ࡱ> CEBq` RVbjbjqPqP2$::V d d d d , & 8&:&:&:&:&:&:&$s(h*^&- ^& &B B B F  8&B 8&B B " P5mc=d .j!&&0&!\+ %,0""+d,$$| B ^&^&2  &  The activities after 12th session of CC meeting and the work plan of NEAR-GOOS project during the intercessional period By Lin Shao Hua According to the Intensive discussion on the future direction of NEAR-GOOS was made at 12th session of the CC meeting in May 2008 and it was recognized the necessity to develop the operational oceanography system, improve the NEAR-GOOS services and demonstrate the value of NEAR-GOOS are very important. And the CC members agreed the NEAR-GOOS has became a useful source of oceanographic data in the region and according to the mission in the second phase of NEAR-GOOS, it will embrace a wide range of data types and will be accompanied by pilot experiments, demonstration, training and useful products to the members and contribution to the GOOS and other global programmes. The CC also agreed to continue closely cooperate with other regional and international cooperation programmes and projects, Such NOWPAP, PICES, YSLME, GOOS, JCOMM and IODE etc. We didnt made so much activities after WESTPAC0VII, but we have the work plan to take the actions during the intercessional period as following: Action 1: The CC agreed to cooperate with NOWPAP for the 2nd training course on ocean remote sensing to be held in October 2008. Action 2: The chairperson of the NEAR-GOOS will represent the NEAR-GOOS to attend the GRA IV forum in Guayaquil of Ecuador on 25-27 Nov. 2008 and will share the information of the forum with CC members through e-mail Action 3: To hold a workshop on NEAR-GOOS products during the next intercessional period. It will be discussion on the collecting and providing more data products and information to the users and to develop more products to improve the NEAR-GOOS services in the future. Action 4: With the recognition of the importance of data quality control, the working group on Data Management and CC will seek the possibility to hold another workshop on the data quality control technology. Action 5: The CC recognized the significant progress in NGSST and asked the working group to consider introducing new element such as ocean color etc. in their work and Name and TOR of the working group will be amended accordingly. After discussion with chairperson of working group NGSST, the changing name may concern with WG on Ocean Remote Sensing Application (ORSA), and the TOR of ORSA WG could be as following in general speaking: 1. The Experts from the member states of NEAR-GOOS; 2. Function of the WG: (a) Under the framework of IOC/WESTPAC and NEARGOOS, (b) Through cooperation among the WESTPAC Ocean Remote Sensing Program and other programmes, the WG on ORSA carry out Review the NEARGOOS concerns and identify the WG requirements; (c)Set up WG tasks through consultation with the CC members Promote efficient and cost-effective R&D for the WG tasks; (d) Inviting regional experts prepare recommendations and report them to the NEAR-GOOS. The further discussion will take through email to get common understand and will provide the suggestion to the next CC meeting. Action 6: The next CC meeting will take place in Vladivostok of Russia in September 2009. 2drsyz{  4 8 񾲦zm`mPmPmm`Phh&pCJKH\aJo(hnnCJKH\aJo(hCJKH\aJo(hhSCJKH\aJhhSCJKH\aJo(hV#h]CJKH\o(hnnhSCJKHo(hnnhCJKHo(h]CJKHaJo(hhSCJKHaJhnnhnnCJH*KHaJo(hnnCJKHaJo(hhSCJKHaJo({ KLMNOPQRSTUVdpgdSdpgddpgd&p 8dp^8gdV# $dpa$gdV#V8  N    +4FLǼԦqcXK=hhCJKH\aJhmCJKH\aJo(hCJKH\aJhh.:CJKH\aJ!hUwh.:5CJKH\aJo(hh.:CJKH\aJo('hhh.:B*CJKH\aJo(ph*hhh.:5B*CJKH\aJo(phhCJKH\aJhCJKH\aJo(hh&pCJKH\aJo(hUwCJKH\aJo(hh&pCJKH\aJLCGHR#&ڰxڰbTxxFxhhCJKH\aJhUw5CJKH\aJo(*hhh5B*CJKH\aJo(phhh&pCJKH\aJhUwCJKH\aJo(hh&pCJKH\aJo(hmCJKH\aJo('hhh&pB*CJKH\aJo(ph*hhh.:5B*CJKH\aJo(ph*hhh&p5B*CJKH\aJo(phhh.:CJKH\aJo('*UVijk78oqruhhmCJKH\aJo(*hhhUw5B*CJKH\aJo(phh&pCJKH\aJo(hhCJKH\aJo(hh.:CJKH\aJhmCJKH\aJo(hUwCJKH\aJo(hh.:CJKH\aJo(hh&pCJKH\aJo(-JKLMNOUVôh&p5CJKH\o(hS5CJKH\o(h&ph&p5CJKH\o(h&ph&p5>*CJKH\hh&pCJKH\aJo(hhUwCJKH\aJo(hhCJKH\aJo(hCJKH\aJo( 0182P. 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