harmful algae e.g provided by the IOC Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae (Hallegraeff, G., et al (eds) UNESCO 1995, and Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, Thomas, C. R., (ed) 1995). Recalling the recent change of names of many harmful algae, Noting with concern the instability of names as a source of confusion for ecologists, toxicologists, and monitoring workers, Recalling the decision of the Second, Third, and Fourth sessions of the Panel to establish a Task Team on Algal Taxonomy and an Advisory Group on Algal Taxonomy respectively, with Terms of Reference as set out in Resolution IPHAB-II.1, IPHAB-III.1, and IPHAB-IV.1 Recognizing that the Terms of Reference in Resolution IPHAB-IV.1 have not been completed in the intersessional period; Decides, with reference to the HAB Programme Plan, objective 6.2.2, ii (Annex V), to continue the Task Team on Algal Taxonomy with the following terms of reference: (i) provide an agreed list of harmful algal species, including correct citation of the author(s) and date of valid publication, and a list of synonyms; (ii) provide guidelines to reduce nomenclatural instability of harmful algal species; (iii) organize round table discussions on nomenclature and taxonomy of harmful algal species; (iv) organize intercalibraton exercises to standardize determination of harmful algal species, (v) expand the participation in the Task Team as required to fullfil (i); Decides also that the Task Team will be composed of: Prof. . Moestrup (Denmark) Chair, Dr. Y. Halim (Egypt), Dr. M. Elbraechter (Germany), Dr. A. Zingone (Italy), Dr. Y. Fukuyo (Japan), Dr. Maria Faust (USA), Dr. S. Fraga (Spain), Dr. F.R.J. Taylor (Canada), G. Codd (UK), and Gertrud Cronberg (Sweden); Notes that the Task Team is established until otherwise decided by the Panel, and that it will work by correspondence and/or meet on an opportunistic basis, the first time during the HAB 2000 Conference in Tasmania, February 2000, and provide a progress report including a workplan for the interssional period to the Chair IPHAB. Resolution IPHAB-V.2 TASK TEAM ON AQUATIC BIOTOXINS The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recalling Resolution IPHAB-IV.2 concerning the establishment of an IPHAB Task Team on Aquatic Biotoxins related to harmful algae; Recognizing the Terms of Reference have not been completed in the intersessional period; Reiterates that the Terms of Reference for the Task Team are to: continue to the preparation of the fact sheets on phycotoxins (IOC HAB Publication Series, Manuals and Guides, No. 31); expand the participation in the Task Team as required to fullfil (i); Decides that the Task Team will be composed of: Prof. T. Yasumoto (Japan) Chair, Dr. S. Gallagher (UK), Dr. A. Cembella (Canada), Dr. J. M. Fremy (IUPAC), Dr. J. Ramsdell (USA), J. Diogene (France); Notes that the Task Team is established until otherwise decided by the Panel, and that it will work by correspondence and/or meet on an opportunistic basis, first time during the HAB 2000 Conference, Tasmania, February 2000, and provide a progress report including a workplan for the intersessional period to the Chair IPHAB. Resolution IPHAB-V.3 TASK TEAM ON HAB MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recalling element 6.3 of the IOC HAB Programme Plan; Recognizing the need for a comprehensive source of information and guidance on emergency measures and design and implementation of monitoring and management programmes, Noting the importance of efficient information and decision networks for minimizing the impacts of HAB events, Recalling the decision of the Fourth Session of the Panel to establish a Task Team on Design and implementation of HAB Monitoring Systems, and the Terms of Reference for the Task Team set out in Resolution IPHAB-III.3, and Recommendation IPHAB-IV.6 deciding to organize an international workshop directed towards improved design of monitoring programmes in order to protect resources, Acknowledges the results of the APEC-IOC International Conference on Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation (HAMM), Decides to establish a Task Team with the Terms of Reference to: (i) draft a document providing guidelines on emergency measures for harmful algal events and coordinate this with the outcome of the HAMM Conference; (ii) present the draft document for rewiew by the IPHAB Members and the ICES-IOC Working Group on Harmful Algal Blooms Dynamics; Decides also that the Task Team will be composed of: the IOC Science and Communication Centres in Copenhagen and Vigo, the Chair WESTPAC/HAB, the Chair of the HAMM Conference (Dr. S. Hall, USA), and D. Anderson (USA); Notes that the Task Team will work by correspondence and will meet on an opportunistic basis. Resolution IPHAB-V.4 IPHAB OPERATION REGARDING GEOHAB The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Referring to the establishment of the GEOHAB Programme under the Science Elements of the IOC HAB programme; Recognizing that GEOHAB cannot be implemented without a strong involvement of the scientific community and funding agencies at national and regional levels; Decides, that the individual IPHAB panel members will: (i) inform the national representatives of IOC Assembly about GEOHAB and the recommendations, resolutions, and encouragement made by the IPHAB-V; (ii) inform the scientific community in the home country about GEOHAB and encourage the establishment of a national GEOHAB committee in order to set national priorities, to identify resources and to define actions needed for its implementation; (iii) inform the relevant national funding agencies about GEOHAB and related regional and national programmes; (iv) examine the possibilities and make a proposal to include GEOHAB research activities into development projects; (v) provide the chairman of GEOHAB a mailing list of people who have to be continuously informed about the development of the programme; (vi) in cooperation with the GEOHAB SSC members, inform the regional bodies (e.g. ICES, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, PICES) about the GEOHAB and IPHAB-V recommendations/resolutions/encouragement and make suggestions about their support and/or action. Recommendation IPHAB-V.1 STAFFING OF THE HAB PROGRAMME OFFICE The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Reiterates Recommendation IPHAB-IV.1: Recalling the Terms of Reference for the HAB Programme Office (IOC/IPHAB-I/3, Annex VIII), and the level of staffing recommended, Recognizing the importance of the present secondment by Denmark of 1,5 staff member with respect to the development and implementation of the HAB Programme, Noting that the present level of staffing of one person of the Programme Office is not adequate, Reiterating that it is essential to have one additional staff to co-ordinate and help implement the Programme, if the present pace of development and implementation are to be maintained, Noting that three types of staff can be seconded to the HAB Programme office by Member States: (i) direct secondment of junior and senior professionals (ii) secondment of Associate Experts through the UNESCO Associate Experts Scheme (usually young people) (iii) support for M.Sc., Ph.D., or Ph.D. students to work as Interns at the Programme Office at the IOC secretariat for a 3-6 month period (Interns are provided with a contract but only a symbolic salary), Encourages strongly Member States to second staff to the HAB Programme Office, either through full secondments or through pooling of resources. Recommendation IPHAB-V.2 DEVELOPMENT OF GEOHAB The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recognizing the need for a strong and focussed research effort on harmful algae in order to make major advances in the capability to mitigate their effects, Recalling the establishment of the joint SCOR-IOC international science programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) through IOC Resolution IOC/EC-XXXI/3, and the associated outline of the GEOHAB Programme Plan; Endorsing the Terms of Reference for the Scientific Steering Committe for GEOHAB and the IOC-SCOR International Programme Office for GEOHAB; Recognizes the role of the IPHAB in supporting and facilitating the development and funding of GEOHAB; Recommends that the national representatives of IOC Member States to the IOC Assembly and Executive Council take the necessary action to: establish national GEOHAB Committees in order to: (i) promote the development of national research programmes on the ecology and oceanography of HABs encompassing appropriate existing and new research projects; (ii) initiate the development and implementation of regional research projects under the GEOHAB Science Plan cooperatively with other national GEOHAB Committees and relevant international science organizations (e.g. ICES, PICES, HELCOM etc); II. assist in the identification and provision of the necessary and sustained support for the IOC-SCOR International Programme Office for GEOHAB. Recommendation IPHAB-V.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF HAB MONITORING WITHIN THE GLOBAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recalling element 6.3.2, item i and ii, of the IOC HAB Programme Plan; Recognizing that the prediction of harmful algal blooms at different time scales, including quick alert, forecasting and risk-area assessment, represents an essential ocean service that should be articulated as part of the IOC-GOOS Programme's societal justification Recognizing that monitoring operations needed to mitigate HAB impacts are already in place in several countries around the world with different aims, strategies, data disseminationation policies, but that other areas have a lack of adequate HAB monitoring programmes; Recommends that the IOC Secretariat and the Chair of the IPHAB work with the IOC-GOOS Programme, its subsidiary bodies (I-GOOS), and the coastal component of GOOS, to incorporate during planning and implementation, relevant existing and new monitoring facilities to acquire long-term, high-resolution observations on the occurrence, distribution, densities, and impacts of harmful and noxious algae and associated environmental parameters; Invites IPHAB members participating in GOOS subsidiary bodies to report progress on GOOS activities related to HABs at the IPHAB-VI. Recommends that an information document on the nature of HAB monitoring, including identification of HAB monitoring parameters, and examples of national HAB monitoring and management is presented to GOOS in order to facilitate the identification of HAB monitoring parameters suitable for inclusion in a long term global ocean observing system; Recommends also that the regional IOC HAB Working Groups, FANSA, ANCA, and WESTPAC/HAB include in their Terms of Reference to consider the establishment of regional HAB monitoring networks; Notes that valuable models for the establishment of regional monitoring networks is available in proposals of pilot projects prepared for the Coastal Panel of GOOS (C-GOOS) and that these documents are available upon requst to the Chair IPHAB. Recommendation IPHAB-V.4 ICES-IOC Working Group on the Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms (WGHABD) The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Noting that progress in the ICES-IOC WGHABD is largely restricted to issues related to the ICES area of interest, Realizing that HAB issues must be dealt with on a global basis, Recommends that the IOC encourages participation in the ICES-IOC WGHABD of experts in HAB dynamics from IOC Member States outside the ICES area. Acknowledges the broad and valuable expertise in the WGHABD on monitoring and management of HABs; Referring the IPHAB Resolution IPHAB-V.3; Requests the inclusion in the Terms of Reference for the WGHABD for the year 2000 to review the draft document providing guidelines on emergency measures for harmful algal events. Recommendation IPHAB-V.5 COMPATIBILITY OF REGULATIONS ON AQUATIC BIOTOXINS The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Acknowledges the existence of various groups which address the scientific aspects of methodology and legislation with regards to the contamination of seafood with phycotoxins, and that each group generates valuable scientific information which may be used to recommend on regional or national policies (such as those of APEC, EU National Reference Laboratories, CEN, AOAC); Notes with concern that there is limited coordination and exchange of information between these groups; Notes with concern the potential incompatibility of regulations and the associated impediments to trade with seafood products; Recommends that a mechanism is established to ensure international compatibility of methodology and legislation with regards to the control of contamination of seafood with phycotoxins; Offers the IPHAB as a mechanism to help coordinate efforts, and encourages the relevant organizations to request the IPHAB to participate as observer at the principal meetings of their respective groups in order to facilitate international compatibility of applied methodology and legislation with resepct to phycotoxins. Recommendation IPHAB-V.6 HABP WORKPLAN 2000-2001 The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Referring to the deliberations of its Fifth Session and the priorities identified prior to the session by WESTPAC/HAB, FANSA and ANCA; Endorses the implementation of the Workplan for the IOC Harmful Algal Bloom Programme as presented in Annex 1 to this Recommendation within the resources available; Urges Members of the Panel and the IOC Secretariat to identifiy the required resources. Recommendation IPHAB-V.7 OPERATION OF THE IOC INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Recommends that the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms continue until otherwise decided by the IOC. The Terms of Reference should remain unchanged. IOC/IPHAB-V/3 Annex II IOC/IPHAB-V/3 Annex II - page PAGE 2 IOC/IPHAB-V/3 Annex II - page PAGE 7 .2?BM4Co x ( 3 4 ? 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