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FORMTEXT 4.4 (21.XI.2008) __________ ITEM  FORMTEXT 4.4 Original: ENGLISH  FORMTEXT Science issues and opportunities (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) (Submitted by  FORMTEXT D. E. Harrison and Albert Fischer, chair and secretariat of OOPC) Summary and Purpose of Document The JCOMM OPA operating plan is largely based on the guidance of the ocean observing community written into the ocean chapter of the GCOS Implementation Plan (GCOS-92, 2004) which was written primarily with the aims of climate research, monitoring, and forecasting, but with awareness that the ocean observing system is multi-purpose and forms the foundation of operational oceanography. This documents informs MAN of a number of activities and initiatives relating to the evaluation and development of the observing system, activities under GCOS in reporting at a high level to the UNFCCC on progress made in implementing the system and in updating the Implementation Plan, and a major effort in building community consensus on the way forward through the OceanObs’09 conference. ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: maintain an active dialogue (including through WMO and IOC channels) with the satellite agencies on the continuity of critical satellite observations. comment on the proposed agenda for the OceanObs’09 conference and to consider how to best profit from the community exercise involved in pulling it together. consider whether JCOMM DMPA efforts should be expanded in the area of data sharing, metadata standardization, and crediting for non-physical variables. provide input through parent bodies for the observing system part of the World Climate Conference-3. Further issues will be addressed directly by the presentation of the chair of the OOPC at the MAN meeting. ______________________ DISCUSSION Background The GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) is a scientific expert advisory group charged with making recommendations for a sustained global ocean observing system for climate in support of the goals of its sponsors. It also reports to the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) on requirements; the JCOMM Observations Programme Area coordinates many of the in situ networks of the ocean component of GCOS. The Panel aids in the development of strategies for evaluation and evolution of the system and of its recommendations, and supports global ocean observing activities by interested parties through liaison and advocacy (the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/calendar/" list of meetings at which the Panel was represented can be found on the OOPC website). The sustained global ocean observing system for climate is designed to provide data and information products for climate monitoring and forecasting, climate assessment, and climate research. It is a multiple-use system, also serving as the foundation for global operational oceanography, including global weather prediction and marine forecasting, and global and coastal ocean prediction. The initial design goals are written into the ocean chapters of the GCOS Implementation Plan (GCOS-92) and its satellite supplement (GCOS-107). This report will focus on the growing networks that make up the system (the majority of which are coordinated through JCOMM) and positive news emerging about them, efforts to develop evaluations of the system and new guidance for the systems as questions and technologies change, as well as on challenges in moving to a fully functional and integrated observing system. MAN is invited to take note of the report and to comment on any aspects of concern or opportunities for improvement. 1. Update on the ocean observing networks for climate This section is complementary to the report of the OPA coordinator. The agreed design for the initial ocean observing system for climate calls for satellite observations, as well as a composite surface and composite subsurface in situ network of observations made up of surface drifting buoys, tropical moored buoys, surface meteorological measurements from Volunteer Observing Ships (VOS) with extensive metadata (the VOSClim programme), a global reference mooring network, tide gauges, underway pCO2 measurements, sea ice buoys, repeat XBT lines, repeat shipboard hydrography, the Argo profiling floats, and critical current and transport monitoring. The ocean component of GCOS is making progress on many fronts, through the efforts and funding of national and international projects and programs. In November 2008, the in situ network elements of the ocean component of GCOS were estimated to be at 60% of their initial design goals. The overall pace of progress has increased slowly but steadily (45% in 2003, 48% in 2004, 55% in 2005, 57% in 2006, 59% in 2007), although this rate of progress is not sufficient to achieve the initial design goals within 5-10 years, and elements of the network are in need of constant refreshing due to limited lifetimes. This slow pace of progress masks remarkable progress made by Argo (3189 of a target 3000 floats in November 2008); by the increasing real-time access to GLOSS tide gauge data, thanks to international support following the tsunami of December 2004; and with the surface drifting buoy network coordinated by DBCP, which has maintained an array near its design goal of 1250 drifters since late 2005 and increased the number of drifters with barometers. Continuity of several critical satellite ocean surface measurements remains a concern; with the CEOS response to GCOS-107, indicating expected less-than-adequate coverage for a number of the ECVs. The OOPC welcomed the initiative of JCOMM in contacting the major satellite agencies involved in decisions about the continuity of the Jason and the Sentinel satellite series of ocean observing missions. It encourages MAN and its parent bodies to maintain an active dialogue with the satellite agencies on the continuity of ocean surface altimetry, sea surface temperature, sea ice, sea state, and surface vector wind measurements, through the appropriate channels including with CEOS and the CGMS. The OOPC believes that this expanded OPSC will support the integration and growth of the ocean observing networks, and appreciates MAN’s input into the OPSC selection process. The GCOS IP noted that in the ocean domain “further technology development and research are necessary for some variables of long-standing importance but limited present feasibility” (p. 83). The OOPC sponsored a workshop promoting the development of ocean sensor technology -  HYPERLINK "http://www.io-warnemuende.de/conferences/oceans08/" OceanSensors08, 31 March - 4 April 2008, in Warnemünde, Germany. The objectives of the workshop were to advance abilities to observe ocean variables by providing a forum for the exchange of information, assessing observing system research goals and needed technological advancement, identifying research and development priorities, and serving as a starting point for OceanObs’09 (see Section 2). White papers are being prepared on climate (physical variables, surface fluxes, and ocean carbon measurements), ecosystems, hazards, and emerging technologies as an outcome of the meeting, including the participation of a number of JCOMM expert team members. 2. Achieving the initial design goals and sustaining the ocean observing networks JCOMM provides the international coordination mechanism for much of the in situ system described in GCOS-92, in particular when the links to Argo, OceanSITES, and IOCCP, and the work of the DMPA are considered as a whole. The OOPC web site on the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc.unesco.org/oopc/state_of_the_ocean/" state of the ocean is a tool for both scientific and public information on the ocean climate. It is gaining visibility and will be used to display new indices as they are developed. It was designed as a tool for basic evaluation of the capabilities of the observing system, by reporting key ocean climate indices and their uncertainty; and as a tool for advocacy about the capabilities of the global module of GOOS. The need for interesting indices based on subsurface ocean variability remains high, and is the subject of ongoing dialogue with CLIVAR groups. National commitments to build and sustain the initial design of the ocean observing system coordinated via JCOMM are critical. Many of the observing networks are still being implemented with research funding. The Board of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS had identified the sustainability of the open-ocean component of GOOS and national commitments a major subject of their June 2007 meeting. However, it proved difficult to solicit concrete national commitments, due to the large heterogeneities in funding structures and national agencies involved in ocean observations, as well as ocean observations’ status in national priorities. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has a standing agenda item on sustained observations required for the Convention – arguably the highest-level political attention that has been paid to observations over a sustained period of time. It has asked the atmospheric, ocean, and terrestrial observing systems to report through GCOS on the progress made in implementing the plan set forth in GCOS-92 and GCOS-107. This report has been compiled with information provided by JCOMM amongst others, and will be presented to the Convention in June 2009, for their consideration of a decision. GCOS also plans a refresh of the Implementation Plan, building on new expressed needs for information for assessing vulnerability and aiding in adaptation to climate change, and on new capabilities for the observing system. This refresh will draw from the preparations of the OceanObs’09 conference, and will provide further guidance on observing system requirements for climate to JCOMM. The overall goals of the OceanObs’09 conference (21-25 September 2009, Venice, Italy) are to promote the benefits of the ocean observing system, to demonstrate its impacts, to update plans for the physical and carbon ocean observing systems, and advance observing and forecasting capabilities for marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems. The goals, meeting structure, and timelines for input to the meeting are available at the  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanobs09.net/" meeting website. The Organizing and Program Committees are currently evaluating the nearly 100 Community White Paper proposals that have been submitted including a number from JCOMM communities. The OOPC invites MAN to comment on the proposed meeting agenda and consider how to best profit from the community exercise involved in pulling it together. 3. Data streams and data management JCOMM and other elements of the ocean observing system have created a real-time system based on the GTS and internet protocols and data servers, but there remain substantial issues concerning the agreement of metadata and quality control standards. The OOPC greatly appreciates the work of the JCOMM DMPA and OPA in this area. As the observing system expands into non-physical variables, data sharing and crediting will be critical, as will be development of best practices and metadata. The OOPC invites MAN to consider whether efforts of the JCOMM DMPA should be expanded in this area in cooperation with the scientific communities involved. 4. Creation of climate information Ocean analysis and reanalysis activities are vigorous, through GHRSST, GODAE, CLIVAR GSOP, national activities; interesting results and products have been obtained, and comparison/evaluation metrics are being developed. The WMO and other sponsors will try to raise the profile of climate forecasting, research, and observations and their impact on society in the planned 2009 World Climate Conference-3. The OOPC invites the MAN to provide input through their parent bodies as the observing system part of the conference is pulled together. ______________________  http://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/calendar/  http://www.io-warnemuende.de/conferences/oceans08/  http://ioc.unesco.org/oopc/state_of_the_ocean/  http://www.oceanobs09.net/     MAN-VII/Doc. 4.4, p.  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