ࡱ> oqnU@'bjbj>TTTTTTTl l l l D /n  / / / / / / /$0RK30/T 0/TT E/ T T / /.*TT. O;*rl zF-6.[/0/L-V-4-4l.h$TTTT-4T.L 0/0/$   Harmful algal Event Data for the East coast of Russia Harmful algal blooms in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia are poorly studied. The distribution of HABs across wide areas of the Russian East coast is virtually unknown. Continuous studies of harmful algae have been made only in some localities (see a Map with area codes 1-12) . Harmful algae were monitored in the coastal waters of Primorye of the Sea of Japan (area1), in Aniva Bay, Sakhalin Island (area 3), on the east coast of Sakhalin Island (area 4) and in Avachninskaya Guba Inlet on Kamchatka (area 8). The bottle samples were collected here once to three times a month. Using improved methods of investigation such as bottle sampling, reverse filtration with nucleopore filters for concentration of living cells, electron microscopy, cysts study and other methods, we have found and described harmful algae previously unknown in this area. Because toxin testing of shellfish is not currently being done in Eastern Russia, we will report numbers of potentially harmful algae cells for this database. These investigations have revealed that among almost 30 species causing blooms of water in the Far Eastern seas, 24 species are known to be harmful. Among those species the great majority are planktonic algae belong to 3 groups of phytoplankton: diatoms, dinoflagellates, and raphidophytes. DIATOMS Diatoms are the most common bloom-forming algae on the east coast of Russia. Twenty species of diatoms can cause blooms in the study area and only some of them are known to be harmful. Electron microscopy has revealed the presence of ten species of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Four of them, P. pungens, P. multiseries, P. pseudodelicatissima, and P. calliantha are the most common and widely distributed species. In this report, by cell concentration of a species, we mean the total numbers of P. multiseries and P. pungens (Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries/pungens), as well as P. calliantha and P. pseudodelicatissima (Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha/pseudodelicatissima). The density of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. varied from 2044 to 35000000 cells/l. Strong blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia species were registered between 1991 and 1997. The maximum density of the Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries/pungens complex (35 million cells/l) was registered in June 2002 in the coastal waters of Primorye (area 1). In the end of 1990s, bloom intensity decreased. In 20002003, in bloom periods, the density of these species reached 1 million cells/l. Off the southern Sakhalin Island (area 3), the highest density of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries/pungens species complex was 48384 cells/l. Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha/pseudodelicatissima complex was abundant in the late summer and autumn. Maximum density of these species (2, 7 million cells/l) was recorded in Aniva Bay (area 3). No events of poisoning and mass mortality of sea birds and mammals due to the presence of toxic species have been reported for this area. RAPHIDOPHYTES In the past 20 years the first appearance of raphidophyte blooms has been observed. These microalgae are Chattonella globosa, C. marina, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Fibrocapsa japonica. Heterosigma akashiwo is the most common of these raphidophytes found in the coastal waters of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. Short-lived outbreaks of H. akashiwo were recorded in Amurskii Bay near Vladivostok (area 1) and in the coastal waters of Sakhalin Island (area 3, 4). The distribution of species of the genus Chattonella in the Far East seas is restricted to the coastal waters of the Sea of Japan (area 1). An extensive red tide that was caused by Chattonella sp., resulting in fish mortality, was first recorded in September 1987 near Vladivostok (area 1). Ch. globosa was abundant here (hundreds of thousand cells per liter) in the summer-autumn period. DINOFLAGELLATES Seven Alexandrium species were observed in the Far Eastern seas of Russia. Four of them, A. tamarense, A. acatenella, A. pseudogonyaulax, and A. ostenfeldii, are known as potentially toxic species. A. tamarense is the most common species. A red tide caused by A. tamarense and A. acatenella at one million cells per liter was recorded in Avachinskaya Inlet in Kamchatka (area 8) in July and August of 1984. An extensive A. tamarense red tide (with numbers up to 2 million cells per liter) was observed in Olyutorsky Bay in the Bering Sea in July 1986 (area 9) when water temperatures ranged from 12-14o C. This bloom was accompanied by mortalities of cetaceans, fish and birds. In July 1988 and 1990, a red tide of A. tamarense covered the entire coast of the Bering Sea, including the northeastern coast of Kamchatka (areas 8-10). In 1992-2003, the density of this species varied between 300 and 51 360 cells/l. Its maximum concentration was observed in coastal waters of Sakhalin Island in June 2002 (area 3). It dominated this area in June and July. A. acatenella, another potentially toxic species, was observed only once at a very low concentration (200 cells/l) in Primorye (area 1). However, in Aniva Bay (area 3), it was quite abundant species (5 000 cells/l). The highest density of A. pseudogonyaulax (5600 cells/l) was registered in the coastal waters of Primorye (area 1). In Aniva Bay (area 3), this species, as well as A. ostenfeldii, was only found as single cells in net samples. Four Dinophysis species: D. acuminata, D. acuta, D. fortii, and D. rotundata, were observed on the east coast of Russia in 1992-2003. The density of these species reached a peak in summer. D. acuminata is one of the most widespread and abundant species. In the Peter the Great Bay (area 1), its maximum density was 11 000 cells/l, and off the southern Sakhalin Island (area 3), 488 cells/l. D. acuta is common for Aniva Bay (area 3). The maximum concentration (3000 cells/l) of D. fortii was observed in the coastal waters of Primorye (area 1) in August 2000. In Aniva Bay (area 3), this species occurred occasionally. D. rotundata was common, but concentration of this species didnt exceed 400 cells/l. During the past 20 years, new Karenia species have been observed in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia. Karenia brevis has been found in low numbers in the coastal waters of the Sea of Japan (area 1) and Sakhalin Island (areas 3, 4). Short-term outbreaks of K. mikimotoi at one million cells per liter were recorded in Amursky Bay (area 1) in September and October of 1987, 1989 and 1990. Qualitative and semi-quantitative surveys of living dinoflagellate cysts have recently been made along the east coast of Russia. Forty-two different dinoflagellate cyst types were found in recent sediment samples collected between July1999-September 2002 from 44 stations along the eastern coast of Russia. This represents the first survey of recent dinoflagellate cysts in Russian marine waters. Forty cysts were identified to the species level, representing 17 genera. The most common cysts were those of ellipsoidal Alexandrium spp., Protoceratium reticulatum, Gonyaulax spp., Polykrikos kofoidii, P. schwartzii, Protoperidinium americanum, P. minutum, P. conicoides, P. subinerme, P. conicum and Scrippsiella trochoidea. Fifteen of the dinoflagellate species have not previously been recorded as motile cells in Russian marine waters: Alexandrium cf. minutum, Cochlodinium cf. polykrikoides, Diplopsalis cf. lebourae, Fragilidium mexicanum, Gonyaulax elongata, G. membranaceae, Gymnodinium cf. catenatum, Pentapharsodinium dalei, P. tyrrhenicum, Protoperidinium americanum, P. cf. avellanum, Scrippsiella cf. lachrymosa, S. cf. precaria, S. cf. rotunda and Warnowia cf. rosea. Cysts of the potentially toxic species Alexandrium cf. minutum, A. tamarense and Gymnodinium cf. catenatum were also found in this survey. Ellipsoidal Alexandrium tamarense type cysts were widely distributed and dominated many localities. The density of cysts varied from 100 to 45,000 g-1. These data suggest that the distribution of toxic algal blooms, causing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), is more widespread than it was previously considered. 78( J L k l p  1 3 5 V [ x y J K L W X Ϳͱ͕͕ͅznzch6}hq~mH sH h6}h *5mH sH h6}h *mH sH h6}h *56CJmH sH h6}hV5CJmH sH h6}hu 5CJmH sH h6}hq~5CJmH sH h6}hMlvw{ Sbkmx碗繌瀹uuuuh6}hmH sH h6}h5mH sH h6}h]7]mH sH h6}h]7]mH sH h6}h]7]6]mH sH h6}hCJh6}h6mH sH h6}hfmH sH h6}hq~mH sH h6}h\mH sH h6}hmH sH h6}h6\mH sH )xz /8GP^ju{ + r { !!;!C#P#V#{############ѾܳѳѾѳќh6}h6mH sH h6}hmH sH h6}h;>2>: 1$dh@&5CJ\@\ 8 03>;>2>: 2!$$1$5$7$8$9D@&H$a$ 5CJ\T@T 8 03>;>2>: 3$5$7$8$9D@&H$ CJmH sH ^@^ 8 03>;>2>: 4 $5$7$8$9D@&H$^6]mH sH f@f 8 03>;>2>: 5($hh5$7$8$9D@&H$^h`h6]mH sH L@L 8 03>;>2>: 6$dh@& 56CJ\@@@ 8 03>;>2>: 7$@&6CJD@D 8 03>;>2>: 8$@&`6L @L 8 03>;>2>: 9 $_@&]_ 6CJaJBA@B A=>2=>9 H@8DB 0170F0`i@` 1KG=0O B01;8F0 :V 4 l4a _H.k@. 5B A?8A:0 DB@D 8A=>2=>9 B5:AB CJmH sH FP@F 8A=>2=>9 B5:AB 2dhCJL@L 85@E=89 :>;>=B8BC;  !J @"J 886=89 :>;>=B8BC;  !fC@2f 8A=>2=>9 B5:AB A >BABC?><$dh`a$CJdR@Bd 8A=>2=>9 B5:AB A >BABC?>< 2dh`CJtS@Rt 8A=>2=>9 B5:AB A >BABC?>< 30dh^`0 CJmH sH JQ@bJ 8A=>2=>9 B5:AB 3 {]{5\v@rv 81KG=K9 >BABC?#$1$5$7$8$9DH$`a$CJKHPJmH nHsH tH > !z z78KLWX 3;<00000X0X000@000(000 0000@0000000KL<($;($;@0k 0Po  8=@ 6%x#'''!*&5;H$%(JU]dmvw Zc% -   & R [ \ z     # 0 ; < D J T ` k l t    ,7$py~%-7gs}>G6@%4lt  %+4=} &+aj#$*p~DOPSVcdoqz{~!/#,.?@EJUWfgqz ',7<Er}~HK :::::  r224phytotorlovaQVNhon D1l24HF3LdR|Zxm`QanydaeJomL|`JpL1pF5s0gsbjymv68r y |#}x~ ~Z 0*hh^h`o(.^`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.hh^h`o(.^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.hh^h`o(.hh^h`.^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.hh^h`o(.h88^8`.h^`.h L ^ `L.h  ^ `.hxx^x`.hHLH^H`L.h^`.h^`.hL^`L.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.^`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.^`OJPJQJ^Jo( ^`OJQJo(o pp^p`OJQJo( @ @ ^@ `OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o PP^P`OJQJo(^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.@hh^h`.-Nhd-  ~-ymvl2dRQaJomJom- NhLL. |n aeF5sJpHF3ydQVr yxm`L1p#}x~0gsD - @ ^`OJQJo([0b0  V]7]49 3q  8IHarmful algal blooms in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia are poorly studied vera trainertorloval                   Oh+'0U, <H d p |JHarmful algal blooms in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia are poorly studiedearm vera trainer bleraNormalatorlova2rlMicrosoft Word 10.0@F#@^*r@^*rGXSVT$m3 )  y ."System $r0  -@Times New Roman-  2  x x '[2 G5 xHarmful algal Event Data for the East coast of Russia $&    $      !  2 x x x '@Times New Roman- 2 % x -2 ^O xHarmful algal blooms in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia are poorly studied. The $&    & !    #2 ^  xdistribution of     x 'X2 3 xHABs across wide areas of the Russian East coast isi$$!% !  V2 2 x virtually unknown. Continuous studies of harmful   $ !  &x '2  xalga G2 ( xe have been made only in some localities& %   72  x (see a Map with area codes 1 ,%  2   x-2  x12) 2 t x. (2  xHarmful algae were $&  $ x '2   xmonitored in%   2  x 2  xthe :2 + xcoastal waters of Primorye of t $ %/2  xhe Sea of Japan (area1), 2  x 2  xin 2   xAniva Bay$ !2  x, 2   xSakhalin Isl  2   xand 2 2  x x ' 2 D x(2 D  xarea 3),   =2 Dv! xon the east coast of Sakhalin Isl        "2 D xand (area 4) an  +2 D xd in Avachninskaya Gu $  $52 D xba Inlet on Kamchatka (area     #&  x '2 ~ x8)2 ~ x. =2 ~! xThe bottle samples were collected % $ 2 ~ x heren72 ~L x once to three times a month. &% 2 ~ x 22 ~ xUsing improved methods of $  && x '2 m xinvestigation such as bottle sampling, reverse filtration with nucleopore filters for concentration of living    &    %       2 2  x x '2 e xcells, electron microscopy, cysts study and other methods, we have found and described harmful algae    &  & $ &  x '=2 *! xpreviously unknown in this area.  $   z2 *qJ xBecause toxin testing of shellfish is not currently being done in Eastern !        x 'R2 d/ xRussia, we will report numbers of potentially h!  $%  &  e2 d< xarmful algae cells for this database. These investigations '        x '2 k xhave revealed that among almost 30 species causing blooms of water in the Far Eastern seas, 24 species are n    % %       % $        x '2 Y xknown to be harmful. Among those species the great majority are planktonic algae belong t$& $% &       2   xo 3 groups of  x '-e2 < xphytoplankton: diatoms, dinoflagellates, and raphidophytes.    &       @Times New Roman- 2 } x x '- 2 J x @Times New Roman-2   xDIATOMS $$* 2  x @Times New Roman- 2  x -=2 ! xDiatoms are the most common bloom% %  % &% % 2  x- 2  xforming algae &    +2  xon the east coast of      2 z xRussia. !  2  xTwenty $ (2  xspecies of diatoms f    %m2 0A xcan cause blooms in the study area and only some of them are know % &&$%2 09 xn to be harmful. s& )2 0 xElectron microscopy &  -72 i xhas revealed the presence of  2 i+ xten,2 ih x species of the genus  -2 i< xPseudo 2 i x-2 i  xnitzschia-2 i x.  2 i xFour of them, % -2 i xP. - 2 i*  x -2 i?  xpungens, P.   -#2  xmultiseries, P. $  +2  xpseudodelicatissima, $ -2  xand- 2  x P. calliantha -2  x are2 D  x the mosta %:2  x common and widely distributed &%%   2   xspecies. a  -2   xIn this re v2 G xport, by cell concentration of a species, we mean the total numbers of      $% &- 2 w xP. multiseries $-2   x and-2   x P.  -2  xpungens - 2  x(-2  xPseudo 2 & x-72 7 xnitzschia multiseries/pungensd$-2  x), - 2  x -2   xas well as $ - 2  xP. calliantha  -2  xand -.2 V xP. pseudodelicatissima  $ - 2 O x(-2 O xPseudo 2 Oe x-G2 Ov( xnitzschia calliantha/pseudodelicatissima$- 2 O x)2 O x. The 2 O+ xdensity  2 O xof -2 O xPseudo 2 O x-2 O  xnitzschia -2 Of xspp-2 O x. -2 O  xvaried from 2 & 2 O  x 2 O  x044  -2  xto 35o 2 , x 2 9 x000 2  x 2   x000 cells/l.   %2 } xStrong blooms of  %-2  xPseudo 2  x-2   xnitzschia-S2 F0 x species were registered between 1991 and 1997.  $ $ -2  xThe .2 + xmaximum density of the & && -2 W xPseudo 2  x-72  xnitzschia multiseries/pungens$->2 W" x complex (35 million cells/l) was % &   $ 2   xregistered i  \2 6 xn June 2002 in the coastal waters of Primorye (area 1)  $ %2  x. C2 :% xIn the end of 1990s, bloom intensity   &  &2 5 xdecreased. In 2000  2 5A x2 5ZP x2003, in bloom periods, the density of these species reached 1 million cells/l.    &    '   2 5  xOff the % -_2 o8 xsouthern Sakhalin Island (area 3), the highest density o     2 of xf -2 o xPseudo 2 o x-72 o0 xnitzschia multiseries/pungens$ 2 o  x -2 o  xspecies   -2  xcomplex %  2 n x 2 | xwas 48$ 2   x 2   x384 cells/l.   -2  xPseudo 2  x-G2 ( xnitzschia calliantha/pseudodelicatissima$-72  x complex was abundant in the % %  82  xlate summer and autumn. Maximu '&& ,&72  xm density of these species (2u&  2  x, 7 F2 %' xmillion cells/l) was recorded in Aniva &   $ $ 2   xBay !2    x(area 3).  3f 2   x   2   xN$2  Y xo events of poisoning and mass mortality of sea birds and mammals due to the presence of   &'  &'& R2 U / xtoxic species have been reported for this area.            2 U S x  2  x x '- 2  xRAPHIDOPHYTES $$$$ 2 Y x  2   x 2   x -2 ; Z xIn the past 20 years the first appearance of raphidophyte blooms has been observed. These    &  "2 ;   xmicroalgae are '   -Y2 t 4 xChattonella globosa, C. marina, Heterosigma akashiwo! ! $ $$ - 2 t ( x, - 2 t 5 x -2 t C xand- 2 t  x )2 t  xFibrocapsa japonica. - 2 t I x -+2 t W x Heterosigma akashiwo$$ - 2 t 2  x -2   xis the most %- 2  x -2 ^ xcommon of these raphidophytes found in the coastal waters of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. &%   $!  -2  xShorto 2 / x-(2 @ xlived outbreaks of w -2  xH. akash$ 2 o xiwo  -R2 / xwere recorded in Amurskii Bay near Vladivostok $ $& !%  2   x(area 1) 2 i  xand in the   -=2 ! ! xcoastal waters of Sakhalin Island $     2 ! T  x (area 3, 4)   2 ! / x. - 2 ! I x -I2 ! V) xThe distribution of species of the genus o           -2 ! x  xChattonella!-2 ! d  x in the Far    :2 Z  xEast seas is restricted to the   &2 Z  xcoastal waters of  $#2 Z  xthe Sea of Japan2 Z  x (area 1 2 Z  x)=2 Z ! x. An extensive red tide that was  $  $ -2   xcaused by -2   xChattonella !-2  xsp., - 2  x -n2 #B xresulting in fish mortality, was first recorded in September 1987     %  %  &2  xnear a -)2  xVladivostok (area 1)%  2 ` x. -2  xCh.! 2  x globosa 2 { x -2  xwas$2   x abundant 2  xhere oP2 . x(hundreds of thousand cells per liter) in the    2  xsummer'& 2  x-2    xautumn period &  2   x. 2   x  2 @  x  2 z 3 x -%2  xDINOFLAGELLATES $!$$ 2  x  2  x -2 &  xSeven -2 &   xAlexandrium$-2 &   x species were  $P2 & . x observed in the Far Eastern seas of Russia.  !   2 &  xFour of them, %-2 &  xA.  x '-72 _  xtamarense, A. acatenella, A. $    A2 _ $ xpseudogonyaulax, and A. ostenfeldii,   -G2 _ ( x are known as potentially toxic species.$    2 _ *  x x '-2   xA. tamarense $-2   x is the most %- 2  x -2   xcommon specie &% 12  xs. A red tide caused by  # -2   xA. tamarense $-2 ! x and -2   xA. acatenella  -2  x at one  x 'v2 G xmillion cells per liter was recorded in Avachinskaya Inlet in Kamchatka'   $ $   #&2   x (area 8)e.2 Q x in July and August of  # x '-xx  ww  vv  uu  tt  ss  rr  qq  pp   o o    n n   ՜.+,0h hp  +noaa 9{ JHarmful algal blooms in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia are poorly studied : Harmful algal Event Data for the East coast of RussiaU Harmful algal blooms in the Far Eastern Seas of Russia are poorly studied. The dRAPHIDOPHYTES Y In the past 20 years the first appearance of raphidophyte blooms has been observ    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmpRoot Entry F*rr1Table 4WordDocument>SummaryInformation(;8UDocumentSummaryInformation8fCompObjj  F Microsoft Word MSWordDocWord.Document.89q