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Review of Objectives and Outputs of the Forum Results of previous GOOS Regional Forums and Summary of Progress since the last Forums 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break. 11:00-11:30 Introduction to GOOS Regional Council (GRC). 11:30-11:50 Review of the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of GOOS by Jos Muelbert, PICO Co Chair. Determine and compare priorities with PICO recommended actions. 11:50-12:10 GOOS Strategic Planning for GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs), by Keith Alverson, GPO. I-GOOS, GSSC and PICO have ambitious goals for the GRAs and the GOOS coastal module. The IOC Medium Term Strategic Plan and Biennial 2008-2009 Strategic Plan set the Main Lines of Action, milestones and interactions with other IOC programmes which guide implementation of GRA support. Direct support from UNESCO, though the GPO, of GRA activities is limited to planning and organizational meetings and the activity support by GPO personnel. Additional GRA activities are supported through extra-budgetary sources, derived from the member states and the GRA organizations themselves. The GPO's role in assisting GRAs to solicit and obtain extra budgetary support through connectivity to the international community will be discussed. 12:10-12:30 WMO Strategic Planning for GRAs, by Edgard Cabrera, World Meteorological Organization (WMO). WMO/IOC cooperation has been fundamental to the growth of GOOS and GRAs. WMO priorities will support oceanographic-meteorological products of value to WMO and GOOS goals. GRAs play a vital role in providing regional and local expertise, data collection and dissemination of observation products. Mechanisms to support joint development and deployment of operational products will be of great importance to the strengthening of GRA Alliances and Networks of collaborative efforts 12:30-13:00 IOC Secretary Presentation by Patricio Bernal, IOC ADG. Describe coordination and support mechanisms of the IOC for increasing the support of GRAs by increasing the involvement of users of the operational products issued by the GRAs. The IOC programmes work with academic institutions, national centres and international programmes to coordinate needs, capacity building and strengths of the member states and their regional associations. 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-15:00 New Cooperation Mechanisms, Work Projection and Common Products within GRAS: GRASP experiences with new mechanisms and instruments of international cooperation between IOCARIBEGOOS and OCEATLAN. Memorandum of Understanding between these GRAs have formed Horizontal and Complementary Level and been advantageous to the development of international regional cooperation. The value of these bilateral and trilateral agreements between other GRAs and other cooperative mechanisms, such as the UNESCO IOC Perth Regional Programme Office experience in the context of the office being a facilitator, coordinator and sponsor of four GRAs (IO, SEA, PI and WA GOOS) will be discussed. 15:00-15:30 Progress Report on Implementation of Recommendations from JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Strategy for the Coastal Module of GOOS. 15:30-16:00 Follow on to III GRA Forum on LME Cooperation. The LME Concept, its development and contributions to GOOS, including GOOS Ecological Objectives. 16:00-16:30 Developing Synergy between LMEs and GRAs. Based on GOOS-AFRICAs experience, including the outcome of the two previous Pan-African Meetings. 16:30-17:00 Coffee Break. 17:00-17:15 Scale Issues: ICES SGGOOS could lead discussion on how Coastal GOOS can cross scales from Global to Coastal and Coastal to Global. 1. Creating Global products from Regional Measurements. 2. Using Global products for Regional needs. 17:15-17:30 GOSIC: Enabling Data and Information Exchange for GRAs, by Christina Lief, NOAA. The Global Observing Systems Information Centre provides support and an efficient mechanism for presenting GRA data, metadata, information and products under a single portal. Developing Regional Oceanographic Observation Systems: 17:30-17:45 Arctic ROOS, by Hans Dahlin, EUROGOOS Chair. 17:45-18:00 WAGOOS (Western Australia ROOS), by Nick D'Adamo. Report on the range of Western Australian GOOS-relevant programs, projects and future plans, including the IMOS (Australian Integrated Marine Observing System). DAY 2: 26 November 2008 Plenary Session 2 09:00-09:30 Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of Working Groups by: Working Group 1 (WG1) Oceanic and Atmospheric Modellation: Regional Centers, GRASP Case This topic is presented by WMO and IOC in order to indicate general objectives of these kinds of centres and WMO-IOC input and support. WMO will present how the Alliances could manage these regional centres. The GRASP Oceanic and Atmospheric Modelling Regional Centre will be discussed as an example for other Alliances to consider. Working Group 2 (WG2) GRAs, its Operational and Research Products: Measures to minimize implications of Climate Change, and Multihazard Forecasting Systems. The topic of Climate Change will determine many of the Alliances' projected plans, future developments and funding opportunities. The topic is of vital importance when planning political and scientific objectives of oceanographic and meteorological research and observation systems at the regional and world level. The workgroup will conduct a discussion of the role of Climate Change mitigation and adaptation on strategic plans and activities of the institutions and entities who take part in the alliances. Working Group 3 (WG3) GRAs, Its Operational and Research Products on Modelling, Prevention and Forecasting of El Nio-La Nia: El Nio is a well Known phenomenon in meteorological and oceanographic studies, but the models are not as exact as forecasters might desire. There are many forms of forecast products, none completely effective. Many oceanographic and meteorological products will be enriched with collective aids, in order to present better products to general public (normal citizens). Suggestion: Take GRASP like experiment on application of conclusions and recommendations of this Working Group, and evaluate results of this experiment in the V GRAs Global Forum. Working Group 4 (WG4) Progress, Priorities and Plans for Implementation of the Coastal Module of GOOS Global Coastal Network (GCN): Participants to provide feedback on what they feel are the most important priorities for implementation of the Coastal Module of GOOS, particularly in the context of the GCN, toward development of a stepwise action plan, including efforts to revisit and update the provisional GCN common variables as well as identification of supporting regional pilot projects. Working Group 5 (WG5) Challenges of Coastal GOOS Implementation for Developing Countries: Sharing common problems, solutions and challenges that the developing world face in implementing ocean and coast observing systems, both at national and regional scales. The use of 'low-cost' observing techniques that would allow parameters to be monitored within national budget constraints. Developing countries need to ensure their coastal waters are clean, healthy, and productive, and need assistance with implementing assessment techniques that they can afford. 09:30-10:30 Breakout Session 1 Working Groups 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break. 11:30-13:00 Progress Report and Discussions of Working Groups 12:50-13:00 General Discussion 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-18.00 GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) Presentations GRAs are requested to report on: Strategic Alliance Plan, 4 to 8 years Alliance Activities Plan, Biennial (2 years). Actual situation and prospective. Programmes for regional monitoring of core coastal variables (COOP implementation strategy). GRAs should report on work toward: Establishing User's Forums to engage user groups and identify regional needs, priorities, etc. Compiling and maintaining data bases on variables being monitored in each region. Compiling information of legal mandates, regulatory or statutory requirements relevant to GOOS. 14:30-14:45 Presentation of GRASP Chair Mario Proao SILVA 14:45-15:00 Presentation of IOCARIBE GOOS Co-Chairs Guillermo Garcia MONTERO /Doug WILSON 15:00-15:15 Presentation of OCEATLAN Chair Andrs Roque DI VINCENZO 15:15-15:30 Presentation of US-GOOS Chair Ned CYR 15.30-15:45 Presentation of PI-GOOS Chair representative Paul Eastwood (SOPAC) 15:45-16:00 Presentation of NEARGOOS Chair Shao Hua LIN 16:00-16:15 Presentation of IOGOOS Chair Representative Alphonse DUBI 16:15-16:30 Presentation of SEAGOOS Chair Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG 16:30-17:00 Coffee Break. 17:00-17.15 Presentation of EuroGOOS Chair Hans DAHLIN 17.15-17:30 Presentation of Black Sea GOOS Chair Valery EREMEEV 17:30-17.45 Presentation of MedGOOS Chair Kostas NITTIS 17:45-18:00 Presentation of GOOS-Africa Chair Geoff BRUNDRIT DAY 3: 27 November 2008 Plenary Session 3 09:00-09:30 Information on emerging GOOS Regional Initiatives: Interactive discussions on lessons learned and challenges for GRAs including Scientific and Technology gaps and Fund raising strategy 09:30-10:30 Final Working Group Reports and Discussions Panel Discussions 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break. 11:00-13:00 Plenary Discussions of the objectives: Outputs, results and recommendations of working groups Evaluate and present task and workplans for intersessional period until the V GRA Forum IV GRA Forum Actions: Working Groups Summary of Action Items 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-15:30 GOOS Regional Council: Terms of Reference, Objectives, Support, economic aspects, Functions, Relation with GRAs and forms of election and participation. GOOS Regional Council Aids to GOOS and GRAs organization and results. Approval of GOOS Regional Council: Comments. (Vote for approval). GOOS Regional Council Strategic Plan and Biennial Plan of Activities. 15:30-16:00 GRA Forum Action Items 16:00-16:30 Discussion / Recommendations 16:30-17:00 Coffee Break. 17:00-17:45 Integration and adoption of the Forum Report 17:45-18:00 Closure of the Forum     Restricted distribution IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/IV GRA Forum Agenda Item: All Guayaquil, Ecuador - November 2008 English only Page  PAGE 4 *+67XY}~     , : ; < Ѽіtl[M[=hkCJaJmH nH sH tH h]OJQJ^JmH sH  hsh)&OJQJ^JmH sH h)&CJaJhsh)&CJ\aJh= 5CJ\aJhs5CJ\aJhsh(|5CJ\aJ.hsh)&5CJPJ\aJmH nH sH tH (hsh)&CJPJaJmH nH sH tH hsh)&CJaJ*hsh)&5CJ\aJmH nH sH tH hsh)&5CJ\aJ+7Y~  jbbbbb$a$gdY ykd$$Ifx\) !'   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