ࡱ>   ` 0Rbjbjss I* D . ΎΎLR. .0003cG+$hO fNRffO 4df  .f.D Ž :-MNb&Zz0BzzLz xZxOO"dffff d2 @6M> 2 6M   WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SEVENTH SESSION MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 8 TO 12 DECEMBER 2008MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1) (24.XI.2008) __________ ITEM 4.2 Original: ENGLISH OPA (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) (Submitted by Candyce Clark, OPA Coordinator) Summary and Purpose of Document This document provides for OPA proposals for aligning JCOMM Operating Plan with the WMO and IOC Strategic Planning in terms of (i) deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III, (ii) OPA work plan for the remaining intersessional period, and (iii) OPA work plan for the next intersessional period. The document also addresses issues and opportunities that need action or discussion by the Management Committee to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies, as well as other issues to be discussed by the Management Committee. ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: Review and agree on deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III; Review and agree on OPA work plan for the remaining intersessional period; Review and agree on OPA work plan for the next intersessional period; Address issues and opportunities that need action or discussion by the Management Committee to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies; Make recommendations regarding the evaluation of the Letters of Intent, and questionnaires for the OPSC; Address the participation of Argo, OceanSITES, and IOCCP in JCOMM, and make recommendations as appropriate. Identify resources for producing the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards and recommend who should be selected for undertaking the work. ______________________ Appendices: A. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III B. Programme Area work plan for the remaining intersessional period Programme Area work plan for the next intersessional period DISCUSSION [Definitions] WMO Strategic Thrust Science and technology development and implementation to monitor and observe the environment, forecast and warn of significant weather, water and climate conditions, and understand the Earth system: WMO ER4: Integration of WMO Observing Systems WMO ER5: Development and implementation of the new WMO Information System (WIS) IOC HLO 1: High-level Objective 1 Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards, Action 1a: Promote integrated and sustained monitoring and warning systems for coastal and oceanic natural hazards, in close coordination with other relevant intergovernmental organizations where appropriate, using enhanced coastal and ocean networks, including education and training activities [primarily responsibility by the Tsunami Programme] IOC HLO 2: High-level Objective 2 Mitigation of the impacts of and adaptation to climate change and variability, Action 2b: Contribute to the better prediction of climate through ocean observations and process studies at regional and global scales [primary responsibility by GOOS, JCOMM, IODE, IOCCP]. [Issues and Opportunities that need action or discussion by the Management Committee to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies] Note that at present the IOC governing body has maintained a reporting and decision-making structure based largely on programmes [GOOS, JCOMM, etc.] rather than High-level Objectives although this may change in the future. The secretariats of WMO and IOC have agreed that proposed decisions put before the governing bodies concerning JCOMM will be harmonized. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM, IODE): WMO and IOC ECs to provide appropriate funding to the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM for 2009 and 2010. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (GOOS, JCOMM, GCOS): WMO & IOC ECs to re-iterate support to the JCOMM OPA strategic workplan for Building a Sustained Global Ocean Observing System in Support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems; Invites Members/Member States to commit resources to ensure full implementation of the plan and sustainability of the observing components. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM, IODE): WMO and IOC ECs to urge Members to cooperate in the development of the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS in (i) providing assistance to oceanographic data centres for the development of interoperable arrangements with the WIS (similar item proposed in document 4.2(2) - DMPA), and (ii) applying for becoming regional marine instrument centres. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM, IODE): IOC EC urging Member States to cooperate with WMO and develop interoperability between their Ocean Data systems and the ODP and/or WIS. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (GOOS, OOPC): WMO & IOC ECs to request JCOMM to take an active role in the implementation of the IPY legacy roadmap and the development of the IPY legacy implementation plan. Invites Members to participate in the development of the iAOOS and the SOOS. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM): WMO & IOC ECs to support the development of the [ocean] Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) in cooperation with the IOC; Invites Members/Members States to commit resources through voluntary contributions to support the implementation and operations of the Centre. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 1 (Tsunami) and HLO 2 (JCOMM): WMO & IOC ECs to note and encourage further DBCP efforts to initiate stronger cooperation with the International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP) in the view to better formalized, improve and understand synergies in incorporating the tsunami warning buoys into the Global Ocean Observing System. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM): WMO EC to urge Members participating in the VOSClim to make sure that the required additional metadata and quality elements are properly recorded and distributed, and to urge appropriate contact with the shipping industry to maintain and increase the flow of VOS information. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM): WMO EC to urge Members to participate in the DBCP barometer upgrade scheme and install barometers on all drifting buoys. WMO ER4: WMO EC to invites Members to participate in the ASAP Programme and provide for Aerological soundings from ships in data sparse regions as complementary data to AMDAR. WMO ER4, IOC HLO 1 and 2 (JCOMM): WMO EC to request JCOMM to coordinate the development of cost-effective global in situ wave observing technology in support of wave modeling; invites Members to assist in the development of technology through deployment, testing of prototypes, and evaluation of wave measuring instruments. WMO ER4: WMO EC to note with interest and approval that JCOMM had prepared a Certificate of Appreciation (together with issuing guidelines) for ships participating in the various voluntary observing programmes, and that agencies operating these ships were invited to present to them as appropriate and as they saw fit [AOB] The Observations Coordination Group is scheduled to meet for its third session (10-12 March 2009, Paris), and will be reviewing and updating the OPA Implementation Plan, and compiling all recommendations for JCOMM-III (including new ToRs). Evaluation of Letters of Intent, and questionnaires for the OPSC. Participation of Argo, OceanSITES, and IOCCP in JCOMM. Identify resources for producing the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards and recommend who should be selected for undertaking the work (similar item proposed in document 4.2(2) - DMPA). _____________ Appendices: 3 Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III Observations Programme AreaDeliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)JCOMM OPA Strategic workplanUpdated Strategic Workplan presented to the Session. The plan, still based on the guidance in GCOS-92, was updated according to latest developments, including consideration of WIGOS and new requirements (JCOMM Statement of Guidance)Endorse workplanUrge Members/Member States to commit resources towards achieving the implementation targets and sustaining the networksY; Implementation of the JCOMM OPA Strategic workplanWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1, 2Grew and maintained a system 10% closer to OPA targets for the in situ Observing System Observing System 60% completed through moderately increasing annual national support for in situ observations. Drifter array achieved target at JCOMM-II and remained sustained close to target; 50% of the drifters now equipped with barometer Argo and VOSClim achieved observing target (incl. additional elements), TAO/TRITON and PIRATA maintained at target. Progress with regard to RAMA in the Indian Ocean Progress with regard to OceanSITES Significant increase in real-time reporting sea level stations with GPSNoNoNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2OPSCNew OPSC in placeEndorse new OPSC and decisionsMembers/Member States to contribute to the new OPSCY; TOR of OPSCWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS PP for JCOMMSubstantial progress with regard to the Implementation plan Document best practices and provide input to the CIMO Guide Contribution to the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards Regional Marine Instrument Centres on a trial basis and proposed TOREndorse Project Plan and Implementation Plan Approve changes to CIMO Guide Approve establishment of Regional Marine Instrument CentresMembers/Member States invited to apply for running Regional Marine Instrument CentresY: TOR of Regional Marine Instrument CentresWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2Plans for new wave observing technologyRecommendations from the JCOMM Technical Workshop on Wave Measurements from Buoys (NY, USA, 2-3 Oct 2008) and DBCP-24 Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD), and JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET) initiatedApprove development of PP-WETMembers/Member States to commit resources in support of the Pilot ProjectNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2Demonstration of Iridium satellite data telecommunicationExcellent progress with regard to the Iridium Pilot Project More Iridium drifters deployed than planned (target was 50) GTS data processing for Iridium Data working at Mto France and CLSEncourage Members/Member States to use Iridium Invites DBCP to negotiate cost-effective GTS data processing by CLSNWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2JCOMM MetricsMetrics being routinely produced on a quarterly basis for 6 variables (SST, SSS, Tz, Sz, surface currents, heat storage of mixed layer) and made available via OSMC and OPSCEndorse metricsUrge NOAA and ISDM to complete the metrics for other variables Invites Members/Member States to use the MetricsNWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2 Programme Area Work Plan for the remaining intersessional period Observations Programme AreaDeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCJCOMM OPA Strategic workplanOCG-III meeting (Mar 2009) to update Strategic Workplan according to: latest developments, including consideration of WIGOS new requirements for marine forecast and services (JCOMM Statement of Guidance) addressing XBT measurements in face of completed Argo and TIP OCGKPT: Updated workplan KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success) Likelihood: High Severity: MediumWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS) OOPCImplementation of the JCOMM OPA Strategic workplanSOT-V meeting (May 2009) DBCP-25 + S&T workshop, and JTA-29 meetings (Oct. 2009) One DBCP CB workshop in East Africa (mid-2009) GLOSS-GE-XI meeting (May 2009) Sustain DBCP, Argo, TAO, and PIRATA Further Develop RAMA Sustain VosClim (250 ships) and provide the required additional elements Add barometers on all newly deployed drifters More real-time sea level stations Through coordination with the scientific programmes, increase OceanSITES time series stations and complete IOCCP decadal surveyOPA & Obs. PanelsKPT: Completion of the observing system KPI: Percentage of completion Likelihood: Medium Severity: HighWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS) IOCCPOPSCEvaluation of questionnaires by evaluation committee (by email) Recommendations by evaluation committee Decision by WMO and IOC Contractual arrangements for staff Transition from JCOMMOPS to OPSCEvaluation Committee WMO&IOC Secr.KPT: OPSC in place KPI: Number of steps achieved (0 to 5)Likelihood: Medium Severity: MediumWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS)WIGOS PP for JCOMMOne meeting of the joint Steering Group (late 2009) Implementation of the plan, i.e. mainly To address the issue of documenting instrument best practices (DBCP, SOT, GLOSS, IOCCP, OceanSITES, Argo) in light of the WIGOS developments, and to provide input to the CIMO Guide and other relevant documentation comprised in the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and standards Implement Regional Marine Instrument Centres on a trial basis and propose TOROPD-WIGOS & Obs PanelsKPT: Integrated best practices documented in WMO No. 8, and instrument centres in each of the 6 Regional Associations KPI: WMO No. 8 updated : success=1; fail=0; plus ratio of instrument centres established (n/6) Likelihood: Medium Severity: LowWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WIGOS, WIS CBS (ICT-IOS, IPET-MI, ET-AWS) CIMO (IMOP) IODE Plans for new wave observing technologyCoordination by email mainly plus discussion at JCOMM meetings as appropriate Follow recommendations from DBCP-24 and development of Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD) Establish JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET), and follow up DBCP, ETWSKPT: Pilot Projects Established and Initiated KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success) Likelihood: High Severity: LowWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS)Demonstration of Iridium satellite data telecommunicationCoordination by email and DBCP/TC mainly plus discussions at SOT-V & DBCP-25 Complete DBCP & SOT Iridium Pilot Projects and make recommendations Deploy more Iridium drifters and use Iridium on more ships Distribute Iridium ocean observing platform data of required quality on GTS in real-time DBCP, SOTKPT: 50 drifters evaluated KPI: percentage of drifters compared to target (n/50) Likelihood: High Severity: MediumWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WIGOS, WIS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-DRC)JCOMM MetricsDiscussions at OCG-III plus coordination by email Resume routine production of metrics for the 6 variables (SST, SSS, Tz, Sz, surface currents, heat storage of mixed layer) Produce metrics for new variables, e.g. air pressure, wind, wavesOCGKPT: Metrics routinely available for 9 variables KPI: percentage of variables addressed routinely Likelihood: Medium Severity: HighWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS) OOPC IODE Programme Area Work Plan for the next intersessional period Observations Programme AreaDeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Completion and sustainability of the observing systemHighYearly DBCP & JTA meetings Biennial SOT meetings in 2011, 2013 Biennial GLOSS-GE meetings in 2011, 2013 CB workshops as required/appropriate Coordination through JCOMMOPS, then OPSC Provide additional elements for the VOSClim Complete RAMA Complete OceanSITES Complete Sea level network, including real-time reporting and GPS Complete Repeat Hydrography All drifters with Barometers Sustainability of completed networksOPA & Obs. PanelsKPT: Completion of the observing system KPI: Percentage of completionxxxXLikelihood: Medium Severity: HighWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS)Integration in WIGOSHighOne meeting of the joint Steering Group in 2010 Coordination by email Integration of Argo, OceanSITES, IOCCP in JCOMM Integration of Best Practices (to feed in WMO No. 8, JCOMM Catalogue, and other appropriate IOC Manuals & Guides) Run existing, establish new Regional Marine Instrument Centres Complete the Business plan for the WIGOS PP for JCOMM OPD-WIGOS & Obs PanelsKPT: Integrated best practices documented in WMO No. 8, and instrument centres in each of the 6 Regional Associations KPI: WMO No. 8 updated : success=1; fail=0; plus ratio of instrument centres established (n/6)xXLikelihood: High Severity: HighWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2WIGOS, WIS CBS (ICT-IOS, IPET-MI, ET-AWS) CIMO (IMOP) Argo, OceanSITES, IOCCPGlobal wave observing systemMediumCoordination at JCOMM meetings as appropriate Workshop as required/appropriate Complete DBCP Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD) Complete JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET) Implement global wave observing system according to the outcome of the Pilot ProjectDBCP, ETWSKPT: New cost-effective technology available KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success)xXLikelihood: Medium Severity: MediumWMO ER 4 IOC HLO 1,2WIGOS CBS (ICT-IOS, ET-EGOS)High data rate satellite data telecommunicationHighDBCP and SOT Iridium Pilot Projects; coordination at DBCP and SOT meetings, through JCOMMOPS/OPSC, and by email Deploy more drifters, VOS, ASAP, SOO, etc. with Iridium Distribute quality platform data collected via Iridium on GTS in real-timeOPA & Obs. PanelsKPT: Observing platforms meeting requirements for high temporal resolution data KPI: Percentage of deployed platforms meeting the requirementsXxxxLikelihood: High Severity: MediumWMO ER 4, 5 IOC HLO 2PANGEAMediumPlan/organize PANGEA workshop using multiple sources of funding (WMO&IOC, National, DBCP TF, etc.) Partnership for New GEOSS Applications (PANGEA) Inviting developed countries to contribute to PANGEA and provide (i) funds, (ii) expertise to assist developing countries receiving support regarding the use of the data Developing Countries to support the implementation of ocean observing networks by providing logistical capabilities. WMO to commit resources for PANGEA through CB efforts, and assist in organizing PANGEA workshopsOPA & SPAKPT: Organize one workshop per year KPI: Number of workshops organizedxxxXLikelihood: Low Severity: HighWMO ER 4, 9WMO TCOP, RP IOC CD     MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1), p.  PAGE 3 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1), Appendix A, p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1) Appendix A MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1), Appendix B, p.  PAGE 3 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1), Appendix B MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(1), Appendix C, p.  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