ࡱ> ` 0qbjbjss ǴQfS ...vvv(:w6x7$F"ȁȁȁT 11113A1%4 7$9hF<-7.-7 ȁȁ4B7< ȁ.ȁ 1 1.~ȁ: fsKv̱tF,~7<7<@<~"<.,"0H\-7-70^7 d*$*   WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SEVENTH SESSION MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 8 TO 12 DECEMBER 2008MAN-VII/Doc.  FORMTEXT 4.2(2) (7.XI.2008) __________ ITEM  FORMTEXT 4.2 Original: ENGLISH  FORMTEXT DMPA (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) (Submitted by  FORMTEXT Robert Keeley, Coordinator, DMPA) Summary and Purpose of Document This document provides for DMPA proposals for aligning JCOMM Operating Plan with the WMO and IOC Strategic Planning in terms of (i) deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III, (ii) DMPA work plan for the remaining intersessional period, and (iii) DMPA work plan for the next intersessional period. The document also addresses issues and opportunities that need action or discussion by the Management Committee to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies, as well as other issues to be discussed by the Management Committee.  ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: Review and agree on deliverables and/or achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III; Review and agree on DMPA work plan for the remaining intersessional period; Review and agree on DMPA work plan for the next intersessional period; Address issues and opportunities that need action or discussion by the Management Committee to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies;  FORMTEXT Discuss ETMC and synergies with CCl;  FORMTEXT Address future role and Membership of ETDMP;  FORMTEXT Identify resources for producing the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practives and Standards and recommend who should undertake the work. ______________________ Appendices: A. Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III B. Programme Area work plan for the remaining intersessional period Programme Area work plan for the next intersessional period Future directions for Marine Climatology Proposed new TOR for the ETDMP Results against actions from JCOMM-II GCOS-92 Actions with JCOMM DMPA Contributions Implementation Report Draft ToRs for DMPA Glossary of acronyms DISCUSSION [Issues and Opportunities that need action or discussion by the Management Committee to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies] WMO ER 4,5: Financial resources to contract the production of the first edition of the Catalogue of Best Practices are coming from WIGOS-JCOMM/ODP-PP and NOAA. Who is responsible for the production of this? Appendix B includes this work for completeness, but it is not clear who is leading this. WMO ER 4,5: What is the importance of holding a MARCDAT meeting? Appendix C suggests such a meeting be organized by ETMC for the 2010 time frame. WMO ER 4: WMO EC to provide appropriate funding to the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for 2009 and 2010 as proposed by the joint Steering Group. WMO ER 4: Urging Members to cooperate in the development of the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS in providing assistance to oceanographic data centres for the development of interoperable arrangements with the WIS. WMO ER 5: Urging Members to follow the recommendations included in the JCOMM Data Management Strategy and contribute to implementation. WMO ER 5: The Council to endorse the plan to explore closer links between JCOMM and CCl perhaps by establishing a joint Expert Team for dealing with climate data management and rescue issues, including Marine Climatology. WMO ER 5: The Council to endorse the plan by JCOMM for modernizing the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS). WMO ER 5: Urging Members to engage in Marine data rescue and to provide marine data, including metadata, to the ICOADS, the JCOMM ODAS metadata centre, and WMO-Pub. 47. [AOB] The Management committee is invited to address the proposal to establish stronger links between JCOMM and CCl and develop the synergies further (see Appendix D). JCOMM DMPA and DMCG would provide for the natural and appropriate umbrella under JCOMM of a new possible merged Expert Team replacing ETMC. JCOMM should have equal management weight with CCl. Appropriate recommendation have to be forwarded to JCOMM (via MAN, then JCOMM-III) and CCl. The Management Committee is invited to address the future role and Membership of the joint IODE/JCOMM Expert Team on Data Management Practices. It is foreseen to have 4 members designated by IODE and 4 by JCOMM, with nominations for Co-chairpersons from both sides. DMCG is working at defining roles for the 4 JCOMM Members. Guidance from the MAN is needed to proceed with nominations. Identify resources for producing the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards and recommend who should be selected for undertaking the work. _____________ Appendices: 8 Deliverables and/or Achievements planned for presentation to JCOMM-III  FORMTEXT DMPA Programme AreaDeliverables and/or AchievementsSummary of the Activity(ies)Decisions/Actions (if any)Recommendations (if any)Formal Recommendation or Resolution required for JCOMM-III (Y/N; and subject)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)JCOMM Data Management Plan and implementationThe JCOMM Data Management Plan (JCOMM TR 40) has been published and provides the broad outlines and recommendations by which the DMPA will help attain the vision of JCOMM. A report of progress on implementation of the Strategy has been prepared and updated to mid 2008. This also provides an initial list of marine data management initiatives (see appendix H). Modified draft ToRs and guidance for membership are included in appendix IEndorsement of Strategy DMPA to report annually on implementation Suggestions on ToRsMembers to comply DMPA to follow up DMCG to complete?: may want to recommend annual reporting : new ToRs for DMPAWMO ER 5Standards / ETDMP Work planJCOMM and IODE have worked together to establish a standards process. A web site was established, ETDMP is proposed to take a leading role. The process supports accreditation and adoption by the wider marine community. Standards will include those for quality control, various kinds of metadata (e.g. discovery, instrumentation, provenance), exchange formats, etc.Endorsement of role of ETDMP, changed ToRs and membership (appendix E)Members to participate in the processY: submit proposals Y: new ToRs for ETDMPWMO ER 2 WMO ER 5JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and StandardsThe JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards compiles relevant information from WMO and IOC, and JCOMM Expert Teams and Panels in support of the three Programme Areas. A consultant is being recruited to perform the work. Contributions from the actions on standards will contribute.Endorsement / JCOMM to agree on mechanism for updating itAdvertise catalogueNWMO ER 4 WMO ER 5 Data cookbookAn Oceanographers and Marine Meteorologists Cookbook for Submitting Data in Real Time and In Delayed Mode has been drafted at the instigation of OOPC. It is being reviewed through DMCG and OPA, and is planned for presentation at JCOMM-III. This is a contribution to upgrading the documentation of best practices. Endorsement / DMPA, OPA to agree on a mechanism for updating itAdvertise cookbookNWMO ER 2 WMO ER 5Work plan for MCSS modernizationETMC and DMCG have proposed to modernize the MCSS. Two Task Teams have been formed for that purpose, the TT-DMVOS, and the TT-MOCS. A work-plan has been agreed upon for TT-DMVOS but the development for TT-MOCS and identifying members is proceeding more slowly. Action has started (1 meeting in Gdynia, May 2008; one questionnaire to Responsible Members issued). Work plans and progress are expected to be presented to JCOMM-III.Endorse work plansY: recommended work plans for DMVOS and MOCSWMO ER 2 WMO ER 5META-T and ODAS Metadata work planMirrored metadata servers for SST and water temperature are being developed by NOAA/NDBC (USA), and NMDIS (China). Consideration of merger with ODAS is being made. It is proposed to expand the scheme proposed by META-T to all ocean and marine meteorological variables of interest to JCOMM.Endorse META-T and ODAS work plan, Endorse similar activity for all variablesMembers to submit metadata, including ODAS through the proposed systemYWMO ER 3 WMO ER 4 WMO ER 5WIS / WIGOS cooperationWIS-JCOMM prototype completed. Next phase is being developed with the cooperation of IODE ODP in a WIGOS Pilot Project. Development is overseen by the Steering Group for the ODP and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM. ODP version 1 is available, including documentation. ODP version 2 is proposed.Endorse contributions to WIGOS in cooperation with ODPMembers to provide data sets through ODP or WISNWMO ER 1 WMO ER 3 WMO ER 4 WMO ER 5Cooperation with IODECo-Chairs of IODE are members of DMCG. Chair DMPA is IODE Officer ODP and JCOMM cooperating in WIGOS-PP. DMPA contributed to IOC Data Strategy. Collaboration sought between WMO and OceanTeacher. Collaboration on updates to M&Gs and so to Catalogue of best practices.Endorse cooperation / continueNWMO ER 1 WMO ER 2 WMO ER 3 DocumentationThe WIGOSS Pilot Project for JCOMM and ODP has as one aspect the establishment of a quality management process consistent with accepted ISO / WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF). Part of this includes maintaining and updating relevant documentation. Activities in support of this include: Updates to CIMO Guide Update of WMO Guide to ApplicationsEndorse activity / continueNWMO ER 3 WMO ER 5 Cooperation with WMO CommissionsCIMO is a co-chair of the WIGOS-PP. The marine chapter of the CIMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observations will be updated as a result. ETMC is exploring the overlap of its activities with CCl.Endorse cooperation with CIMO Endorse examination of overlap of ETMC and CCl activitiesJoint JCOMM/CCl ET to follow upNWMO ER 3 WMO ER 5 CommunicationsDraft DMPA web site built on IODE-PO site. Repatriation of material coming from ETMC pages in NOAA underway. Appropriate material in preparationApproval of direction/ DMPA to completeNWMO ER 4 WMO ER 5 CLIMAR-IIIETMC lead the organization of the meeting held 6-9 May, 2008 in Gdynia, Poland (69 participants from 19 countries (representing all but one WMO Regional Association). A summary article has been submitted for publication in the WMO Bulletin. The workshop recommended continuing two alternating workshop series with a third MARCDAT around 2010 and a fourth CLIMAR around 2012Consideration to encourage and contribute to a MARCDAT meetingEndorse plans for continuing the alternating workshop series, with JCOMM suggested again as one of the organizers of MARCDAT, and as the primary organizer of CLIMAR (the latter may require a more formal recommendation or resolution from JCOMM-III)Y?WMO ER 3 Code mattersBUFR templates for drifters, Argo approved. Templates for VOS, sea level, WAVEOB going to validation. Revised MT10 approved with documentation needed. TT with members from OPA & DMPA forming to standardize content of JCOMM templates. ETMC-II strongly recommended, and DMCG-III endorsed with a few caveats, both the general recommendation that work be undertaken to carefully validate BUFR and TDC so as to ensure that originally reported data are completely and accurately preserved, and a set of more detailed suggested requirements for continuing consideration.Endorse cross PA TT/ Finalize members of TT and initiate work. Finalize templatesMembers switch to new templatesY: recommend use of templates and refer questions to TTWMO ER 1 WMO ER 2 Cooperation with SPAETMC, DMPA, ETWS have cooperated to define and initiate an extreme wave events archive. The U.S. NODC has agreed to host the archive. Work is underway by US and Canada to identify events and provide initial data to archive. Procedures will be refined and wider participation sought. ETMC also cooperating with SPA to define and produce marine climate indices.Endorse archive activity / Formalize governance Endorse marine climate index developmentEncourage participation by WMO member states Advertise indicesY: Recommend contact with ETMC chair to provide data.WMO ER 1 WMO ER 3  Programme Area Work Plan for the remaining intersessional period  FORMTEXT DMPA Programme AreaDeliverablesSummary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)Risks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high) Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOCIntegration of QM proceduresStep 1: Work with WIGOS partners to get QM procedures documented Step 2: Compile information and identify common procedures Step 3: Submit to Standards process Step 4: Feed Best Practices catalogue Carry out by email and at WIGOS meetingOPD-WIGOS, ETDMP, ETMCKPT: Improve integration of QM KPI: Number of DM systems considered or number of Steps achieved (1 to 4)Likelihood: Medium Severity: LowWMO ER 3, 4, 5WIS CBS IODEJCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and StandardsResources provided by USA Recruit consultant when timelines are clear Produce draft to be circulated Publish Catalogue on web Carry out by contractor as part of WIGOS and emailMAN, ETDMPKPT: Catalogue on web KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success)Likelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER 4, 5WIS IMOP (CIMO) CBS IODEData cookbookComplete cookbook Publish cookbook as JCOMM TR Carry out by emailDMCG, OCGKPT: TR published KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success)Likelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER 2 ,5WIS CBS IODEPlan for MCSS modernizationCompile results from QM questionnaire and make recommendations Update work plan for TT-MOCS and TT-DMVOS Produce strategy and implementation plan for a modernized MCSS Carry out by emailETMC (TT-MOCS & TT-DMVOS)KPT: Plan for modernized MCSS KPI: 0 (fail) or 1 (success)Likelihood: medium Severity: mediumWMO ER 2, 5WIS CBSPrototype META-T (demonstration)NDBC to implement server and feed from real-time and delayed data streams NMDIS to implement server and feed from real-time and delayed mode data streams The 2 servers to be mirrored Monitoring tools in place to show metadata collected worldwide (metadata status maps) Access services provided Carry out by emailMETA-T STKPT: Prototype in place KPI: Number of activities achieved (1 to 5)Likelihood: medium Severity: mediumWMO ER 3, 4, 5WIS, WIGOS CBS IODEODP and WISFinalize ODP v1, including documentation Reconcile discovery metadata profiles (WMO Core, MCP, SeaDataNET) and submit through standards process. Progress on interfacing ODP with WIS (both ways) Identify and test nodes Carry out by email and one WIGOS PP for JCOMM meeting+consultancyODP-WIGOS SG ETDMPKPT: ODP v1 in place KPI: 0 (fail) 1 (success)Likelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER 1, 3, 4, 5WIS CBS IODEJCOMM Data Management Implementation ReportProvide update of activities up to mid 2009 Carry out by emailDMCGKPT: Document available to JCOMM-III KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success)Likelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER 5IODEStandards RecommendationsComplete review of 3 standards Carry out be email. Can hold side meeting at IODE-XXETDMP, IODEKPT: Document ation available on web site KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success)Likelihood: high Severity: highWMO ER 2, 5IODE WIGOS CIMOCommunicationsComplete DMPA web site Carry out by email DMCG, ETDMP, ETMCKPT: Document ation available on web site KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success)Likelihood: high Severity: highWMO ER 4, 5IODECode mattersMembers for TT-TDC appointed ToRs agreed and initial documentation distributed Continued and broadened consideration of the recommended requirements accompanying the further development of BUFR/TDC to ensure data continuity, as brought forward by ETMC/DMCG Carry out by email.DPA, OPAKPT: TT have a chair and discussions begun KPI: Number of activities achieved (1 to 2)Likelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER1, 2WIS CBS IODECooperation with IODEIODE agreed on ToR of ETDMP Cooperation sought between IODE and WMO on development training materials in OceanTeacher Carry out by email and at IODE-XXDMCG, IODEKPT: Agreement at IODE-XX KPI: No (fail), Yes (success)Likelihood: high Severity: highWMO ER 1, 2, 3IODECooperation with SPAFormalize governance structure for extreme wave event archive Complete initial load of data Carry out by emailETMC, ETWSKPT: Governance decided and some data loaded KPI: Number of activities achieved (1 to 2)Likelihood: high Severity: mediumWMO ER 1, 3IODECooperation with CClDevelop a plan for cooperation or merger with CCL teams. Carry out by email. May require attendance at CCl meetingETMC, DMCGKPT: Plan in place KPI: JCOMM-III approvalLikelihood: medium Severity: lowWMO ER 5CCl Programme Area Work Plan for the next intersessional period  FORMTEXT DMPA Programme AreaDeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013StandardsHighEncourage submission of standards for recording position, time, country affiliation, quality control of T, S profiles. Submitted standards passed through the Standards process New Standards adopted by WMO & IOC Executive bodies Some standards proposed as ISO standards through WMO Documentation of best practices provided on web site Carry out be email and meeting of ETDMPETDMPKPT: Enhanced/higher level of standardization for ocean data management KPI: Number of standards that succeeded in going through the process XXXXLikelihood: high Severity: high WMO ER 2, 5WIS, WIGOS CBS CIMO IODEODP and WISHighDevelopment and deployment of ODP v2 Compatible metadata profiles Agree on Requirements and Procedures for registration of data providers to ODP and/or WIS Business Plan for WIGOS PP for JCOMM Connect specific data sets (WOD, WOA, GHRSST, SeaDataNET, GCCs) Carry out by email, through WIGOS meeting and ODP and partner fundingODP-WIGOS SG ETDMPKPT: WIS and ODP interoperable; ODP acting as DCPC KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success) XXLikelihood: medium Severity: high WMO ER 1, 3, 4,5WIS, WIGOS CBS IODEMigration to Table Driven CodesHighAchieve completion for buoy data Achieve completion for VOS data Achieve completion for Argo data Achieve completion for XBT data Achieve completion for TRACKOB data Coordination of updates to TDCs for JCOMM Carry out by email and self funded meeting of TT DMCG, OCG, OPA Panels, tt-TDCKPT: Complete migration of real time marine data streams and coordinate future updates KPI: Number of components achieving migration XXXLikelihood: medium Severity: high WMO ER 1, 2, 5WIS CBS IODEInstrument/Platform metadataHighExpand META-T prototype system for Instrument/Platform metadata collection, distribution, and archiving to all variables Integrate ODAS Propose appropriate platform/instrument metadata standards Carry out by email and self funded meeting of META-T Steering TeamDMCG, META-T follow upKPT: Global Ocean/Marine platform/instrument metadata system in place KPI: percentage of operational platforms for which the metadata are available XXXLikelihood: high Severity: high WMO ER 3, 4, 5WIS, WIGOS CBS CIMO IODEMCSS modernizationMediumImplement the plan proposed by JCOMM-III Carry out by email and self funded TT-DMVOS/TT-MOCS meetingETMC or successor jointly with CClKPT: New MCSS KPI: 0 (fail), 1 (success) XXXLikelihood: high Severity: medium WMO ER 2, 5WIS CBS CClReview of Data Management StrategyHighProvide an annual review of progress towards Strategy objectives Review and update Strategy Carry out by email and at DMCG meetingDMCGKPT: Annual reports and updated Strategy KPI: Reports delivered (success), not delivered (fail)XXXXLikelihood: high Severity: medium WMO ER 5IODEUpdate of Catalogue of Best PracticesMediumReview and update the Catalogue Carry out by email and at JCOMM Programme Area meetingsDMCG, OPA, SPAKPT: Catalogue reviewed KPI: Completed (success), not completed (fail)XLikelihood: medium Severity: medium WMO ER 4, 5WIS IMOP (CIMO) CBS IODEQMS ImplementationMediumReview and update appropriate WMO and IOC documentation Carry out by email and JCOMM Programme Area meetingsDMPA, OPA, SPA, IODEKPT: Documentation reviewed KPI: Completed (success), not completed (fail)XLikelihood: medium Severity: medium WMO ER 2, 3, 5WIS CBS IODEReview of DMPA web siteMediumReview and update material Carry out by emailDMPAKPT: Documentation reviewed KPI: Completed (success), not completed (fail)XLikelihood: medium Severity: medium WMO ER 4, 5IODEMARCDAT-III meeting around 2010 and CLIMAR-IV meeting around 2012Mediumencourage MARCDAT-III meeting and CLIMAR-IV workshop Preparation carried out by email. Funding may be helpful for some attendeesETMCKPT: Meeting held KPI: yes (success), no (fail)XXLikelihood: medium Severity: medium WMO ER 3, 4CIMO WIS  Future directions for Marine Climatology (results from informal discussions at side of CLIMAR-III, Gdynia, 6-9 May 2008) Scott Woodruff (Chair, ETMC), Val Swail (Chair, ETWS), Bob Keeley (Chair, DMCG), Elanor Gowland (Member, ETMC; GCC representative), Craig Donlon (Chair, SCG), and Etienne Charpentier (WMO Secretariat) discussed future directions for marine climatology in the context of the WMO strategic plan (ER4, and ER5 mainly). Current Terms of Reference for the ETMC are given in Annex I. It was recalled that the DMCG had stressed at its third Session that the ETMC was fundamentally a Data Management activity and that the two new Task Teams for DMVOS and MOCS were closely related and therefore required consistent and full support from the Secretariat. The informal discussion group agreed with the following directions and priorities for marine climatology in general: Modernization of the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS). This will be undertaken by the two new Task Teams, i.e. the ETMC Task Team on Marine and Oceanographic Climatological Summaries (TT-MOCS) which offers the potential for organizational links to the ETCCDI; and with the cross cutting Task Team on Delayed Mode VOS Data. The latter Task Team will also eventually link to the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS. Develop a Pilot Project for creation of a value-added version (e.g., bias corrected) of the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data-Set (ICOADS). This will include consideration of establishing interoperable in situ and satellite climatologies and products (e.g. GHRSST). This links naturally with the WMO Information System, and the development of interoperability arrangements with WIS through WIGOS. Integration of sea ice and wind waves and storm surges climatologies through (i) liaison with the ETCCDI, ETSI, and ETWS, and (ii) consideration of new data management (e.g. global wave climatology atlas - ERA-40 wave atlas, http://www.knmi.nl/waveatlas). Development of a higher level of Quality Control as tasked to the TT-DMVOS and TT-MOCS. As agreed at the TT-DMVOS/TT-MOCS planning meeting 10 May, the limited near-term focus of TT-MOCS will be on climatologies, which fits well with preceding bullets related to climatologies. Seeking to reconcile, to the extent practical, the different data management requirements of early historical, contemporary delayed-mode, and real-time marine data. It was agreed that stronger links should be established between JCOMM and CCl and synergies further developed. In particular, the CCl Expert Teams listed in Table are directly or potentially involved with marine climatology and JCOMM participation and input could potentially be strengthened in them. Other issues to consider with CCl include WIGOS, discovery metadata, platform/instrument metadata, extreme events, integrated products, Capacity Building, and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). While noting that (i) the ET 2.1 was already a joint Expert Team between JCOMM, CCl, and CLIVAR (with co-Chairs only from CCl and CLIVAR presently, however), and the benefits and synergies expected to be gained from such joint activities, and (ii) the strong compatibilities and potential synergies between the existing ETMC and ET 1.1 (see Table 1), the group agreed that it would be advantageous and cost-effective to explore the possibility of merging the JCOMM ETMC into one or more of the CCl Expert Teams listed above (possibly with some restructuring on the CCl side, as appropriate). To start with, it was proposed to explore making ET 1.1 (or possibly both 1.1 and 1.3) as a joint JCOMM/CCl Expert Team. JCOMM DMPA and DMCG would provide for the natural and appropriate umbrella under JCOMM of such a merged Expert Team, under which it was suggested JCOMM should have equal management weight with CCl. Appropriate recommendation would have to be forwarded to JCOMM (via ETMC, then DMCG, then JCOMM-III) and CCl. Scott Woodruff was tasked to circulate these recommendations to the ETMC via email, and Bob Keeley to the DMCG. The WMO Secretariat will initiate contacts with the CCl Expert Teams and seek their advice. If eventually agreeable, the recommendations should be submitted to the next sessions of JCOMM and CCl. Table 1. Selected CCl expert teams, and approximate overlaps of terms of reference and current foci with ETMC. ET 1.1: Expert Team on Climate Data Management including MetadataModerateET 1.3: Expert Team on the Rescue, Preservation and Digitization of Climate RecordsModerateET 2.1: Joint CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and IndicesExisting formal interconnection between CCl (CLIVAR) & JCOMMET 2.2: Expert Team on Climate Monitoring including the Use of Satellite and Marine Data and ProductsLow _________________ Role of ETDMP in the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process, modified ToRs and membership The overall process is comprised of five steps with much of the activity related to submission and approval of the standard to take place electronically: Proposal submission Internal review Expert review Community review Recommended The role of ETDMP is to administer the overall process. In particular it has these functions: ETDMP members conduct the Internal Review stage to ensure the proposal is well written and clear. ETDMP assembles the experts to take part in the Expert Review stage. Experts may be drawn from ETDMP itself, but also from any of the other expert teams and groups of experts in IODE and JCOMM as well as other individuals not affiliated with either but who are knowledgeable. ETDMP oversees that the documentation is placed and maintained on the standards web site and that submitters are informed of progress through the activities of an appointed moderator for the proposal. ETDMP will introduce recommended standards to both DMPA and IODE for recommendation to respective committees and member/member states. See  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org" http://www.oceandatastandards.org Expert Team on Data Management Practices Terms of Reference The JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices, in close collaboration with JCOMM Programme Areas, CBS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Review and assess the effectiveness of end-to-end data management practices, including integration and consideration of new techniques and approaches OR those being implemented in the WIGOS-PP for ODP and JCOMM; Administer the development and adoption of standards in support of JCOMM and IODE; Provide advice to the Data Management Coordination Group and other groups of JCOMM, as required, on data management practices and standards; Provide advice to the IODE, as required, on data management practices and standards; Liaise and collaborate with other groups as needed, to ensure access to required expertise, appropriate coordination and to avoid duplication. Direct the data management activities of GTSPP and GOSUD General membership The membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: Up to nine experts, including the chairperson, selected from Members/Member States, representative of the range of responsibilities of the Expert Team. Four members shall be chosen by IODE and four by JCOMM with the chair selected by JCOMM. Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas, and of other expert bodies may be invited, as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM and the chairperson of the IOC Committee on IODE, and with no resource implications to the Commission. _________________ Instructions to DMPA from JCOMM-II InstructionActionsJCOMM-II; Paragraph 7.1.4 Maintain a permanent list of oceanography and marine meteorology data management initiatives to promote complementarities and synergyOngoing: DMPA has generated an implementation plan that details various activities undertaken by or with DMPA cooperating with other agencies.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.1.6 Encourage synergies between ETMC and ETDMPOngoing: ETDMP changing focus to standards accreditation. Data management activities under ETMC (such as MCSS) will be available using E2E technology of ETDMP under WIGOS. ETMC, particularly through its new TT-DMVOS, will propose standards as appropriate.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.1.8 - Intensify collaboration of the IODE NODC`s with WMO NMHS`s at the national level on JCOMM data management activitiesOngoing: Collaboration is strengthening through NODC participation in programs such as Argo and CTDs from marine mammals. IODE NODCs through the Ocean Data Portal is collaborating in the WIGOS project that will bring meteorological and ocean communities together. JCOMM-II : Paragraph 7.1.17 : Organize a Third JCOMM Workshop on Advances in Marine Climatology to be held in 2007 Completed: ETMC organized and held the Workshop. It took place 6-9 May, 2008 in Gdynia, Poland. JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.2.2: Work with IODE and IOC to develop a data management strategy document as a guide for complementary progress between relevant WMO and IOC programmesCompleted: DMCG chair and some members participated in drafting IOC data management strategy. This was adopted by 24th Session of the IOC Assembly through Resolution IOC-XXIV-9. The Strategy has been published as IOC Manual and Guides No. 49 (IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2008-2011))JCOMM-II: Paragraphs 7.2.3 and 7.2.5, and Recommendation 7/1 (JCOMM-II): Organize training workshops through the IOC Project Office for IODEOngoing: Workshops have been held on End-to-end data management (22-25 Oct 2007), Buoy programme implementation and data management (11-15 Jun 2007), and Combined Modelling and Data Management (6-14 Oct, 2006)JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.2.6: Arrange for ongoing JCOMM representation on ICG/WISRenew: D. Thomas (Australia) represented DMCG. Since his employment at WMO, a new representative must be found.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.5.3: Initiate actions for the BUFR encoding for the GTS exchange of oceanographic data, as appropriate, including in particular profiling float dataOngoing: Hester Viola represents DMCG to ETDRC. Updated MT10 approved at 2008 meeting. Extensions made to common code tables for recording of CTDs on marine mammals. Argo template approved. Templates for other kinds of data (such as in BATHY, Tesac, etc.) are in final form. DMPA is forming a cross-PA TT to consolidate and rationalize content. ETMC made a number of recommendations, which DMCG generally endorsed, to help ensure data continuity during the transition to BUFR/TDC.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.5.16 : Provide an appropriate JCOMM participation in the CBS activities related to data exchangeOngoing: D. Thomas was member of ICG/WIS. Greg Reed is member to IPET-MI; Thomas Loubrieu is a member of ET-ADRS.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.6.2: Convene a joint JCOMM/IODE/GODAE Workshop on quality control and data assembly Comment: Chair DMCG to discuss with Chair SPA, Chair IODERedefined: Suggested workshop was not convened. Other QC initiatives outside JCOMM have progressed (e.g. QARTOD, SeaDataNet). Held a Standards Forum (21-25 Jan, 2008) to develop and international process for IODE and JCOMM to accredit standards including QC. Process will be steered by a refocused ETDMP. Work will be re-addressed through cooperation with newly created ET-OOFS.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 7.6.3: Prepare a revised Expert Team Data Management Practices work plan for Implementation of OIT projectOngoing: The objectives of the OIT are being taken over by a number of projects. Standards are being addressed through Standards Process. Interoperability and access through participation in WIGOS.JCOMM-II Paragraphs 7.6.7 and 7.6.10 : Ensure wider participation of GTSPP and GOSUD in Expert Team Data Management Practices pilot projects, carrying out the functions of GTSPP and GOSUD data sources under the E2EDM system prototypeOngoing: GTSPP and GOSUD were represented at Standards Forum and QC procedures were proposed for submission. Both projects are likely to participate in the WIGOS project for JCOMM. Both projects report to ETDMP and therefore to IODE and DMPA.JCOMM-II : Paragraph 7.7.1 and Recommendation 7/2 (JCOMM-II): Develop a JCOMM data management strategy to be closely coordinated with those of IODE and WMO Information systemCompleted: Strategy was completed and is being published. The implementation plan documents work to achieve objectives of the strategy. JCOMM-II: Paragraph 8.1.7: Evaluate all specific JCOMM training events, based on the of questionnaires developed, and involving the donors, the recipients and the executing agenciesOngoing: A JCOMM CB plan is under discussion.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 8.1.2 : Continue, expand and formalize regional requirements surveysOngoing: A JCOMM CB plan is under discussion.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 8.1.3: Continue regional development projects within the broader context of the global programme for natural disaster mitigationOngoing: A JCOMM CB plan is under discussion.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 8.1.15 Establish and ensure coordination of capacity building with Programme Areas Observations, Data Management, and ServicesOngoing: A JCOMM CB plan is under discussion.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 8.3.1: Develop a project on early warning system to mitigate flooding and earthquake effects on the African coastOngoing: A JCOMM CB plan is under discussion.JCOMM-II: Paragraph 11.1.5: Incorporate the appropriate actions within the Plans prepared by GCOS and by the GEO into the activities of the relevant JCOMM coordination groupsOngoing: Actions to meet GCOS objectives are being addressed in part by activities of DMPA through the WIGOS-PP. See laso details in Appendix G.JCOMM-II: Recommendation 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex: Establishment (under DMCG and IODE) of an ad hoc Task Team, comprising representatives of JCOMM DM, IODE and GODAE (metadata, data formats)Ongoing: GODAE has developed its preferred formats for product delivery. Through participation in a newly formed WMO ET-Assessment of Data Representation Systems, the formats used by GODAE are being considered for inclusion in WIS. The JCOMM WIGOS-PP is encouraging GODAE to contribute and the format they use is already managed by the prototype. Metadata and particularly discovery metadata has been advanced with the development of the Marine Community Profile (MCP), an ISO19115 profile, and the use of ISO in the WIS and WIGOS pilot projects. Collaboration should be developed with ET-OOFS. JCOMM-II: Recommendation 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex. Prepare a comprehensive review of existing activities and work on the required standardized data and metadata formatsOngoing: Standards Forum addressed a process to continue accreditation. Meta-T TT formed and built mirrored web sites with some information on temperature measurement systems. TT forming to standardize TDC forms across PAs. ISO19115 adopted for discovery metadata and will be used in WIGOS-PP. Revised MT10 approved for use.JCOMM-II: Recommendation 2 (JCOMM-II) and Annex: Develop a rolling implementation plan, with the wider community, for the integration of new technological developments in data and product managementOngoing: First version of implementation plan available. JCOMM-II: Recommendation 9 (JCOMM-II): Implement the new version of the International Maritime Meteorological Tape format for all data collected as from 1 January 2007Completed: by the GCCs and to the extent those individual contributing members have been able to implement the change. JCOMM-II: Recommendation 9 (JCOMM-II): Implement the new version of the Minimum Quality Control Standards for all data collected from 1 January 2007 Completed: by the GCCs and to the extent those individual contributing members have been able to implement the change. JCOMM-II: Recommendation 9 (JCOMM-II): Review the implementation and value of the revised format and quality control standardsOngoing: This is part of the work plan of TT-DMVOS  _________________ GCOS-92 Actions with JCOMM DMPA Contributions GCOS ActionActionPerformance IndicatorRemarksA525 (AF3, AF6)Seek cooperation from organizations operating drifting buoy programmes to incorporate atmospheric pressure sensors.Percentage of buoys with sea-level pressure (SLP) sensors.All reported variables including atmospheric pressure are being archived. Global archive will be participating in WIGOS-PP to distribute data.A8 (AF5)Develop and deploy precipitation-measuring instruments on the Ocean Reference Mooring Network.Number of instruments deployed and data submitted to International Data CentresOct06: OceanSITES is developing. Data assembly is managed by Coriolis.O1 (OF13)32Continue to seek national and multinational participation in the implementation of the global ocean observing system for climate.Extent of national and multinational participation in the recommendations of this Plan.A number of ocean and meteorological data centres are participating. These are being approached to contribute to WIGOS-PPO6 (OF3)Improve meta-data acquisition and management for a selected, expanding subset of VOS (VOSClim) together with improved measurement systemsGreater use of VOS data in climate products. Successful completion of initial phase of VOSClim.Meta-T, ODAS projects will improve the metadata management for VOS and other platforms. Relationship to Pub47 under discussion.O1036 (OF5)Obtain global coverage, via an enhanced drifting buoy array (total array of 1250 drifting buoys equipped with atmospheric pressure sensors as well as ocean temperature sensors), a complete Tropical Moored Buoy network (~120 moorings) and the improved VOSClim ship fleet.Data submitted to analysis centres and archives.RT data (drifting and moored) reported in BUOY code (shortly BUFR) collected from GTS and made available by Canada. VOSCLIM + VOS handled within I-COADS and MCSS. Improvements to MCSS underway. O11 (OF8)Implement the GCOS subset of the GLOSS Core Network, with geocentrically-located high-accuracy gauges. Ensure real-time exchange and archiving of data. Ensure historical sea level records are recovered and exchanged.Data availability at International Data Centres, global coverage. CREX code form and BUFR template will provide RT exchange of sea level data. GLOSS data system in place. Standard for GLOSS QC under consideration. O15 (OF6)Develop a robust programme to observe sea-surface salinity to include VOS ships, research ships, reference moorings, and drifting buoys.Plan published.GOSUD developing for R/V and VOS. Moorings and drifters handled already. ODP provides opportunity to combine data.O19 (OF13)Implement a wave measurement component as part of the Surface Reference Mooring Network.Sea state measurement in the International Data Centres. Facilities exist in some centres to manage wave data but not yet a global initiative.O2038 (OF10, OF11)Establish an international group to assemble surface drifting buoy motion data, ship drift current estimates, current estimates based on wind stress and surface topography fields and to prepare an integrated analyses of the surface current field.Number of global current fields available routinely. Surface drifter derived currents done by GDC. No project to integrate observations from other sources.O23 (OF7)Ensure sustained satellite (microwave, SAR, visible and IR) operations: improve the in-situ observations from sea-ice buoys, visual surveys (SOOP and Aircraft), and ULS. Implement observations in the Arctic and Antarctic.Sea-ice data in International Data Centres. In-situ observations from sea ice buoys managed by BUOY archives.O26 (OF11)Perform the 41 Ship-of-Opportunity XBT/XCTD trans-oceanic sections.Data submitted to archive Percentage coverage of the sections.GTSPP acquires data. Computation of percentages along sections is available.O27 (OF11)Deploy the planned 3000 Argo float array, reseeding the array with replacement floats to fill gaps and maintain density (estimated 800 per year).Number of reporting floats. Percentage of network deployed.Data are acquired and percentages are available.O28 (OF11)Maintain the current Tropical Moored Buoy arrays, expand the Atlantic array, and develop the Indian array total array projected as ~120 moorings.Data acquisition at International Data Centres. Data are assembled from RT BUOY/BUFR.O33 (CF13)Develop and implement comprehensive data management procedures.Plan published.Plan published. Details on procedures in preparation in cooperation with IODE, OOPC, CIMO.O34 (CF6)Undertake a project to develop an international standard for ocean meta-data.Publication of standard for an agreed initial set of the ECVs. Plan to progress to further ECV.Meta-T started for T reporting. ODAS underway for platform metadata. ISO ocean and meteorological profiles under review.O35 (CF15)Undertake a project to apply the innovations emerging from the Future WMO Information System initiative, and innovations such as OPeNDAP to develop an ocean data transport system for data exchange between centres and for open use by the ocean community generally.Report published.E2E project prototyped WIS connections for ocean and meteorological data. WIGOS-PP now underway to extend this.O36 (CF3, CF4, CF19)Plan and implement a system of regional, specialized and global data and analysis centres.Plan published.JCOMM Strategy is a component. Needs input from IODE, WDCs.O38 (CF3)Develop enhanced and more cost-effective telecommunication capabilities, including two-way communications for dynamic control of systems, instruments and sensors.Capacity to communicate data from ocean instrumentation to ocean data centres.Some data centres are working with Service Argos and Iridium to enact new capabilities.O39 (CF3)Develop plans for and coordinate work on data assembly and analyses.Number of ocean climatologies and integrated data sets available. No list assembled. Data discovery catalogue could accomplish this. _________________ Implementation of the JCOMM Data Management Plan Prepared by Bob Keeley, Chair DMPA Last update: 21 Oct, 2008 Introduction This document is a companion to the JCOMM Data Management Plan (DMPlan). Its purpose is to link the many recommendations of the DMPlan and to elaborate them as concrete tasks and actions that will realize the objectives of the plan. To this end, the recommendation numbering present in the DMPlan is preserved in this report. This is done using the prefix DMP and the numbering in the DMPlan for the various sections and recommendations. The information presented here records progress against each recommendation in the DMPlan and as such needs to be updated regularly. Undoubtedly, ideas change and the work of implementation must move with new ideas and technology. The information is presented with the same overall themes of the DMPlan (i.e. Data and Information Exchange, Data Processing, Access, Coordination and Linkages, and Communications). The summaries provided are based on a more detailed list of tasks and work that includes target dates and responsible persons. Because many acronyms are used in this report, a glossary is provided at the end to assist readers unfamiliar with them. DMP 4.0: Data and Information Exchange This section treats issues that deal with moving the data from where they are collected to the appropriate shore facilities and archives in time frames that are required to meet operational or other needs. It encompasses all of the data management issues that arise from collection activities through to user-ready data sitting in well managed archives. The discussion is divided into a number of subsections and each contains a number of recommendations and actions. The sections below provide a brief summary of the implementation sequence to realize the recommendations. Greater detail is provided in Annex DMP-4. DMP 4.1: From Collectors to the Shore Recommendation 4.1: JCOMM should encourage instrument manufacturers to standardize the formats of the data and information coming from instruments used at sea. Short term actions: There have been some developments by manufacturers experimenting with what is called sensorML. While this is not a standardization of formats, it is a standardization of a data structure. This can be encouraged. Chair DMCG has raised the issue with OCG, and tabled it with scientific programmes through representation at OOPC. Dialogue can also take place through contact of HMEI with the WIGOS-PP. Follow on actions: This will be an ongoing activity to encourage manufacturers through interactions with the people who buy and use oceanographic and meteorological instruments. Members of OPA and SPA can be helpful in communicating the desirability of standards to instrument manufacturers. DMP 4.2: Using the GTS Recommendation 4.2a: DMPA lead the development of the detailed plan to change GTS data reporting from TACs to TDCs. Short term actions: DMPA is extending its working group into a formal task team (TT-TDC) and seeking representation from others in OPA Panels where all of the current BUFR templates have originated. : A second activity (Meta-T) is the standardization of metadata that started under SOT but has been picked up by DMPA. This has made some progress in identifying the relevant metadata and deciding what needs to travel with the data, what can be held independently for reference and what needs to be archived with the data. Initial servers are running in China and U.S.A. and a demonstration is planned for JCOMM-III. : A third activity is to assist in the development of a CREX version for sea level in support of multi-hazard warning systems. This work has been completed. Follow on actions: Current BUFR templates have the same or similar information organized in different ways because they were developed independently. We want to unify the way the same information appears in templates to simplify the construction and maintenance of software. This will be the prime work of the TT-TDC. : The work of the Meta-T group will need to be extended to more variables than it currently considers and linked to the Chinese efforts on ODAS. : BUFR tables will need to be examined to ensure the presence of non-physical variables as required for reporting from coastal regions. Recommendation 4.2b: The DMPA in association with the appropriate WMO committee should evaluate MT10 for its relevance to present needs. Short term actions: A number of years ago a second BUFR Master Table, called MT10, for oceanographic variables was developed experimentally. This version allows for a different organization of BUFR descriptors and has descriptors for a wide variety of non-physical data. It has been adopted by the GHRSST Project and is being tested. A modified version has been presented to ET-DRC to bring MT10 into conformance with present practices. This was accepted with some minor changes to complete. Follow on actions: With the acceptance of MT10, data contributors can be encouraged to start using it for existing or new data types for which no entries exist in MT0. Recommendation 4.2c: Enhanced interaction between JCOMM and CBS or other appropriate WMO committees is needed to expand the scope of table driven codes to more fully incorporate JCOMM considerations, including software reliability, human readability, and the archival and exchange of historical and delayed-mode data in its originally reported form. Short term actions: JCOMM DMPA has representation through the JCOMMOPS TC. She is communicating JCOMM needs to ET-DRC. Follow on actions: There is the need to continue to work closely with CBS to ensure JCOMM interests are considered. As more ocean data centres become involved in operational ocean modelling and prediction systems, there will be greater collaboration between IODE and NMHCs. This is to be encouraged. The work of the task team mentioned under 4.2a also is important. DMP 4.3: Using the Internet Recommendation 4.3.1a: JCOMM to support the widespread use of netCDF as a data exchange format. Short term actions: Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES and GTSPP all are using netCDF at present. Thomas Loubrieu (France) represented JCOMM at a meeting of the newly formed WMO ET-ADRS Follow on actions: JCOMM and IODE are developing a manual on the establishment of an NODC. Inclusion of discussions of formats and data structures should be part of this. There should be continued participation in the ET-ADRS. Recommendation 4.3.1b: JCOMM to encourage usage of CF convention for variable naming in netCDF and stay informed of CF updates to meet JCOMM contributors' needs. Short term actions: The CF convention has become the recommended standard for Argo. This will be encouraged in other projects currently using or starting to use netCDF. Follow on actions: Greater awareness of CF and other standards is required within JCOMM data management activities. Increasing broad awareness will need a number of approaches including prominence on web sites, active encouragement by JCOMM in training materials and the planned use in the WIGOS-PP. Recommendation 4.3.1c: JCOMM stay informed on netCDF maintenance and developments. Short term actions: Some JCOMM members are already using netCDF. Since most of them are in the OPA, good connections with OPA are needed. Follow on actions: netCDF is known to be weak in supporting the characteristics of point data, a type that is very prevalent in JCOMM. While some steps have been taken by netCDF developers, more is required. DMCG or JCOMM members actively involved in managing point data (in particular) need to work with netCDF developers. This is taking place within the Argo programme Recommendation 4.3.2a: DMPA monitor the development of xml and encourage appropriate use for the exchange of data and metadata. Short term actions: The E2E prototype project in WIS defined and used xml tags for information about data holdings. This has been incorporated into the WIGOS-PP and will be used by a wider group of participating centres. Follow on actions: Continue to develop the use of xml in WIS and WIGOS projects. : A MarineXML project was operating with support from IODE a few years ago. Some JCOMM members were also involved. The results, while interesting, have not been implemented. Recommendation 4.3.2b: DMPA encourage the development of vocabularies used in xml that are as close as possible to those used in other formats. Short term actions: The collaboration of the JCOMM WIGOS-PP with WIS is contributing to this objective. : Other work related to standards is also taking place. The Marine Community profile and the discovery metadata definitions within the WIGOS-PP are a start. Follow on actions: JCOMM members are working closely with the Marine Metadata Initiative lead by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This initiative is focusing on bringing together vocabularies (among other things) and building a way to mapping terms from one to another. This is an important endeavour that will impact JCOMM and so JCOMM must continue to be involved. Recommendation 4.3.3a: JCOMM must recognize that other formats and data structures besides netCDF will have appeal and encourage activities that broaden their use and standardize their content. Short term actions: Some progress has started in the context of BUFR templates and in conjunction with the Meta-T project. Follow on actions: New technology will continue to provide both new kinds of data and increasing information. New data structures will be needed that are robust to allow for the inclusion of this new information. These data structures should develop in the context of standards for content. Recommendation 4.3.3b: JCOMM work with partners to encourage the evolution of exchange formats to more robust and stable forms, while at the same time assuring that sufficient flexibility and agility can be preserved for the archival of JCOMMs delayed mode data and metadata. Short term actions: Activity has taken place in past years in the context of the IMM format that supports ICOADS. : The work on standardizing content in BUFR templates is related to this objective. : With the development of the JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards process, there is now a venue for the submission, vetting and accreditation of community wide standards. Follow on actions: This will be a continuing activity to respond to new kinds of instruments, new data and new requirements for preserving information. DMP 5.0: Data Processing This section treats issues that deal with processing the data. It encompasses all of the data management issues that arise from accepting and processing data into archives. The discussion is divided into subsections and each contains a number of recommendations and actions. The sections below provide a brief summary of the implementation sequence to realize the recommendations. Greater detail is provided in Annex DMP-5. DMP 5.1: Data Versions Recommendation 5.1: DMPA needs to consult JCOMM PAs to get a full description of the versioning issue, to develop a strategy to manage versions, and to implement the strategy. Short term actions: A standards forum was held in early January 2008. Versioning and the related topic of duplicates were not addressed. : Some work has been done to test a unique data identifier in SOT. A report with recommendations will be written by GTSPP. Follow on actions: Work on data version control is needed and a practical implementation scheme devised. This likely will also need to consider management of duplicates and near duplicates. DMP 5.2: Data Quality Recommendation 5.2a: DMPA should encourage the development and wide spread implementation of a standard suite of data quality testing procedures. Short term actions: The standards forum referenced in 5.1 discussed existing data quality standards. Some are close to direct use and have been encouraged to submit them. : The Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme has made particular progress in establishing common data quality testing procedures. There will be a report from ETMC on their implementation success. Follow on actions: As test procedures are required and developed, they should be encouraged to be submitted through the JCOMM/IODE Standards process to bring them forward to the wider community, and then advocate for acceptance and implementation. Recommendation 5.2b: DMPA should resolve the differences in how the quality of data is indicated to best serve user needs. Short term actions: No resolution of this was adopted at the Standards Forum and so this needs to be pursued by DMPA and IODE counterparts. Follow on actions: Once agreement is reached, a viable implementation plan is needed to ensure all JCOMM data are flagged in the same way. Recommendation 5.2c: JCOMM to work with all appropriate bodies to converge toward more uniform schemes (and ultimately a single scheme) to indicate data quality. Short term actions: Documentation of existing schemes can begin the process by allowing a small team to consolidate what is done, find commonalities and propose a standard. Follow on actions: All appropriate groups need to be part of the process and accept the results. One way to do this is to use the JCOMM/IODE Standards Process. DMP 5.3: Duplicates Recommendation 5.3a: DMPA develop a methodology to address how to identify exact and inexact duplicates in contemporary JCOMM data. Short term actions: This was expected to be covered by the standards forum, but has been postponed from the agenda of the first meeting. There is some experience in duplicates management in some of the JCOMM and IODE programmes and this experience and the suggestions need to be drawn out in a document. DMPA and IODE can collaborate to get this done. Follow on actions: From the summary of experience a plan of action that covers both a better way to find duplicates in existing data collections and a way to lessen the incidence of duplicates in the assembly of data collections is required. Recommendation 5.3b: JCOMM consider developing a comprehensive system to uniquely tag data from all of its programmes and employ this to detect data duplications. Short term actions: There is some experience within the SOT and this needs to be documented and examined for broad application. A report is requested from GTSPP. Follow on actions: Depending on the effectiveness of existing schemes, improvements may need to be sought and then a careful implementation strategy that allows, if possible, a staged implementation. DMP 5.4: Contents Recommendation 5.4: JCOMM explore the ideas embedded in xml "bricks" as a standard way to organize and preserve information and data. Short term actions: Some of these ideas are coming into play in analyzing BUFR templates and will be taken up by the TT-TDC. This is closely tied to standardizing information content in archives. Follow on actions: Because of the close ties to standardizing content, both of these subjects must be treated together. It will be important to see how well a re-organizing of information in BUFR improves managing the data and how well it is accepted. DMP 5.5: Processing history Recommendation 5.5: DMPA explore the value of preserving a processing history and recommend broad adoption if appropriate. Short term actions: There is some experience in preserving such information in SOT. In the short term, documentation of the practice is needed with particular emphasis on the problems that are solved or alleviated by such a practice. Follow on actions: Once the advantages of preserving such information become known, there will be wider acceptance and a greater likelihood of gaining international recognition as a best practice. DMP 5.6: Metadata Recommendation 5.6a: DMPA examine existing metadata initiatives to develop a categorization that aligns with the purpose of the metadata. Short term actions: Some work on this has been done in the JCOMM E2E project and within some of the DMAC discussions. The WIGOS-PP will increase the exposure of these ideas. Follow on actions: As WIGOS develops, a first version of how to organize some of the information will be in operation. This will allow an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of this scheme, plus the ability to assess the extension to other kinds of metadata. With experience gained, a submission of a proposal to the standards process should be considered. Recommendation 5.6b: DMPA use the metadata categorization to develop a plan in which metadata initiatives align with its work and become engaged in these activities. Short term actions: The Meta-T project has addressed this issue from the point of view of information required to accompany data in real-time or in delayed mode. This is a different aspect than used in WIGOS-PP and so broadens the scope. Follow on actions: As Meta-T develops and experience is gained, refinements and extensions to other variables will be needed. Recommendation 5.6c: JCOMM define its requirements for discovery metadata and embody these in a formal metadata structure. Short term actions: Work on meteorological and oceanographic ISO profiles has proceeded independently. There are many similarities to the solutions, but some differences as well. In the short term, it is expedient to get the discovery metadata defined and operating within the ISO profiles. : Greg Reed, author of the oceanographic ISO profile, represents JCOMM on the WMO committee responsible for the meteorological profile. : Mapping the Marine Community Profile to the profile used in the WIGOS-PP will be undertaken in that project. Follow on actions: In the longer term, it seems advantageous to try to unite the ISO profiles in a single form. This will help clients seeking to find data of interest and encourage interoperability. Recommendation 5.6d: JCOMM to encourage all agencies keeping information about instruments, platforms, etc., to place this information on-line and keep it up-to-date. Short term actions: In the short term, the Meta-T project is working with the ODAS project in China to get the metadata relevant to water temperature observations on-line and easily searched. It is expected that this will form the basis for an international system for other variables. Follow on actions: Meta-T and ODAS have been asked to consider steps to merge their functions. The merged project will need to broaden its scope of variables and increase its search capability. Of greatest importance will be to develop the facility to keep their information from providers up-to-date. Recommendation 5.6e: JCOMM to develop a strategy for managing the international suite of these metadata sources so that they are easily found and used. Short term actions: The ODAS development in China represents the initial work in this domain. This site is limited in the kind of metadata managed. : Work of the WIGOS-PP will address both discovery metadata and data transport metadata. Follow on actions: The ODAS development in China represents the initial work in this domain. It seems that there will never be a single point of contact for all metadata so some mechanism for finding the many sources will be necessary. DMP 5.7: Model Data Recommendation 5.7a: JCOMM to work with the modelling community to define the characteristics that determine which outputs should be archived. Short term actions: A new ET has been formed in SPA on Operational Ocean Forecast Services. The chair of DMCG will attend the initial meeting to open a dialogue with this community. Follow on actions: Results from the meeting will be used to formulate a plan that is supportable by both the modelling community and managers of the data. Recommendation 5.7b: JCOMM to work with relevant modelling groups to develop cost-effective strategies for the storage and archival of operational model outputs and products. Short term actions: As part of the initial document for archiving model data, there will be a discussion of possible ways to standardize outputs for greater usability. Follow on actions: Opinions and support from the modelling community will be crucial for any plans to standardize results. The reformulated plan must gain this support. Recommendation 5.7c: Appropriate model characteristics will be archived with model results. Short term actions: It is expected that model results will need to be qualified by sufficient descriptive information about the characteristics of the model so that users can know how to interpret the results. The initial document on archiving model results (see 5.7a) will discuss this and propose something. Follow on actions: Opinions and support from the modelling community will be crucial for defining the information needed to describe model results. The reformulated plan must gain this support DMP 5.8: SOCs and RNODCs Recommendation 5.8: JCOMM and IODE seek efficiencies in the operations of former SOCs and RNODCs. Short term actions: Action has started to compare operations of the SOC and RNODC for surface drifters. Both groups will document their operations, compare activities, identify overlaps and formulate appropriate actions to reconcile activities. Follow on actions: Once agreement has been reached on where streamlining can occur in the operations of SOCs and RNODCs, appropriate steps to re-align operations by the national agencies operating these facilities will be sought. DMP 6.0: Access This section treats issues that deal with accessing data. Access includes being able to find data or information needed, to look through the data to decide that what specifically is wanted is present and, finally, being able to acquire the data and information. The discussion is divided into subsections and each contains a number of recommendations and actions. The sections below provide a brief summary of the implementation sequence to realize the recommendations. Greater detail is provided in Annex DMP-6. DMP 6.1: Discovery Recommendation 6.1a: JCOMM pursue the creation of standards for data discovery metadata and encourage these to be used to support interoperable catalogue services and registries. Short term actions: Both WMO and IOC have developed ISO profiles for their respective organizations. Since JCOMM crosses both domains, we wish to ensure as much commonality between the two as possible. Greg Reed, author of the oceanographic ISO profile, represents JCOMM (and IODE) on the WMO committee responsible for the meteorological profile. : WIGOS-PP will exploit WIS and IODE infrastructure to support management of the metadata. Follow on actions: Agreed metadata content and an established infrastructure are only the support tools. It will be important to develop the habit in all of the organizations contributing information to JCOMM to create and maintain the metadata records. Recommendation 6.1b: JCOMM explore how commercial search engines can be used as another way to search catalogues so that users can use Internet tools to locate data. Short term actions: Commercial search engines are powerful tools that require no support by JCOMM and yet can significantly increase the exposure of JCOMM information. A study is required to determine how the metadata records that are required by JCOMM for its own purposes can be made accessible to commercial search engines. Follow on actions: If it is determined that with an appropriate level of effort the metadata records of JCOMM can be made accessible to commercial search engines, implementation plans will need to be formulated and carried out. DMP 6.2: Browse Recommendation 6.2: JCOMM explore the implementation issues of existing or proposed methods for supporting browse functions. Short term actions: There are many tools existing and in preparation that permit browsing of data. Some of these are currently under development by JCOMM in the context of the WIGOS-PP. The logical direction appears to be to use web service technology. Follow on actions: JCOMM centres will need to support WIGOS and ODP capabilities, and this will be a focus for implementation. DMP 6.3: Data Delivery Recommendation 6.3a: Each member state of JCOMM needs to examine its ability and willingness to provide all of its data holdings on-line. Each will determine what level of support it can bring to bear. Short term actions: JCOMM centres holding data and information have large differences in the ability to place data on-line. At the same time, there are also sensitivities to allowing access to certain data. A poll of JCOMM Member / Member States capabilities and intentions to place data on-line will help clarify what can be done. Some of this information is presently available in national reports from IODE. Follow on actions: Mutual cooperation and capacity building will be an important aspect to helping Member / Member States place data on-line. A plan for improving what is available on-line is needed. Recommendation 6.3b: DMPA must keep aware of other and continuing projects to improve the access to data and where possible both participate in the projects and adopt procedures that improve access to JCOMM data. Short term actions: Chair ETMC informed of RECLAIM project to recover information from ship logbooks. : IODE-19 national reports provide links to data sets. : 2007 WCRP Task Group on Data Management has a list of project web sites. Follow on actions: Keeping abreast of these data rescue and access plans in countries will be helpful in promoting cooperation and capacity building. Recommendation 6.3c: DMPA encourage the compilation and adoption of a standard climatology, of the creation of specialized archives, and other products that have wide spread applicability to members. Short term actions: The climatology developed and circulated through the WDC-A is an example of what JCOMM needs to continue to support. Likewise, specialized archives, such as started for extreme waves, will be very useful to the wave community. These and others are to be encouraged. Follow on actions: All JCOMM Member / Member States can provide information on what they are doing with respect to climatologies and specialized data sets. This will help to promote international cooperation and encourage convergence to standardized forms. Recommendation 6.3d: JCOMM needs to ensure that all information required for the correct interpretation of data be included when data are delivered to clients. Short term actions: There is a huge variety of information that is held to describe data collections in JCOMM. A document was prepared and presented at IODE-19 that describes the technical information needed to link to data. : There are some data type specific documents like those created for IODE from a number of years ago. These need to be revisited and updated as appropriate. Follow on actions: The specification of required information should be stored in the metadata profiles discussed earlier. DMP 7.0: Co-ordination and Linkages JCOMM operates within a world of many national and international programmes. Because of this, the JCOMM DMPlan treats issues that deal with co-ordination and links with other programmes to improve the overall handling of data and information. The discussion is divided into subsections and each contains recommendations and actions. The sections below provide a brief summary of the implementation sequence to realize the recommendations. Greater detail is provided in Annex DMP-7. DMP 7.1: Within JCOMM Activities Recommendation 7.1a: JCOMM develop a formal mechanism to ensure regular exchanges of information and ideas on how data are managed between the groups in OPA, SPA, and DMPA. Short term actions: Chair DMCG attended OPA and SPA meetings : Encourage joint projects such as GTSPP, GOSUD : Encourage linking of existing data systems of PAs to systems such as WIGOS in WMO and Ocean Data Portal in IODE. Follow on actions: DMPA activities must be closely linked to solutions being worked on in the other PAs. : DMPA needs to continually reinforce its role of promoting common solutions to common problems, encouraging activities in other PAs to adopt solutions as often as possible and to encourage standardization. The joint JCOMM/IODE Standards Process is a vehicle to use. Recommendation 7.1b: JCOMM must consider interoperability issues with satellite data providers so that satellite and in-situ data are easily compared. Short term actions: The WIGOS-PP project within JCOMM will involve a satellite data centre in its development activities. : DMCG satellite rapporteur is examining possible extensions of the GHRSST solution to other variables. Follow on actions: The experience of the GHRSST Project has some valuable solutions to combining satellite and in-situ data. These need to be explored further. Recommendation 7.1c: JCOMM should first adopt an existing standard or best practice, as a second option adapt an existing one, or failing that create its own. Short term actions: A joint IODE, JCOMM meeting to discuss standards was held in January 2008. The result was to adopt a process for evaluating and recommending standards as well as encouraging participants to submit proposals for consideration. Follow on actions: There are other common practices developed in other international groups and JCOMM needs to be aware of these as well. A compilation of the more common practices will be an important contribution. Recommendation 7.1d: JCOMM develop a process to accredit standards to be recommended for use across all activities. Short term actions: The Standards Forum took place in January 2008. It agreed on a process and a way to implement the standards widely. Follow on actions: Follow on meetings will be needed to continue the adoption of standards throughout JCOMM. Recommendation 7.1e: DMPA develop a plan for coordination of the accreditation process and carrying out of evaluations. Short term actions: The plan was developed. ETDMP will be the lead group to administer the process and the ToRs are being modified to reflect this. Follow on actions: Mechanisms for proposing standards and evaluation of proposals will be needed. The ongoing accreditation process will need to produce such a plan. Recommendation 7.1f: JCOMM establish a highly visible and accessible repository where information about JCOMM standards can be found. Short term actions: Web sites are being created for the different PAs in JCOMM. However, it will be necessary to provide cross links especially when other PAs refer to standards or best practices they employ. : The Standards Forum resulted in the creation of the web site  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org" http://www.oceandatastandards.org Follow on actions: This web site must be kept up to date. Recommendation 7.1g: As part of the accreditation process, consideration must be given to how to implement the standard across JCOMM members as rapidly as possible. Due consideration should be given to how capacity building resources may be used. Short term actions: The Standards Forum suggested JCOMM and IODE meetings can ask Member / Member States to include the standards to which they comply in their national reporting. Follow on actions: Capacity building can be a very useful mechanism to encourage a more rapid adoption of standards. Inclusion of these in courses should be adopted. Recommendation 7.1h: DMPA establish a reporting process that has members informing the group of significant activities in other programmes. Short term actions: Communicating what are the various activities in the PAs is an important activity. A number of mechanisms need to be used, including providing information in national reports, polls of Member / Member States, joint projects and personal contacts. Follow on actions: Reporting of these activities can take the form of activities listed on web pages. Recommendation 7.1i: DMPA set priority activities each intersessional period and use this as the guidance to selecting activities for its members. Short term actions: Provide a report on progress towards implementing recommendations in the Strategy.. Follow on actions: Each year, DMCG should update the report with activities accomplished, and changes to reflect new or altered circumstances. Recommendation 7.1j: DMPA in collaboration with OPA, and SPA encourage the completion of quarterly reporting of other important variables following the model used by OPA. Short term actions: There can be no effective reporting until there is an organized collection of the data for the variables in question. OPA and SPA need to examine their activities to see what can and needs to be done. Follow on actions: Once the problems to be overcome are identified, activities need to take place to enable reporting of other variables. Recommendation 7.1k: DMPA collaborate with appropriate members of OPA, SPA to develop a set of data system performance metrics and implement a standard reporting of these results. Short term actions: Data systems within the PAs are different because of different origins and requirements. A study in conjunction with OPA, SPA chairs will be required to look for the common elements that can be used across all or most systems. Follow on actions: The data system managers in the PAs will need to implement regular reporting of performance. DMP 7.2: With IODE Activities Recommendation 7.2a: IODE and JCOMM formalize the relationship between the organizations. It is suggested that the chair of IODE be named a member of the DMCG and the chair of the DMPA be named an Officer of IODE. Short term actions: IODE accepted the DMPA chair as an Officer in IODE and IODE Chair is a member of DMCG Follow on actions: JCOMM should be represented at IODE activities and vice versa. Recommendation 7.2b: Data management programmes of joint interest to both JCOMM and IODE be formally recognized and supported by both organizations. Short term actions: Initial cooperation is beginning within the WIGOS-PP. Follow on actions: Develop ways that mutual support of this and other programmes can be accomplished. Recommendation 7.2c: IODE and JCOMM cooperate to ensure easy access and clearly described content of respective data streams and archives. Short term actions: There are a number of candidate IODE data centres that are taking part in the WIGOS-PP. : Develop the checklist of requirements to take part in WIGOS. Follow on actions: Encouraging cooperation between NMHCs and IODE centres in managing data is an important step to build closer cooperation. This will occur through participation in programmes of mutual interest, such as WIGOS and the switchover of GTS reporting to table driven codes. DMP 7.3: With Other IOC Programmes Recommendation 7.3a: JCOMM and DMPA move quickly to adopt a data management strategy and to further develop an implementation plan based on the strategy as rapidly as possible. Short term actions: Completed and published the first version of the data management strategy. Follow on actions: Use the agreed strategy to create an implementation plan. : The Strategy will need to be reviewed between JCOMM-III and IV. Recommendation 7.3b: JCOMM must work closely with the many other IOC programs in developing its implementation plans. Short term actions: Collaborated with IOC in the generation of their data strategy. Follow on actions: Ensure that IOC and others are aware of and contribute ideas towards changes in the strategy and updates to the implementation plan as appropriate. Recommendation 7.3c: JCOMM should collaborate with existing IOC (and WMO) capacity building activities to ensure that the marine component is included. Short term actions: JCOMM has contributed to courses offered that promote capacity building. : WIGOS-PP will support travel of E2E experts to contributing data centres. Follow on actions: Provide training materials and experts as possible to support training activities. DMP 7.4: With WMO Recommendation 7.4a: DMPA and WIS should cooperate to ensure that all components of JCOMM data systems are available to WIS. Short term actions: IODE and JCOMM are cooperating in the WIGOS-PP. Follow on actions: Encourage IODE centres to contribute to WIS by providing information about what they need to do and what benefits they will gain from the activity. Recommendation 7.4b: DMPA ensure appropriate experts are fully engaged in appropriate WMO activities. Short term actions: Work with WMO on the Quality Management Framework to include information of relevance to JCOMM. : Collaboration on data exchange formats is being furthered through ET-ADRS and TT-TDC. Follow on actions: As appropriate, combine IODE and JCOMM documentation and materials. Provide experts as needed to WMO meetings and activities. DMP 7.5: With ICSU WDCs Recommendation 7.5a: DMPA initiate a discussion with WDCs to build stronger links between the observing and archive systems and how WDCs operate. This should be done with appropriate other partners. Short term actions: Start the discussion with WDC management to explain what is wanted and explore how to better align activities. Follow on actions: Continue the discussion with WDCs to ensure good coordination of activities. Recommendation 7.5b: JCOMM members support the timely assembly of data in WDCs and encourage timely updates and distribution of the global data sets and climatologies. Short term actions: Identify the target climatologies and encourage all JCOMM programmes to contribute data in a timely way. This was done at IODE-19.. Follow on actions: Ensure that timely delivery is maintained and that there is consistency in the data. DMP 7.6: With Other Programmes Recommendation 7.6: JCOMM must develop a level of interoperability in data management with other major international and significant national programmes. Short term actions: It is not possible for a coordinated JCOMM response to all initiatives. Focus energies on cooperation with WIS. Follow on actions: Select activities that provide the greatest impact. DMP 8.0: Communications Communicating activities undertaken and accomplished by JCOMM is important. It informs our partners about what we are doing and improves opportunities for cooperation. The text below provides a brief summary of the implementation sequence to realize the recommendations. Greater detail is provided in Annex DMP-8. Recommendation 8a: DMPA undertake to design and populate web pages that explain its activities. Short term actions: The basic design for a DMPA web site is completed. Work is starting on populating the pages. Follow on actions: Solicit input from DMPA members to populate web pages. As appropriate collaborate with groups (such as IODE) who have similar requirements. Recommendation 8b: DMPA will provide its representatives (and encourage the necessary national and international support) to attend meetings of other organizations and committees whose interests intersect. Short term actions: The organization of CLIMAR-III was undertaken by ETMC and supported by DMPA. The meeting was held in May 2008 in Poland. Follow on actions: Assist or attend other meetings as appropriate. _________________ Draft Terms of Reference for the DMCG Last updated: 13 May 2008 DMCG Changes Composition of the DMCG Members of the present DMCG were selected from the list of candidates proposed to JCOMM-II with appropriate consideration of expertise and regional balance. Data management is an activity that is carried out in all Programme Areas of JCOMM. The objective is to move the data and information collected in the marine environment through to products and services and along the way, there will be additional useful results. To meet this objective, the DMPA must be strongly connected to and reflect data management requirements of activities in the SPA and OPA. This must be reflected in the members of the DMCG. Data management combines knowledge of information technology with the data and information needs to support scientific activities. Everyone who works in data management has knowledge in both areas, but typically is formally trained in only one. It is highly desirable to have a membership with individuals with both formal backgrounds. Moving data and information from collectors to users involves a variety of communications systems, transfer protocols and data format or coding functions. DMCG needs members who are familiar with as many of these components as possible. Because of the breadth of expertise, it is likely that this knowledge is spread over a number of members. There is a well formed community in the IOC, the International Data and information Exchange Committee IODE that manages a broad suite of oceanographic data including the environmental data of immediate interest to JCOMM. Ocean data collected by research programmes end up in the IODE system. Since so much of oceanography is funded through research, DMCG needs a strong connection to IODE where the data reside. JCOMM-II placed a rapporteur for satellites and one for capacity building into each of the PAs. Membership To reflect the above noted requirements, the membership of DMCG would be composed as listed and with the qualifications noted. Members of DMCG will come from a meteorological or oceanographic data management group within their country and be actively involved in assembling, processing and manipulating data and information. As many of possible of the members should have experience with communications systems, formats and coding, and data transfer protocols. Chair A person with demonstrated ability to lead a group of data management experts. It is an advantage for the chair to have community standing as a qualified expert with broad expertise. IT Expert This person has an extensive background in information technology acquired either through formal education or through significant experience. They have been actively involved in the development of data systems for oceanography and meteorology or have experience in this field.. It is desirable that their present activities continue to both participate in and lead development of such systems. Communications System Expert A person with direct experience in the operations of communications systems such as the GTS or WIS, in data transport techniques and solutions, and with solid experience in data formats and coding systems. Chair ETDMP A person with demonstrated ability to lead a group of data management experts. This person should be widely knowledgeable in best practices and standards used in oceanography or meteorology and it is an advantage to have knowledge in IT and communication systems. Chair ETMC A person with demonstrated ability to lead a group of data management experts. This person is experienced in managing and directing the management of large marine data sets and in the techniques of constructing climatologies. IODE Co-chair This person chairs the IODE. They are knowledgeable of IOC/IODE data systems, operations and able to set work plans and priorities for the shared ETDMP. SPA member This person was an active member of one of the formal groups within SPA during the last intersessional period. The person will have broad knowledge of the activities of groups in SPA and especially of the data management activities in the PA. OPA member This person was an active member of one of the formal groups within OPA during the last intersessional period. The person will have broad knowledge of the activities of groups in OPA and especially of the data management activities in the PA. Satellite Rapporteur A person with direct experience in the application of satellite data and information to oceanographic or meteorological analyses or products. Capacity Building Rapporteur A person with direct experience in managing successful capacity building programmes and activities. Terms of Reference The Data Management Coordination Group providing oversight of the activities of the Data Management Programme Area in close collaboration with IODE and CBS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall; Maintain a current data management plan that identifies, reviews, assesses and recommends priorities and actions for the Programme Area; In concurrence with the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create expert teams, task teams, pilot projects and appoint rapporteurs, as appropriate; Ensure close liaison of activities and developments in data management within the Commission and with appropriate external groups; Promote the adoption and implementation of best practices and standards in data management within the Commission and with external partners; Establish and maintain cooperation with science programmes, and assist with their data management activities as appropriate; Keep under review, assess and coordinate the adoption of appropriate new information technology; Identify capacity-building requirements related to the Programme Area. Identify satellite remote sensing requirements related to the Programme Area. _________________ Glossary of Acronyms AcronymMeaningBUFRBinary Universal Format for data RepresentationCBSCommission on Basic SystemsCFClimate and Forecast (conventions)CREXCharacter Form for the Representation and Exchange of DataDMACData Management And Communications (committee)DMCGData Management Coordination GroupDMPAData Management Programme AreaET-ADRSExpert Team on Assessment of Data Representation Systems ETDMPExpert Team on data Management PracticesET-DRCExpert Team on Data Representation and CodesETMCExpert Team on Marine ClimatologyE2EEnd to EndGHRSSTGODAE High Resolution Sea Surface TemperatureGODAEGlobal Ocean Data Assimilation ExperimentGOSUDGlobal Ocean Surface Underway Data projectGTSGlobal Telecommunications SystemGTSPPGlobal Temperature Salinity Profile ProjectHMEIHydro-Meteorological Equipment IndustryICOADSInternational Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data SetICSUInternational Council for ScienceIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionIODEInternational Oceanographic Data and information Exchange committeeISOInternational Standards OrganizationJCOMMJoint Commission on Oceanography and Marine MeteorologyJCOMMOPSJCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support CentreMT0Master Table 0MT10Master Table 10netCDFnet Common Data FormatNMHCNational Meteorological and Hydrological CentreNODCNational Oceanographic Data CentreOCGObservations Coordination GroupODASOcean Data Acquisition SystemsODPOcean Data PortalOOPCOcean Observations Panel on ClimateOPAObservations Programme AreaPAProgramme AreaRECLAIMRECovery of Logbooks And International Marine data projectRNODCResponsible National Oceanographic Data CentreSOCSpecialized Oceanographic CentreSOTShip Observations TeamSPAServices Programme AreaToRsTerms of ReferenceTT-TDCTask Team on Table Driven CodesWCRPWorld Climate Research ProgrammeWDCWorld Data CentreWIGOS-PPWMO Integrated Global Observing System Pilot ProjectWISWMO Information SystemWMOWorld Meteorological Organization _________________     MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix A, p.  PAGE 4 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix A MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix B, p.  PAGE 3 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix B MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix C, p.  PAGE 4 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix C MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix D, p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix D MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix F MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix E MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix F, p.  PAGE 3 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix F MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix G, p.  PAGE 3 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix G MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix H, p.  PAGE 11 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix H MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix I, p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix I MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix J MAN-VII/Doc. 4.2(2), Appendix J =>: G H R S T Z [ ` a y z ǿǮdL:"hNCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH/hVhE=CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHsHu7jrh[s!hE=CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 1jh[s!hE=CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (hVhE=CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH h[s!hE=CJOJQJmH sH hE=OJQJh[s!hE=OJQJh[s!hE=mH sH #h[s!hE=5CJOJQJmH sH  h[s!hE=CJOJQJmH sH #$=>?v$If $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$gdE=Lkd$$IfTx40v(G5)4 xaf4T $$Ifa$ d$IfQnqq 8 9 : \ h s t $If $IfgdE=:$If d$If $$Ifa$ $:$Ifa$ ʲʝwlwP8.h[s!hE=5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH 7jh[s!hE=5CJOJQJU\^JaJmH sH h[s!hE=mH sH  h[s!hE=CJOJQJmH sH (h[s!hE=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hVhE=CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH/hVhE=CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHsHu1jh[s!hE=CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 7jh[s!hE=CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH     ? }}o`$$$1$Ifa$gdE= $d*$1$a$gdE= $1$a$gdE= $1$a$gdE=okdX$$IfTx\v(M 5)4 xaT ĩđnR:=jh[s!hE=6CJOJQJU]^JaJmH sH .h[s!hE=6CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH 7jh[s!hE=6CJOJQJU]^JaJmH sH #h[s!hE=6CJOJQJmH sH  h[s!hE=CJOJQJmH sH .h[s!hE=5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH 5h[s!hE=5CJOJQJ\^JaJmHnHsH u7jh[s!hE=5CJOJQJU\^JaJmH sH =jh[s!hE=5CJOJQJU\^JaJmH sH       ? @ t u v 34>㶥p[pE[,[1jh[s!hE=CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH +h[s!hE=5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h[s!hE=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,h[s!hE=@CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  h[s!hE=CJOJQJ^JaJh[s!hE=@mH sH  h[s!hE=CJOJQJmH sH #h[s!hE=6CJOJQJmH sH 5h[s!hE=6CJOJQJ]^JaJmHnHsH u7jh[s!hE=6CJOJQJU]^JaJmH sH ? 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