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Chairs Peter Dexter (Australia) Jean-Louis Fellous (France) Composition The two co-presidents of the Commission; The Programme Area Coordinators; The representative of the Cross-cutting Team on Capacity-building; The representative of the Cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements; The chairperson of the Task Team on Resources; The following experts: Mr P. Dandin (France); Ms R. Folorunsho (Nigeria); Mr I. Frolov (Russian Federation); Mr R. Nuńez (Chile); Mr H. Wang (China) Senior Representatives of GOOS, GCOS and IODE; Representatives of CBS and other bodies may be invited, as appropriate; -B- JCOMM Observations Programme Area 1) Observations Coordination Group (OCG) Terms of Reference The Observations Coordination Group shall: Keep under review and advise on the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the Observations work programme, including performance measured against scientific requirements, delivery of raw data, measurement standards, logistics and resources; Provide advice to JCOMM and to Observations Teams on possible solutions for newly-identified requirements, consulting, as appropriate, with relevant scientific groups and CBS; Review in situ data requirements and recommend changes, as appropriate, taking into account the continuing development of satellite observations and their capabilities; Coordinate the development of standardized, high quality observing practices and instrumentation and prepare recommendations for JCOMM; With the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create expert teams, task teams, pilot projects and appoint rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Observations Programme Area; Examine trade-offs and use of new and improved techniques/developments against requirements and available resources; Liaise with, and input to, CBS activities regarding the consolidated requirements database and operational satellites; Identify capacity-building requirements related to the Programme Area; Identify satellite remote sensing requirements in the meteorological and ocean domains related to the Programme Area. Chair Mike Johnson (NOAA/GCO, USA) Composition The membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: Programme Area/Observations Coordinator (chairperson); Chairperson Ship Observations Team; Chairperson DBCP; Chairperson GLOSS Group of Experts; Chairperson Argo Steering Team; Representative of International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project; Representative of OceanSITES; Chairperson Tropical Moored Buoys Implementation Panel; Data Assimilation/Modeling Expert; Capacity-building Rapporteur; Ocean Satellite Expert; Meteorological Satellite Expert. JCOMMOPS will participate in the work and the meetings of the Coordination Group. 2) GLOSS Group of Experts Terms of Reference Terms of reference as determined by the IOC Executive Council (Resolution 9, IOC EC XXXIII). The IOC Group of Experts on GLOSS shall: (i) Advise JCOMM on the implementation of the GLOSS System, at global and regional levels; (ii) Work closely with the GSC and its subsidiary bodies on the integration of GLOSS into GOOS; (iii) Update the GLOSS Implementation Plan regularly; (iv) Ensure proper liaison with international research programmes and relevant international organizations; (v) Provide advice on the development of TEMA components of GLOSS, regarding training of specialists, provision of instruments, their installation and maintenance, data evaluation and interpretation; (vi) Report periodically to the IOC governing bodies and to JCOMM. Chair Mark Merrifield (Un. Hawaii, USA) Composition Existing GLOSS Group of Experts and GLOSS Scientific Subgroup. 3) Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) Terms of Reference The Data Buoy Cooperation Panel shall: Consider the expressed needs of the international meteorological and oceanographic communities for real-time or archival data from ocean-data buoys on the high seas and request action from its members, the Technical Co-ordinator or action groups to meet these needs; 1. Co-ordinate activity on existing programmes so as to optimize the provision and timely receipt of good quality data from them; 2. Propose, organize and implement, through the co-ordination of national contributions, the expansion of existing programmes or the creation of new ones to supply such data; 3. Support and organize as appropriate such action groups as may be necessary to implement the deployment of data gathering buoys to meet the expressed needs of oceanographic and meteorological programmes such as WWW, WCRP, GOOS and GCOS; 4. Encourage the initiation of national contributions to data buoy programmes from countries which do not make them; 5. Promote the insertion of all available and appropriate buoy data into the Global Telecommunication System; 6. Promote the exchange of information on data buoy activities and encourage the development and transfer of appropriate technology; 7. Ensure that other bodies actively involved in buoy use are informed of the workings of the panel and encourage, as appropriate, their participation in the panel deliberations; 8. Make and regularly review arrangements to secure the services of a Technical Co-ordinator with the terms of reference given in Part B; 9. Report formally to the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), and participate in and contribute to an integrated global operational ocean observing system, implemented and co-ordinated through JCOMM; 10. Submit annually to the Executive Councils of the WMO and the IOC, to JCOMM and to other appropriate bodies of WMO and IOC, a report which shall include summaries of the existing and planned buoy deployments and data flow. Chair David Meldrum (SAMS, UK) Composition Open membership, comprising existing DBCP members, action groups and TIP. JCOMMOPS will participate in the work and the meetings of the Team. 4) Ship Observations Team (SOT) Terms of Reference The Ship Observations Team shall: Review and analyze requirements for ship-based observational data expressed by relevant existing international programmes and/or systems and in support of marine services, and coordinate actions to implement and maintain the networks to satisfy these requirements; Provide continuing assessment of the extent to which those requirements are being met; Develop methodology for constantly controlling and improving the quality of data; Review marine telecommunication facilities and procedures for observational data collection, as well as technology and techniques for data-processing and transmission, and propose actions as necessary for improvements and enhanced application; Coordinate PMO/ship greeting operations globally, propose actions to enhance PMO standards and operations and contribute, as required, to PMO and observer training; Review, maintain and update as necessary technical guidance material relating to ship observations and PMOs; Liaise and coordinate as necessary with other JCOMM Programme Areas and expert teams, as well as with other interested parties; Participate in planning activities of appropriate observing system experiments and major international research programmes as the specialist group on observations based onboard ships, including voluntary observing ships, ships-of opportunity and research ships; Seek opportunities for deploying various kinds of measuring devices and widely publicize those opportunities; Develop, as necessary, new pilot projects and/or operational activities and establish new specialized panels as required; Carry out other activities as agreed by participating members to implement and operate the SOT Programme and to promote and expand it internationally. Chair Graeme Ball (BOM, Australia) Composition Chairperson, selected by the Commission. Chairpersons of the SOOPIP, VOS and ASAP Panels. Open membership, comprising operators of VOS, SOOP and ASAP, representatives of monitoring centres, data management centres and bodies, representatives of IMSO and other communications satellite systems, representatives of manufacturers, representatives of science advisory bodies and users, as appropriate. JCOMMOPS will participate in the work and the meetings of the Ship Observations Team. -C- JCOMM Data Management Programme Area 1) Data Management Coordination Group (OCG) Terms of Reference The Data Management Coordination Group, in close collaboration with IODE and CBS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Develop the strategy, initiate and oversee the implementation of the Data Management Programme Area; Identify, review, assess and recommend priorities and actions for the Data Management Programme Area; In concurrence with the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create expert teams, task teams, pilot projects and appoint rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Data Management Programme Area; Ensure collaboration, appropriate coordination and liaison with data management bodies and other bodies; Ensure full integration and effective cooperation of data management activities within the Commission; Keep under review, assess and coordinate the adoption of appropriate new information technology; Establish and maintain cooperation with science programmes and assist with their data management activities, as appropriate; Provide advice and feedback to users of the Data Management Programme Area functions, both through the appropriate JCOMM Programme Area and directly; Promote the adoption of good Data Management practices within the Commission and with external partners; Identify capacity-building requirements related to the Programme Area. Identify satellite remote sensing requirements related to the Programme Area. Chair Robert Keeley (ISDM, Canada) Composition The membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: DMPA Coordinator (chairperson); Chairpersons of Expert Teams (two); Three members with specific expertise in respectively, data exchange codes and formats; communications systems for data exchange; and data flow monitoring; Capacity-building Rapporteur; A Satellite Expert; Up to two additional experts; A representative of IODE. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of the Commission and in general with no resources implications to JCOMM. 2) Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Marine Climatology, in close collaboration with IODE, GOOS, GCOS, CCl and CBS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: 1) Determine procedures and principles for the development and management of global and regional oceanographic and marine meteorological climatological data sets; 2) Review and assess the climatological elements of the Commission, including the operation of the MCSS and the GCCs, and the development of required oceanographic and marine meteorological products; 3) Review the GOOS and GCOS requirements for climatological data sets, taking account of the need for quality and integration; 4) Develop procedures and standards for data assembly and the creation of climatological data sets, including the establishment of dedicated facilities and centres; 5) Collaborate and liaise with other groups as needed to ensure access to expertise and ensure appropriate coordination; 6) Keep under review and update as necessary relevant technical publications in the area of oceanographic and marine meteorological climatologies. Chair Scott Woodruff (NOAA/ESRL, USA) Composition The membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: (a) Up to 12 experts, including the chairperson, selected from Members/Member States, representative of the range of responsibilities of the Expert Team; (b) Additional representatives from the responsible members for the MCSS and GCC, from relevant projects and subsidiary bodies of IODE, as required, in consultation with the co-presidents; (c) Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas and of other expert bodies may be invited, as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM and with no resource implications to the Commission. 3) Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) Terms of Reference The JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices, in close collaboration with CBS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: (a) Develop, recommend, and implement principles and practices for an end-to-end data management system for JCOMM; (b) Review and assess the effectiveness of end-to end data management practices, including integration and consideration of new techniques and approaches; (c) Provide advice to the Data Management Coordination Group and other groups of JCOMM, as required, on end-to-end data management practices; (d) Liaise and collaborate with other groups as needed, to ensure access to required expertise, appropriate coordination and to avoid duplication. Chair Nick Mikhailov (Russian Federation Oceanographic Data Centre) Composition The membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: (a) Up to nine experts, including the chairperson, selected from Members/Member States, representative of the range of responsibilities of the Expert Team. (b) Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas, and of other expert bodies may be invited, as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM and the chairperson of the IOC Committee on IODE, and with no resource implications to the Commission. -D- JCOMM SERVICES Programme Area 1) Services Coordination Group (OCG) Terms of Reference The Services Coordination Group, in close collaboration with CBS, GOOS and GCOS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Keep under review and advise on the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the Services work programme, including performance with respect to timeliness, standards, quality and relevance to established user requirements; Through the assembly of requirements identified by specialist service groups, and other Programme Areas of JCOMM, provide advice on JCOMM services that need to be changed, implemented or discontinued; Develop interfaces to representative user groups in order to monitor the strength and weaknesses of existing services; With the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create expert teams, task teams, pilot projects and appoint rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Services Programme Area; Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with groups and bodies in the area of service provision, including other Programme Areas of the Commission; Liaise with external bodies, in particular those representing user communities; Identify capacity-building requirements related to the Programme Area; Identify satellite remote sensing requirements related to the Programme Area. Chair Craig Donlon (UK) Composition Chairpersons of Expert Teams (four); Capacity-building Rapporteur; Satellite Expert – Dr P-Y Letraun (France); H. Guijun (China); P. Parker (Australia); A. Hynes (UK) 2) Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services, in close collaboration with IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO and other concerned organizations and bodies on maritime safety issues, including the GMDSS, shall: Monitor and review the operations of marine broadcast systems, including for the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the SOLAS Convention; Monitor and review technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information, particularly for the GMDSS, and provide assistance and support to Members as required; Ensure feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services; Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with concerned organizations, bodies and Members and Member States on maritime safety issues; Propose actions as appropriate to meet requirements for international coordination of meteorological and related communication services; Provide advice to the Services Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to maritime safety services. Chair Henri Savina (France) Composition Open membership, including representatives/nominations of the Issuing Services for the GMDSS, representatives of IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, and other user groups, as appropriate. 3) Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support shall: In support of the Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS): Monitor implementation and operations of MPERSS; review and suggest, as necessary, improvements to the contents of the overall system plan; (ii) Facilitate coordination and cooperation amongst the Area Meteorological and Oceanographic Coordinators (AMOCs) of MPERSS, in particular, with a view to ensuring full and ongoing operations in all areas, as well as the exchange of relevant advice, information, data and products between AMOCs, as appropriate and required; In support of maritime search and rescue (SAR) operations, and in particular for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS): Monitor requirements for meteorological and oceanographic data, information, products and services to support SAR operations worldwide, and prepare draft amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) in this regard, as appropriate; (ii) As necessary, facilitate coordination and cooperation amongst relevant agencies in the provision of meteorological and oceanographic information and support to maritime SAR operations; Ensure effective and ongoing coordination and cooperation with relevant organizations and bodies, as well as with Members/Member States on any type of marine accident emergency support needs; Provide advice to the Services Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to marine accident emergency support. Chair Pierre Daniel (France) Composition Open membership, including representatives of the AMOCs for MPERSS and other national agencies, as appropriate. Representatives of IMO, IHO and other concerned organizations and bodies, including representatives of specific user groups, as appropriate, should be invited to participate. 4) Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges shall: Review and advise on the implementation of wind wave and storm surge activities within JCOMM and propose amendments as required; Develop technical advice on wave and storm surge modelling, forecasting and service provision and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; Interact closely with ETMSS on all aspects of sea state and surge forecasting relevant to the operation and improvement of maritime safety services; Monitor projects for verification of operational wind wave and storm surge model outputs and assist in their implementation as required; Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with other WMO and appropriate GOOS bodies, particularly on requirements for, and implementation of, wind wave and storm surge products and services; Provide advice to the Services Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to wind waves and storm surges. Chair Val Swail (Canada) Composition Mr M. Higaki (Japan); Mr A. Hynes (United Kingdom); Mr I. Lavrenov (Russian Federation) – he passed away; Mr J.-M. Lefčvre (France); Mr J. Seo (Republic of Korea); Mr H. Tolman (United States); Mr H. de Vries (Netherlands); Mr G. Warren (Australia); Mr J. Bidlot (ECMWF) – joined the Team in March 2007 5) Expert Team on Sea Ice, including the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank Steering Group Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Sea Ice, including the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank Steering Group, shall: Review and catalogue the products and services required by user communities in sea-ice areas; Encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and services; Develop technical guidance material, software exchange, specialized training and other appropriate capacity-building support with regard to sea-ice observations and services and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; Interact closely with the ETMSS and ETMAES on all aspects of the impacts of sea-ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue services; Maintain linkages with relevant international organizations and programmes, in particular BSIM, CLIC, IICWG, ASPeCt, GCOS and IHO; Keep under review and provide guidance as appropriate on the operations of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank, including appropriate quality control, error analysis and archiving mechanisms, and encourage and facilitate enhanced submissions of sea-ice data to the bank; Review and propose amendments to formats, nomenclatures and procedures for sea-ice data and information exchange as well as to relevant terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register within ECDIS, and requirements for sea-ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS; Provide advice to the Services Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to sea-ice and the ice-covered regions; Play a key role in JCOMM involvement in major international polar projects such as IPY 2007-2008. Chair Vasily Smolyanitky (Russian Federation) Composition Mr H. Andersen (Denmark); Mr S. Bai (China); Mr H. Bjornsson (Iceland); Mr J. Falkingham (Canada) Mr T. Grafström (Sweden); Mr K. Hamada (Japan); Mr M. Picasso (Argentina); Mr Nicholas Hughes (Norway); Mr A. Seina (Finland); Mr P. Seymour (United States) Mr J. Shanklin (United Kingdom) 6) Terms of reference for the ET-OOFS Noting the rapid development of operational ocean forecasting systems and the need for information and coordination f these systems, the JCOMM Service Program Area has convened an Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (ET-OOFS). The following draft terms of Reference are provided for discussion and endorsement at MAN-VI: ToR for ET-OOFS (v2.0, following review by JCOMM co-Presidents and GODAE co-Chairs) Develop and maintain 'The Guide to Operational Oceanographic Forecasting systems of the World" Provide advice to JCOMM teams and member states on the application, nomenclature, symbology and standards used by operational ocean forecasting systems; Develop and operate an inter-comparison framework for NRT monitoring of OOFS outputs building on the legacy of GODAE; Work effectively with the Scientific community developing and maintaining OOFS (e.g., GODAE and GODAE follow on); Provide observation requirements for OOFS to the JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA); Provide advice to the JCOMM Data Management Programme Areas (DMPA); Provide advice to Members/Member States on operational Ocean Forecast systems. Membership: ET-OOFS should comprise of: 1 Chair 5 members covering the following areas of expertise: Ocean Forecast systems, data assimilation using ocean models, satellite and in situ data requirements for ocean models, operational model inter-comparisons; Additional experts (up to 20) may be considered to represent ocean forecasting systems/groups; Ad hoc members (up to 20) representing ocean forecasting systems/groups -E- Cross cutting teams 1) Cross cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements Terms of Reference The Cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements shall: Be responsible for collecting and integrating the space-based remote sensing requirements that are essential for JCOMM services and products; Advise the subsidiary bodies on satellite/remote sensing matters, within each Programme Area, such as on the utilization, distribution and dissemination of satellite data and relevant data products; Maintain JCOMM satellite remote sensing data requirements based on regular contact with CGMS, the WMOSP, the IOC Remote Sensing Plan, CEOS, the relevant IGOS Themes, the WMO high-level policy meetings, the OOPC and other appropriate groups, and; Advise the Management Committee through the appointed satellite representative. Chair Eric Lindstrom (NASA, USA) Composition 1 meteorological observations expert 1 oceanographic observations expert 1 ocean/marine services expert 1 ocean data management expert 2) Cross cutting Team on Capacity Building Terms of Reference The Cross-cutting Team on Capacity Building shall: The Capacity-building Rapporteur for each JCOMM Programme Area shall be responsible for the assembly of capacity-building requirements of that Programme Area as brought forward from groups, countries and regions through close liaison with the Coordinator, Coordination Group, and other teams and groups within that Programme Area; The Capacity-building Rapporteurs for the three Programme Areas will regularly liaise and integrate the capacity-building requirements of their respective Programme Areas; The Capacity-building Rapporteur assigned to the Management Committee shall transmit the integrated capacity-building requirements via the JCOMM co-presidents to WMO ET/TCO, IOCTEMA, IODE, GCOS, IGOS, GEF, IMF or other relevant organizations and bodies involved in capacity-building; Develop mechanisms for measuring the impact and success of capacity-building activities, and a system for regular review and evaluation. Chair Miriam Andrioli (Argentina) Composition Johannes Guddal (Norway) Rudy Herman (Belgium)   #789LMQenÖ×g h Ý Ţ ą ˛ i j ‘ Ş Ť Ź ł č ę ö ÷ öďöäÜöŘĐÉĐؿز¨˛›˛›˛›˛›˛›˛›¨˛Ř€użŘhhŞ,Dh0Rz^JmH sH h0Rzh0RzmH sH hBčh0Rz^JmH sH h0Rzh0Rz56mH sH hBčh0Rz^JmH sH h0Rz^JmH sH h'r6h0Rz^JmH sH hĹ2h0Rz56 h0Rz5>*h'r6h0Rz5h0Rzh0Rz5;>*hĹ2h0Rz5;>* h0Rz5;hĹ2h0Rz5;$ 89LMmn×h Ţ ˛ j Ť Ź ł Í é ę ö ÷ A „ Ń úúúúúńää××××××ńúäńńúńääää & F7$8$H$gd0Rz „Đ7$8$H$^„Đgd0Rz„Đ^„Đgd0Rzgd0RzśqýŃ  / K n ƒ – Ĺ 67`atu Ą™IňňňňňňňňňňéçççççâŮĚĚżżż & F7$8$H$gd'r6 „Đ7$8$H$^„Đgd'r6„Đ^„ĐgdĹ2gdĹ2„Đ^„Đgd0Rz „Đ7$8$H$^„Đgd0Rz 567:_`atuřů˙)*]^şťăäţ˙G€ŽŻŇőíéßŘßÍßÉÁˇÁłŠĽ˜łŠł”łŠĽ˜Š˜Š˜Š˜Š˜˜Š˜tj˜Š˜h'r6^JmH sH h'r6h'r6^JmH sH h'r6h'r6^Jh'r6^JmH sH hŃBüh'r6h'r6^JmH sH hĹ2hĹ2hĹ256h'r6h'r6h'r65>*h'r6h'r65hĽ(hĹ2hĽ(5;>* h0Rz5;hĹ2hĽ(5;h0Rzh0RzmH sH h0Rzh0RzmH sH )ňzOÄ;‚řů˙)*ťźó)Mmš°Î)ňňňňňňéäééäé×××Î×××××××ׄĐ^„Đgd'r6 „Đ7$8$H$^„Đgd'r6gdĹ2„Đ^„ĐgdĹ2 & F7$8$H$gd'r6)G_€ÓÔŐÖ×ńňEdeŽęJ€ěňňňňňéçççççŢŢŃŃŢÄÄÄÄÄÄ 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