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ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate; Review the three remaining proposals and the replies from the administrative and technical questionnaires received from these candidates Decide on the Terms of Reference and Membership of the OPSC evaluation committee, and Propose a workplan for the evaluation committee and the Secretariats so that WMO and IOC can make final decision in February 2009 at the latest. ______________________ Appendices: A. Administrative questionnaire B. Technical questionnaire C. Proposed Terms of Reference and Membership for the evaluation Committee D. Proposed timeline for the OPSC evaluation process E. Administrative and Technical questionnaires from the 3 candidates (to be distributed during the meeting) DISCUSSION WMO-IOC Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) evaluation process 1. A meeting of the Evaluation Committee to review and evaluate the Letters of Intent received by the WMO and IOC Secretariat for hosting an Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) was held in Paris, France, on 11 April 2008. The Committee was lead by the JCOMM Co-president, Dr Jean-Louis Fellous, and was comprised of the other JCOMM Co-president, Dr Peter Dexter, and representatives from the DBCP, Mr Jean Rolland, and the Argos Steering Team, Dr Breck Owens. The Committee recalled the role foreseen for a future OPSC, stressing technical and practical support for the implementation of the in situ ocean observing systems and the need for full operational support to be provided by the future host in terms of IT support and GTS / WIS access. This support is essential to provide assistance for observing platform deployment opportunities and the coordination of logistical support for those deployments as required. It is also essential for the routine monitoring function of the OPSC together with ensuring the link between data users and data providers in terms of quality monitoring. The host would therefore have to: (i) be strongly involved in operational (or quasi-operational) activities with regard to the deployment of ocean observing platforms in the open-ocean (e.g., Argo floats, drifters, VOS ships, SOO); (ii) be strongly connected to the international WMO and IOC communities; and (iii) the capability to provide full 24-hour operational IT support and GTS access. 2. The Committee agreed that the host should also be strongly involved in scientific activities related to ocean observations in order for the scientific aspects and user requirements to be taken into account properly. 3. The Committee also agreed that financial impact should be a criterion for selecting the Centre. It noted that the different LOIs did not provide the same level of support for in kind commitments (e.g., office space; IT staff provided free of charge to the OPSC), and financial resources to host the future Centre. Some overhead charges were also noted for some proposals. 4. The Committee agreed that the potential risks associated with the transition of JCOMMOPS into a new OPSC would have to be considered in evaluating the proposals. 5. Based on these discussions, after the criteria was agreed upon, and after careful review of all proposals, the Committee selected five out of the fifteen Letters of Intent for a short list to undergo further evaluation. 6. The Committee agreed that it would be useful for the evaluation to ask the remaining potential hosts to fill in technical and administrative questionnaires in order to clarify some of the issues. 7. The Committee agreed to expand itself in order to evaluate the short listed candidate institutions. The expanded committee should include the following members: The two JCOMM Co-presidents; Representative of the Argo Steering Team; Representative of the DBCP; Representative of the SOT; Representative of OceanSITES; Representative of IOCCP; Representative of GLOSS; Representative of WIGOS; Representative of the OOPC; Representative from the IOC Secretariat; and Representative from the WMO Secretariat. 8. An Action Plan was agreed upon in order to reach a decision by the end of 2008. The Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary of IOC will make the final decision based on the recommendations from the Evaluation Committee. 9. Administrative (Appendix A) and Technical (Appendix B) Questionnaires were prepared by the Secretariat in liaison with the evaluation Committee Chairperson, and JCOMMOPS for the Technical one. Questionnaires were sent to the remaining five candidates by the Secretariats on 11 September 2008 asking to return them by 15 October 2008. 10. Considering the short deadline that was given and only one questionnaire returned to the Secretariat, in consultation with the Chairperson of the evaluation committee, it was proposed to extend the deadline to 15 November 2008 and to submit the questionnaires returned to the seventh meeting of the JCOMM Management Committee (Melbourne, December 2008) for discussion and recommendation. In addition, candidates who would not have replied by the new deadline would automatically be eliminated from the evaluation process. 11. By the 15 November 2008 deadline, only three questionnaires were completed and returned to the Secretariat. One candidate declined its offer, and two of the proposals decided to submit a joint application. Hence, only three proposals remain at this point. 12. The Management Committee is invited to review the three remaining proposals and the replies from the administrative and technical questionnaires received from these candidates (Appendix E). It is also invited to decide on the Terms of Reference (TOR) and Membership of the OPSC evaluation committee (proposed TOR are provided in Appendix C), and agree a workplan for the evaluation committee and the Secretariats so that final decision can be made by WMO and IOC Secretary General, and Executive Secretary respectively no later than 27 February 2009 (proposal in Appendix D). _____________ Appendices: 5 Evaluation of potential hosts for an Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) Administrative questionnaire 1Ability to establish a Memorandum of Understanding with WMO and/or IOC of UNESCO2Ability to receive funds from donor countries and make the funds available to the OPSC3Ability to receive funds from WMO and/or IOC and make the funds available to the OPSC4Administrative charges for managing the funds on behalf of OPSC5Ability to issue purchase orders for OPSC related expenses on behalf of the OPSC (hardware, software)6Ability to organize missions for OPSC staff and conditions under which such missions will be covered/reimbursed (flight conditions, DSA, terminal expenses, possibility of rental car)7Ability to issue invoices on behalf of the OPSC8Ability to issue financial statements on a yearly basis or as required regarding the management of the funds on behalf of the OPSC9Ability to host personnel recruited by an International Organization; and conditions under which such personnel would be hosted10Ability to recruit personnel to work on behalf of the OPSC; and conditions under which such personnel would be hosted. Please also indicate age limitations, salary levels in local currencies (for a scientist; engineer; IT personnel); whether a work permit is required and the conditions to obtain it, any limitation for certain nationalities, amount or percentage of service charge, rough estimates of local and national taxes, benefits for retirement, medical benefits, vacation days allowed per year, working hours, additional expenses or charges e.g. parking etc.11Provision of administrative support equivalent to one secretary for example for communication and information exchange (letters, phone, etc), travel planning, meetings, staff agenda organization, arrangements for shipping (documents, floats, etc) ; Indicate also total cost and percentage being offered as a contribution in kind.12Restriction to specific nationalities for visa13Assistance provided to visitors for getting visas14Assistance provided to OPSC staff being relocated15Would it be possible for your organization to allow proper signage and visibility to the OPSC (e.g: logos in entrance, etc) ? ____________________ Evaluation of potential hosts for an Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) Technical questionnaire 1Would your organization be willing to host the OPSC staff (salary, mission budget excluded) at the current operating budget level ($15 000 per year, per staff member)? Would your organization be willing to contribute to a part of this cost ? 2Would your organization be willing to host the OPSC Information System at the current operating budget level ($5 000 per year, per staff member), taking into account the need for Oracle and ESRI (ArcIMS, ArcGIS) licences and upgrades to servers. (*) ? 3Would your organization be willing to assist OPSC in setting up (relocating) the OPSC Information System components ? 4Would your organization be willing to (wholly or partly) fund an additional I.T. staff member (e.g. Web developer) dedicated to the OPSC operations? (**) ? 5What would your organizations policy be regarding the purchase and renewal of laptop/desktop computers for use by OPSC ? 6Could OPSC staff have full Administrator privileges on all office laptop/desktop computers? e.g. in order to install required software and peripherals. 7Could OPSC staff have full Administrator privileges on OPSC servers? e.g. in order to install required software. 8What are the IS network security regulations in terms of firewall, protection against spam, hackers? To what extend could these regulations prevent OPSC to develop and offer new web-based tools accessible for outside users? To what extend could these regulations prevent OPSC staff from communicating normally with its customers?  9Is your organization able to provide a 24/7 monitoring system for the OPSC Information System components, with an appropriate response mechanism? 10Would OPSC staff have access to efficient Helpdesk support, for issue resolution and tracking? 11Would it be possible for the OPSC to host international students with minimum equipment? (~ one per year, per OPSC staff member. Requiring a desktop PC and Internet access)  (*) Current Information System architecture - The existing JCOMMOPS office (2 staff members) on which the envisioned OPSC will be built up, has been developed and is maintained through a yearly operating budget of $40,000 ($30k for the logistic and $10k for the Information System, shared by each staff member). It is anticipated that the operating budget would increase gradually, in line with the development of the OPSC. The current Information System architecture (3-tiers) will form the basis of the future OPSC Information System, and includes: One Relational Database Server (Oracle, 4x2.4 GHz, 4Go RAM, 150 Go HD, back-end) One Web Application Server (Java based, 2x2.3GHz, 2Go RAM, 100 Go HD, Apple-Xserve, back-end) One Web Server/ Map Server (Apache/Tomcat, ESRI, Chart Server, FTP Server, etc ; 2x2.6GHz, 2Go RAM, 150 Go HD, Windows Server on a VMware scalable architecture, front-end) (**) JCOMMOPS has procured funding for a half-time I.T resource as of September 2008. ____________________ Proposed Terms of Reference for the OPSC Evaluation Committee The review committee for OPSC candidates shall: 1. Work by email; 2. Review all 3 OPSC remaining candidates from the short list who replied to the questionnaires; 3. Request additional/complementary information about the candidates from the WMO and IOC secretariat contact members if required; 4. Objectively evaluate each candidate according to the following criteria and quantify this evaluation accordingly: a) Scientific activities related to the use of ocean observations b) Significant involvement in implementation of ocean observing systems c) Operational 24H IT support and GTS access d) Cost effectiveness for Members voluntarily contributing financially to the OPSC e) Commitment to long-term support for the OPSC f) Risks 5. Will excuse themselves from this committee if there is any danger of a perceived conflict of interest regarding one or more candidates 6. Will not contact any of the candidates directly on an individual basis. 7. Rank each candidate on each of the following six factors with a 1-10 scale to provide a synthesis of their relative strengths and weaknesses. 8. Submit an evaluation report to the WMO and IOC Secretariats each before 15 January 2009 for final decision. Membership (to be confirmed by proposed members): JCOMM Co-President (Jean-Louis Fellous, Lead) JCOMM Co-President (Peter Dexter) DBCP Chair (David Meldrum) Argo ST Co-chair (Howard Freeland) SOT Chair (Graeme Ball) OceanSITES Co-Chair (Uwe Send) IOCCP SSG (Chris Sabine) GLOSS GE Chair (Mark Merrifield) WIGOS (Nicola Scott) OOPC Chair (Ed Harrison) IOC Secretariat (Keith Alverson) WMO Secretariat (Etienne Charpentier) _____________ Proposed Timeline for the OPSC evaluation process: 12 December 2008 (at Man VII, Melbourne): JCOMM Man to discuss and approve TOR, membership and timeline (this document) 19 December send bids and TOR to committee members 16 January due date for committee member responses sent to secretariat 30 January Draft synthesis of Committee recommendation produced by IOC and WMO sec representatives in liaison with committee Chair and sent to all committee members for final review/comment. This document will comprise an objective sum of numerical scores for each candidate plus one page summary of synthetic strength and weaknesses inputs from committee members. 9 February deadline for any further comments from members on the synthesis recommendations. 16 February Final synthesis document completed and delivered to IOC Executive Secretary and WMO secretary general for decision. 27 February Decision publicized. _____________     MAN-VII/Doc. 5.7, p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 5.7, Appendix A MAN-VII/Doc. 5.7, Appendix B, p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 5.7, Appendix B MAN-VII/Doc. 5.7, Appendix C MAN-VII/Doc. 5.7, Appendix D => " # ' ) * / 6 7 : ? 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