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ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: Note and comment on the proposals contained in the document; Eventually agree on a new subsidiary body structure, including the Management Committee, together with a programme of meetings, to propose to JCOMM III for the next intersessional period. ______________________ Appendix: Diagrammatic representation of current JCOMM structure. DISCUSSION Programme areas structure and sub-structure 1. The current JCOMM structure was essentially developed, following the formal establishment of JCOMM by WMO and IOC in May/June 1999, at the two JCOMM Planning Meetings (the precursors to the Management Committee), in St Petersburg (Russian Federation) in July 1999 and in Paris in May 2000. There were two primary considerations in developing this initial structure: To preserve the structures and activities inherited from CMM, IGOSS and GLOSS, to the extent possible, not least because of the many vested interests in these activities, both at the working level, but also within the WMO and IOC Governing Bodies; At the same time, to put in place a system which would allow the introduction of new activities and priorities as these developed, bearing in mind that this was one of the prime movers for JCOMM establishment. This structure was adopted at JCOMM I (Akureyri, June 2001), and largely preserved at JCOMM II (Halifax, September 2005), with minor changes to reflect new or modified priorities. The latest structure, including some developments since JCOMM II, is in the Appendix. 2. Clearly, we are now at a point where we can and should take a critical look at our structure and work priorities, for several reasons and based on several external drivers: Most of the earlier vested interests have moved on or been modified in various ways, so we no longer have significant forces against change; There are now powerful drivers within both our parent Organizations, with emphasis on Disaster Risk Reduction, including multi-hazard warning systems and protection of the marine environmental as cross-cutting priorities; moves to integrate and modernise observing systems (WIGOS) and data management systems (WIS), and service delivery; and continuing priority to capacity building; New priorities within JCOMM itself, especially operational met-ocean forecasting systems, including waves and storm surges/coastal protection, as well as the ever-present threats to the continuity of critically important ocean satellite systems and data; Internal changes in dynamics, with some long-standing priority activities moving to more of a maintenance mode, rather than developmental; Drivers from our external partners and stakeholders, including in relation to climate monitoring and prediction, and adaptation to climate change; Not least, the ever-reducing regular budget allocations in both parent Organizations, which makes the existing structure and meeting schedule unsustainable. This situation is even worsened by the limited workforce available, as many members of the Management Committee receive little support from their home institution and essentially cumulate their full time job and their voluntary participation into JCOMM activities. 3. It will be recalled that the hope was expressed at MAN 6 (Paris, December 2007), and endorsed by both WMO and IOC Executive Councils (June 2008), that the planned review of JCOMM might provide us with some external advice on our structure and priorities, to inform our planning in this area for JCOMM III. While we have high hopes that this review will still be completed by the time of JCOMM III, there is little chance that we will have any results in time to modify our structural proposals to the Commission. Thus, we need to proceed at the current meeting on this basis. Overall Structure 4. While there are many possible ways of cutting the JCOMM cake to address our overall programme, the current basic structure of a Management Committee, three Programme Areas, and possible cross-cutting teams, has proven rather efficient so far, and thus we propose to retain this. However, the case for retaining a formal Coordination Group at the top of each PA may be less strong. Clearly, the PA Coordinators have a major role to play, but practice shows that the current system of expanded CGs does not add any particular value to this role. While there will always be a strong requirement for the Coordinators to consult with the chairs of their component teams (mini CGs), this can take place through less formal mechanisms, with possible meetings arranged on an ad hoc basis, at no cost to the JCOMM regular budget and reduced loss of time. Recommendation 1: That the PA Coordination Groups should be abolished as formal entities, with meetings of PA Coordinators and their team leaders to take place informally, at no cost to the JCOMM regular budget. Observations Programme Area 5. This is the most straightforward of the PAs. Both the DBCP and the SOT are well established, dynamic, innovative and self-funding. They are responding well, to changing external and internal requirements and drivers, and are supported by a highly successful JCOMMOPS. They have implemented, and are developing relationships with external groups involved in new ocean observing technologies and programmes. Similarly, GLOSS/GE is well established and, while not self-funding, at least draws on funding sources outside the JCOMM RB. There is some suggestion that GLOSS needs to be more responsive to stakeholders other than its traditional ones, especially on the operational side, but otherwise it is appropriate to requirements. Overall, there is little imperative or rationale to changing the current OPA structure, bearing in mind that there are already close interactions with projects such as Argo and OceanSITES, and that at some stage in the future (perhaps during the coming intersessional period) these may also be incorporated in some fashion into OPA. Recommendation 2: That the OPA structure is appropriate to current and future JCOMM requirements, is largely cost-free to the RB, and should therefore remain unchanged. Data Management Programme Area 6. The DMPA is already well advanced on the process of internal restructuring, to the extent that the existing ETs (MC and DMP) are redefining their roles, terms of reference and membership. Overall, the DMPA is already effectively integrated with IODE and ETDMP is cosponsored, with a new membership now being established. Similarly, closer ties between ETMC and the WMO CCl are being discussed, with the internal restructuring of the ET likely to enhance this process, which is of clear value to both JCOMM and CCl. On the other side, JCOMM already co-sponsors (with CLIVAR) one expert team of CCl, and it seems likely that this process will expand in future. In addition, DMPA is directly involved in WIGOS/WIS, at least through the pilot project, and again this process will grow. There seems little requirement for MAN to do other than endorse the internal restructuring in DMPA currently underway. Recommendation 3: That the existing basic structure of the DMPA should continue, and that MAN endorses the internal restructuring now underway. Services Programme Area As noted by the SPA Coordinator at previous MAN meetings, the current structure of the SPA is unwieldy, expensive and not well adapted to current requirements and priorities. Some of the current expert teams have been effective, others less so, while ET/OOFS has just begun its work but will be a priority activity for JCOMM in the coming intersessional period. There is also an important integrating role for the SPA, in providing requirements for observational data and data delivery, in support of met-ocean services, to the DMPA and OPA. It is also clear that the overall work plan for the next intersessional period for the SPA needs to be severely pruned back and clearly prioritized, to reflect the reality of what can be achieved with the available resources, both human and financial. With these considerations in mind, one possible new structure for the SPA, as a starting point for discussions at MAN, could be: An expert team on Maritime Safety Information and Communications (MSIC). Its role would encompass much of what is now undertaken by the ET/MSS, but in a more focussed way and with substantially reduced team membership. Essentially it will be responsible for maintaining the WMO regulations relating to the delivery of maritime safety services under the GMDSS (content, format, communications), and for the formal liaison with IMO/IHO in this activity. The team would also cover the service delivery and communications aspects of both the existing MAES and SI teams. The team should comprise no more than a chair and 4 core members, with the GMDSS Issuing Services, the AMOCs and operational sea ice services involved through email; the team should have a close liaison with the International Ice Charting Group on all aspects of sea ice service delivery; An expert team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (OOFS), constituted as now with similar terms of reference, but expanded to cover modelling/product development aspects of the existing ET/MAES and ET/SI. No more than a chair and 5 core members; An expert team on Waves and Surges (WS), largely covering the key priority work areas of the existing ET/WS, including maintenance of the guides, and model intercomparison projects. No more than a chair and 4 core members; A Service Integration Group (SIG) comprised of the PA Coordinator, the ET chairs, and liaison members for DMPA and OPA. The group would, in principle, not require RB funding, and coordinate as required by electronic means or through opportunistic meetings. It would be responsible for the overall coordination of met-ocean service requirements and contents, and with transmitting data requirements for services to the other PAs. While this structure reduces the current structure of SPA by only two expert teams, it does focus on reducing the size (and therefore meeting costs) of each expert team substantially, and requires an associated reduction in work programmes and a refocusing on key priority areas. Hopefully the reduced membership will also lead to an active involvement of all team members in the implementation of the work programmes. This needs to be a pre-condition of selection. Recommendation 4: That the SPA should comprise ETs on MSIC, OOFS and WS, as above, together with a Service Integration Group (SIG). Each ET should be made up of no more than a chair and 3-5 core members, and have reduced, focussed and prioritized work programmes. Cross-cutting groups 8. Three cross-cutting teams were agreed to by JCOMM II: satellite rapporteurs (one in each PA and a representative on MAN); capacity building rapporteurs (one in each PA and a representative on MAN); and resources. Of these, MAN agreed previously not to proceed with the Task Team on Resources, the membership and goals of which seem to be an intractable problem. The satellite rapporteurs have worked only to the extent that the representative on MAN, Eric Lindstrom, has taken on (with only limited support from external experts) the task of preparing some comprehensive documentation on the subject for JCOMM III. In addition, one of the JCOMM co-presidents is vigilant in furthering our interests and concerns on satellite matters. Overall, this is largely ad hoc and does not appear to be the best approach for JCOMM to take on this critical issue, and MAN should consider further what recommendations to make to JCOMM III. For example, closer links should be established with existing WMO and IOC mechanism such as the CBS ET-SAT and ET-SUP. Also it has been suggested to be proactive and collect evidence for the need of continuity of ocean observing systems ahead of time and have it on hand in a form that space agencies can readily use to argue the case, rather than mounting hastily a case in support of each of those systems when decision points are forthcoming. 9. While the CB rapporteurs, together with other MAN members and the Secretariat, have had some success in developing a revised JCOMM CB Strategy, nevertheless, this approach also does not appear to be particularly effective in addressing JCOMM CB needs. Essentially, what we require is: A CB Strategy which effectively articulates the overall JCOMM CB goals, objectives and requirements, as well as how these might be addressed, within the overall CB programmes of WMO and IOC; (ii) A CB implementation plan, which maximises our use of the CB programmes and resources of the parent organizations; (iii) CB implementation activities, which utilise the resources of our parents and Member States, and the expertise inherent in the PAs, and are undertaken through the PAs. The current approach, through the rapporteurs, may still not be the best way of dealing with our requirements. It should also be recognized that the WMO Regional Marine Rapporteurs (established under the various Regional Associations), and the GOOS Regional Alliances represent a resource with potential for JCOMM CB, both in terms of inputting regional requirements into the global JCOMM programme, and also in implementing specific CB activities. An enhanced dialogue involving both the regional rapporteurs and the GRA chairs/coordinators holds potential benefits for both sides. Recommendation 5: No further effort should be made to implement a Task Team on Resources. Recommendation 6: MAN should reconsider our approach to dealing with satellite issues specific to JCOMM, as well as our interaction with the existing mechanisms of WMO and IOC. Recommendation 7: MAN should reconsider our institutional approach to CB, which may best be served through a MAN member with specific responsibilities for CB (including maintenance of the CB Strategy and interactions with the Secretariats and other CB mechanisms of WMO and IOC), with implementation activities coordinated through the PAs, and enhanced interaction and coordination with the WMO RA marine rapporteurs and GRAs. Management Committee and Bureau 10. Currently, the Management Committee as established through Res 1 (JCOMM-II) is relatively large, with 13 regular members and 4 liaison members (representing GOOS, GCOS, IODE and OOPC). It meets roughly once a year, 4 times in an intersessional period (including a first short meeting immediately following the JCOMM session). In practical terms, a committee of this size becomes both expensive (in RB terms) to convene in plenary, somewhat unwieldy to manage, and as JCOMM matures, it becomes more questionable whether annual meetings of the committee are necessary. On the other hand, the current committee does provide a good cross-section of backgrounds, disciplines and stakeholder viewpoints across the full range of JCOMM activities and membership, and thus can provide valuable input on many of the key strategic issues for the Commission. 11. In the past 12 months, what amounts to a JCOMM Bureau (co-presidents, PA Coordinators and Secretariats) has met three times, one ad hoc face-to-face (no cost to the RB) in April 2008, in conjunction with the GSSC session in Paris, and two by teleconference. Each of these meetings has been short (no more than 2 hours), and focussed on 2-3 key issues requiring urgent action by either JCOMM officers or the Secretariat. This structure and format has proven particularly effective in canvassing views, achieving consensus and agreeing actions on the issues addressed. 12. With these considerations in mind, dependant on decisions made on recommendations 5 to 7 above, it is suggested that the Management Committee should be reduced in size to no more than 10 core members (co-presidents, PA coordinators and up to 5 additional members, to include experts responsible for CB and satellite matters, and with a balance between marine meteorology and oceanography), together with the ex-officio members (no cost to JCOMM RB). In addition, MAN should meet no more than 3 times in the coming intersessional period,: once immediately following JCOMM III (at no cost to the RB), to effectively initiate the work programme; once towards the middle of the intersessional period, to review progress and address strategic issues, including input to WMO and IOC Strategic Planning; and finally, one a year in advance of JCOMM IV, to oversee preparations for the session. Further, the concept of the Bureau should be retained (informally, if not formally), as an effective way of addressing immediate tactical issues. Meetings should be primarily through teleconference (every 3 to 6 months), with ad hoc face-to-face meetings as the occasion arises, but at no cost to the RB. 13. As a final point under this item, it will be recalled that JCOMM has two co-presidents, specifically to cover marine meteorology (WMO) and oceanography (IOC). Each therefore has specific responsibilities vis--vis their respective parent bodies. This includes participation in and reporting to these parent bodies, as well as participating and representing JCOMM in Organization-specific activities (e.g. the WMO PTC meetings). While both co-presidents are of course, free and welcome to participate in cross-organizational activities, Secretariat responsibility for funding support in such activities should extend to only one co-president at any one event. Recommendation 8: The new Management Committee should comprise no more than 10 regular members (two co-presidents, three PA coordinators and up to five additional members, to include specific responsibilities for CB and satellites); Recommendation 9: MAN should meet no more than 3 times in any intersessional period (including the short, no-cost meeting immediately following the Commission session); Recommendation 10: The concept of the Bureau should be retained (formally or informally), as an effective way of dealing with immediate tactical issues. Meetings etc 14. It is essentially the responsibility of the co-presidents and Secretariat to agree a meeting programme for JCOMM subsidiary bodies in the coming intersessional period, in consultation with the PA coordinators and consistent with the agreed substructure and JCOMM Operating Plan. However, some general rules may be discussed and agreed in this regard: MAN should meet no more than 3 times in the intersessional period (Rec. 9 above); Bureau meetings should be at no cost to the regular budget; In general, Expert Teams, where they are not self-funding, should meet no more than two times each in an intersessional period; this rule should clearly be flexible, to the extent that some teams may need to meet more frequently (e.g. when newly-established and developing work programmes), while others may work well with less frequent meetings; Meetings of the PA Coordinators and their subsidiary team chairs should be ad hoc, and at no cost to the regular budgets. _____________ Appendix: 1 Diagrammatic representation of current JCOMM structure      MAN-VII/Doc. 6, p.  PAGE 6 MAN-VII/Doc. 6, Appendix => " # ' ) * / 6 7 : ? 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