ࡱ> `b_` &jbjb u|c|c rrrrrrr> > > > J r r r r r !######,`ROr"Orrr r mdrr rr !D,rrrr!rrf j> R z0HHr$ $ HAB Monitoring System on the U.S. West coast Vera L. Trainer NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, Washington 98112 U.S.A. 1. U.S. West Coast data to be included in HAE-DAT In the U.S, the two major toxic syndromes caused by harmful algal blooms (HABs) that are found along the entire west coast are paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and domoic acid poisoning, also known as amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). Monitoring programs that generate these data Each U.S. west coast state, including Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii has a different monitoring program for HABs that are described in the sections that follow. Alaska Testing The huge coastal area of Alaska makes PSP testing impossible in all regions where shellfish and crabs can be harvested. Therefore, testing for PSP and ASP is done only in areas where commercial operations are found. When recreational harvesting is permitted in a given area, it is because there is also a commercial operation in the vicinity. In Alaska, shellfish (oysters, mussels or clams), crab (king crab, Dungeness crab, Tanner crab, Hair crab), and sea snails (Fusitriton orgegonensis) are tested for PSP. Alaskas current bivalve shellfish fishery consists of the native littleneck clam, razor clam and geoduck clam. A PSP sampling plan for commercially or aquaculturally-produced shellfish, crabs, and snails is implemented by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) from its single testing laboratory located in Palmer, 60 km north of Anchorage. There is no agency responsible to monitor beaches for recreational or subsistence harvests. The ADEC regulations require strict compliance with a tiered program that decreases sampling requirements after set time periods of PSP-free samples. Domoic acid testing is done only for the one commercial razor clam operation on the east side of Cook Inlet. For this reason, there is also a recreational razor clam fishery on Cook Inlet. Washington State In 1942, the Washington State Department of Health (WDOH) and the Washington Department of Fisheries (WDF) imposed a closure from 1 April until 31 October for the recreational harvest of all bivalve mollusks along the northern and western Washington coastline (Dungeness spit to the mouth of the Columbia River, not including Puget Sound). Selected representative commercial shellfish operations must submit PSP samples for testing on a biweekly basis during winter and spring, and as often as weekly during summer and fall. Selected recreational areas are sampled weekly from April through October by state and county health departments, with sampling often done by volunteers. Since 1989, WDOH has used caged blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) as an early warning system for PSP. Mussel cages are located at over 70 sites, most of which are monitored biweekly throughout the year. Mussels are also routinely used by WDOH for domoic acid testing, but clams and oysters from commercial sites are also used. In addition, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and coastal Tribes (including the Quinault, Quileute, and Hoh tribes) collect razor clams in a number of management areas along the open coast, and these are analyzed by both WDOH and the Olympic Region Harmful Algal Bloom (ORHAB) project. Dungeness crab is also tested for domoic acid prior to season openings for crab harvest. Deaths of finfish reared in net pens in Puget Sound have also been caused by members of the diatom genus Chaetoceros at least since 1961 (Bell 1961). Fish exposed to Chaetoceros show massive discharge of gill mucus, causing lamellar degeneration and separation. The impacts of this organism as well as those algae that discolor seawater (Noctiluca scintillans) and cause some damage to oyster larvae (Ceratium fusus) and spot prawns (Akashiwo sanguinea, reported as Gymnodinium sanguineum) through unknown mechanisms are recognized but not discussed in detail here. A species that deserves special note because of the great economic distress that it has caused to fish farming operations is Heterosigma akashiwo (also called H. carterae or sometimes erroneously, Olisthodiscus luteus). There were reports of a fish kill near Lummi Island, Puget Sound in 1976 and another in central Puget Sound (Manchester) at about the same time that were caused by Heterosigma, but the first confirmed report was in 1986. In that year, a bloom covering >7000 km2 caused $4 million losses in Washington Oregon Oregon differs from both Alaska and Washington in that there are no inland waterways, like Puget Sound or the fjords of Alaska, which must be monitored for HAB toxins. There are 350 miles of mostly accessible coastline with sandy beaches, rocky intertidal shoreline, long stretches of dunes, and 20 estuaries of varying sizes. Tillamook, Netarts, Yaquina, and Coos are larger bays with commercial shellfish, mainly cultured oysters. Native oysters are scarce in Oregon and their harvest is prohibited. Testing The State of Oregon has tested shellfish for PSP since the late 1950s. At present, the Food Safety Division of the Oregon Department of Agriculture monitors up to 30 sites for PSP and domoic acid. Shellfish collected from each site can include razor clams, mussels, oysters, and bay clams (including gaper [Tresus capax], cockle [Clinocardium nuttali], littleneck [Prototheca staminea], butter [Saxidomus giganteus], softshell[Mya arenaria]). Site monitoring occurs weekly in the summer and bi-monthly in the winter. When toxin levels are on the rise, samples from the commercial areas are also tested. California The California Marine Biotoxin Monitoring Program, managed by the California Department of Health Services (CDHS), is the oldest of such programs in the United States. The state imposes an annual mussel quarantine of sport-harvested mussels from May 1 through October 31 along the entire California coastline. The annual quarantine applies only to sport-harvested mussels. Mussels and all other bivalves grown and harvested by licensed commercial operators in California are subject to a separate PSP testing program. In 1981, CDHS required that commercial shellfish growers submit samples from their shellfishing beds at weekly intervals, year-round, during all harvesting periods. In addition, county environmental health departments submit sentinel mussel samples from their regions 1-2 times per month for testing. This voluntary sampling protocol was formulated as an agreement between the CDHS and several coastal county health departments. The program first involved the northern counties, and later grew to include southern counties. The sampling protocol suggested that each county select two sampling locations, and submit a sample from each site at biweekly intervals during the quarantine period and at monthly intervals during the non-quarantine period. However, some coastal county health departments have not been able to participate in the effort as fully as desired. Monitoring by coastal counties is augmented in some areas by samples collected by CDHS, the California Department of Fish and Game, and various other participants. Domoic acid was measured in California mussels in spring 1991. Since that time, the CDHS has included testing of domoic acid in its biotoxin monitoring program. Hawaii Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) in Hawaii is the most significant HAB problem in tropical waters. Incidences of CFP in the eastern Pacific appear to be very low, and represent a small risk to both human health and the economy. However, ciguatera fish poisoning is an emerging risk outside the tropics because of importation of tropical seafood to areas such as the continental U.S and the visit of tourists to Hawaii. 2. Description of a harmful event in the U.S. - 80 micrograms/100g is the regulatory closure level for shellfish containing PSP toxins (saxitoxin and its derivatives) - 20 ppm (parts per million) is the regulatory limit for safe harvest of shellfish containing domoic acid and for Dungeness crab viscera the level is 30 ppm. 3. Plans to include red tide events We do not initially plan to include any non-harmful algal events. 4. Area codes for the U.S. These have been established already by ICES for the HAE-DAT database. 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