ࡱ> ` 0Dbjbjss ht<R $ AAAP BDNBtX0BBBBBD">D JD3է$hݪ 9FDD9F9Fݪ BB4*sIsIsI9F| B BsI9FsIsIz BB 7JAFHj <XpGpp dRDhDJsIE<@ERDRDRDݪݪI^RDRDRDX9F9F9F9F6-6- dj @    WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO/IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SEVENTH SESSION MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 8 TO 12 DECEMBER 2008MAN-VII/Doc. 5.4 (06.Xi.2008) __________ ITEM 5.4 Original: ENGLISH Maritime Safety Services (Submitted by Mr Henri Savina) Summary and Purpose of Document The document provides information on the ongoing and new priorities and requirements for maritime safety services and suggestions to improve ETMSSs response to these requirements.  ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate; Provide advice to the ad hoc working group on MSI services, which will meet on March 2009, to further develop and/or improve the activities in response to the ongoing and new requirements ; Consider the information contained in this document when premeditated on the future structure of the Commission Provide advice on the future actions in the preparation for the International Maritime Services Conference. ______________________ Appendix: A. Current ETMSS Terms of Reference, membership and frequency of meetings DISCUSSION Ongoing and new requirements 1. There are a rising number of new requirements - or new concepts (like e-navigation) requiring watch by and contributions from ETMSS - coming from or through either WMO or agencies like IMO and IHO. Most of the ongoing and new requirements are identified in Appendices A to C of document MAN-VII/4.2(3). Nevertheless, the main ones are summarized as followed: 2. IMO decided to expand the GMDSS into the whole Arctic Ocean, enhancing a proposal submitted by the Russian Federation. It therefore established (IMO/COMSAR-10, London, March 2006) a joint IMO/IHO/WMO correspondence group on Arctic MSI services to address this expansion. The definition and endorsement of the boundary limits of 5 new Arctic NAV/METAREAs and the selection of the ad-hoc NAVAREAs Co-ordinators (IMO MSC-83, October 2007) and METAREAs Issuing Services (WMO EC-LX, June 2008) have been achieved. However, the implementation of operational service is still to be planned and organized by the Issuing Services within the next 2 years, with the support and coordination of ETMSS (the estimated date for IMO, IHO and WMO to simultaneously and officially declare the system fully operational is 2010/2011). 3. Since 1999, JCOMM has requested ETMSS to work on the implementation of graphical/numerical MSI broadcast within the GMDSS. Despite some limited studies and discussions, the Team has, failed to consider this main issue. In the same context, the WMO EC-LX (June 2008) emphasized the continuing importance to mariners in receiving graphical products via radio transmissions and requested JCOMM to continue researching methods for transmitting graphical products to marine users. In addition, the imminent increase of Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) systems on SOLAS vessels as regulatory material and the emergence of the e-navigation concept within IMO should reinforce the priority given to this requirement and the need to find appropriate resources to develop a suitable service. 4. The Cg-XV (May 2007) requested to implement quality management systems (QMS) at, at least one of its Members, and that the documentation developed during this process be shared with other developing countries with a view to facilitating and expediting QMS implementations. In this context, the Inter-Commission Task Team on Quality Management Framework (ICTT-QMF), at its meeting in October 2008, agreed that the provision of meteorological service for international maritime navigation certainly needs a QM approach. This should be developed in liaison with IMO, and the example of CAeM, where a clear customer requirements and feedback process is in place through ICAO, could be used beneficially. 5. The review and update of the operational marine broadcast systems, including the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the SOLAS Convention, shall be user-focussed services. Several national or global surveys have raised the requirement to improve and enrich the information on sea state included in MSI (new parameters, for instance for complex and dangerous seas). At the same time, discussions with ETSI experts highlighted the requirement of harmonization for sea ice in weather and sea bulletins. 6. To enhance capacities of Members to issue efficient, harmonized and clear MSI, it is of primary importance to keep under review and update the WMO regulation and guidance materials (WMO n558 & 471, that, following the WMO QMF would be considered ISO documents), and to contribute to review the joint IMO/IHO/WMO material related to MSI (IMO Resolutions, Joint Manual on MSI, SafetyNET & NAVTEX Manuals, etc). To facilitate the efficiency of MSI for end-users, WMO Pub.9, Vol. D shall also be kept under review and updated as appropriate. In particular, regarding all materials, care to be taken to adapt information and services to facilitate the use of MSI in existing and expected ENC & e-navigation systems. Present ETMSSs response to the ongoing and new requirements 7. The present Terms of Reference, general membership and frequency of meetings have allowed the Team to monitor existing marine broadcast systems and services, especially the WMO contribution to the GMDSS, and to keep under review the status of those systems. The Team was also able to define and implement slight adaptations of the WMO contribution to the GMDSS (like the definition of NAVTEX guidelines & abbreviations), including the update of the ad-hoc WMO regulations (part of WMO n558, part of WMO n9 vol. D). 8. Nevertheless, it clearly failed in achieving or even considering all the actions identified, especially those, like the definition and implementation of graphical/numerical MSI broadcast within the GMDSS, that can be considered as the definition and implementation of new services, requiring significant and identified human resources and expertise. Another point to consider regarding the provision of MSI is the rising number of issues to deal with and the potential new systems coordinated by various organizations to keep under review or to contribute to (for instance the IMO concept of e-navigation). 9. Here is the analysis of the organization put in place by IHO. The Committee for the Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW), and then the World Wide Navigational Warning System (WWNWS) Sub-Committee - in the new IHO structure that will come into force in 2009 is responsible for the maintenance and adaptation of the WWNWS that includes the IHO contribution to the GMDSS. This Committee includes a representative of all the NAVAREA co-ordinators (the equivalent of the GMDSS operational focal points who represent the METAREA Issuing Services). Its structure and ToR are similar to the present ETMSS ones. Nevertheless, some differences or specificities may help efficiency: The Committee meets every year (instead of every 4 years for ETMSS). As members of this Committee often attend also IMO COMSAR or MSC sessions, they are well involved and informed on the expected evolutions of IMO activities and regulations. In addition, side or back-to-back meetings on specific issues (GMDSS for the Arctic, documentation review), gathering a limited number of experts, can easily be organized. NAVAREA Co-ordinators have a clear role of coordination within their Area in their ToR (it is not clearly the case, as it should be, for METAREA Issuing Services). Other IHO (Sub-) Committee or groups coordinate regulations for graphical information and Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). The global system of coordination & provision of Navigational Warnings (for SOLAS & non-SOLAS vessels) is clearly identified and named: the WWNWS. There is for the moment no WMO equivalent for the system(s) related to met-ocean MSI. Suggestions to improve ETMSSs response to the ongoing and new requirements 10. As suggested previously, considering the number of issues the Team has to deal with and the significance of the main action (in terms of priority and of the resources required), i. e. the definition and implementation of graphical/numerical MSI broadcast within GMDSS, there is a clear need to search for selected experts as members of this Team, each, with a clear scope of expertise and activity(ies) for the next intersessional period. One Expert could be a focal point for several items and an item may need several focal points. The chairperson should be one of these nominated experts. The selection of at least one co-chairperson should also be considered. It would be helpful if most of those experts could also be GMDSS focal points (even if they will be members intuitu personae and not as GMDSS focal points). 11. A first guess for these selected experts and related activities: Representatives for IHO and IMO Committee or Sub-Committee meetings (in association with WMO Secretariat): Focal point(s) for GMDSS MSI in graphical/numerical form; Focal point(s) for implementation of GMDSS in Arctic Areas; Focal point(s) for improvement of sea state information in MSI; Focal point(s) for sea ice information in MSI in text form; Focal point(s) for tsunami information in MSI; Focal point(s) for the definition and implementation of QMS and quality control indicator(s) of the GMDSS Marine Meteorological Services. 12. According to the expertise and human resources certainly requested for the project of graphical / numerical MSI, additional (appointed?) expert(s), not defined as members, should attend meetings. 13. In addition, the contribution of representatives of IMO, IHO, IMSO, Inmarsat, not only in meetings but also in the intersessional work, is of primary importance. Specific and strong cooperation should be confirmed or reinforced with IHO/CPRNW (and then WWNWS) and other relevant IHO and IMO bodies and working groups. 14. As a first step towards the development and implementation of the above-mentioned ongoing and new activities, an ad hoc working group on MSI services, with relevant experts in the aforementioned fields being represented, will meet in March 2009 at the WMO Headquarters. 15. As the monitoring of the GMDSS, including implementation of evolutions proposed by ETMSS and endorsed by JCOMM, shall be maintained, it is of prime importance to enhance and clarify the role of the GMDSS operational focal points (especially regarding reporting, coordination and capacity building aspects) representing the Issuing Services. How can we involve, and motivate, those GMDSS focal points: As (self-supporting) members of the Team or by another means? If we decide to choose a restricted core membership, and then not to identify all GMDSS operational focal points as members, it is nevertheless obligatory to maintain a structure allowing those focal points to meet and exchange operational practises, either on a global or on a regional basis. The Team could, for example be charged to organize regular workshops for this purpose. In that case, the ToR of the Team should clearly reflect this activity. 16. Regarding the SPA organization revision, the ToR of the Team should clearly mention that it shall focus only, on marine broadcast systems, i.e. Maritime Safety Information related-systems (present situation), or shall also be in charge of the coordination & review of other met-ocean operational systems or services, like those related to marine pollution and Search and Rescue. This would make sense in some ways, as generally, the same people are in charge of all those services at national or Metarea/MPI levels. Nevertheless, in this case, appropriate additional selected expert(s), 2 or 3, have to be included in the core membership, and the management of the MPERSS and the involvement of the representatives of AMOCs have to be organized, possibly in the same way as for the GMDSS and the ad-hoc focal points, and then the ToR be adapted accordingly. If we merge such activities, would the scope be too ambitious for a limited number of experts (around 10 people)?. In addition, the ToR should enhance the importance to make systems evolve as appropriate and as requested by relevant bodies and organizations (IMO, IHO, WMO, etc). There is no requirement or evidence at this stage to change the name of the Team. 17. In the hypothesis, where the GMDSS focal points and the representatives from AMOCs are not members, the frequency of regular ETMSS meetings should be annual. If not feasible, regular meetings should be organized every 2 years. In this case, additional restricted meetings, focused on (a) specific point(s), could be required (i.e. for the project of graphical / numerical MSI). In order for the Team to be able to review the status of implementation of the GMDSS, and MPERSS if appropriate, the GMDSS operational focal points, and the AMOCs representatives if relevant, will be requested to prepare assessment reports yearly or every 2 years, using a template provided by the Team and including the indicator(s) that will be defined for the quality control of the Marine Meteorological Services. 18. As proposed above, regular and, as appropriate, unscheduled workshops shall be organized for the GMDSS operational focal points and the AMOCs representatives, with the support of the WMO Education and Training Department. Some workshops could be organized regionally, that could help especially for capacity building aspects. One global workshop should be planned during an intersessional period, i.e. every 4 years. To optimize resources and reduce costs, this global workshop could be common to all GMDSS and MPERSS representatives, and organized to be aligned with a major maritime conference sponsored or organized by JCOMM. _____________ Appendix: 1 ETMSS Terms of reference The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services, in close collaboration with IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO and other concerned organizations and bodies on maritime safety issues, including the GMDSS, shall: (a) Monitor and review the operations of marine broadcast systems, including for the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the SOLAS Convention; (b) Monitor and review technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information, particularly for the GMDSS, and provide assistance and support to Members as required; (c) Ensure feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services; (d) Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with concerned organizations, bodies and Members and Member States on maritime safety issues; (e) Propose actions as appropriate to meet requirements for international coordination of meteorological and related communication services; (f) Provide advice to the Services Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to maritime safety services. General membership Chairperson, selected by the Commission. Open membership, including representatives/nominations of the Issuing Services for the GMDSS, representatives of IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, and other user groups, as appropriate. Frequency of meetings: every 4 years     MAN-VII/Doc. 5.4, p.  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