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Introduction of IOC-IODE and OBIS Pissierssens (IOC), Vanden Berghe (OBIS) Brief introductions will be provided explaining what IOC-IODE and OBIS are, their structures and governing rules, etc. In the case of IOC, attention should be put on structural or functional aspects of relevance to the IOC-OBIS association, particularly in the areas of partnerships and transfers of responsibility. IODE will be specifically presented as the relevant structure, within IOC, in which OBIS could find its place or develop special relations. Special attention will be paid to IODE activities in terms of biological data management (through GE-BICH) and other specific activities that are of relevance to data sharing and data dissemination (e.g. IOC data management strategy, IOC data policy, Ocean Data Portal). The presentation will also cover the newly established IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2008-2011) as well as the Draft Guidelines for the structure and responsibilities of the subsidiary bodies of the commission and for the establishment of decentralized offices. In the case of OBIS, its origin, functioning, present achievements and expectations will be presented together with its connections with GBIF and other institutions of relevance. The presentation will also introduce the present OBIS governance structure in order to facilitate an informed discussion on how it might be impacted by the relationship with IOC. Because of the special relationships with GBIF, a short introduction on GBIF will also be made as part of the OBIS presentation. 12:30-13:00 Lunch Break 13:30-15:00 Item 2 (Continued) 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-17:30 3. Establishment of Principles and Objectives for the continuing protection of and access to ocean biological data. This item will serve to clarify what is expected from the entire exercise which starts with this meeting. The participants will propose and agree on a set of principles regarding the long term objectives of the future system, its institutional set up, its funding, the safety, accuracy and accessibility for the data set, etc. Regardless of the final solution, these principles can be used as criteria with which to judge the various alternatives presented (under item 4). The recent draft data strategy for JCOMM (document available) includes an example, which could be amended to cover the OBIS case. Tuesday 25 November 9:00-10:30 Item 3 (continued) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 4. Possible scenarios for the future A limited number of scenarios will be briefly presented to the participants by the rapporteur, based on IOC experience. For each scenario positive as well as negative impacts on OBIS and IOC will be assessed as well as the cost. These, together with any other viable options for future cooperation between the two organizations, will be discussed by the participants for their evaluation and ranking, based on the principles agreed under item 3 and feasibility. At the end of this session, the participants may have retained only one best scenario or a few scenarios requiring further consideration of their implications for both institutions. An important aspect that is shared by IOC/IODE, OBIS and GBIF is that all three are networks. The group will discuss how the collaboration on the hub level should be mirrored in the collaboration between Nodes/NODCs It would be useful to understand how a number of international organisations dealing specifically with data management raise their funds (e.g. GenBank and Sloan Digital Survey of the Sky). If there are meeting participants with experience of resource solutions and concerns in related organizations, that knowledge could be shared, including the perceived strengths and weaknesses. 12:30-13:30 Lunch Break 13:30-15:00 Item 4 (continued) 15:30-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-17:30 5. Detailed discussion of possible arrangements between the IOC and OBIS for the chosen scenarios For the scenario (or few scenarios) retained as most plausible, detailed implementation matters will be examined such as: conditions and schedule of transfer, staff and operational costs; administration, ownership and accessibility, standards and formats and links to related data sets and metadata (in IOC and globally); possible sources of funding, place in the IOC-IODE organogram, realistic timeline, etc. The meeting documents on the Decentralized Offices of IOC will be used for guidance. Wednesday 26 November 9:00-10:30 5. (Continued) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 5. (continued) Finalization of option(s) and recommendation(s) to be taken forward. 12:30 6. Closure of the meeting IOC-OBIS/1 prov. Page  PAGE 2 WS IOC-OBIS/1 prov. Page  PAGE 1   $ % & b    $ , P Y ھڰڤwkg`g`g`g`g`g`g`g`g hhI-hI-h5hI-5mH sH hI-5mH sH hvhI-CJmH sH hvhI-5CJmH sH hI-5mH sH h5hI-5mH sH h5hI-5>*mH sH h5hI-\mH sH heihI-5>*CJmH sH hI-5>*mH sH hvhI-5mH sH hvhv5CJ$mH sH "% & b c ! 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