ࡱ> %` Rdbjbj"x"x @@NZtrrrrs,udxpxxxzZS}~\1*:JEh\J*z"z**Jxx_*fxx*whDJxu fr=6)rB߫d}< ҝ c~HQc~c~c~JJjc~c~c~****d?vSvS  Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional - Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS) Twelfth Session Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 24 May 2008 GOOS Report No. 173 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional - Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS) Twelfth Session Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 24 May 2008 GOOS Report No. 173 UNESCO IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII Paris, Month 2008 English only TABLE OF CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163222" TABLE OF CONTENTS  PAGEREF _Toc207163222 \h i  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163223" 1. OPENING  PAGEREF _Toc207163223 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163224" 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc207163224 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163225" 2.1 Adoption of agenda  PAGEREF _Toc207163225 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163226" 2.2 Designation of Rapporteur  PAGEREF _Toc207163226 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163227" 2.3 Working arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc207163227 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163228" 3. STATUS OF NEAR-GOOS  PAGEREF _Toc207163228 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163229" 3.1 Report ON NATIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc207163229 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163230" 3.1.1 Japan  PAGEREF _Toc207163230 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163231" 3.1.2 Republic of Korea  PAGEREF _Toc207163231 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163232" 3.1.3 China  PAGEREF _Toc207163232 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163233" 3.1.4 Russia  PAGEREF _Toc207163233 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163234" 3.2 Report on the working groups on new generation sst  PAGEREF _Toc207163234 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163235" 3.3 Report on the working group on data management  PAGEREF _Toc207163235 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163236" 3.4 draft report of near-goos for the westpac 7  PAGEREF _Toc207163236 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163237" 4. FUTURE OF NEAR-GOOS  PAGEREF _Toc207163237 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163238" 5. OTHER ISSUES  PAGEREF _Toc207163238 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163239" 6. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc207163239 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc207163240" 7. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc207163240 \h 5  ANNEXES ANNEX I AGENDA ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 1. OPENING Dr. Shaohua Lin, Chairperson of the IOC/WESTPAC Coordinating Committee for NEAR-GOOS, called the meeting to order at 10:00 on 24 May 2008. She welcomed all participants to the session, including members of the Committee, invited experts, observers and the technical secretariat. She outlined the major tasks of this meeting, stressing that the most important issue of this session was the future of NEAR-GOOS, which would be presented at the seventh session of IOC/WESTPAC (WESTPAC-VII), and the committee would focus on the issue. Participants were invited to give a self-introduction to the meeting. All participants are listed in Annex I. The chairperson welcomed a new committee member, Mr. Satoshi Sato, who replaced Mr. Okuno of the Japan Coast Guard. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 2.1 Adoption of agenda The Chairperson invited the meeting to consider the Provisional Agenda. The agenda was adopted without modification, attached as Annex II. 2.2 Designation of Rapporteur Dr. Lin nominated Mr. Takashi Yoshida, one of the committee members from Japan to be the Rapporteur for this session. The Committee agreed to this nomination, and Mr. Yoshida was duly designated as the Rapporteur. 2.3 Working arrangements The Chairperson invited the Rapporteur to introduce the list of documents prepared for the meeting. It was informed that the meeting room was available on 24th only and the committee was asked to make an intensive discussion on a few important issues due to the limitation. As it had been agreed earlier, priority was given to the most important issues such as future of NEAR-GOOS and the input to the WESTPAC-VII. Other issues including information exchanges would be omitted and forwarded to the next session. 3. STATUS OF NEAR-GOOS 3.1 Report ON NATIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1.1 Japan Mr. Yoshiaki Kanno, a Japanese observer, presented a report on the Regional Real Time Data Base (RRTDB). He introduced that the RRTDB had been operated in good condition during the intersessional period except for a server trouble in April 2008. The base started to distribute a new data set for subsurface temperature and current analyses derived from the JMAs new ocean data assimilation system named MOVE/MRI.COM on May 1st, 2008. Kanno introduced that JMA completed the action point 1 and 14of the last CC meeting (CC11) in Bangkok, January 2007, such as preparation of a concise introduction of RRTDB and making mutual link between RRTDB and the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) Specialized Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Center (CEARAC) database. Mr. Satoshi Sato presented a report on the operation of the Regional Delayed Mode Data Base (RDMDB) and the 1st NEAR-GOOS NOWPAP Joint Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis. RDMDB had been operated without any serious problem during the intersessional period. Oceanographic and marine meteorological data available on RDMDB increased by 12GB during the past 15 months, resulting in the total amount of 46.5GB data. The training course was successfully held in Nagasaki, September 2007, with financial support from the UNESCO-Japan in Trust for WESTPAC. Total number of 23 trainees, including trainees from all four NEAR-GOOS countries, participated in the course. NEAR-GOOS provided lectures on oceanographic data exchange and management, including the introduction of RRTDB and RDMDB. In response to the question about the future training course, Mr. Norio Baba, a representative of NOWPAP, informed the meeting of the 2nd training course, which was planned to be held in autumn 2008 in Korea. The committee considered how to cooperate with NOWPAP for the 2nd training course, such as provision of lecture about NEAR-GOOS as a source of in situ data required for remote sensing data analysis, and agreed to provide a lecture on NEAR-GOOS at the course. 3.1.2 Republic of Korea Dr. Kwang-Soon Park presented the report on Korean NEAR-GOOS Real-time mode database with information on the operational oceanographic system in Korea. In the 1st stage, it is planned to establish 91 real-time observing stations by 2010 under the cooperation of Korean oceanographic institutes and agencies, such as NORI, KORDI, KMA and NFRDI. His presentations included suggestion and plan to develop an operational oceanographic system, currently planned by KORDI, mentioning the data integration issue and the development of new oceanographic products such as sea water temperature charts, wave charts, current charts and tide forecasting information. Dr. Hee-Dong Jeong reported about the Korean Delayed Mode Data Base. Korean DMDB had been successfully constructed and well serviced since its establishment. He informed that there was no major change on the database operation during the intersessional period, and that bimonthly serial oceanographic data around the Korean peninsula since 1961 and daily coastal oceanographic observations since 1923 were major contents of the database. 3.1.3 China Dr. Zhi Chen presented a report on the Chinese real-time mode database. Chinese real-time ocean observing system, which includes 63 coastal stations, 6 buoys and voluntary ships, is a source for the database. The database was kept running operationally in 2007. It was informed that the National Marine Environment Forecasting Center (NMEFC) had a plan to update the database software in 2008. Prof. Wenjing Fan made a report on the Chinese delayed mode database. Since the 11th CC meeting, the database has been well maintained. The National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) developed a viewable quality-control system and provided technical instructions, products and advisory service to Chinese users. It has published four volumes of the South China Sea Atlas and the last volume of the atlas is going to be published. NMDISs data management activity includes international data managements such as ODAS/JCOMM Metadata Management Center, GLOSS data management, China GTSPP Data Center and China Argo Data Center. Special effort to edit and publish A Strategic Plan for NEAR-GOOS in its Second Phase was made by NMDIS. The publication was distributed at the session to the participants. The committee expressed its appreciation to NMDIS for the effort. 3.1.4 Russia Dr. Vyacheslav Lobanov presented national activity in Russian Federation on NEAR-GOOS project, including the status of database operation, monitoring activity in the NEAR-GOOS area and the ESIMO program, Unified System of Information on the World Ocean. During the intersessional period, activity under NEAR-GOOS has been continued. Some development on the delayed mode database has been made since 2007, such as update of cruise metadata, R/V position monitoring, inventory of chlorophyll data and a link to DINRAC/NOWPAP portal. The ESIMO program is a Russian national ocean data management program, which should benefit to NEAR-GOOS in the next phase, 2008-2012. 3.2 Report on the working groups on new generation sst Dr. Hiroshi Kawamura, the chairperson of the working group on New Generation Sea Surface Temperature (NGSST working group), reported the progress of the group, including the NGSST and relating workshop held just before this CC meeting. He informed that the NGSST demonstration operation had been conducted during the intersessional period and regional high resolution SST digital dataset had been continuously provided through the NGSST website. As a related topic on the regional remote sensing, Kawamura introduced the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) remote sensing project, validation of remote sensing algorithm and the Yellow Sea Ocean Colour project (YOC-2007). He concluded his talk with his view on the future direction of NGSST working group, in which he expressed that NGSST almost completed its research and development for operational SST product development and asked the committee to further consider the need of the remote sensing technology for NEAR-GOOS. The committee expressed its appreciation for Kawamuras long dedication to NEAR-GOOS and then discussed the future direction of NGSST working group. It recognized that a lot of technology development on remote sensing SST had been achieved by the working group, and future work would provide further technological basis for the regional ocean monitoring capacity building. From the viewpoint of enhancing the ocean monitoring capacity, the committee agreed to ask the working group to consider to introduce new element such as ocean colour in their work. Name and terms of references of the working group will be amended accordingly. Action: the CC to rename the NGSST working group and draft its terms of references in consultation with Prof. Kawamura, by the next CC meeting. 3.3 Report on the working group on data management Mr. Yoshida, the acting chairperson of the working group on data management (DM working group), informed the committee of the progress on the working group since CC11. The group met at its second session on May 23, 2008, just before this CC session, reviewed the progress during the last intersessional period, discussed its work plan and elected a new chairperson. It was informed that the database network had been well operated by participating institutes, with some update as reported in the national activities: agenda item 3.1. Regarding the inventory of existing in situ chlorophyll a and sediment material data, which was an action item of CC11, Russian, Japanese and Chinese data holdings were presented. At its second session, the working group felt there was no need to modify the work plan and agreed that the group would continue the operation of the database network and make necessary update, and would update the inventory of chlorophyll a data. Yoshida informed that Dr. Hee-Dong Jeong was elected as the new chairperson of the working group at the second session. The committee expressed its appreciation to the working group for its effort, endorsed the report and congratulated Dr. Hee-Dong Jeong on being elected as the new chairperson. To further improve the usefulness of the database network, a suggestion on the development of data quality control was made. It was pointed out that there were several international data management initiatives which had developed data quality control schemes, and that it was efficient to cooperate with not only NEAR-GOOS partners but also those existing data management initiatives. As a specific action in the next intersessional period, the committee discussed about a workshop on ocean data management with a focus on quality control issues and agreed to seek the possibility to organize such workshop. Action: the DM working group to continue the operation of the database network, make necessary update on the databases, and update the inventory of chlorophyll a data. Action: the CC and DM working group to seek the possibility to organize a workshop on ocean data management. 3.4 draft report of near-goos for the westpac 7 Yoshida presented the NEAR-GOOS progress report (2005-2007) drafted for submission to the seventh Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Committee for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-VII), held just after this session. It reviewed the NEAR-GOOS activity after WESTPAC-VI, May 2005, highlighting the operation of database network, establishment of two working groups such as the working groups on data management and on NGSST, and a series of training course. The committee endorsed the report. Future NEAR-GOOS actions to be reported to WESTPAC-VII were discussed under next agenda item. 4. FUTURE OF NEAR-GOOS Mr. Wenxi Zhu, the technical secretariat, expressed its concern on the poor recognition of NEAR-GOOS by users and decision makers, and pointed out that the committee should consider how NEAR-GOOS could appeal to policy makers and convinced them of the importance of NEAR-GOOS by showing future direction and action plans indicating its purpose and how it could benefits users. Dr. Lin mentioned a possibility for NEAR-GOOS to provide information on global sea level change, which could meet the growing interest in the global climate change issues, referring to the sea level height GPV data and tide gauge data available on the NEAR-GOOS databases. Dr. Park followed with an idea to provide operational oceanographic products to meet a variety of marine application needs, including marine rescue and reducing damage from natural disaster. In these contexts, Dr. Lin suggested that NEAR-GOOS should strengthen its capacity for operational oceanography by: enhancing data management: collection, quality control, and provision of service developing products and, cooperating with other projects in much more variety of fields, and provide more rich variety of services, so that NEAR-GOOS could get more strong attention from policy makers. Mr. Yoshida reminded the committee of the importance of not only developing new products but also routine operation for the existing users, and stressed that routine operation should not be underestimated, while there is no conflict between new activity and the existing operation. Mr. Zhu expressed his view on the importance of developing NEAR-GOOS products, and suggested to establish a demonstration pilot project to develop attractive products in an application area. Dr. Chen expressed his idea on an international ocean forecasting system. On the other hand, Yoshida pointed out that NEAR-GOOS had been providing basic observation and analyses to feed wide range of users including national authorities which were responsible to provide information service to nation, and that NEAR-GOOS should not compete against such national authorities but support the authorities by providing useful ocean data and information products. Dr. Park pointed out that oceanographic field was different from meteorological field, in which each country has a national authority to provide operational forecast to the nation, and there might be possibility to establish a new pilot project to develop operational oceanographic products. Park suggested a new working group on an operational system to develop basic oceanographic products such as temperature, salinity and current, under international cooperation. The CC recognized the necessity to demonstrate the value of NEAR-GOOS and that NEAR-GOOS should consider developing new attractive products and establishing a pilot project for such development. As the first step, NEAR-GOOS need to understand what products exist and what projects are going, and therefore, in order to review current project and products, a workshop on the development of NEAR-GOOS product group was proposed. The CC decided to hold a workshop on NEAR-GOOS products during the next intersessional period. Action: the CC to organize a workshop on NEAR-GOOS products during the next intersessional period. 5. OTHER ISSUES Some information about GOOS, including the Fourth Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliance (GRA-IV), was provided by Dr. Lin, the vice chairperson of the I-GOOS. The forum will be held in November 2008, Guayaquil, Ecuador, and a representative from NEAR-GOOS, one of the GOOS regional alliances, will attend it. In order to facilitate better planning for national and regional GOOS activities relating to such global initiative, Dr. Lobanov asked Dr. Lin and other CC members to share such information through e-mail. 6. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION Dr. Lobanov kindly offered to host the thirteenth session in Vladivostok, Russian Federation. The Committee welcomed the offer and decided to have the next session in Vladivostok in September 2009. 7. CLOSURE The chairperson thanked all CC members, resource persons, partners, observers and the technical secretariat for their active participation in the session. She concluded the session by stressing importance of more cooperation between members to make NEAR-GOOS more successful. The session was closed at 17:00 on 24 May 2008. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 2.1 Adoption of the agenda 2.2 Designation of Rapporteur 2.3 Working arrangements 3. STATUS OF NEAR-GOOS 3.1 Report on the national activities 3.2 Report ON THE WORKING GROUPS ON NEW GENERATION SST 3.3 REPORT ON DATA MANAGEMENT 3.4 DRAFT REPORT ON NEAR-GOOS FOR THE WESTPAC 7 4. FUTURE OF NEAR-GOOS 5. OTHER ISSUES 6. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION 7. CLOSURE ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS CC-Members: Peoples Republic of China Dr. Shaohua LIN Director-General National Marine Data and Information Services (NMDIS) State Oceanic Administration 93 Liuwei Rd., Hedong District, Tianjin 300171 CHINA Tel : +86 22-2401 0801 Fax : +86 22 2430 4408 Email : shlin@mail.nmdis.gov.cn Dr. Zhi CHEN National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center No.8 Dahuisi, Beijing 100081 CHINA Tel : +86-10-62173598 Fax : +86-10-62173620 Email : chenzhi@nmefc.gov.cn Japan Mr. Takashi Yoshida Forecaster Office of Marine Prediction Climate and Marine Department Japan Meteorological Agency 1-3-4 Otemachi, Chiyodaku Tokyo 100-8122 JAPAN Tel : +81 3 3212 8341 ext 5128 Fax : +81 3 3211 3047 Email : tyoshida@met.kishou.go.jp Mr. Satoshi Sato Director Environmental and Oceanographic Research Division Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department Japan Coast Guard 5-3-1, Tsukiji, Chou-ku Tokyo, 104-0045 JAPAN Tel: 81-3-3541-3814 Fax: 81-3-3541-3762 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:analysis@jodc.go.jp" \o "mailto:analysis@jodc.go.jp" analysis@jodc.go.jp Republic of Korea Dr. Hee-Dong Jeong Director Korea Oceanographic Data Centre National Fisheries Research and Development Institute Shirang ri, Kijang up, Kijang gun Pusan 619-900, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel : +82 51 720-2210 Fax : +82 51 720-2225 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:hdjeong@nfrdi.re.kr" hdjeong@nfrdi.re.kr Dr. Kwang-Soon Park Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) P.O. Box Ansan 29, Seoul 425-600 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel : +82 31 400-6343 Fax : +82 31 408-5827 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:kspark@kordi.re.kr" kspark@kordi.re.kr Russian Federation Dr. Vyacheslav Lobanov Deputy Director V.I.Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI) Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 43 Baltiyskaya Street, 690041 Vladivostok RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel : +7 4232 312 377 Fax : +7 4232 312 573 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:lobanov@poi.dvo.ru" lobanov@poi.dvo.ru Resource Persons: Dr. Hiroshi Kawamura Professor Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies Graduated School of Science Tohoku University Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 9808578 JAPAN Tel : +81 22 217 6745 Fax : +81 22 217 6748 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:kamu@ocean.caos.tohoku.ac.jp" kamu@ocean.caos.tohoku.ac.jp Partners: Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) Mr. Norio Baba Administrative Officer Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP) of UNEP Postal address: NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit 5-5 Ushijimashin-machi,Toyama 930-0856 Japan Tel : (81-76)-444-1611 Fax : (81-76)-444-2780 Email : norio.baba@nowpap.org Observers: Ms. Fan Wenjing National Marine Data and Information Services (NMDIS) State Oceanic Administration 93 Liuwei Rd., Hedong District, Tianjin 300171 CHINA Tel : +86 22-2401 0801 Fax : +86 22 2430 4408 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:fanwj@mail.nmdis.gov.cn" fanwj@mail.nmdis.gov.cn Mr. Yoshiaki Kanno Senior Scientific Officer Office of Marine Prediction Global Environment and Marine Department Japan Meteorological Agency 1-3-4 Otemachi, Chiyodaku Tokyo 100-8122 JAPAN Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ykanno@met.kishou.go.jp" ykanno@met.kishou.go.jp Ms. Mizuho Hoshimoto Scientific Officer Office of Marine Prediction Global Environment and Marine Department Japan Meteorological Agency 1-3-4 Otemachi, Chiyodaku Tokyo 100-8122 JAPAN Mr. Eiji Mukainaka Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department Japan Coast Guard 5-3-1, Tsukiji, Chou-ku Tokyo, 104-0045 JAPAN Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mukainaka-r3f4@kaiho.mlit.go.jp" mukainaka-r3f4@kaiho.mlit.go.jp; mail@jodc.go.jp IOC/WESTPAC Secretariat: Mr. Wenxi Zhu Acting Head Project Expert IOC Reginal Secretariat for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) c/o Department of Marine and Coastal Resources 92 Soi 7 Phahonyothin Road Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel : (66 2 ) 298 2637 Fax : (66 2 ) 298 6313 E-mail :  HYPERLINK "mailto:z.wenxi@unescobkk.org" z.wenxi@unescobkk.org     IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-IV Page (i) IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-VI page ( PAGE ii) IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-VI page ( PAGE 1) IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII page (i) IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII page  PAGE 4 IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII page  PAGE 5 IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-VI Annex II IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII Annex I IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII Annex II page  PAGE 2 IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-XII Annex II page  PAGE 1 IOC/WESTPAC-NEAR-GOOS-CC-V/3 Annex VI   56jos ȹl\I6\&h]CJ$OJQJaJ$mH sH $hE5CJ$OJQJ\aJ$mH sH $h]5CJ$OJQJ\aJ$mH sH hECJ$OJQJaJ$mH sH 'hE5CJ0OJQJ\aJ0mH o(sH $hE5CJ0OJQJ\aJ0mH sH $hE5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH $hE6CJOJQJ]aJmH sH hE5OJQJ\mH sH  hE5CJQJ\aJmH sH hE5\mH sH hE5CJ\aJmH sH jhEUmH sH    6klmnop$ /p@ P !$`'a$ /p@ P !$`'Nbdd ! 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