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ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document; Review and comment on the SPA 2006-2009 work plan (Appendix D); Review and comment on the development of a new ET-OOFS; Review and comment on suggestions for a consolidated SPA structure; Review and comment on suggested priorities for the SPA; Provide guidance for the future of SPA. ______________________ Appendices: A. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III B. Programme Area work plan for the remaining inter-sessional period Programme Area work plan for the next inter-sessional period SPA 2006-2009 work plan (v1.7) (see background documents) DISCUSSION Review and Comment on the SPA 2006-2009 Work Plan (Appendix D) and Achievements 1. A work-plan (Appendix D) for the JCOMM SPA covering the period 2006-2009 was developed by the SPA coordinator based on the abridged final report (WMO-No. 995) of the JCOMM Second Session, Halifax, Canada, 19-27 September 2005 and discussions within the JCOMM SPA Expert Teams and the Secretariats for JCOMM. The SPA coordinator in collaboration with the Services Coordination Group (SCG) and SPA Expert Team chairs manages the SPA work plan. The following inputs were used to develop the content of the JCOMM SPA work plan: Resolutions and discussions at the second session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) (Halifax, Canada, September 2005); Expert Meeting on the Possible JCOMM Contributions to the development and maintenance of Marine Multi-Hazard warning systems (Geneva, Switzerland, Feb 2006); JCOMM Services Programme Area, First Coordination Meeting (Teleconference, April 2006); Requirements of other Program Areas (PAs) or Expert Teams (ETs) within the JCOMM Structure; Formal reporting requirements within JCOMM (MAN); User community requirements and feedback; Expected scientific and technical developments; Requirements for outreach and promotion of JCOMM and the activities of the SPA; Participation and feedback in international scientific and engineering conferences and symposia; Current and planned meteorological and oceanographic products and services; Requirements and plans of other external programmes, bodies and organizations (e.g., IMO, IHO, GOOS, GEO/GEOSS, satellite operators/data providers; Inputs from the JCOMM SPA Expert teams; Inputs from the Secretariats for JCOMM. 2. The work plan itself was developed based on the following process agreed by the JCOMM co-Presidents, Secretariats and SPA Expert Team chairs: Detailed actions were extracted from WMO-No. 995: Joint WMO-IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Second Session (Halifax, Canada, September 2005); Direct inputs were solicited from the SPA Expert Team chairs; A set of Top Level Objectives (TLO) was established for the SPA intersessional period based on WMO-No. 995; An extensive action list was developed and prioritized by the ET chairs, Secretariats and SPA coordinator according to effort required and their importance in delivering the SPA TLO; The work plan was reviewed and accepted by the JCOMM MAN; The work plan was reviewed and accepted by the SCG. 3. The effort required to develop the SPA work plan including the review process was substantial but extremely valuable as this process concluded with a complete, prioritized appraisal of the requests made by the Commission. 79 separate activities were catalogued according to priority and effort required and each activity assigned to an owner group within the SPA. It is important to realize that these activities are those requested by the Commission but they did not necessarily overlap with the capabilities of the Expert Teams within the SPA. Consequently, many requested activities remain be started, several are some way to completion and some have been completed. There are many reasons for this situation although it is clear that the resources within the JCOMM structure (at both Secretariats level and within the Member/Member State contributions in kind) were insufficient to execute the requested work. 4. Nevertheless, the work completed by the SPA Expert Teams has been substantial and has achieved many successes as reported in the Appendices to this document. 5. The SPA work plan activities are formal requests made by the Commission as described in WMO-No. 995, Member/Member State, delegations should be reminded that when discussing tasks and activities for the Commission Teams to implement, due diligence should be given to the source, availability and commitment of resources by Member/Member States for implementation. 6. In conclusion, many important activities described in the SPA work plan remain to be completed by the SPA ETs, and the SPA coordinator therefore recommends that the existing SPA work plan (Appendix D) is provided to the Commission delegations for consideration and prioritization at JCOMM-III (if no more, than to remind them that when they agree to something in session, there are consequences). 7. Furthermore, a full mapping between the recently introduced result-based reporting structure of WMO and IOC should be undertaken to harmonize the standing SPA work plan as requested by the Commission in session. ETMSS, ETMAES, ETWS and ETSI have all provided a mapping of their work and achievements according to WMO and IOC criteria as presented in the Appendices. 8. Overall, the approach taken by the SPA during the intersessional period following JCOMM-II was marginally successful in the sense that a comprehensive work plan was developed and agreed. Furthermore, the changes to IOC and WMO in terms of reporting progress and success have changed requiring that a new work plan be developed. However, the scope of the Commission requests, was far too large suggesting that (a) Commission delegations were not provided with clear information on the important issues prior to the Commission and (b) the Commission did not consider the resource implications of their requests properly. 9. In order to ensure that the JCOMM SPA acts as a flexible, streamlined and capable of coordinating international maritime services, the work plan developed by the SPA coordinator prioritizes the development and monitoring of international Standards for Products and Services. Due to the onerous task (in terms of time and effort) of compiling such documentation (which is urgently needed) it has been difficult to progress these activities. It is strongly recommended that resources are sourced in order to issue small work contracts to develop these documents. Review of ET-OOFS Development 10. Following endorsement by MAN, a JCOMM Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (ET-OOFS) has been convened. The team led by Gary Brassington (BoM, Australia) has conducted a thorough review of the Terms of Reference endorsed by MAN. No substantial issues were raised with respect to the ToR and these have been adopted by the ET-OOFS. 11. One of the primary reasons to convene the ET-OOFS was to pull through the mature aspects developed by the 10 year Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) which held a final symposium in Nice, France in November 2008. GODAE has developed operational ocean forecasting systems together with inter-comparison studies, metrics, data assimilation systems and services to a growing user community. Experiments and prototype services to Marine Accident and Emergency Response systems have been demonstrated and the value of GODAE systems to these services has cumulated in a large investment by the European Commission to develop a pan European Service for Ocean Forecasting that delivers core data products to users. Similar activities to develop and promote operational ocean forecasting services within the USA (IOOS), Australia (BLUElink>) and Japan (JMA-MRI) are underway. 12. ET-OOFS held a -day discussion meeting with key GODAE actors at the start of the GODAE symposium to discuss the scope of ETOOFS and its relationship to a proposed follow on activity to GODAE called GODAE Ocean View (GOV). At this meeting, it was agreed that the GOV would carry out scientific work and development whereas the ET-OOFS will focus on those elements that have matured to an operational status. Close cooperation/collaboration between the two groups is essential and measures to forge functional reporting/participation links between the two groups are required. 13. Both GOV and ET-OOFS agreed that a close relationship with the WMO/CAS/WGNE is required and it was agreed that ET-OOFS would develop a relationship with CAS/WGNE together with GOV. In addition, it was agreed that ET-OOFS should prepare observation data requirements for ocean forecasting systems in collaboration with GOV. 14. Data management standardization and of input/output data for operational ocean forecast systems, noting and building on the best practice developed within GODAE, was noted as an important area of mutual concern for each group. A joint GOV-ET-OOFS Task Team to consider operational ocean forecasting system data management was proposed which would link to the JCOMM DMPA and OPA. 15. The two groups noted the urgent need for JCOMM to prioritize the need for ocean satellite data and oceanographic satellite system advocacy and coordination of user requirements (working within current frameworks such as the WMO RRR process) and urged JCOMM MAN to consider a formal mechanism beyond a Rapporteur to address the critical need for satellite observations by ocean forecasting services. 16. The first formal meeting of ET-OOFS was convened following the final GODAE symposium in order to consider the conclusions and recommendations reached at the meeting. A full report of the meeting is available. ET-OOFS agreed the ToR based on the original input to the team (as endorsed by MAN V) and in addition agreed to the following activities: Take steps to work effectively with GOV; Develop an approach to standard, nomenclature and symbology for OOFS products; Together with GOV, run a multi-model inter-comparison (in data space) to monitor quality of outputs based on ARGO profile data (to be expanded in the future); Develop and maintain a Guide to OOFS of the world building on the legacy documentation of GODAE; Provide Observation requirements to the OPA; Provide data management requirements to the DMPA; Develop user requirements documentation and work effectively with the user community. 17. These successful meetings have enabled the ET-OOFS to develop a wide consensus regarding the activities that will be undertaken by the team in the lead up to JCOMM-III and have secured the operational pull-through of operational ocean forecasting systems into JCOMM. Today a few centres have viable OOFS due to the large computing facilities required and it is expected that as these centres work together within the JCOMM environment benefits (either in terms of expertise or access to data products and services) will be gained by other Members/Member States. In this respect, technology transfer through focused training is required which will be best coordinated by GOV with ET-OOFS providing inputs and support. 18. It is important to note that ET-OOFS systems will provide a variety of important services in the MAES area, develop coupled systems with NWP (via relationships with CAS/WGNE and others), be able to provide QC procedures for observations (via data assimilation systems), extract maximum knowledge of ocean state using the synergy benefit of observations assimilation into the model, provide a variety of bio-geo-chemical products for use by resource managers and a wide variety of services based on ocean forecast system outputs for maritime safety. 19. ET-OOFS will continue to develop its work plan and provide a report at JCOMM-III reporting progress. 20. In conclusion, noting the importance of OOFS within the JCOMM system as a central user of observations and producer of services and products, MAN is invited to comment on the progress of ET-OOFS. Suggestions for a Consolidated SPA Structure 21. Coordinating the work of the JCOMM SPA in its present format is complex due to the wide scope of the work plan (actions requested by the Commission), the inter-connected nature/duplication of its activities and the lack of resources within JCOMM itself (including the contributions made by team members). In a world, wherever increasing interconnectivity often brings tasks and activities on an hourly basis, many experts tasked with the implementation of JCOMM are in constant demand and must prioritize their time according to their employers requirement leaving little room for the extra-curricular activities of JCOMM. While the nationally supported expert person working on JCOMM at their National institute in kind implementation model functioned well in the past, this approach to conducting the work of JCOMM must be recognized as the key limitation to the present success of JCOMM. If JCOMM is to deliver results and benefits, resources must be committed by Members/Member States to ensure that JCOMM is able to do its work. 22. Part of the problem, lies with an immature Commission with diverse representation from Member/Member States. When in session, it is easy to be carried away with discussion of work plan development with little thought for the potential resource consequences. It is suggested that prior to JCOMM-III, Member/Member State delegations are reminded that requests for work within JCOMM should be accompanied by a viable implementation resource and a discussion on resource issue be tabled for all recommendations/requests for work at JCOMM-III. 23. It is suggested that documentation for JCOMM-III should be provided to make it very clear that resources are required if a delegation promotes a particular activity. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that the scope of the SPA is consolidated and reduced in order to achieve success. The following sections describe the important elements of a new structure for SPA and suggest a simplified structure for MAN to discuss and endorse. Relationship with users 24. Good interactions between JCOMM and the end-user community are essential if the work of the Commission is to deliver useful and cost effective outcomes. This is largely achieved with the current ETs (through conferences, workshops and direct contact with service providers). The new structure should ensure that this approach is preserved and the SPA Expert Teams are led by user requirements. However, the failure to convene a JCOMM IMMSC meeting is testimony to the political difficulty, energy and lack of resources required to engage a JCOMM user community. A more concerted effort is required from all involved in JCOMM to convene a cross-programme area event. It is unlikely (although possible) that IMMSC will be convened prior to JCOMM-III. Despite this setback, it should not be forgotten that within the ETWS and ETSI very successful workshops have been held that have developed the JCOMM community and engaging users at various levels. Such approaches should be continued within the new SPA structure and indeed, be strengthened to include a cross JCOMM approach with representation form OPA and DMPA. Relationship and issues for DMPA 25. The JCOMM DMPA is concerned with developing and monitoring new standards for data product formats, distributed data management systems, communication protocols, data base formats, quality control and marine climatology (amongst others) and helps integrate the activities of the OPA and the SPA. The DMPA bridges the gap between the SPA and the OPA and has a central role to play in terms of providing interfaces to data (in situ observations, satellite observations), ocean model outputs (analysis, hindcast and forecast, including observation input to assimilation systems etc.), data providers and the user community. Data management standards and protocols for ocean model outputs are rapidly evolving and the DMPA has a key role in terms of ensuring that interoperability and data management standards are adhered to at an international level (especially important when integrating the outputs of several National systems in critical application s and inter-comparison projects). 26. It is suggested that the DMPA open specific dialog regarding the input/output definitions for SPA forecasting systems and services. In particular, there is a need to consolidate the wiring between OPA and the SPA for QC purposes, the use of satellite data within JCOMM, requirements of IMO/IHO (with ETMSS) and the specification/management of services from forecasting systems (waves, storm surges, currents, MAES, sea ice, etc.) Relationship and issues for OPA 27. The forecasting and monitoring services within the SPA encompass a vast set of observational data requirements. A strong relationship between ET-OOFS and the observing system teams within OPA should be encouraged. This will allow: (a) ET-OOFS to provide QC feedback to the observing system teams based on observation pre-processing QA procedures and data assimilation weighting/rejection statistics; (b) user requirements for observations in terms of type, location, density of observations, accuracy and precision; (c) run Observing System Experiments (OSE) to prioritize the deployment of new observing systems and targeted collection of observations in the most cost effective manner; and (d) demonstrate and monitor the impact of the observing system in terms of ocean forecast system outputs. 28. Modern met-ocean forecasting systems absolutely require the assimilation and/or the use of satellite data sets as part of their operational work. Currently, a Rapporteur considers the satellite requirements within JCOMM, which is very inadequate. Ocean forecasting systems cannot function without access to satellite Altimeter data, SST, sea ice, and increasingly biological ocean colour data for ecosystem modelling. In addition, satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data provide some of the most useful data sets possible during oil spill response. However, there is insufficient coordination of satellite data requirements for ocean systems within JCOMM. As an example of insufficient coordination for ocean satellite data sets, the current problems securing a follow on the extremely successful JASON-2 altimeter satellite mission is noted as a particular problem for JCOMM. JCOMM should be clearly advocating the need for long-term continuity of such critical data sets if there is to be a viable forecasting system for all meteorological and oceanographic met-ocean parameters. Furthermore, as new-coupled ocean-atmosphere forecasting systems emerge in the near future, the issue of ocean satellite data is going to be more JCOMM has a clear responsibility to ensure that observations are provided to services in a sustained manner. 29. It is strongly recommended that a dedicated JCOMM Satellite Observations Team (for example) be considered as a formal component of the OPA to ensure that the requirements of operational systems are met. The Satellite Rapporteur report to MAN should be consulted for further guidance in this matter. Proposal for consolidation of the existing SPA structure 30. Noting the comments above relating to lack of resources, noting that the work plan was not completed by the SPA, and noting the challenges associated with coordinating five ETs, following discussions with the JCOMM Co-presidents, it is strongly recommended that the SPA is consolidated into the following structure: 1 ET for Maritime Safety Systems (ET-MSS); 1 Expert team on wind waves and storm surges (ET-WS); 1 Expert team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (ET-OOFS). ET-Maritime Safety Systems (ET-MSS) 31. ET-MSS should continue the work of the old ET-MSS (as noted in the Appendix and in MAN-7 Doc 5.4). In addition to this existing work, it is proposed that ET-MSS: Include coordination of the operational components of ET-MAES (e.g. MPERSS); Include coordination of the well established operational components of ETSI especially given the new Metarea responsibilities in the Arctic; Consider electronic charts for shipping building on the previous work of ETSI and forging stronger links to the electronic charting community; Develop an appropriate requirements document for JCOMM to be advised on the needs of Maritime Safety systems; Consider quality management systems linked to maritime safety systems; Consider rogue waves and Tsunami dangers to mariners (with ETWS); Maintain a strong link to ET-OOFS and ET-WS for graphical products; Develop further the mandate from IHO and IMO to provide support; Develop and implement focused training for MAES and Sea Ice services with ETWS and ETOOFS. 32. Advice on the constitution of this team is requested from MAN. ET-Wind Waves and Storm Surges (ET-WS) 33. ET-WS should continue the work of the old ET-WS (as noted in the Appendix) noting the stronger links to ET-MSS and ET-OOFS. In addition to this work, it is proposed that ET-WS: Linkages to Tsunami work needs to be improved (also with ET-MSS); Focus on operational aspects in support of Disaster Risk Reduction activities; Consider the climate assessments of coastal regions and implication for Storm Surges and Waves; Enhance collaboration with the Commission for Hydrology (CHy) and other groups as required to consider coastal inundation; Enhance collaboration with ETMC for the Rogue waves database; Move observational components into the OPA within a new team/or representative for waves and storm surges in the OPA; Make better use of satellite data for storm surge, coastal inundation and wave modelling work; Consider the implications of new systems and methods for serving data (e.g., operational use of OPeNDAP); Continue to develop and expand the wave forecast verification project; Provide focused training for wind waves and storm surges; Maintain and update wave forecast and storm surge User Requirements documents; The failed JCOMM pilot project for Extreme Water Level (JEWL) should be critically reviewed. 34. Advice on the constitution of this team is requested from MAN. ET-Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (ET-OOFS) 35. The new ET-0OOFS should continue to develop according to its terms of reference and include the following aspects: Integration of MAES SAR, Oil spill drift modelling and services; Develop strong links to MSS for MAES, currents and drift models; Include ice modelling and forecasting within its remit; Provide observation requirements as discussed in pervious sections of this report; Consider data serving and data standardisation through strong links to DMPA metadata, catalogue, WWW servers, OPeNDAP etc; Provide focused training with links to training proposed by GODAE Ocean View; Take action to ensure technology transfer to other Members/Member States for ocean forecasting systems; Nurture strong links to GOV and development activities as well as user requirements; Monitor the activities of GOV and pass back operational requirements and standards; Maintenance of regulatory and guidance material for operational ocean forecasting systems; Prepare and maintain a user requirements document for ET-OOFS. 36. Advice on the constitution of this team is requested from MAN. Suggested Priorities for the SPA; 37. Suggested priorities for the SPA are provided by the current Expert Teams (except for ET-OOFS, which has just begun its work) are presented in the Appendix. 38. In terms of programmatic the main suggested priorities are: To find new mechanisms to secure resources that will allow the JCOMM SPA and JCOMM structure as a whole to implement a successful work plan; To consolidate the activities of the JCOMM SPA into a smaller number of well functioning teams that interact with each other and across the other JCOMM programme areas. Each team should have a clear user base and associated set of requirements that justify its activities and existence; Oceanographic satellite data and associated services must be addressed across JCOMM as a matter of urgency. Such data underpin the ability of ocean forecasting systems to provide safety information to mariners; In order to consolidate the SPA there is a clear need to develop relationships between ET chairs and their teams if a consolidated properly functioning SPA is to be achieved. In this case, a set of consolidation workshops are proposed at which all SPA team chairs [and possibly key members of the ET] attend. Time should be dedicated to individual team meetings as well as plenary reviews and planning meetings; More interaction between OPA, DMPA and SPA is required; ET-OOFS must work closely with end-users and with the GODAE Ocean View. 39. MAN is invited to comment on the issues raised in this document and to provide advice to the SPA coordinator in preparation for JCOMM-III. _____________ Appendices: 4 Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services)Deliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Expansion of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) into the Arctic waters : endorsement of the 5 new Arctic METAREAs; commitments by 3 NMHSs (Canada, Norway and Russian Federation) to serve as METAREA Issuing Services; and an operating plan and timelines for the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region- Regular coordination meetings with IHO and IMO for the establishment of 5 new NAVAREAs/METAREAs for the Arctic Ocean; and to review joint mandatory publications; - Coordination meeting with potential NMHSs to seek for their commitments to serve as METAREA Issuing Services (during Cg-XV, June 2007); - Endorsement by the WMO Executive Council (EC-LX, June 2008); - E-mail exchanges and teleconferences with Arctic METAREA Issuing Services to assist them in developing their own operating plan and timelines for the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region. Request the Arctic METAREA Issuing Services to regularly report on the progress of the implementation of MSI services for their Arctic regions of responsibility, based on the operating plan and timelines definedRecommend the ETMSS chair and the WMO Secretariat to monitor and evaluate the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region in the METAREA Issuing Services; and regularly review and adjust the implementation plan based on reports provided by the Arctic METAREA Issuing Services. NOWMO ER7 & ER6Develop and implement new WMO regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized, clear and concise MSI- Revision and new proposals agreed during ETMSS-II (January 2007) : revision of the guidelines & common abbreviations list regulation for harmonization of the description of visibility in MSI in text form Inclusion of the possibility in the regulation, when feasible, to issue warnings of freak waves & dangerous seas - Endorsement by the JCOMM-III and the WMO Executive Council of the update to include in WMO n558 / 471 Request the Members to implement Recommend the ETMSS to keep under review those guidelines and common abbreviation list, in close cooperation with IHO to build if feasible a common IHO/WMO abbreviation list, to promote and to evaluate. YES. New WMO regulations and guidance material.WMO ER7 & ER6Contribute to update and implement joint IMO/IHO/WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI - New versions of the IMO resolutions A705 & A706 and of the joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on MSI participation (H. Savina and/or N. Ashton) to the sessions organized by IHO (CPRNW-8 in September 2006, CPRNW-9 in September 2007, 5th WWNWN doc review meeting in April 2008, CPRNW-10 in August 2008) E-mail exchanges with IHB and CPRNW Chairman to update the section on MetOcean MSI. Provision of an updated METAREAs map. Endorsement of the IMO resolutions by the WMO Executive Council, submitted to IMO/COMSAR-12 in April 2008 Endorsement of the Joint Manual by the WMO Secretary-General, for submission to IMO/COMSAR-13 in January 2009 (Facsimile ref. WDS/MAP/MMO/MSS, 10th October 2008) Recommend the ETMSS and the WMO Secretariat to keep under review, with the support of IHO & IMO, the associated regulations associated with the provision of MSI, and ensures the consistency between those documents and the WMO n9 volumes D, 447 and 558.NOWMO ER7 & ER6Communication services : maintenance and evolution of the JCOMM GMDSS web portal (http://weather.gmdss.org)- Review of the web portal (content, ergonomic, statistics) during ETMSS-II (January 2007), which decided that the inclusion of bulletins prepared for NAVTEX dissemination was required - E-mail exchanges with all GMDSS focal points to ask them to provide the relevant information on MetOcean NAVTEX products available on their Area and to coordinate with Members concerned for those products to be available on the GTS - Demonstration project for the inclusion of NAVTEX products in progress (France, Japan) - Discussions with IMO (WMO-IMO High Level meeting in February 2007) & IHO (yearly CPRNW sessions) to cooperate on the use of the domain gmdss.org - As requested by IHO, addition of a specific page including links to the NAVAREAs Co-ordinators web pages. Request Issuing Services and other Member concerned to : 1) make the arrangements to ensure the availability of their NAVTEX products on the GTS 2) provide the requested information to include and manage the bulletins on the portal (headers, retention,) to Mto-France through the ETMSS chairpersonRecommend the ETMSS and the WMO Secretariat to continue to cooperate with IHO and IMO on the use of the domain gmdss.orgYES. As described in the Decisions/Actions column.WMO ER7 Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support)Deliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Expansion of the Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System for the high seas (MPERSS) into the Arctic waters.ETMSS-II Session discussed this issue for NAV/METAREAs. ETMAES-I recommended that the MPI Areas should be the same as NAV/METAREAs. The new Arctic NAV/METAREAs were established and Issuing Services identifies: Canada, Norway and Russian FederationRequest the Arctic AMOCs to regularly report on the progress of the implementation of MPERSS for their Arctic regions of responsibility.Recommend the ETMAES chair and the WMO Secretariat to monitor and evaluate the implementation of MPERSS for the Arctic region;.and regularly review and adjust the implementation plan based on reports provided by the Arctic AMOCs. NOWMO ER7 & ER6Maintenance and evolution of the MPERSS web site (http://www.maes-mperss.org)Review of the web site (content, ergonomic) during ETMAES-I (January 2007). Improvement of the SPA website (www.jcomm-services.org) by including MPERSS information and promote ETMAES activities in the SPA website.AMOCs should update this information on the SPA websiteWMO ER6, ER7 & ER9Close collaboration with the IMOStrengthening relationships and synergize the work of the OPRC-HNS and ETMAES in the area of marine pollution preparedness for and response to maritime-related accidents Secretariat participated in the Sixth Meeting of the OPRC-HNS Technical Group of the IMOTo ensure that participation in relevant meetings and sessions of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee, IMO Maritime Safety Committee and appropriate Sub-Committees are metWMO ER7 & ER6Status of MPERSS, based on answers to a questionnaireTo review and revise the questionnaire on MPERSS To create an online questionnaire on the MPERSS based on the revised version To inform the AMOCs of the possibility to fill in the questionnaire online Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges)Deliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Develop, and contribute to development of real time operational forecast capability for wind waves and storm surge, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems, to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more accurate, consistent and timely operational forecast products Expansion of the operational wave forecast verification project Operational wave forecast verification exchange project presented to 10th Waves Workshop Additional participants providing data to the intercomparison project as a result of raised profile now includes 12 countries ETWS intercomparison work included in statement of work to be funded under ESA GlobWave project ETWS influenced the statement of work for the ESA Globwave project to ensure inclusion of on-going support for the operational wave forecast verification exchange Recommendation of ETWS-II on extension of the ETWS intercomparison exchange to new data types included in statement work to be funded by ESA GlobWave project Participation in ESA GlobWave meetings. ECMWF operational products made available to global forecast community Survey of operational, pre-operational models, data bases for storm surge, waves and data assimilation ETWS-II meeting and e-mail exchange. Established links with relevant partners (especially important since waves is a cross-cutting activity) including DBCP, OceanSites, OGP, ETMSS including participation in ETMSS-II Contributions to OceanObs09 on wave observations and storm surge forecasting Endorse Members/Member States involvement Endorse ETWS involvementUrge Members/Member States to encourage national agencies to participate in the wave forecast verification exchange project. Urge Members/Member States to encourage national agencies to engage with the project as users. Urge Members to contribute to surveysNOWMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2[cont.] Development of an Implementation plan for Global and Regional WMO Storm Surge Watch Scheme (SSWS). Regional Association (RA) V SSWS Action Team meeting (Australia 2008) to identify gaps and evaluate existing capabilities in the region; and contribute to the development of the Regional SSWS Implementation Plan. Development of a plan for enhancing national and regional capabilities for coastal hazards forecasting and warning systems through scientific and technical development, with special emphasis on large coastal cities at risk of ocean-related and meteorological hazards Develop, and contribute to development of technical advice and guidance on wind waves and storm surge forecasting, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systemsTechnical Report on assimilation of satellite data Review updating of WMO Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting and recommendation for updating Technical Report on JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surge recommendations and Actions Special SSS issue of journal Marine Geodesy on operational regional storm surge forecasting Special SSS issue of journal Natural Hazards on storm surge modelling and prediction 9th ,10th 11th International Workshops on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and Coastal Hazards Symposium Victoria 2006; Oahu 2007; Halifax 2009 and their resultant Technical Reports JCOMM (ETWS/DBCP) Wave Measurement Technology from buoys workshop and its final report (JCOMM Technical Report) Technical Report on JCOMM/OGP/WCRP Workshop on Climate Change and the Offshore Industry JCOMM Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting Contribution to IOC Guide Hazard awareness and risk mitigation in ICAM Development of dynamic components of Wave and Surge Guides Two Pilot Projects endorsed by DBCP on enhancing wave measurements Urge Members to undertake actions as proposed by SSS and subsequent follow-up Organize 12th Wave Workshop jointly with Coastal Hazards Symposium Encourage Members to participate in Pilot Projects YES surge watch; marine hazard forecasting system in coastal megacities WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2Development of capability to provide marine multi-hazard warning services in Least Developed Countries through Capacity Building activities TCP/JCOMM Regional Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting; Manila 2005; Australia December 2008; Caribbean - 2009 JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surge Seoul - October 2007 Continue joint regional workshops Organize 2nd Storm Surge Symposium NOWMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2Develop, and contribute to development of wind wave and storm surge climatology as a measure of risk assessment for marine hazards Development, with ETMC, of JCOMM Extreme Waves Data Base Validation of Extreme Wave entry in WMO Commission on Climatology "world record" database Organize JCOMM/OGP/WCRP Climate Change and the offshore industry workshop Geneva -May 2008 Co-organize, with ETMC, MARCDAT-III Workshop Exeter November 2006 Co-organize, with ETMC, CLIMAR-III Workshop Gdynia May 2008 Present requirements for wave and surge climate indices to CLIVAR/CCl/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) Establish links with relevant partners (especially important since waves is a cross-cutting activity) including CLIMAR, ETCCDI, DBCP, OceanSites, OGP, ETMC Urge Members and other stakeholders to provide data to wave extremes data baseNOWMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2 Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Sea Ice)Deliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Coordination and enhancement of sea ice services in the Polar Regions; maintenance of the Ice Logistics Portal (http://www.ice-logistics-portal.org) during and beyond the IPY 2007/2008- Coordination of resources for provision of sea ice services and establishment of regional alliances (NAIS, EIS, BSIS) with a synergy of enhanced scope of information and better issuing schedules; - Development and support for the Ice Logistics Portal as a single web-gate to sea-ice information - Endorsement by the WMO Executive Council (EC-LX, June 2008); - Close cooperation with ETMSS and ETMAES on aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to MSS and MAES; - Cooperation and joint meetings (October 2007, 2008 and 2009 (planned)) with IICWG as a forum of national ice services and ETSI technical advisor; - extend the MMSM Questionnaire to cover ice productsEndorse continuation of the Ice Logistics Portal, define a new context and develop a vision paper for the portal after IPY. Recommend the WMO Secretariat and the SPA to closely interact with IICWG on the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region Recommend the Members with running ice services to support the Portal by resources YES. Support for Ice Logistics PortalWMO ER7 & ER6Review and update sea ice terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register for Electronic Navigation Chart Systems - Management of the Ice Objects Register for ENC Systems by ETSI, including: establishment of formal linkages and cooperation with IHO TSMAD and HGMIO formal adoption of the Ice Objects Catalogue and responsibilities for its management by the WMO Secretariat and ETSI (March, May 2007) entering constituents of the Ice Objects Catalogue into the IHO Feature Catalogue Registry development of a product transmit and display specifications and testing S-57 transfer files containing ice information during navigational season 2008/2009 - Review and update of the SIGRID formats including development of a SIGRID-4 OGS-based prototype - Development and maintenance of the multi-language electronic version of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature (since 2004) - Development of the updated version of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature and Illustrated Glossary of Sea Ice Terms Request the Members to implement the changes in sea ice standards WMO ER5 & ER6Development of sea ice capacity building support; encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and services - Annual update of the Sea Ice Services in the World pub. WMO-574 (3rd revision issued in 2007, 4th revision planned for 2009); - 1st joint ETSI/IICWG/GCOS Ice Analysts Workshop held in June 2008 snapshot of national ice informational systems provided on-line analysis of the multi-sensor satellite imagery and compilation of ice charts provided identification of uncertainties on current and historical ice charts provided JCOMM Technical publication summarizes workshop proceedings - 2nd joint ETSI/IICWG/GCOS//EIS Ice Analysts Workshop is planned for June 2009 - support for 2nd (2008) and 3rd Sea Ice Modelling/Data Assimilation Workshop (2009 or 2010)Recommend the WMO Secretariat to further support joint ETSI/IICWG activities relevant to sea ice capacity buildingNOWMO ER3 & ER6Development of sea ice climatology based on ice charts; maintenance of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank - By 2008 ice charts for 1933-2008 period available in standard SIGRID format with further annual updates; - provision of data for Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA) in 2007-2008; - assessment of extreme 2007 and 2008 conditions in terms of sea ice climatology; - development of requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS; - interaction with GCOS and WCRP; NOWMO ER2 Programme Area Work Plan for the remaining intersessional period Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services)DeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCExpansion of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) into the Arctic waters : provide support, and guidelines as requested, to assist Arctic METAREAs Issuing Services in preparing their implementation plans; and operating plan and timelines for the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region- Regular coordination meetings with IHO and IMO to review joint mandatory publications; and to develop an overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic MSI Services; - Reduced ETMSS meeting to develop guidelines to assist Arctic METAREAs Issuing Services in preparing their implementation plans; - E-mail exchanges and teleconferences with Arctic METAREA Issuing Services to assist them in developing their own operating plan and timelines for the implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region.ETMSSKPT: Full implementation plan for the provision of Arctic MSI Services KPI: 1) Number of Arctic METAREA Issuing Services developing their own operating plans Likelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER7 & ER6NOContribute to update and implement joint IMO/IHO/WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI - Draft update version of the SafetyNET Manual Participation in the next IHO WWNWS doc review meeting planned back-to back with IMO/COMSAR-13 in January 2009 Participation in the next session of the CPRNW (first session of the WWNWS Sub-Committee in the new IHO structure), planned 18th to 21st August 2009 in Monaco E-mail exchanges IHO, IMO, IMSO & Inmarsat experts to work on the draft new version. -ETMSS KPT: provide Issuing Services and other Members with update reference, to allow then to enhance their capacities to disseminate MSI efficiently within the GMDSS KPI: Likelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER7NOImprove WMO regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized, clear and concise MSI- New versions of the Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n558) and the Guide on Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n471) Complete cross-review of the 2 documents Manual of Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n558) and the Guide on Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n471), with Snail mail and E-Mail exchanges Preparation by the Secretariat of corrected versions Put the document on the WMO web site and inform the Members ETMSS KPT: provide to Member States update regulations & guidance, to allow then to enhance their capacities to provide efficient and useful MSI KPI: number of Member States downloading / accessing the documents onlineLikelihood : medium Severity : highWMO ER7 & ER6NOVerify, and if needed, develop and implement updated WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI- Verification of the consistency of the provision of met-ocean MSI within the GMDSS for the Straits of Gibraltar in association with IMO & IHO, clarify the official limit between METAREA 2 and METAREA 3 (IHO and WMO do not use the same now) If needed, correction of the WMO n9 vol. D and WMO n558, and adaptation of the operational SafetyNET products for METAREA 2 and METAREA 3 accordingly (in that case appropriate information of end-users shall be organized) ETMSS, GMDSS focal points for the METAREAs concernedLikelihood : high (this action may not be achieved before JCOMM-III : verification should be performed before, but if modification in operational broadcast is required, a sufficient notice is required) Severity : lowWMO ER7NO Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support)DeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCReview of the availability of Open Source codes for the ETMAES applications Open Source codes available on the MPERSS web siteETMAESLikelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER7 & ER6 NOTo create a database, identifying capabilities and gaps for each country, on the MPERSS, implementation, provision of MSI and support of SAR operationsSecretariatLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER9To maintain and update relevant information for each respective AMOC and/or contribute with other content to the SPA websiteTo inform the AMOCs of the possibility to do it themselvesSecretariatLikelihood: medium Severity: mediumWMO ER7 & ER6Status of MPERSS, based on answers to a questionnaireTo review and revise the questionnaire on MPERSS To create an online questionnaire on the MPERSS based on the revised version To inform the AMOCs of the possibility to fill in the questionnaire onlineETMAES & SecretariatLikelihood: medium Severity: mediumWMO ER7 & ER6Proposals for ET ToRs, membership, meetings organization & frequency, work plan including milestones for the next intersessional period, to be reviewed by JCOMM-IIIETMAES chair and co-chair persons & SecretariatKPT: ??? Plan ETMAES 2nd meeting KPI: ??? Hold ETMAES 2nd meetingLikelihood : medium Severity : heightWMO ER7 & ER6Improve WMO regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized, clear and concise MAES- New versions of the Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n558) and the Guide on Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n471) Complete cross-review of the 2 documents Manual of Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n558) and the Guide on Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n471), with Snail mail and E-Mail exchanges Preparation by the Secretariat of corrected versions Put the document on the MPERSS web site and inform the Members ETMAES & ETMSS with WMO SecretariatKPT: provide to Member States update regulations & guidance, to allow then to enhance their capacities to provide efficient and useful MAES KPI: number of Member States downloading / accessing the documents onlineLikelihood : medium Severity : highWMO ER7 & ER6NO Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges)DeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCDevelop, and contribute to development of real time operational forecast capability for wind waves and storm surge, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems, to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more accurate, consistent and timely operational forecast products Expansion of the Wave Forecast Verification Exchange Project Provision of input to steer ESA GlobWave project to ensure on-going support for ETWS intercomparison project Begin to extend ETWS intercomparison through activities of the ESA GlobWave project Participation of additional Members in the ETWS intercomparison project Participation in ESA GlobWave meetings, and e-mail exchange . Development of an Implementation plan for Global and Regional WMO Storm Surge Watch Scheme (SSWS). Regional Association (RA) V SSWS Action Team meeting (Australia 2008) to identify gaps and evaluate existing capabilities in the region; and contribute to the development of the Regional SSWS Implementation Plan. Development of a plan for enhancing national and regional capabilities for coastal hazards forecasting and warning systems through scientific and technical development, with special emphasis on large coastal cities at risk of ocean-related and meteorological hazards ETWS KPT: Ability to operate some of the forecast verification exchange through GlobWave; intercomparison extended to include satellite data KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) KPT: increase in number over the 12 participants in Oct 2008 KPI: number of Members participating KPT: implement the SSWS in at least one RA KPI: number of Regional SSWS implemented KPT:implement enhanced surge model in at least one region KPI: number of Regional implementations Likelihood: high Severity: medium Likelihood: medium Severity: low Likelihood: high Severity: low Likelihood: medium Severity: high Likelihood: medium Severity: high WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2WMO/GDPFS and WMO/OBS/MAR WMO TCP WMO TCP IOC ICAM [cont.] Contributions to OceanObs09 on wave observations and storm surge forecasting ETWS KPT: at least one white paper and presentation for waves, one surges KPI: number of contributions and white papersLikelihood: high Severity: medium WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2DBCP, OceanSITES, GLOSS, IODE Develop, and contribute to development of technical advice and guidance on wind waves and storm surge forecasting, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems11th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and Coastal Hazards Symposium October 2009 and its resultant Technical Report Development of dynamic components of Wave and Surge Guides ETWS KPT: more than 60 participants from 15 countries ;papers and presentations from participants published on CD and web KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) KPT: framework and 2-3 components in each Guide KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) Likelihood : high Severity : medium Likelihood : medium Severity : medium WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2 IOC ICAM WMO DRR and PWSDevelopment of capability to provide marine multi-hazard warning services in Least Developed Countries through Capacity Building activities TCP/JCOMM Regional Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting; Caribbean region, 2009 ETWS KPT: workshop held KPI: number of Caribbean countries participatingLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2WMO TCPDevelop, and contribute to development of wind wave and storm surge climatology as a measure of risk assessment for marine hazards  Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Sea Ice)DeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCReview, catalogue and enhance products and services required by user communities in sea ice areas; Interact closely with the ETMSS and ETMAES on all aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue services;- Interaction with IICWG on user requirements and update of the Ice Information Services: Socio-Economic Benefits and Earth Observation Requirements document; - Summary of users feedback from the MMSM Questionnaire and dissemination of MSI in Polar Regions by ETSI-IV; - Support for the Ice Logistics Portal and development of a vision and strategy - Endorsement by the WMO Executive Council (EC-LX, June 2008); - E-mail exchanges with ETMSS and ETMAES to assist them in implementation of MSI services for the Arctic region;ETSI, ETMSS KPT: Full description of sea ice parameters, global cooperation of ice services and data providers KPI: Quality and timeliness of ice products within Arctic METAREA Likelihood: medium Severity: highWMO ER7 & ER6NODevelop technical guidance material, software exchange, specialized training and other appropriate capacity building; encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and services; - Request ice services to submit material describing data assimilation and numerical diagnosis and forecasting technique; - Develop annual 2009 update of the WMO publication Sea Ice information Services in the World; - Develop software depository at SPA or related web-site; - Prepare 2nd Ice Analysts Workshop jointly with EIS, IICWG and WMO Secretariat (June 2009); - Review list of sea ice guidance material by ETSI-IV ETSIKPT: Update of sea ice technical material KPI: Harmonization of national ice information systems and productsLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER3 & ER6NOReview and propose amendments to sea ice terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register for ENC Systems,- Agree on the updates to the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature and Illustrated Glossary by ETSI-IV; - Further sea ice exchange formats including development of SIGRID-4 OGS prototype; - Prepare next level of updates to Ice Objects Catalogue and ice transmit and display specifications for approval at ETSI-IV ETSIKPT: Sea ice standards answering modern user requests KPI: Quality, timeliness and harmonization of ice products Likelihood : low Severity : highWMO ER5 & ER6WIS ?Extension of Sea Ice Climatology and support for IPY activities; linkages with relevant organizations and programmes , in particular BSIM, CLIC, IICWG, ASPeCt, GCOS and IHO- Update of requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS; - Preparation of the 10th session of IICWG in the WMO Secretariat (October 2009)ETSI, WMO SecretariatKPT: Complete sets of historical sea ice data for climate analysis and model testing KPI: Quality of climatic modelsLikelihood : medium Severity : lowWMO ER2 ETSI Meetings proposed for 2009: 1) 2nd Ice Analysts Workshop. mid-June 2009, Tromso, Norway, Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Responsible - European Ice Service, ETSI, IICWG, WMO Secretariat. 2) 4th session of the Expert Team on Sea Ice - 12 session of the GDSIDB project. June 2009 (before or after IAW-2009), Tromso, Norway, Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Responsible - met.no, ETSI, WMO Secretariat. 3) 10 session of International Ice Charting Working Group. 12-16 or 19-23 October 2009, Geneve, Switzerland, WMO Secretariat. Responsible - ETSI, IICWG Secretariat, WMO Secretariat. Programme Area Work Plan for the next intersessional period Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services)DeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Expansion of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) into the Arctic waters : implementation of a full operational met-ocean MSI service by the ad-hoc Issuing ServicesHigh- Regular coordination meetings with IHO and IMO to review and adjust the overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic MSI Services; and to evaluate the progress in expanding the GMDSS into the Arctic region; - ETMSS meeting to review and adjust the overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic met-ocean MSI within the GMDSS; to review mandatory technical publications; - E-mail exchanges, teleconferences and training event (if required) with Arctic METAREA Issuing Services to assist them and provide guidance in implementing MSI met-ocean services for the Arctic region; - Confirmation by METAREA Issuing Services of the implementation of full operational service for their Areas - Simultaneous declaration of operational status by IMO, IHO and WMO ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: Full operational capability to provide MSI for Arctic regions KPI: 1) Number of Arctic METAREA Issuing Services providing full met-ocean MSI service for Arctic regions within the GMDSS 2) when operational, same KPI as the other Issuing ServicesXXLikelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER7 & ER6NODevelop and implement new WMO regulation & guidance material for the provision of MSI in graphical / numerical form(s), especially within the GMDSS High- Participation & coordination with IMO and IHO bodies working on graphical information and e-navigation. - Definition of content, format(s) and representation of graphical/numerical MSI, in consistency with ISO, WMO, IMO and IHO policies, to propose update WMO regulation or guidance documentations. - Discussion and proposals for broadcast systems - Plan operational tests as appropriate Develop a Demonstration Project : operational issuance & delivery for (a) selected area(s) (sea ice for a part of the Arctic Area ?) Appointed expert(s) needed. Annual (or more) meetings and E-Mail exchanges needed. ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: improve the capacities of Members, especially the Issuing Services, in the provision of MSI in harmonized graphical/numerical form KPI: Number of Issuing Services having implemented the provision of such service xxxxLikelihood : high Severity : mediumWMO ER7Connection with similar projects (aviation,)Develop and implement new WMO regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized and clear MSI MediumImprove information on sea state (text & graphic) and on sea ice (text) in MSI Define recommended parameters or indicators for complex & dangerous seas, including risk of freak waves when feasible Update the WMO regulation & guidance material (for text and graphical products for sea state, for text messages for sea ice), including within the GMDSS For sea state, facilitate the implementation by providing (Developing) Members with appropriate software or real-time parameters fields from numerical models (ECMWF,) Promote the implementation especially among the Issuing Services. (Regional) workshops or specific capacity building project(s) would certainly help for sea state. Study, if feasible, the possibility to propose harmonized threshold(s) for sea state warnings within the GMDSS. Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: improve the usefulness of information included in MSI for the safety at sea, through the enhancement of capacities of Members in the provision of marine early warnings and services KPI: 1 & 2) numbers of Members and Issuing Services having implemented complex or dangerous seas warnings or information in MSI 3 & 4) numbers of Members and Issuing Services having added or adapted sea ice information in MSI in text formxxxXLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER7 & ER6NODevelop, contribute to develop and implement new regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized and clear MSI MediumDetail appropriate tsunami information to mariners Update the WMO regulation & guidance documentation regarding the delivery of tsunami information to mariners, including for the GMDSS, in cooperation with IHO and IOC. Contribute to take into account the mariners in the emergency plans at both regional and national levels. Develop appropriate guidelines from Members building or updating their emergency plans to implement automatic warning systems for mariners, base on the information provided by Regional or National Tsunami Warning Centres. Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4) KPT: enhance capacities of Members in the dissemination of efficient marine early tsunami warnings KPI: Numbers of 1) Members and 2) Issuing Services involved in their National or Regional Tsunami Emergency Plan for the provision of MSI xxxxLikelihood : medium Severity : WMO ER6 IOC ER1IOC Tsunami ProgrammeCommunication services: evolution of the GMDSS web portalLow- Demonstration project (WMO/IHO/IMO): Complete the content of the GMDSS web portal ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org" http://weather.gmdss.org), with Navtex products and the future graphical information. - Include appropriate links with relevant information of WMO n9 vol. D, n558 and n471 - Study the need of ergonomic changes (clickable maps,) - Continue to cooperate with IMO & IHO to use the domain gmdss.org Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)GMDSS Issuing Services KPT : Enhance visibility and capabilities of Members to provide MSI KPI : Numbers of 1) Members and 2) NAVTEX stations with MetOcean NAVTEX products available on the portal xxxxLikelihood : medium Severity : lowWMO ER7NOContribute to define and implement the QMS and the quality control of the Marine Meteorological ServicesMedium- Definition of the basic indicator(s) to be implemented and checked by the GMDSS Issuing Services (based on the IMO & WMO regulations and Master Plan) - Review and support the implementation of the indicator(s) by the Issuing Services - Provision of those indicator(s) in the regular Report Assessment requested from Issuing Services - Promote the implementation of such kind of indicator(s) by all Members issuing MSI. - Demonstration project following the above-mention activities in Issuing Services that might want to start the implementation of QMS for marine services. Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)GMDSS Issuing ServicesKPT : Enhance capabilities of Members to provide MSI KPI : Numbers of 1) Member s and 2) Issuing Services having implemented the identified indicator(s) xxxxLikelihood : high Severity : mediumWMO ER7Contribute to update and implement joint IMO/IHO/WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI High- Participation in the IHO WWNWS sessions and in the WWNWS Doc Review meetings, to continue the process of updating IMO and Inmarsat documentation (in particular the SafetyNET and NAVTEX manuals) - Endorsement by JCOMM and the WMO Executive Council before submission to IMOETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: provide Issuing Services and other Members with update background reference doc, to allow then to enhance their capacities to disseminate MSI efficiently within the GMDSS KPI: To be fixed in cooperation with IMSO or the IMO SafetyNET PanelxxLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER7NOEnhance coordination with IHO and IMO MediumStudy the possibility to organize JCOMM/ETMSS and IHO/WWNWS meetings in parallel, with 1 day in common, possibly in WMO Headquarters in Geneva ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)in collaboration with IHO SecretariatKPT: enhance the capacities of Issuing Services to disseminate efficient and coordinated MSI, especially within the GMDSS KPI: Number of Issuing Services implementing coordination mechanisms (including back-up contingency plans ) with the related NAVAREAs co-ordinatorxxLikelihood : medium Severity : lowWMO ER7 & ER6NOContribute to update the WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI MediumStudy the possibility to make available online (in WMO 9 vol. D ?) a database of limits of areas and sub-areas used by Members to promulgate MetOcean MSI, that can be used in GIS and ENC, especially for the GMDSS ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)and WMO MembersKPT: enhance the capacities of Members and Issuing Services to disseminate efficient and coordinated MSI, especially within the GMDSS KPI: Numbers of 1) Members and 2) Issuing Services with related information in the WMO databasexxLikelihood : high Severity : lowWMO ER7NO Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support)DeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Training appears to be the main priority for ETMAES, particularly for developing countries.highWorkshops on practical use of drift models, and use of weather/ocean data relevant to marine accident emergency support for both SAR and oil pollution. With regard to the modeling tools, there are two possibilities: low cost / open source models that can be installed and run locally. models available and run on the web Both solutions enable the use of these tools from developing countries. 2-3 days workshop: introductory + practical sessions, SAR + oil pollution, less on the code, more on the service. Follow-up after the workshop, students can come to centers of expertiseETMAES experts, with supports of Member States, AMOCs and WMO SecretariatKPT : Enhance capabilities of Members to provide support KPI : Provide training support sessions to developing nations and developing CG and Hazmat response agencies KPT # sessions # studentsxxxxLikelihood : medium Severity : highWMO ER9Evolution of the MPERSS web sitemediumComplete the content of the MPERSS website, with: information on MetOcean products sources for open code models and weather/ocean data educational and training material.ETMAES experts, with supports of Member States, AMOCs and WMO SecretariatKPT : Enhance capabilities of Members to provide support KPI : xxxxLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER7 & ER9 Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges)DeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Develop, and contribute to development of real time operational forecast capability for wind waves and storm surge, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems, to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more accurate, consistent and timely operational forecast products HighExpansion of the Wave Forecast Verification Exchange Project Provide steering advice to the ESA GlobWave project Contribute wave forecast data for inclusion in the GlobWave database Transition existing verification exchange activities to use the functionality developed in GlobWave Extend scope to include other forecast verification measures and data sources satellite data, wave spectra, spatial verification ETWS KPT: wave forecast verification exchange activities are based on GlobWave systems KPI: Transfer to use of GlobWave systems completed: success=1; fail=0. KPT: intercomparison extended to include satellite and spatial data KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) KPT: increase in number of Members participating KPI: number of Members participating X X x X X X  x  X Likelihood: high Severity: medium Likelihood: medium Severity: low Likelihood: high Severity: low WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2WMO/GDPFS and WMO/OBS/MAR[cont.] HighEstablish links with relevant partners (especially important since waves is a cross-cutting activity) including CLIMAR, ETCCDI, DBCP, OceanSites, OGP, ETMC, ETMSS, ETOOFS Develop dangerous sea states warning ETWS ETWS /ETMSS KPT: increase in interactions KPI: number of activity partners KPT Include dangerous sea states in warning bulletins. KPI: formal Recommendation with content to include in WMO-No. 558 (Manual on Marine Meteorological Services) X xX xXxLikelihood: high Severity: medium Likelihood: high Severity: medium WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2WMO/GDPFS and WMO/OBS/MARDevelop, and contribute to development of real time operational forecast capability for wind waves and storm surge, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems, to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more accurate, consistent and timely operational forecast products HighExpansion of the WMO Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) to include marine issues Implementation of Global and Regional WMO Storm Surge Watch Schemes (SSWS). Implementation of a plan for enhancing national and regional capabilities for coastal hazards forecasting and warning systems for large coastal cities at risk Identify adequate standardized methodologies and techniques for coastal hazard monitoring and forecasting, on regional basis Coordinate with national operational institutes to apply upgraded forecasting models for coastal hazards Participate in two DBCP Pilot Projects on wave measurement from buoys (PP-WMD, PP-WET) ETWS ETWS ETWS ETWS KPT: implement the SWFDP concept for sea state forecasting in at least one RSMC KPI: Number of RSMCs using the SWFDP concept for sea state forecasting KPT: implement the SSWS in at least one RA KPI: number of Regional SSWS implemented KPT:implement enhanced surge model in at least one region KPI: number of Regional implementations KPT: Pilots organized with buoys deployed and evaluated KPI: number of wave drifters, evaluations X x X xX x X x  x X x x XLikelihood: medium Severity: medium Likelihood: medium Severity: high Likelihood: medium Severity: high Likelihood: medium Severity: medium WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2WMO/GDPFS and WMO/OBS/MAR WMO TCP UNESCO/IOC Coastal platform DBCP, OceanSITES, OGP Develop, and contribute to development of technical advice and guidance on wind waves and storm surge forecasting, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systemsMedium12th and 13th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and Coastal Hazards Symposium and their associated Technical Reports Technical Report from 2nd Storm Surge Symposium Keep under review contents of Guides for wave forecasting and storm surge forecasting and propose updates Develop technical guidance for dynamic parts of wave and surge Guides Review and update content of national surveys of operational wave and surge models and databasesETWS KPT: one or more technical workshops and reports developed KPI: number of workshops KPT: wave and surge surveys updated KPI: number of national updates  X X xX X  X X xX xLikelihood : high Severity : medium Likelihood : medium Severity : medium WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2Development of capability to provide marine multi-hazard warning services in Least Developed Countries through Capacity Building activities HighTCP/JCOMM Regional Workshops on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting Macao; Africa 2nd JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surge Develop storm surge and wave training modules within Bilko and Ocean Teacher ETWS KPT: one or more regional and/or scientific meetings organized KPI: number of workshops held KPT: at least one training module available online KPI: number of modules developed X x  x X x Likelihood : medium Severity : medium Likelihood : low Severity : medium WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2WMO Tropical Cyclone ProgrammeContribute to development of wind wave and storm surge climatology as a measure of risk assessment for marine hazards MediumCo-ordinate with ETMC the organization of MARCDAT-IV and CLIMAR-IV with respect to wave and surge climate issues Advise ETMC on continued development of JCOMM Extreme Waves Data Base Contribute to development of global storm surge climatology Contribute to development and production of marine climate indices for waves and storm surgeETWS KPT: workshops organized with wave and surge content KPI: number of wave and surge contributions KPT: expansion of extreme waves data base KPI: number of extreme wave contributions KPT: surge climatology method developed KPI: number of surge climatology locations KPT: marine climate indices developed for waves and surge KPI: number of wave and surge indicesX x x X  x x X x x x  x x Likelihood : high Severity : Medium Likelihood : medium Severity : Medium Likelihood : medium Severity : Medium Likelihood : medium Severity : low WMO ER1 & ER6 IOC ER1 and ER2Expert Team on Marine Climatology DBCP WIS, WIGOS, META-T IOC Tsunami Programme  Services Programme Area (Expert Team on Sea Ice)DeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Encourage and advise on the relevant numerical models and forecast techniques for products and servicesMedium- Interact with IICWG on software and experience exchange between the national ice services including provision of sea ice modelling and data assimilation workshops - Regular update of relevant section in the WMO Sea Ice Information Services in the World - Joint meetings with IICWGETSIKPT: Update of sea ice technical material KPI: Harmonized national ice information systems and productsXXXXLikelihood: medium Severity: lowWMO ER1 & ER3NODevelop sea ice technical guidance material, software exchange and appropriate capacity building supportMedium- Develop annual updates of the WMO Sea Ice Information Services in the World - Maintaining software exchange sections at dedicated web-sites (e.g. SPA) - Support for further ice analysts interaction and workshops ETSIKPT: Update of sea ice technical material KPI: Harmonized national ice information systems and productsXXXXLikelihood: medium Severity: lowWMO ER6 & ER7NOAdvise on content of ice information disseminated in the new METAREAS; interact closely with the ETMSS and ETMAES on all aspects of the impacts of sea ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue servicesHigh- Coordination meetings between national ice services, regional alliances and during IICWG sessions; - Support for Ice Logistics Portal - Coordination meetings and e-mail exchange with ETMSS and ETMAES to facilitate the overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic MSI Services and to review mandatory technical publications ETSI (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: Full operational capability to provide MSI for Arctic regions KPI: Number of Arctic METAREA Issuing Services providing full met-ocean MSI service for Arctic regions within the GMDSSXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER6 & ER7NOMaintain linkages with relevant international organizations and programmesHigh- Interaction with IICWG as an ETSI technical advisor and forum of national ice services; - Furthering formal linkages with the relevant IHO bodies - Update of requirements for sea ice information as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) within GCOS ETSIKPT: Promulgation of national ice services experience to relevant int'l bodies KPI: Synergy of joint effortsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER10NOExtension of sea ice climatology and the Global Digital Sea Ice Data BankMedium- Review and provide guidance on the operations of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank; - Encourage and facilitate submissions of sea ice data to the bank; - Update of the sea ice exchange formats to support assimilation of archived data into numerical models - Provide annual summaries of ice conditions with relevance to climatologyETSI, GDSIDB SGKPT: Complete sets of historical sea ice data for climate analysis and model testing KPI: Quality of climatic modelsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER8GCOS, WCRPReview and amendments to sea ice terminology, coding and mapping standards, including management of an ice objects register for Electronic Navigation Chart SystemsHigh- Formal updates of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature, Symbology and Illustrated Glossary based on the input from national ice services; - Further sea ice exchange formats including development of SIGRID-4 OGS -based; - Manage and update Ice Objects Catalogue (S-57) , develop ice transmit and display (S-52) specifications ETSI (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: Sea ice standards answering modern user requests KPI: Quality, timeliness and harmonization of ice productsXXXXLikelihood: medium Severity: highWMO ER5, ER6 & ER7WIS ?Provide advice to the Services CG and other Groups of JCOMM, as required on issues related to sea ice and the ice-covered regionsmedium- Advice JCOMM bodies on sea-ice related mattersETSIKPT: Promulgation of national ice services experience to relevant JCOMM bodies KPI: Synergy of joint effortsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER10NOPlay a key role in JCOMM involvement in major international polar projects such as IPY 2007-2008.medium- Support for Ice Logistics Portal as a IPY legacy and single access point for ice MSI; - Provision of tailored advices and assessments of sea ice and icebergs conditions.ETSIKPT: Balanced presentation of operational and scientific communities KPI: Synergy of joint effortsXXXXLikelihood: low Severity: mediumWMO ER8 & ER10WCRP, IGOS     MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), p.  PAGE 8 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), Appendix A, p.  PAGE 9 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), Appendix A MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), Appendix B, p.  PAGE 8 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), Appendix B MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), Appendix C, p.  PAGE 19 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(3), Appendix C => " # ' ) * / 6 7 : ? 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